$100,000 For a Night With Your Wife

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How could she agree to this?
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"I'll pay you $50,000," the man said.



I was buzzed and I forgot what this man was even talking about. The loud music blasting into my ears didn't help.

"$50,000," he repeated.

"Yeah, I got that. Fifty for what?" I asked.

"Your wife," the man pointed, directly at Marissa. I left her dancing alone while I went for some drinks. God, she looked sexy. Blonde hair waving over her shoulders. Her tight blue dress hiked up her thighs, showing off her sexy tanned, and toned legs. I had to get back to her before more pervs like this fucking guy made their moves.

I waved the man off and grabbed the drinks the bartender finally placed in front of me. Just a beer for me and some margarita, I forgot the name of already, for Marissa.

Returning to my beautiful wife, I handed her her drink.

"What took you so long," she asked, "My body was missing yours out here."

"The bar was busy and this guy kept trying to talk to me."

"Well, I'm glad you're back."

Marissa grabbed me by the shoulders, pulling me into her body. Our bodies melted together as our hips swayed, dancing and grinding. She smelt like her signature flowery perfume mixed with some perspiration from dancing all night. She was pretty tipsy and I worried the next drink would be the one to push her across the line and into drunk status.

We danced for what felt like forever and I wouldn't be able to tell anyone the time if they asked. It was well into the night. I was ready to head out, but Marissa was really enjoying herself. As 30-year-olds, we hadn't had many opportunities for nights out. Our two-year-old son always came first. We were lucky today that Marissa's parents were able to take him for the weekend.

My natural urge to piss came fast as I downed my hundredth beer. I told Marissa I was going to the washroom.

"I'll be right here, waiting for you to get back," she told me. I didn't like the idea of her being alone on the dance floor in the state she was in, but I trusted she wasn't too drunk yet. I would only be a minute or so anyway.

I left Marissa with a kiss and was off to the washroom. It was packed. Dudes doing coke in the stalls and checking themselves in the mirrors still hoping they were going to get lucky. Finally, a urinal opened up and I did my business.

When I left the bathroom and returned to the dance floor Marissa was nowhere in sight. I walked around frantically for some time before I spotted her at the bar. Thank god.

As I walked up I noticed the same douche from earlier was now talking to her. I came up on Marissa's side and put my arm around her.

"Hey babe," she said, far too excited.

"Hey," I said, moving closer to her ear now, "Is this douchebag bothering you?"

"No! He's actually really nice. He bought me some drinks." Marissa said it loudly, probably exposing my concern about the man to him.

The man didn't care. He barely acknowledged me. His eyes were glued to my wife. She was hot, sexy, beautiful, gorgeous, every word you could think of, so I didn't blame him. It made me feel nice when guys hit on her. A sort of, you can try all you want, but I'm the one she chose.

The man ordered three shots of tequila before Marissa or I could object. He insisted. Free drinks, I didn't care. I figured that was why Marissa was putting up with him anyway. The shots came and we cheersed, downing them quickly.

"You are very gorgeous Marissa," the man said. Marissa must have told him her name while I was away.

"Thank you!" Marissa responded, her cheeks blushing. I was a little uncomfortable, but nothing was inappropriate yet. Especially since Marissa seemed happy, I didn't want to make a scene.

"I mean it too. Not just a man trying to get into your pants... Or in this case under your dress. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen here."

"Oh shush," Marissa said, shoving his shoulder playfully.

What the fuck was going on? Marissa must have been very drunk.

"I think it's time to go," I said, trying to pry Marissa from her spot on the bar.

Marissa refused to leave.

"My man," the man said, "My offer from earlier still stands."

"Fuck you," I told him.

"Babe stop!" Marissa told me. She turned to me with genuine anger filling her face. "What is the offer?"

"$75,000," the man said. "I really like you, Marissa. I will pay $75,000 for a night with you. I raised my price from $50,000."

Expression dropped from Marissa's face. Finally, she saw this guy's true nature. The con artist douchebag he was. I tried to pull Marissa away, but she still wouldn't budge.

"Wait," she said, "What would a night with me look like?"

"Ahh whatever you want, beautiful. We could go to my penthouse suite, have some more drinks, and then of course see where the night and our lust takes us."

