2030 - A Sex Odyssey

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Karen's maiden voyage to Space turns into a nightmare.
6.4k words

Part 1 of the 1 part series

Updated 09/26/2023
Created 09/16/2023
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The year is 2030. The world of Science and Technology has made great progress. Space travel for all, which was unthinkable till a few years ago, is now a part of everyday life.

Blue Origin and Virgin Galactic launched their 1st civilian space missions in 2022. Since then, space travel has become routine. And now, Uber has also joined in the fray. Their space missions are so affordable, that common folk like you and me can travel to space and return home within a few hours, on the very same day. Humanity's reach has indeed exceeded its imagination.

However, one major achievement still eludes mankind. In spite of all the extraordinary progress it has made in space travel, the world of science and technology has still not been able to figure out the most complex issue of all -- How To Have Sex In Space.

You see, there is no gravity in space. Astronauts float, objects float, water floats, spaceship floats. How can 2 astronauts engage in sex if both are floating?

Therefore, in the year 2030, space scientists and NASA decide to address this issue as the most important for the survival of humanity. After all, if Planet Earth becomes unfit to live in the future, or gets destroyed in a nuclear war or due to Climate Change, we will all have to find a new home somewhere in space. And then, we will all have to reproduce in that new home, which means that we will need to have sex in space.

Keeping this in mind, NASA decides to send a space expedition in 2030, comprised only of civilians -- 5 men and 5 women -- solely for the purpose of having sex in space. They called it a "Sexpedition." The idea was to give space training to these 10 individuals, and send them to the International Space Station for a few weeks, where they would be doing nothing but having sex, provided they figured out a way to beat Zero Gravity.

In order to find the right candidates for this mission, a worldwide fuckfest was held at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre in Florida. Thousands of volunteers from all over the world showed up to participate in the competition. Everyone wanted to go to space, and the only criteria to qualify was to fuck as many people as possible, in all sorts of positions as possible, in all hours of day and night as possible, for as long as possible.

It was the greatest test of stamina and skills, as NASA wanted to ensure that candidates with the highest endurance levels qualify. It turned into an Olympics of Orgies. And I was one of the participants.

After 3 months of never ending sex, the names of the winners were announced. Amongst women, it was ME -- yours truly, Karen -- who was crowned the winner. I was highly praised for my insatiable appetite for sex, for my ability to have sex with a large number of men under any and every condition, in all possible positions, at all possible hours. It was the greatest moment of my life. I was on the verge of creating history. I will be going to space to have sex.

"You are going to space to do WHAT??" Mom shouted in exasperation.

"I can't believe I am still alive to see and hear this," said Dad in shock and disbelief. "You have brought nothing but shame and humiliation on our family. You are such a disgrace."

I was crestfallen. I didn't expect my conservative parents to cheer for me, but I did hope for a little bit of support. To be told that my mission would bring shame and ignominy on my family made me sad and dejected.

But those feelings evaporated as soon as the Space Training program started. The 4 other girls who won the fuck marathon along with me proved to be as bad at astronaut training as they were good at having orgies. One by one, Miss Sweden, Miss France, Miss Canada and Miss Spain were eliminated for their inability to complete the space training program. Leaving me as the only female astronaut to go on the mission.

The 5 guys did a good job, though. Not only did they win the fuckfest defeating thousands of male participants, they completed their astronaut training with flying colours too. After a grand ceremony at NASA's Kennedy Space Centre at Fort Canaveral in Florida, we were ready to embark on our historic voyage.

Chapter 1 -- The 'Sex'pedition

"Ms. Karen, its time for you to get acquainted with your male colleagues," said the Mission Chief by pulling me aside. "You are the sole female voyager on this mission, so the expectations from you are very high." She handed me 5 files.

She continued, "These are the files on your 5 colleagues. Your homework is to study them thoroughly. Its important to know everything about these 5 men. Mental preparation is the key."

I took the files and returned to my cabin. I could have told her that my pussy is more stretchable and flexible than a bubble gum -- it can take almost anything. But I kept quiet.

With great fanfare, our mission took off the next day. I had completed going through the 5 files by then. They contained every possible information on my male colleagues -- the length, size and shape of everyone's dick, the circumference of their balls, their sperm count, frequency of their erections, duration of their erections, and a whole lot of mumbo-jumbo and scientific data that did not help provide any answer to the million dollar question -- How To Beat Zero Gravity?

