24 hours, 5 years, 10 months Ch. 01

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24 hrs-Dumb Decisions and Smart Phones.
3.8k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/02/2015
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This is a Romance series that starts with a disastrous BTB chapter. I was watching people in their late teens to 30+ years live in their smart phones. I see many have a minimum of security on them. Somebody really pissed could do so much damage quickly and easily. What surprised me was that it wasn't going to take money or high level technical smarts to do this.


Gail walked sleepy-eyed into the kitchen.

I stood up and hugged my bride-to-be. "I really don't like getting up at 5 to be at work by 6:15 so I could drive the 80 miles to that client site. I'm sorry hun for making noise that woke you up." She hugged me back. "I love you so much Gail. Can't wait the two weeks till we get married."

"That's two weeks and three days and 5 hours Jim. I understand you spending all these extra hours working. We have a wedding to pay for. You'll be busy today so you don't have to call me. The traffic getting home will be murder. Take your time and be safe." I got another kiss and I was out the door.

We really do need the money. As a copier repairman for a service firm, I drive all around the metro area, including the neighboring state. This morning I'm scheduled to drive almost 2 hours in rush hour traffic to replace a client's 9 copiers. That supply house is a good client and it's worth the effort for my company and my career.

Out the door at 5:50, I arrive at the shop to pick up the load and the truck. I immediately find out there is a problem, a big problem. Not all the copiers are ready. In fact, two now have a factory defect, a newly discovered defect. The parts are here, but even with all the techs on hand, repairing them could not be completed until 1 at the earliest. The travel time there and the on-site time would mean that I'd have to be at the client's site till 10 PM. This is not going to go over well.

Our firm has a goal of 100% satisfaction and I make an immediate call. Luckily for everyone, the client not only isn't ready, but asked for an additional day to get prepared. They have a rush job that needs immediate attention and were overjoyed at the delay. The installation will now happen on Friday.

I immediately began the repairs. I started at the company as an in-shop tech for several years during and after high school and have a good level of experience. Noon came around and the first copier was done. I let them know that I was going home for lunch because I had not brown bagged it today.

It's a 10 minutes drive home mid-day. I was about to turn down the block, but something was different. There are two cars in the driveway, Gail's Camry and an SUV. I've never seen that car on the block before. I didn't turn and kept on driving by. The nearby shopping center has a lot in the back behind the auto parts store. Lots of early 2000's econboxes to fit in with. Time to think.

There was always something in my gut that made me unsettled about Gail and me. Nothing overt, but a couple of things that could be taken several different ways. Quiet talking on the phone, a protection of her on-line time. In the instant I saw the two cars, I knew that I wasn't sure of anything anymore.

It could be her at home with a friend having lunch, but her work was 30 minutes away. She could have been sick and somebody from work got her home. She could have taken some comp time to prepare for the wedding. It all could be harmless and I could be blowing it all out of proportion. It could also be more.

I was not due back home until after 8 and I left before 6 in the morning. She could be entertaining somebody, male or female. Either way, another person's marriage could be built on that, but not mine. I knew I had to sneak back to the house and find out. I can't and won't live with anyone, even somebody I love, with questions of trust hanging over me.

First things first, phone goes on silent. Camera app is turned on, ready to go. I walk from the parking lot to the north. My house is blocked by others on that side. No one at the house could see anyone approaching that way. It takes me 5 minutes to reach the back door.

I peer in and immediately know it's over. There is loud music on and a shirt and tie with her skirt littered over the living room leading to the stairs. It's over, it's all over but the yelling. My future just got pulled. The only way out of this would be a different woman up there, not Gail. But it's her purse, her clothes lying on the floor alongside somebody's briefcase, and pants.

I enter the house, shaking from the rage inside of me. Over in the corner is my softball bat. It stop myself then freak. I freaked because I've even considered it. It would give me such pleasure, and jail time. Not worth it. I don't want her any more. No trust, no partner, no love. Not the life I want to live. My phone is on camera ready. I realize that she keeps hers in her purse.

There it is, in all its glory. It's actually my phone. It's my plan. I pay that bill. I bought the phone. Her pass number is 5678, I've seen it a thousand times. I set it to silent and turn on the camera and put it on pause. We have a jar of marbles in the living room holding silk flowers. I take out most of them and put the marbles in my pocket. In case I get chased, it's hard to stay upright running on marbles. I use the house phone to call my cell. Anyone calling either phone will be busy. There will be no disturbances.

