10 Pound Bag Ch. 051-055


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Michelle hurried out of the tent and I pointed to the bushes.

I was making coffee when Holder stumbled up and asked what was going on, I simply shrugged and then asked him to stoke the fires. Amos showed up and the chores commenced, I joined in while the coffee cooked. Sonya made breakfast, porridge would have to do this morning; we had fried bread on the side.

Michelle joined us and reassured everyone that Matilda was going to be fine, she looked at me and said, "She's not sick, just pregnant."

I dropped my spoon which had been on it's way to my mouth.

My mouth was moving but no sounds were coming out so I just shut it and got up to pour myself some more coffee.

I pulled myself together and asked, "Anybody else?"

"Well yes," came the reply, "Mila and Mara are also."

"Well hell", was all I could come up with so that's what I said.

I walked over and started loading the cart with our gear, we had a road to cut.

Everybody else was busy jabbering away but Matilda was no where to be seen, I decided that I'd best go looking for her. I found her behind her tent staring off into the distance, she looked up at me as I approached. It was easy to tell that she had been crying. There was only one thing I could think to do so I did it, I simply took her into my arms and held her. Of course she started crying again.

I held her for quite a while and then gently guided her back into her tent and laid her on her cot, she snuggled in and closed her eyes. I kissed her forehead and left her to nap.

The rest of the girls trapped me as soon as I left the tent, I looked to the fellas for help but they both just grinned and then whispered something between themselves. Great, the guys had thrown me to the wolves.

Nothing that was being said by any of the women made the least bit of difference until Michelle reminded me that Matilda was going to get emotional. Well now that would be interesting to watch if I wasn't going to be watching it from the center of that emotional typhoon. I shrugged them off and went out to cut a road.

**** ****

I cut trees like a man possessed that day, after our second break was past Holder stopped dropping trees and helped them clear behind me. I didn't stop for a breather between fallings either, I simply hoisted my logging axe and went on to the next tree.

This had never happened to me before.

Down came a young oak.

I had never made this mistake.

Down came an eight inch chestnut.

I was always, always, always careful.

Down came a Linden.

Why did she keep crawling into my bed while I was sleeping?

Down came a seven inch oak.

This isn't fair.

A five inch birch was gone in five chops.

I am definitely not going to marry her.

A fifteen inch cottonwood withstood twenty minutes of my frustration before succumbing.

On and on I went, my mind raging about everything that had happened to me in the last three months. I swung the axe in a deadly rhythm and walked on to the next. Each tree was a frustration. Each tree was a moment of doubt and pain to be slain. Each tree offered an outlet for all that had been building up within me these past six months.

I reached my peak when a medium sized spruce refused to fall, this tree was the frustration of my downfall. I dropped my axe, pulled out my M1911 and blew the rest of the trunk away. That fucking tree fell too.

I holstered my pistol, put my axe over my shoulder and walked back to camp to find a bottle.

**** ****

I was sitting on our makeshift bridge smoking cigarettes with my bottle in hand when Brin found me, he whined at me and when I didn't respond he left. He was back within minutes with Sonya of all people, I don't know what the fuck he was thinking.

Sonya sat down behind me with her legs around me, she was so short her legs couldn't bend over the edge of the bridge they just stuck out in an absurd sort of way. She put her arms around me and laid her head on my back, "I'm sorry" is all she said. We sat there like that for quite a while with Brin laying next to us.

She turned me down when I offered her some bourbon so I drank alone and smoked cigarettes while she held me, it was kind of nice.

**** ****

Sunset was closing in when Brin finally started fussing again, I was halfway through the bottle and almost out of cigarettes. The creek wasn't going anywhere so I had better. I started to move which woke up Sonya, I think she had silently cried herself to sleep on my back. I finished my cigarette and threw the butt into the creek getting a head start on the mass pollution express that would arrive here in about sixty years and last for a century after.

Sonya slowly got feeling back in her legs and managed to untangle herself from me; I groaned mightily lifting myself to my feet, my shoulders and back taking their revenge for what I'd done to them today. We slowly walked back to camp together, I wasn't in a hurry and my mind was still quaking.