Therefore, without wasting any time, I got straight to the point. "Guys, what's the root cause of the problem? Why is sex in space such a huge deal?" I asked my 5 male colleagues.

By that time, we were already in space, and our space shuttle was on its way to the International Space Station. We were all tied to our seats with seatbelts to prevent us from floating around unnecessarily.

"Its Newton's Third Law," replied Mr. Australia, "To every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

"And that is a problem because....?" I asked him curiously. I used to sleep through my science classes in school, never really understood Newton's or anybody else's laws.

"Because when I shove my cock inside you, the forward thrust will push you backwards," he explained in the simplest possible language. "And since you are floating, the thrust will make you float backwards and further backwards. So, continued penetration becomes impossible."

Aha! The point emerges. Now I realised the connection to Newton's law. But the solution seemed easy enough, so I blurted it out.

"So, tie me up. To a bed or something. Problem solved," I said emphatically.

"Its not that easy," Mr. Germany chipped in. "Even if we tie you up, we will be floating ourselves."

Mr. Brazil jumped in, "Suppose we tie you up, and I insert my dick in you. The moment I withdraw to make the 2nd thrust, I will start floating backwards. Even if I succeed the 2nd time, there is no guarantee it will work the 3rd time. You see, I need to stop floating in order to keep pushing back and forth at the same position."

Hmm, sounds right. He needs to stay fixed at his position too. No floating for him.

"So, you need to be tied up too?" I asked naively.

"We could try doing that, but I don't see how its going to work," said Mr. Russia. "If both of us are tied fixed to a particular position, how will we move? How can we have sex without moving forward and backward?"

I tried to imagine the scenario described by him. He is right. They are all right. The act of sex demands constant IN and OUT movements, either by the male, or by the female, or by both. And such movements are impossible if both are tied up, or both are floating. I nodded in agreement.

"So, what's the solution? We can't sit idle. We have to do something," I asked all 5 of them. "We are on a mission, guys. Lets try."

"You mean, try all possible options?" asked Mr. China.

"Yes, we can't do nothing," I replied. "We are here to create history. We are humanity's last hope. Come on, lets start."

"Start what?" asked Mr. Australia.

"Start fucking, what else?" I got irritated. "Lets start right now. No more time wasting."

"Ok. Are you wet?" he asked.

"No," I replied, "how can I get wet while talking to you? You need to do something to make that happen."

They all opened a file they each had in front of them. Mr. Germany said, "It says here that you are very tight, and always wet."

Suddenly it dawned on me. Just as I had a file on each one of them, they must be having one on me. I was curious to find out the details.

"What does the file say about me?" I asked.

"Nothing much," replied Mr. Germany. "Your boobs are 34DD, your nipples are like dark brown juicy grapes, your ass is 36 and always bouncing, and you are very tight and always wet."

Mr. Brazil added, "It also says that 'she knows the lengths of yours, but you will never know the depth of hers'. What does that mean?"

"Um... It probably means that I know the size of each of your cocks, because they have been measured and filed by NASA," I replied hesitantly.

"And?" asked Mr. China.

"And you will never know the depth of my cunt because it has never been measured," I continued. "Its not possible to measure."

Mr. Russia sounded annoyed, "Girls have an unfair advantage over us. Our organs hang outside our bodies, while hers is inside."

"Yes, its not fair," seconded Mr. China. "She knows more about us than we do about her. That's why she is so arrogant."

"Lets find out her depth, shall we?" said Mr. Brazil.

"Yes, lets do it now. Take off her clothes," said Mr. Australia.

The 5 of them suddenly got excited and horny, as if my arrogance triggered something in them. It didn't worry me though. I felt relieved in a way, maybe we will be able to make some progress on our mission now.

Mr. Germany opened my seatbelt and took off my jacket. He then held me down on the seat while Mr. China removed my shirt. Then they both held me down to stop me from floating, while Mr. Australia removed my shoes. Mr. Brazil had to work extra hard to take off my pants, because I had to be held down in a seated position by the others, even though they were floating themselves.

Funny how a little bit if jealousy and resentment can bring out both the best and worst in men. I watched them all get horny and lusty reading my file, and I also watched them work together as a team to disrobe me in a zero gravity environment. Can they accomplish their common goal of fucking me? I waited with bated breath.

