The Empath Cycle: 2013.1 Tamed


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"Why didn't you leave her there?"

"I just couldn't. I was a nurse and I couldn't walk away from a woman in distress even if I was the one who put her in that state. I wasn't crazy either. I didn't want her to make a police report or risk that she would die of her injuries which would certainly have brought the cops in the picture. So I brought her home and took care of her. In those days, we were nearly what they call nurse-practitioners today. We did a lot of things doctors couldn't be bothered with, especially for the poor. I'm not proud to say that I had beat her good, but I thought she deserved it. I stabilized her and used all my allotted personal time, which wasn't much in those days. The morning I had to go back to work, I told her that she could stay there. I brought some water and some food in my room and put a chamber pot near the bed."

"Did you sleep in the bed with her?"

"Are you kidding? It just wasn't done. I slept on the couch. When I came back that night, she was passed out on the kitchen floor, bleeding all over the place. The silly cunt had tried to do the housework when she could barely stand up. I put her back to bed and patched her up again. I didn't know what to do. Here was this nut job I couldn't leave alone for fear that she would kill herself and I couldn't miss work either. I had almost resigned to take her to the hospital when she woke up. When she saw me there, she started crying and telling me how sorry she was, that she was worthless. I didn't know what to do, so I went with what I knew. I talked to her kindly, telling her that she wasn't worthless, only hurt quite severely and that she shouldn't get out of bed, let alone do chores around the house. Somehow, I think I got through to her or she was simply too weak to argue."

"So you're not a freakazoid after all."

"That's a new one. No, I'm not a freakazoid. I'm actually a nice person once you get to know me. In any case, things got better after that. Every day, she did a little bit, then went back to bed before she hurt herself again. It took a couple of weeks, but eventually, it got to the point where I felt she could go back to her life, whatever it was. She threw herself at my feet, begging me to keep her, that she couldn't live on her own, that she was a terrible person who deserved to be beaten and punished so she could be better. That threw me for a loop. My apartment wasn't a psyc ward. I got her to dress. Yeah, she had been naked since the day I brought her home. I could never get her to stay dressed, so, after a while, I didn't bother anymore. That day, I found out by accident that she would obey if I ordered her around. I wish I'd known that before. So I finally threw her out and went to work. When I came back, she was sleeping on the ground across my door. I was just too tired to argue, so I let her in and told her to sleep on the couch."

"You old softie."

"Don't spread it around. I have a rep to keep. So the next morning, I did step on her. She was asleep beside the bed, naked, of course. I told her to get the hell out of my room and go stand somewhere out of my way. When I came out of the can, she was standing in the middle of the living room."

"So that's where that comes from."

"I suppose. She did pee herself because I had told her to stand there. When she finished cleaning her mess, I told her that since she wanted me to beat some sense into her, I'd oblige her. Obviously, I had learned my lesson, so I only pulled her across my knees and spanked her until my arm was tired. Like I said yesterday, she came all over me and tried to lick me clean. So I threw her out and her clothes after her. Not half an hour later the old lady who lived across from me knocked on my door and told me to keep my floozy in my apartment. Yep. There she was, on the ground, still naked. So I brought her inside before the old lady called the cops. I let her stay. She did chores around the place. She wasn't a bad roommate. She was quiet. Never spoke unless spoken to. She never complained about my bachelor ways. She kept the place spotless. The only thing she didn't do was pay rent or bought any food."

"A free maid. I could have used one a time or two. Did she cook too?"

"I forgot to mention it. The chick was a gourmet chef. She did things with the most basic staples I didn't know were possible. So it was bliss even if money was tight. After a couple of weeks, I was getting worried. She hadn't just dropped down from the sky. She had to have a life. What if someone came looking for her and accused me of sequestration or some shit when they found her. It turned out that somebody was indeed looking for her. When she dropped off the face of the earth, the people who were keeping an eye on her got worried. They started to look for her on the QT. One day, they heard of that tall blonde chick who would stand naked in the middle of an apartment for hours -- that was her default position if I didn't tell her otherwise. One pervert had seen her when he was looking in the windows of women's apartments and had passed the word to like-minded jerks."