The camp was completely silent and mostly shut-down when we got back. There were two plates left out on the table for us and a bowl of food for Brin, I gave the dog his food. We ate in silence then Sonya took our dirty plates into the camper while I finished shutting down the camp and went to bed.

Michelle was waiting for me with a gentle kiss and blissful silence. My body ached and I was exhausted and half drunk, I undressed, laid down and went to sleep.

**** Chapter 54.5 -- Crying in the Night ****

Matilda was back.

There was a disturbance in my bed so it had to be Matilda.

I was seriously too tired for this.

She squeezed in-between us facing me this time and she laid her face on my bare chest.

Michelle wrapped us both up and gave Matilda sweet little kisses on her shoulder.

I slept again.

I dreamed of past(future?) nightmares, my subconscious struggling with the logic.

I dreamt of Matilda in my huge bed in a fancy Pub B&B. She kept kissing my chest, she always kissed my chest.

I was tired so I rolled over on top of her.

Her hand put me inside.

Wait her arms were both around me so...

....Michelle was rubbing my back as I gently made love to Matilda.

Matilda didn't like gentle love this must be a nightmare.

It wasn't, I was awake and I started to remember. She's carrying my baby.

Michelle did this. Deal with that later brain.

Making sweet love to Matilda on this night was the right thing to do.

I stopped and looked deep into those dark eyes and quietly said, "You cannot leave".

We made love with Michelle kissing and caressing the both of us.

When we finished and I rolled off Michelle kissed Matilda delicately and caressed her abdomen gently.

Exhaustion took me and I fell asleep watching them.

**** Chapter Fifty-five -- Aftermath ****

I was reminded of why the leader is never supposed to lose their cool. Every living creature on the homestead was skittish around me the next morning, evidently I had cast that "Apex Predator" vibe when I came back through yesterday and even that stupid rooster called emergency and retreated with his hen into the coop when I approached.

Matilda and Michelle were both wrapped around me when I woke up. This would not do at all unless we got a bigger bed. Besides this wasn't one of the things I really had on my want list in life. I could deal with it though, I'd figure out a way.

I decided the best way to get things back on track was to act normal. We ran through the morning routine and had breakfast as usual. Road cutting was at the top of the priority list still so off we went to keep cutting. We had gotten far enough in that it actually took us a while to walk to the face of our cut.

Obviously they had worked on after I left yesterday and the clearing crew was almost caught up with the cutting crew. I had actually made impressive progress the day before and we were near or past the halfway mark. It really wasn't far from our homestead to the river but the woods really hampered one's speed, a person averaged about 1mph walking through woods like these but easily does 3mph on a cleared trail.

I decided we should venture down to the river to see how much farther we had to go. We made our way down the game trail we were following and were at the river in under ten minutes, we probably had three or four hundred yards left to cut and clear. Mind you this cutting and clearing didn't include stumps, we had to come back and do that, but it gave us a solid start. As soon as the spring waters receded I intended to head down river and pick up some vital supplies.

We went back to the face of the cut and got to work, it was back to the original routine and our progress was still good. We could work in any weather short of a downpour and we pushed on through the week, school classes were before supper these days to support our days out in the field. Reading outloud replaced movies as our entertainment.

By dinner time on Thursday we could hear the river clearly and we could see it through the trees by the time we broke for the day. Friday should be the breakthrough and culmination of two weeks of hard work.

**** ****

Everyone came down to the face of the cut for dinner on Friday, there were only a handful of trees left in our path and we'd fell them as soon as we'd eaten. The party atmosphere was envigorating and spirits were running high. They'd brought and laid out a great mid-day meal for us complete with cold beers and everything, we ate sitting on logs but the food was top notch.

After eating Holder and I went through the last few trees fairly quickly, we left one lone tree standing in the middle of our new road while we cleared everything else away. Clearing took another hour or so with everyone helping but we had a fairly nice looking single lane road all the way to the river. It wasn't straight obviously, we had dodged the largest of the trees but it was refreshing to see after all that work.

That was it, the clearing was done and only that lone small tree stood between us and our finished road. They had brought beer and lemonade down so we each had drink to celebrate. We took a minute to thank the trees and then Michelle made the first cut, she handed the ax to Amos who deftly made the second cut, Holder was next with the third cut using the logging axe which he then passed off to me.