My wife blushed. I couldn't believe my eyes. Who did this guy think he was? I studied him further. I didn't even think he was that handsome. He had dark brown hair with too much product in it to slick it back. His beard was perfectly lined up on his face. He wore a Versace dress shirt with too many buttons undone, showing off his gold chains. Of course, he had a Rolex on his wrist too. Exactly what you would expect a con artist trying to fuck your wife would look like.

"She's not interested," I told him, "We're leaving," I told Marissa.

"No!" Marissa said out loud drunkenly. "That's a lot of money."

"You're not seriously thinking about it. This guy is a creep!"

"That's a lot of money."

"It is," the douchebag said.

"We could use that for our down payment," Marissa continued.

"And ruin our marriage in the process! He's a con artist, he doesn't even have that money!"

"Fine," the man said. After a beat, "I will make it $100,000! And to prove that I have the money I will send you half before."

Marissa looked from the man back to me. She was thinking. I could tell she wanted to do it. $100,000 was a lot of money, but I wasn't interested in the means we were going to be obtaining it. I would rather Marissa just say no right now. We didn't need the money that badly.

"Here, look." The man raised his phone. On the screen was a news article with his face on it. I didn't read the whole article's title, but it said something along the lines of, "Tech startup billionaire donates a million dollars blah blah blah." FUCK.

Then the man played with his phone some more and showed it to us yet again. It was his bank account and it was well over 10 figures.

"This is just one account. I can transfer money to you or write a cheque right now."

I looked at Marissa. I hoped she could see it in my eyes that I wanted to just walk away. The decision was ultimately up to her though. If she wanted to spend a night with some other man, so be it. The money would be life-changing, but our marriage would end.

I couldn't read Marissa's expression. Her eyes didn't give away much either.

"Please Marissa, let's walk away now," I begged.

"I want to do it," she said and my heart sank. "Babe this is a lot of money."

"I'll be honest, I don't want you to fuck another man," I said, "Does that make me so crazy?"

"This is for us. A one-time thing and we will have a better life because of this. For Jacob."

I hated her for using our son against me because she knew this would make me want to agree. Jacob deserved a better life than what we could currently afford to provide him.


"Does the husband approve?" Douchebag asked.

"Yes, he does!" Marissa responded way too excitedly.

We went outside. Thankfully Marissa agreed only on the terms that he had to give us half up front. I also said Marissa had to Facetime me the whole time. I didn't trust her with some random guy. For all we knew he could be dangerous. Marissa and the man agreed.

We stood outside of the club trying to get our bank apps working, but the man's bank was not accepting ours for transfer. Instead, he wrote us a cheque.

"I know cheques are not instant, so here is one for $75,000. For your uneasiness." I took the cheque and quickly put it in my pocket. Carrying something worth that much money felt insane.

The man called an Uber and shortly after a fancy all-black SUV pulled up. I figured I would at least follow them, but the man stopped me.

"Sorry husband, only me and the lady from here."

"Fine," I said, "Facetime me babe."

"I will."

In a second they were off. I called my own Uber to go back to Marissa's and I's apartment. It wasn't too far away from the club, just a little out of the heart of downtown.

After waiting impatiently for half an hour, Marissa finally Facetimed me.

"Hey babe," I answered.

"Hey!" She said, "Look where we are!"

She panned the camera to show a beautiful penthouse suite. The view of the city was nice and off to the side I could see the man fixing up some drinks. My heart continued to sink all the way to my stomach.

I was on Facetime with Marissa for the next hour or so. Most of the time she placed the phone on the table, so I couldn't see much. I was at home but had no intention of sleeping. Marissa and the man were still talking, which was good. I couldn't see them, but talking meant they weren't fucking. A part of me still hoped Marissa wouldn't go through with it.

I decided to leave the house. I couldn't stand just being at home doing nothing. Still, on Facetime with them, I walked to the bank. I didn't like having a cheque worth that much money and wanted to deposit it. The bank near our place had a 24/7 ATM for deposits and withdrawals.

I entered the bank and checked my phone once again. The phone was on a table, so I couldn't see anything aside from the ceiling. Fucks sake Marissa, how was I supposed to know you were safe. I called out to her and didn't get a reply.