"Lets remove her undies now," said Mr. Russia.

"Fasten the seatbelt on her again. We will fuck her on this seat only," ordered Mr. Brazil.

They put the seatbelt on me to hold me in a fixed position, but could not stop floating away themselves. My clothes and shoes were also floating around. It was a sight to behold -- 5 fully clothed men suspended in air, surrounded by a jacket, a shirt, a pair of shoes. At the centre was me, sitting semi nude on a seat, unable to move due to the seatbelt.

"You remove her bra, I will take off her panties," said Mr. Germany to Mr. China. They both floated mid-air towards me, and held my seat to stay in place.

Mr. China kept holding the seat with one hand, and pushed my bra straps down my shoulders with the other. After a bit of struggle, he managed to unhook the horizontal strap with that one free hand. Must have been a learning experience for him, judging by the reaction on his face. Unhooking a bra with just one hand is never easy for a man.

Meanwhile, Mr. Germany had a tougher time removing my panty. He was also holding onto the seat with one hand, and tugging at my underwear with the other. Since I was seated, and held firmly in place by the seatbelt, he failed to remove it using one hand. After sometime, he got frustrated and tore off the panty with a violent pull.

Both the bra and the torn panty started floating and drifted away. And the 5 horny men gathered around me to stare at my naked body.

"Look at those amazing tits," said Mr. Germany. "No woman in my country has such bouncy plump tits."

"These are so spongy," an excited Mr. China grabbed one of my boobs and started fondling it.

"And this pussy? Its gorgeous." said Mr. Brazil as he parted my legs as much as the seatbelt allowed. "Its clean shaven, tight, the flaps are so tiny and neatly tucked on either side."

"Its glistening, must be wet," said Mr. Australia. He floated towards my open legs and touched my pussy. "There is moisture inside. Let me check."

Holding my seat with one hand for support, just like the rest, he inserted a finger of the other hand inside the swollen lips of my cunt. Moisture enveloped it on all sides. He pulled the finger out and held it under the light -- it was shining.

"The file says right. She is always wet." Mr. Australia put the finger in his mouth and licked my wetness off it. "She is tasty too, mate. She is yummy."

That proved to be the trigger. The 5 of them pounced on me like starving dogs. Mr. China grabbed my boobs with both hands. He was not satisfied by just a squeeze. He started mauling my firm breasts with both hands.

He brushed my nipples roughly with his fingertips, making them hard and erect. He took my left nipple in his watering mouth, and began sucking on it like a juicy strawberry, ripe and ready to be eaten. Slurping and licking like a man who hadn't eaten in days. All the while, he held onto my right breast for support, to stop floating away.

My eyes closed, and my mouth dropped open. My throat expelled its first gasp of sexual pleasure since embarking on this voyage.

Mr. Australia spread my thighs and pressed his nose on the soft skin of my pussy, like it was the bud of a sweet-smelling flower. He began feasting on my clit with a hungry, wet mouth. His tongue slithered into the tight hole of my pussy. It felt so alive, boring into the tightness of my warm, wet hole. I felt aroused and feverish, and began to moan loudly.

Suddenly, I also felt Mr. Brazil's finger press against my little asshole. He mumbled lustfully as he kept pressing his finger deeper and deeper. Waves of pleasure ran through my whole body as his finger, and Mr. Australia's tongue, and Mr. China's teeth felt phenomenal on my skin.

Mr. Australia's tongue licked my drenched clit for what seemed like an eternity. Mr. Brazil's finger worked magic inside my butthole. I was making sounds my throat had never made before. My breathing got heavier, my whole body shivered, my back arched ignoring the restraint imposed by the seatbelt. I curled my toes and squirted loudly and profusely.

It was my 1st orgasm in space. And, as I was about to find out very soon, certainly not the last.

What happened next was unanticipated, but not unforeseen. The cum squirting out of my pussy did not drip down as it used to in the past. Instead, it began floating in the air. The zero gravity environment made the white juices float all over the cabin in all directions. It took everyone by surprise, even though we should have foreseen it. The images of my floating cum will remain etched in my memory forever.

"Holy shit!" exclaimed Mr. Russia, "this is exactly what is going to happen if we shoot our loads inside her cunt."