Before going upstairs, I rummage through his briefcase. He's left his phone in there, along with his wallet. Luck is with me. I open his wallet and find it's Jay, and his wife is Maria. I take pictures of his license, his family pictures and his business cards. A salesman. Looks like his wife is a nurse at the hospital. Bastard has killed two marriages. I turn his phone on to silent and look in his phone log, I immediately block phone numbers of the last twenty people that have called him. I turn on his camera and put it on pause. Then I head upstairs, listening to the sounds of my ex-betroth fuck.

I climbed up the stairs quietly, stepping around the creaking stairs that I grew up walking around. Inherited from my parents, this house has always been in my life. I inherited it after one passed from cancer and the other from the drinking from being left behind.

I'm hearing a passionate fuck, a loud fuck. It is a fuck that is tearing apart my soul. A fuck that they wouldn't hear a baseball bat crashing down on their heads. I thank god that I didn't bring anything that I could physically hurt them with. What I will do will destroy their lives for quite a while.

I'm going to expose them, I going to bring sunlight onto their lying lives. I start recording on all three phones, their two starting from my walking up the stairs and then beyond into the bedroom. I get to our bedroom, well not our bedroom any more, she won't be here ever again after this. They take no notice as I stick the phones around the corner, recording. It makes me sick, but I stay with it. The pictures are going to explain why the wedding was called off. No need to explain why will ever be needed.

I record them fucking and sucking and planning more sessions after the wedding. I'm angry, but I dodged a bullet. I listen to him say that his wife is a bitch and she does not know anything of what he does. She says that I don't have a clue what she's doing, it's just fun. They both agree that they can keep this up forever. It was after 10 minutes of this betrayal I went back downstairs.

I save the files and send them to my work account. No one outside of work has access to that. The video had a bit of dead space in it, so I quickly edit a copy of it, cutting it down to about 5 minutes of intense fucking. Then I go through his emails. I find group emails to family, friends, work, church groups... Church groups, I've hit the jackpot. I hit reply all for the selected ones and save each in draft.

How do I get people to read it and not just blow it off like spam? Then it comes to me. The subject matter will be "With much sorrow", like a death notice. How honest. The first line will be "With much sorrow, the marriage of and Jay and Maria is now in serious trouble. The woman he has been fucking was to get married in two weeks. Jay has destroyed that marriage too."

I then pasted into the email, so it would show up when it was opened, a couple of still shots of them fucking and sucking each other. I've attached a copy of the 5 minute video file of them fucking and talking to each other. I don't send them yet. I tried but couldn't change the password on his email account.

His Facebook account is accessible from his phone and I post some of the more compromising pictures with great captions concerning him and his respect for his wife. I can't change his password.

I start working on Gail's phone.

She has a series of family and friends emails, work emails and the wedding list. I set them all up for reply to all and give then the same Subject matter line, "With much sorrow". The first line of the email is now "With much sorrow, the woman I was to marry in two weeks has been and had plans to continue to be unfaithful with Jay. She has broken whatever trust I ever had in her. The wedding has been permanently cancelled and her belongings have been placed on my driveway awaiting anyone to pick them up for her. Not only has she destroyed our planned marriage in two weeks, she has probably destroyed Jay and Maria's marriage too."

Being ready, I still hear them fucking upstairs. I send all his emails and hers too. I turn off his data package, turn off the sounds, and then dial a sex hotline number. I tell the woman to just stay on as long as she wants at $3.95 a minute. It may be over an hour if she's lucky. She agrees and pops up another line while waiting. After I jam a small bit of aluminum foil into the USB port in an attempt to drain the battery and make the phone unusable. I slip his phone back into his briefcase and I head into the basement. There is small room in the back where I can hear everything on the first floor, and not be seen.

I change the passwords on her gmail. I insert a couple of pictures with captions into her Facebook account. Now to change that password. She only used a single password for both. It used to be I_am_1_QueeN, and I changed both to I_am_1_Real_WhorE. Not creative, just accurate.

It was only 20 minutes later when the lovers came back downstairs. Her phone is not in her purse, but she doesn't immediately look for it and they leave. I figure I've got at least 20 minutes before they return to work and the shit starts hitting the fan. Reply all will cause much damage. I get on the phone to my friend Tom. He's a cop that's been working day shift.

He isn't busy and I get to finally talk with someone real, someone who will understand, and someone who lost a girlfriend this way a couple of years ago. He'll be by after work and spend the night, he'll run interference for me. He's got my back and will push me when I need to be pushed. There is trust there. Trust means so much in real life.