Approaching one of the ATMs I inserted my bank card, entered my PIN, and hit deposit. I inserted the amount on the cheque and then inserted the cheque itself. The machine was thinking for some time, so I checked our Facetime call again. Still nothing.

I was distracted by the Facetime call when the ATM's warning popped up. The screen filled with red and I turned to see what happened. A red box was on the atm screen. It read, "Suspicious or fraudulent cheque. Please contact the attendant." No attendants were working this late into the night. Fuck.

If my heart wasn't on the floor already, it was now. Along with my stomach and all my other guts. That's what I was, gutless. I let my wife go with a random man for money. All for money that was fake it seemed. The man WAS a fucking con artist and now he was probably fucking Marissa for free.

I yelled and yelled into my phone, not caring if anybody else at the bank ATM or street could hear me. Luckily, nobody was out that late.


I hoped to god she could hear me. Time passed. Seconds and then minutes. I still yelled, but nothing.

I walked the short distance home although I couldn't feel my legs. I entered the house and collapsed on the couch. Was this really happening?

Something caught my eye on Facetime and I raised my phone to my face.

"MARISSA!" I yelled.

Whatever was standing above the phone finally came into the picture. It was the man. The con artist.

"There you are," He said. I heard tapping on the phone and before it was too late I realized what he was doing. He turned the volume all the way down. There was no use yelling anymore. I could only watch.

The man brought the phone to another room. I couldn't tell what was going on until he set the phone down. This time it wasn't set down on the table flat, he stood it up, giving me a perfect view of the room. It was the bedroom. That cocksucker.

The man sat on the bed, but I couldn't see Marissa anywhere. He removed his watch and jewelry and placed it on the bed stand next to him. Where was Marissa? She better not be hurt or I would call the cops on this guy's ass.

Finally, I saw the door open. It was a bathroom and as light peaked out into the bedroom, Marissa exited. She was still wearing her slim dress. Her lipstick was a little smudged and her hair slightly messier than when I left her. I could tell there had been some fooling around, but she looked so sexy.

I prayed that Marissa wouldn't sleep with him. This would all be for nothing. I didn't think I could forgive Marissa in the first place let alone without any money in return. I felt like crying. I was so helpless with nothing I could do to change the outcome of the night.

The man motioned for Marissa to come toward him. She walked up in front of him and he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in. I watched as he caressed her ass over her dress. Marissa's back was to me, so I couldn't see what was going on in front, but I assumed they were kissing. My loving wife, kissing this con artist.

The man's hands crept under her dress and pulled it upward revealing her white thong. Now he played with her bare cheeks. Kneading them through his hands. It still looked like they were kissing. I couldn't see what Marissa's hands were up to. I hoped they weren't on the man's cock.

After a few more seconds the man's hands raised to Marissa's back and unzipped her dress. Marissa allowed him and let the blue dress fall to the floor as she shimmied out of it. She wasn't wearing a bra. The man's head was at her chest level now and I knew he was sucking on her perfect tits.

Without Marissa's dress in the way I could see her arm movements and I had no doubt she was stroking the man's cock now. Her right arm moved with rhythm in front of her. I couldn't bear to watch it any longer. I had to stop before I died of sadness or cowardness. There was no way I could stop though. I needed to make sure Marissa was safe. Our marriage might never be the same, but she was still the mother of my child. I still loved her.

The man stopped sucking on Marissa's tits only long enough to push down on her shoulders. She followed his command and dropped to her knees in front of him.

I was finally able to see the man's cock in my wife's hand. It was huge. Bigger than mine for sure and twice as thick. Fuck this guy was all I could think.

Before I could even react, Marissa had the cock in her mouth. She was bobbing her head up and down fast. She was always good at giving head, but she wasn't a fan of it. She rarely sucked me.

I could hear her slurps and sucks. I realized the man didn't mute Marissa's phone, leaving me with the sounds of their pleasure.

"Oh fuck baby, that feels so good," the man said.

Marissa didn't respond, she just continued going down on him.

"Do you suck your loser husband like this?"

Marissa shook her head no.

"Is my cock bigger than his?"

She shook her head yes. How could I continue to watch this?

"Stand up baby," the man helped her to her feet. He then picked her up and threw her onto the bed. Marissa let out a playful scream and laughed. She was having the time of her life.