I stood back and looked around, then I just smiled and took the tree down.

The road was clear, it was a trip hazard with all the stumps, but it was clear. We all walked down to the river bank and looked at the Nemaha running fat and fast with the spring melt waters. This would bring change to our lives and not all of it would be good, any party traversing that river would see our road and know where we were.

**** ****

Things back at the homestead weren't much better. Matilda had supplanted the cockerel's cry with a couple of loud calls for Ralph every morning. Everyone walked on eggshells around Matilda and I except Michelle who still acted like my girlfriend; a very casual girlfriend but clear on the topic that we were together.

Well Friday night became a celebration of success, the liquid happiness was flowing a little freely and the fellas were buzzed enough to want answers. My first answer was to Holder to remind him that his little buddy Amos was going to be one sorry hungover sack of shit tomorrow morning, that sent them both off giggling for a while. The companionship between those two was pretty remarkable for this day and age. While they raided our meager beer supply yet again I found that we had the movie "The Lady and the Tramp" and put it on to distract the women while I gave the boys their answers.

That was the moment I decided I needed my own fire pit out and away from the women. That was the first thing I told the fellas when I pulled their silly asses off to the side. We took a walk out to the corral and I tried to explain to them how the Matilda thing happened,

"Fellas," I started, "you know how you have those dreams in the night about ladies."

They both reluctantly nodded.

"Well", I said, "I'm a man too and I have those types of dreams sometimes also.

"My daddy told me he did too and they talked about them in our school so we'd know and not be embarrassed.

"Normal people all have those dreams, men and women; you don't talk about them but you don't need to be ashamed either."

I looked that them both and they shyly nodded. I gave them a big grin and asked, "Do you really want those dreams to stop? I don't, those are fun dreams!"

It took them a minute to deal with the concept and they'd probably be contemplating it for weeks but it was for the best.

"So what happened here," I said, "is that Miss Matilda would sneak into my bed once in a while in the middle of the night. I always thought I was having one of those dreams so I just kinda enjoyed the dream.

"Well, I'd always wake up half way through the dream but it was always too late, that wagon was out of control and I was just along for the ride.

"The strange thing was Miss Matilda was always gone when morning came, but if I looked around carefully I could always tell that it had been her.

"I didn't know how to make her stop without causing a fuss and besides I really didn't mind, she is a fine woman after all. The only thing I was concerned about is what ended up happening and it's too late for me to be worried about that now."

The first question was the most obvious question and the one that would be hardest to answer.

"So," Amos asked, "what about Miss Michelle?"

I decided that straight honest was best and gave it too them, "Women do their own talking and their own deals. Miss Michelle liked it when Miss Matilda came to bed, I don't know why and it's none of my business. They didn't ask me for permission or tell me the why's."

They both considered that for a minute as we leaned on the corral fencing and stared up at the stars. I turned around and leaned back against the fence lighting a cigarette, when they turned around I asked them a simple question. "Would you have made a fuss?"

Well that left the conversation still for a moment and I eventually said, "Fellas, I suggest we leave the women's business to the women. If we go getting caught up in their mazes we'll be lost forever."

"Now this is a strange circumstance but both of you know that everything about Miss Matilda is strange. She got on my wagon a couple of months ago, uninvited mind you, and hasn't left since. I don't think she'll ever leave."

With that said I tapped each of their beer bottles with mine and took a swig as I walked back to camp leaving them to discuss what I'd just said.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Love your story

Love this story and can't wait for your next one,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago
Kinda wonder if her mid-night visits were...

gonna be "productive". LOL

I posted a long comment on Ch 41-45, but I thought had posted it on 46-50. THEN I discovered I had skipped reading 41-45 after I had written the comment. Going back and reading 41-45 answered my opening question about who the heck Holder was.

So, I feel stupid, stupider than usual, even. Just thought I'd explain. I can handle being thought of as stupid, but not as crazy. Not that there's anything wrong with crazy; if you have urges that make you feel crazy, that's just fine... for you. Just not for me.

Still one of my new fav tales; just love me a good time travel.


tinfoilhattinfoilhatabout 3 years ago
I like this.

To the author: This is a great series. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'm looking forward to some more in the future.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I am really enjoying your story. It is good read.

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