"They had their very own peep-show, but it must have been boring if she didn't move."

"Who knows what goes through the mind of those sickos? Anyway, one day, this woman shows up at my door and asks if she can speak to me. I don't usually let strangers in my home, but she seemed nice enough and I knew I could take her if she wanted to start something. When she saw Clara, she goes 'Hello Clarabelle, how are you doing?' You'd had thought the devil had walked in. She started whining and hid behind me. I got all defensive and told the woman to get the fuck out of my place. She told me that we really needed to talk. She said she'd wait for me at the corner bar."

"Was that Julia's great-grand-mother?"

"It was. When she left, Clara threw herself at my feet again and pleaded with me not to send her back, that she would do anything for me if only I would keep her. I had gotten used to having her around, so I told her she could stay, but that I had to go tell the woman to get lost. She hugged me and kissed me all over the face telling me I was the best and that I wouldn't regret it. I told her to stop that, that she was embarrassing herself. Eventually she did."


"What can I say, she was very demonstrative and I had gotten used to it. So I met the woman and she introduced herself. She asked me how Clara was and how she had come to live with me. I kinda glossed over some irrelevant details and told her a story."

"You're so good at that."

"It's a gift, what can I say? She told me a bit about Clara's history and that of her family. She also told me that, a few years before, she had been raped while on one of her sexual binges and had a daughter whom she had given away for adoption. She explained about that clan thing they had and that the kid had a good home and loving parents. She told me Clara was indeed a chef in a fancy restaurant, but had obviously lost her job when she disappeared. She offered to move us in Clara's apartment since she seemed to respond well to me. To sweeten the deal, she offered me a job in this specialized mental clinic with better hours and pay and, to keep Clara close to me just in case, they would take her in the kitchen until she was stable enough to find another job."

"That was quite an opportunity. My grand-mother was a nurse too so I know a bit about the working conditions."

"I stalled by telling her I had to talk to Clara first, but I really had to think about all she had told me before I made a decision. When I got home, she had fixed my favorite. She didn't push me. After doing the dishes, she was going to the living room as she always did, but I asked her to sit with me for a while so we could talk. I didn't expect that she would come sit in my lap and wrap her arms around my neck. I was a bit embarrassed, I admit. It was the first time she did that."

"A bit embarrassed?"

"I told you, I had gotten used to her. We talked about everything. She was frank and didn't hold anything back. She said she hadn't told me before because she was afraid I'd send her away. She also told me that since she was with me, she didn't feel the need to go on the hunt, as she put it. She said she thought it was because she felt secure and that the discipline I imposed on her helped a lot. She said that her apartment was nicer than mine -- duh -- and probably didn't cost much more because it belonged to her parents, but that she was happy to live wherever I wanted because I was there. We were still talking when we went to bed that night. When I kissed her goodnight, she was crying, but I could see they were tears of happiness."

"You were sleeping together?"

"You never tried to sleep on the couch I had then. Why do you think she was sleeping on my carpet? Of course I told her to sleep in the bed."

"And you were kissing goodnight?"

"You've never kissed your sister goodnight?"

"I don't have a sister."

"Get your mind out of the gutter. She was my friend and I kissed her goodnight. So I gave my notice. Two weeks later, we moved and I started at my new job. We got in a routine. She would bring a chair to the living room and stand naked before it when she did something wrong or felt she needed to be disciplined so she wouldn't lose control. Aside from that, we've had a pretty normal life. Within six months, she was helping out on the floors. In two years, she had her nursing degree and we were working side by side. Over time, she got interested in other things and got degrees in accounting, psychology, business management, as a librarian and a few others. She never stopped learning."

"Now, for the important part."

"When I found out I was a lesbian?"

"No, what does all this have to do with Carlotta and how did Clara get back in her life?"