I called three friends not in the Gail/Jim group to give me a hand. They are students and two were immediately available to help me move all her crap out of the house on to the driveway. I printed a picture of Gail fucking and took the cum stained bed sheets and mounted it next to it. It was her bed. She gets to keep it now. It started to rain and we covered it with a sheet of plastic. I called a lock smith. He wasn't busy and would arrive in 20 minutes.

I took a picture of the pile and sent it to her family and friends in an email.

By this time, my friends Bob and Tim arrived. They understood the grief that I was going through and gave me a beer and a couple of ears to talk about what happened, what I felt. I needed to process. I began to grieve my loss. I don't feel any regret on what I've done. Trust is everything in a marriage, no trust, no marriage, no love.

The great things about having good people around you that you can trust, you can assign them tasks that you don't want to do. I had Bob look over all her text messages and Tim look at her emails on our desk top.

The emails coming in were generally of the 'What a dumb fuck you are for cheating on Jim'. There were a couple of senders that were different. It was no surprise that the ones from her best friend Tammy was about that she was sorry she got caught. Bob immediately switched to her text massages and it was racy. Jeff is married to Tammy and he was in trouble too. He just didn't know it yet. There were even pictures attached to the text messages. Some pictures were printed, screen prints of the messages were assembled.

The best message was from Jay's wife Maria. "Don't worry. You can keep him now, him and his $50,000 in student loans with no job." My emails to his customers probably did him in.

At about 6 PM the door bell was ringing and Tom answered it. He still wore his full Police uniform as he came over as soon as his shift was over. He came back to the kitchen where I was nursing a beer. "It's Gail's father Carl. He's not angry and he wants to talk with you. That OK?"

I nodded yes, "As long as you stay in the room."

Carl walked in slowly. "Jim, I'm so sorry for what my stupid daughter did to you." I motioned him to sit and pushed an unopened beer to him. We were beer drinking buddies.

"I can honestly say that I knew nothing about any of this shit. I thought that she was who she appeared to be." He wiped his eyes then took a swig of beer. "I don't blame you, I don't blame you at all. All I can say is that she said it was her first time." He looked at me with a glimmer of hope.

He saw the look on my face and he immediately knew. "She still isn't telling the truth Carl. After I caught them, I've gone through everything I could, and I've had my friends help me. It wasn't the first. If you want, I can show you pictures of them in the spring and the summer of this year. She's been living with me for over a year now. I bought the new couch three months ago. There's a picture of them on the old one." I hung my head in my hands then I continued. "You know they were planning on continuing it after we got married. No, this is painful. I lost what my future was going to be and now I get to find a new one."

Carl stood up and gave my shoulder a hug. "When she came home crying, she said that it was only the first time. We gave her all the time in the world to get her life back together." He paused and stood straight. "Now with this lying, she's got a week. She's still my daughter, but she only has a week." He started moving toward the door.

"I'll send a couple of people by to pick up her stuff in about an hour. Right now, could you print out a couple of her pictures of the different days? Maybe a copy of your entire video so I can show her and her mother. I going to take the stained bed sheets now while I'm waiting." I nodded and he shuffled out the door.

It only took me a couple of minutes and he was waiting in the kitchen finishing his beer with Tom. I gave him the things and on him standing up to leave, I hugged him good bye. We both cried. I lost by bride-to-be and a great father-in-law to be. He's losing a daughter and a son-in-law to be. Nobody wins.

At about 7:30 PM Tom yelled out that Carl's pickup truck was backing into the driveway and 2 more men were leaving their cars, looking like they were going to help. Carl wasn't with them. The only one Tom or I knew was Jeff.

They waved and started taking her things out from under the plastic tarp and loading up the pickup. It only took a few minutes when they started to wave good bye, but that's when Tom came out and told Jeff there was something more inside.

I yelled out that it was in the kitchen and he should come in. Tom gave him a beer, he was going to need it. He walked in and immediately knew what it was. The laptop was open as well the text message app of a phone. He stopped cold. There was sorrow on his face and worry on mine. Tom was behind him as he sat down, then he slumped into the seat as he said. "It's about Tammy, isn't it?" And we nodded.

"After I found Gail fucking Jay in my bed, my whole world turned upside down. Tom and a couple of other trusted friends have been able to help me do some of the investigating of all her stuff. You know that Tammy's her best friend. There are text messages back and forth on what and who they were doing. They even exchanged a couple of pictures. It's here for you to see."