"You mean, it will all come out and start floating everywhere?" asked Mr. China.

"What else? There is no gravity, so what goes forward will also float backwards, and sideways, and heaven knows where."

"So what? How does that matter?" quipped Mr. Brazil. "Our mission is to fuck this bimbo. Who cares where our cum ends up -- inside her, or outside?"

I started laughing loudly. Having recovered quickly from the 'space' shattering orgasm, I replied with youthful exuberance, "You dickhead! The purpose of this mission is not to fuck some dumb bimbo, but to explore the possibility of procreating in space. How will humanity reproduce in space if the male sperm does not even reach the female egg, and instead floats outside?"

They all fell silent and stared at me, as if I had said something unexpected. Or maybe the truth hit hard -- the sudden realisation that not only is it impossible to have intercourse in zero gravity, but it is highly unlikely for a sperm to fertilise an egg in this environment. Or maybe they were all taken aback by the fact that while I was dumb enough to have no knowledge of physics and Newton's Laws, I did know a thing or two about reproduction and procreation.

Whatever be the reason, they never called me a bimbo after that.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud. The space shuttle trembled and shook violently, as if it had been hit by a massive object, like an asteroid. The 5 dickheads rushed towards the giant windows and display screens, and stood frozen.

"Guys, what is it? Remove my seatbelt," I yelled out as I was still tied to the seat.

"Its a.... its a....." Mr. Germany was gasping for words.

"Um... a flying saucer! An UFO!" mumbled Mr. Australia.

"It has landed on our spaceship," Mr. China's gace turned pale and white as paper. Probably in fear.

Flying saucer! UFO! What on earth are they blabbering about?

Chapter 2 -- Along came an Alien (and its spoilt brats)

Before I could figure out what was going on, the airlock door opened with a loud bang. I could not believe my eyes as 3 figures walked in. 3 green figures -- not dressed in green, but having green skin. They had arms and legs, but were certainly not human. Their eyes were yellow, like a cat's. And they had no hair on their bodies, not even on their heads.

Their heads were dome shaped, bigger than a human's. And absolutely bald. No hair. No eyebrows. Their ears were tiny and pointed, like a goblin's. I noticed they were not very tall -- in fact, one of them was about 5 feet 6, the others were much shorter, about my height. And they were all naked. No clothes. Looked like 3 green statues just walked in.

To my astonishment, they were not floating, but walking, as if they were on Planet Earth!

And then I noticed it. All 3 had dicks! 3 green dicks, as long as their forearms (from elbow to wrist). The taller one had the biggest dick of them all, it was at least a foot long. Below it were hanging 2 huge green balls -- up to its knees -- bigger than a bull's testicles.

My jaw dropped at the sight -- not just at the size of those 'things', but also due to the realisation that just kicked in. Were these aliens? Were these male? Must be, judging by their appearances.

Do aliens exist? They looked nothing like what I had seen in movies. They were neither ugly and short as the alien in Steven Spielberg's film "E.T.", nor monstrous and scary like Ridley Scott's "Alien" film series. They stood like 3 little naked green men, with big dicks, bigger balls, and bald heads.

The 5 dickheads -- my esteemed colleagues -- glided themselves furiously towards the control room, and locked the door from inside in panic. Leaving me outside, alone, naked, vulnerable, tied to a seat, and at the mercy of these 3 green 'men'.

For a brief period, the aliens stood motionless. They stared at me, and I stared at them. The 2 smaller ones were holding the arms of the taller one, as if he was the father and they were his sons. They both looked like adults, judging by the size of their dicks, even though there was no way to figure out their age as they had no hair.

They noticed my cum floating in the air, and opened their mouths to swallow it. They touched it, smelled it, tasted it, gulped it. And then all hell broke loose.

The 2 'boys' started chattering in a strange voice, talking to each other in a strange language, making strange noises I have never heard before. They walked over to me (literally, their feet touched the ground, as if gravity existed only for them, but not for us humans). They lowered their heads between my open legs, sniffed and licked my sloppy slit.

Their chatter grew louder, and they got visibly more excited as soon as they tasted my pussy. I watched in awe and disbelief as their almost 8 inch cocks suddenly came alive. The cocks started moving on their own, getting harder and harder, bigger and bigger. I realised what was about to happen. I felt hopeless and devastated.