"Her mother distanced herself from the clan when she learned about Clara. Then she married and she moved away. She wouldn't have anything to do with us. So she never told Carlotta about her family. As the child grew older, though, her parents had to face the fact that they had lost control of her. So they turned to the only people who understood what was happening to her. Clara had expected it, so she had started studying psychology years earlier. She took charge of her. Things were fine for many years. Clara was happy to be reunited with her grand-daughter and Carlotta had found a second mother with whom she could relate. Over time, the love they felt for each other developed into genetic sexual attraction. With these two, it was almost inevitable, I guess. Clara resisted as long as she could, but she's only human and she was as attracted to Carlotta as the girl was to her. So we told her that there was nothing wrong with it and that they should enjoy each other. That too worked for years, but when Carlotta when away to school, she discovered the power she had over women and pushed us away while she went wild. Contrary to Clara, though, she didn't go too much overboard. Her good personality kept her from being too bad a predator."

"That's not what she thinks. She's persuaded that she was a terrible slut who fucked everything that breathed."

"We know. That's something we will have to deal with. But considering what she did for you, we're optimistic."

"If that's the case, why is she reverting? The other night she offered to show me how she could seduce a random woman on the metro."

"I'm not surprised. Since they made up the other day, Clara has been slipping too. That's another reason I wanted you two to come here today. I wanted them to reconnect."

"What do you mean?"

"Grace looked at the clock on the range. They've been at it for an hour. They must be exhausted by now."

"How come?"

"If I know my girls, and I do, they were kissing before we even got here and they've been at it since then."

"But how? They're all trussed up."

"Use your imagination. I'm sure they did."

"Before we go free them, I've been meaning to ask. What did Clara do that was so terrible this morning?"

"I found her frigging herself like a madwoman while looking at the picture of a woman she had taken with her phone."

"What's wrong with a little fantasy?"

"She was hiding from me to do it. She knew it was wrong, but she couldn't help herself."


"Consider who we're talking about. What if she decides that she wants more than just a picture on her phone?"

"Oh! Do you think she still could...?"

"I know so. You saw her body. She works out at least one hour every morning before going to work and longer on the week-end. When we have sex, she out-fucks me every time. I have to give her a stronger stimulus, like spanking or something else -- you saw all the toys we have. It's the only way I can satisfy her sometimes. And you know her strength of personality. Could you resist if she came after you?"

"I guess not."

"Let's go take care of our girls."

Chapter 5

Nancy wasn't sure what she had expected, but it was definitely not what they found.

The two women were lying on their side, facing each other. Clara's head was between Carlotta's thighs, her mouth on her grand-daughter's pussy. Carlotta had one end of a long double-headed dildo in her mouth. The other end looked to be buried deep in her grand-mother's vagina. There were various dildos coated with bodily fluids strewn around them.

The room reeked of sex. Grace flipped a second switch after she turned on the lights and Nancy could hear a fan blowing.

She rushed to Carlotta and undid her restraints. Gently, she pulled out the thick dildo which had replaced her butt plug. When she turned her over, she saw that the nipple clamps were on her. She gasped when she saw how tight they were. Sure, she had bit her nipples during sex, but she would never had dared do it so cruelly. Holding the insensate woman tenderly, she was debating how to unclamp them when Grace told her to wait.

"The dear nuts tightened the things. You have to take them out both at once. I'll do it. Hold her tight. This is going to hurt. Ready?"

When Grace removed the clamps, Carlotta arched her body in Nancy's arms, eyes wide open as she gasped. After a few seconds, she fell back in the loving arms.

When she opened her eyes, she saw tears coursing down Nancy's cheeks. Reaching feebly, she put her hand on her cheek and smiled weakly.

"Do not cry, my love. Thank you so very much for the gift you have given me. I need to sleep now. Will you be there when I wake up?"

Nancy smiled at the question. Everything would be all right.

"Yes, my love. I will be by your side... Now and forever." She whispered in her ear.

"Take her into the next room. It was hers years ago. There is a washbowl on the dresser and there are washcloths and towels in the closet near the bathroom. Use that to clean her as best you can. We will wash them properly when they wake up."

She had just dumped the dirty water when she saw the door to the playroom was still open, so she checked in.

Grace had brought out a thick quilt and rolled Clara on it. Nancy assumed she had finished cleaning her because she way lying by her side under a blanket.

"Do you need help getting her to bed?" Nancy asked quietly.