"It was Dan, wasn't it?" I nodded as he continued. "I've suspected for a while, couldn't or wouldn't find out. Guess hope against hope didn't work?"

He took another sip of his beer. He looked at me, "So I guess I joined the club, didn't I. I hope that there won't be very many new members." We sat in silence for a few minutes. Then he said he needed to get back and unload the stuff, then get with his wife.

I gave him a package of print outs and pictures. "Jeff, do you want anyone with you? Don't do something stupid to Dan or Tammy. Don't do anything that is going to make you do jail time. There are other ways to make them pay, remember that, there will always be other ways. You'll have help." We hugged as he left.

On Thursday morning, there was a knock at the door. The police were searching for Tammy. She wasn't at work and there was concern that she might be in danger. I didn't know anything, but asked that I be kept informed. Before they left, that got a call. "They found her, she was at home alone, unharmed. It appears that all her clothes were completely ruined, all electronics destroyed, and she came to the apartment door in a torn blanket. Her husband packed up last night and left her. The windows on her car were all broken, but the car's in the husband's name and he's allowed to do that to his property. Thank you for your help."

By noon, I heard a knock on the door. It was Gail's mother Dot. I didn't invite her in. "What do you want?"

"Gail would like to say a few words to you. She will stay out here. Will you listen?"

"Hasn't she said everything she needs to say?"

"Can you give her this? You and I both know you are a much better person that she ever was."

Looking at the street, I see her getting out of the car. She's fully clothed this time. What a change from last time. I finally nodded my consent but added, "You will stay here the entire time and listen to it all. Agreed?"

She nodded yes and waved her.

Gail walked slowly up the walk and stopped 4 feet from the door. "I'm sorry that you were hurt, I didn't mean to hurt you. It was just sex. It didn't mean anything."

"I'm not sorry I exposed you to the world. I did mean to hurt you and your future. You took ours away from me." I stared into her eye with total venom. "It was just trust. It meant everything. My lawyer will be sending you a bill for the wedding costs. This is a civil suit. Maybe you and your lover will cough up the cash."

I backed away from the door a foot. "Live in your dream world, but I suppose you will have to be moving soon. Your face and your ass are very recognizable now. I hope that piece of steady extra fuck was all worth it." She yelled at me to wait, but all I did was call back, "Oh, by the way, I got a call from Maria, Jay's wife. You two could move in together. He doesn't have a place to stay either." The door slammed and I went to the living room crying.

By 4 PM, I called work and put in for a transfer to another state. Then a call to a friend that is a realtor. The process to sell began immediately. The memories from me growing up here were the only things keeping me here. It's time to keep certain mementos of my childhood here, and go and have a future.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Need some grammar and syntax editing.

Good story. Try for mote fluid dialogue

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

All about the technique, and nothing about the human beings. Was he really that dense that he was engaged to a self absorbed deceitful immoral whore, but never discerned that she lacked any integrity, values, or self respect. "It was just sex" means that her fucking her fiance' didn't mean anything special go her, she's just a piece of ass and who and how many she fucks is not relevant to anything important. That is the thinking of a sociopath. Whoever was fucking her did the MC a favor.

oldtwitoldtwit8 months ago

Oh I really like this, you didn’t make it so over the top that it was stupid, you kept it near posable,

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Crying?! Pussy wimp

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I like that BTB.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good BTB

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well-written, original story. Thank you.


demanderdemanderover 1 year ago

How could he have missed all her screwing around for so long? D

dgfergiedgfergieover 1 year ago

Not much to say, well written and good reply to the bitches explanation. Cause and effect. Whenever I read one of these I realize they are not far from reality and I always wonder why do people get married?5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I dislike the “send proof to everyone we know” trope. The husband is now telling the world that he got punked. Why do that? I’d send to her parents / siblings. Maybe threaten to send it to nudge her to accepting the divorce

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This whole series makes me vomit, knowing where you are going with it.

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazieralmost 2 years ago

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Nicely done.

MormonJackMormonJackabout 2 years ago

Wow.... terrific. 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Per iameasel "I'm sorry that you were hurt, I didn't mean to hurt you. It was just sex. It didn't mean anything."

Can anyone EVER not use this in every cheating spouse story?

This is how people who can't take responsibility act and talk. What are they going to say, "I'm sorry my actions caused you pain, I meant to hurt you. and the sex was great and very meaningful." This is how guilty people make excuses. If they took responsibility, they wouldn't be there apologizing trying to get back with their husband/boyfriend.

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