The man took his position between her legs, kissing Marissa all over her face and neck. Then he dropped lower, kissing her breasts and stomach. Then even lower kissing her pelvis and panty-covered pussy. He planted kiss after kiss on her thong.

Before long I saw him move her panties to the side and begin eating her out. I didn't have a good view of his face or her pussy, but it looked like Marissa was enjoying herself. He brought a hand up and shoved some fingers inside her pussy while he licked her. Marissa seemed to love that and I grew pissed off I never did that before on her.

I watched on as Marissa pulled the man's head into her. Almost like she wanted him to get closer to her pussy even though his face was already shoved between her thighs. Marissa humped into the man's face and I could tell she was getting closer to cumming. I've seen her like this before, but she looked even more feral and intense.

After a few long minutes of the man going down on her, Marissa came.

"Oh fuuuuuuuuuck!" She screamed with ecstasy and arched her body into the air. Her orgasm was violent and I wished I could've been making her cum like that instead of this man.

Marissa pushed his head away from her pussy and then pulled him up on top of her. They kissed. His mouth was full of her pussy juices I presumed, but I couldn't see clearly. They kissed like this for a while before the man began to rub his hard cock over my wife's cunt. No condom on.

He rubbed it up and down over her slit. Marissa was in heaven. That huge cock was going to enter her. The man teased her opening and I heard Marissa beg. Surely, Marissa would make him wear a condom, wouldn't she?

My hopes were wrong. The man poked at her opening. Not yet breaking the threshold. He was teasing her, waiting for her to beg further and she did. Finally, when he was satisfied, the man entered her. Marissa's mouth made an O as she gasped.

"Have you ever had a dick this big before?" the man asked.

"No!" Marissa answered.

"Well, I'm going to make you addicted."

The man started to fuck her slowly. Once it looked like Marissa was getting used to his sheer size he sped up.

"Fuck Marissa, you're so tight."

Marissa moaned. I knew she liked dirty talk. This man was doing all the right things and he didn't even know it.

He was jackhammering my wife now. Pounding hard into her tight little pussy. Her tits swayed with every thrust. Her hard pink nipples poked into the air. My sweet little Marissa was being used by this man and there I was just watching.

They switched to doggy style while I was lost in my depression. Marissa's panties stayed on and pulled to the side. Her firm, perfectly shaped ass was bouncing with ripples with every one of the man's strokes. He fucked her hard. Her tits hung and swung underneath her.

The man sucked on his thumb momentarily and then rubbed it on Marissa's puckered asshole. No way she would let him! She never let me anywhere near her ass. I watched as the man's thumb pushed deep into her ass, past the first knuckle. Marissa was moaning uncontrollably. She was allowing this man to use her like a whore. I never saw Marissa act like this. This wasn't the woman I married.

The man fucked and fucked. When would it be over? I was almost past my breaking point and couldn't watch any longer. Suddenly, the screen went black. The call ended and my phone's home screen popped up.

"What! Marissa!" I yelled to nobody but myself.

I tried redialing, but I was a fool to think they would answer. Her phone must have died or something. I redialed multiple times but to no avail. They were probably too busy fucking like rabbits. He was probably filling her pussy with his potent cum.

I looked at the time and it was way late. I needed some sleep, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get any.

My marriage was ruined. We got played and wouldn't get any money. I stayed in bed trying to sleep, but flashes of my wife getting plowed and enjoying it, continuously crossed my mind.

When the morning arrived, I got a total of around twenty minutes of sleep. I checked my phone and still no call or text from Marissa. I hoped she was okay. I texted her asking if she was fine and didn't get a response all day.

It was time to pick Jacob up from Marissa's parents and I arrived by myself. They asked where my wife was and I made some lame excuses. I brought our son home and did some chores waiting anxiously for any sign of Marissa.

Around 6 pm when Jacob and I were eating dinner, she finally walked in.

"Where were you?" I demanded.

"I was just out shopping."

I noticed she wasn't wearing her blue dress. Instead, she was in a nice flowery sundress.

"Did you buy that dress?"

"No, J bought it for me. And the shoes and this purse and all this," she raised more shopping bags, "He didn't want me going back out in the night's dress."