"No, thank you. She's used to this. She'll be disoriented if she wakes up anywhere else. Go lie by your girl. We'll see you later."

The outside air had been downright chilly when they raced out the backdoor and into the gazebo. They both let out a sigh of relief as they slipped into the body-temperature water after removing the cover from the spa.

When Carlotta insisted they only take a quick shower, Nancy didn't understand. Now she did and she wondered how she could have lived her whole life without this particular luxury.

She was drowsing in the heat and the pleasure of having her love in her arms when the door opened and the two old women hurried to join them after Grace handed them each a glass of cold white wine.

Once everyone was settled, Grace proposed a toast.

"Here's to new friends and old friends reunited."

"I may move in here permanently." Nancy announced.

"Why don't you?" Clara asked. "The tenants are moving out in July or before if they can close on the house they are looking at."

"We can't afford a nice place like this." Carlotta sighed.

"Are you sure?" Clara grinned. "You manage to pay for two apartments right now, but effectively only use one. And you'd be surprised how low the rent is in these old houses. If you're interested, I'm sure we can come to a mutually agreeable arrangement."

Nancy looked at Grace and winked.

"It looks like we won the lottery, honey. It's going to be strange living above and having Mrs. Parker as a landlady, Clara."

"Oh, I'm sure we can manage to leave Mrs. Parker at the office, ladies. What do you think, dear?"

"I'm sure we can work something out, Auntie Clara."

When Nancy opened her mouth, Grace cut her off.

"Don't waste your breath, kid. We've tried for years to have her call us by our given names, but she won't listen. I suppose my Clara will always be her Mary Poppins and me the stooge in the farce."

"I like that." Carlotta laughed. "Auntie Stooge. It suits you just fine."

"See, kid. I don't get no respect."

Sometime later, Grace announced that she had cooked long enough. She took one of the large bath towels and walked in the house.

Carlotta knelt beside Nancy and took her hand.

"My love, may I go help Auntie Gracie dry up, please?"

Nancy looked over across the spa at Clara who was smiling happily as she watched her grand-daughter. When Nancy caught her eye, she nodded her approval.

"Will you only be drying her?"

"I... I thought we..."

"Ask what you want, honey. There can be no secrets between us."

"You're right, as always. I dearly hope she will allow me to make love to her. It has been a long time and I've missed her very much."

"I'm sure she missed you too, babe. Go ahead. Have fun."

"Oh, you're so good to me." Carlotta squealed as she leaned in and kissed Nancy deeply.

When the young woman started moaning, Clara cleared her throat.

"Young lady, you know the rule.

"Yes, Auntie Clara. No coming in the spa. We don't want to soak in cream soup. Sorry."

"Then take your hand from between your ladylove's legs and go. Grace is waiting."

With a squeal, Carlotta jumped out of the water and raced indoors. When she opened the door, Nancy saw that Grace was indeed waiting for her. She smiled fondly when she saw Carlotta hug her.

Nancy and Clara chatted for a while, but she could tell the old woman had something on her mind. She caught her often forcing her eyes away from her body. She herself, tried to be discreet as she admired Clara's large breasts floating on the water. Deciding to test if her assessment had any value, she stretched, bringing her whole body near enough to the surface to be clearly seen. She grinned when she heard Clara groan as she hunched her shoulders.

"Clara, you know the rules."

The woman straightened immediately.

"Yes. Hum. I do. I apologize. I won't do it again."

"Then why are you still touching yourself?"

"I'm not. See?" Clara raised a hand out of the water.

"Clara, you don't have much respect for me, do you?"

"That's not true. You're my beloved Carlotta's lady. I respect you very much."

"Then why do you lie to me?"

Clara made to protest, but she saw the stern look on Nancy's face. Lowering her eyes, she showed both of her hands.

"You were right, Lady Nancy. I did lie..."

"Continue your thought."

"I... You... I was looking at your body and... And I wondered... I wanted..."

"You wanted to touch me but you touched yourself instead."

"Yes, Lady Nancy. It was wrong. I'm so sorry if I offended you."

"Am I talking to the other woman?"
