24 Hours of Mutual Pleasure

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Eva takes my virginity...but gives me so much more.
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Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 05/31/2024
Created 05/09/2024
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This is the fifth episode in my story series, Years Before.

In the last part, Ruthie had to admit her unhappiness at being used by men after which Eva had proposed an intimate agreement to me that also recognised that Cass meant a great deal to both of us. Another erotic evening between the three of us confirmed it.

In this part, after I meet both Ruthie and Cass the next day, Eva and I dive straight in to our intimate agreement with abandon.

Thank you for reading.


I slept for a long time into Saturday, for me. My head was still playing and replaying the previous night with Eva and Cass. It was an extraordinary few hours and was truly the night of my life, not so long after the previous night of my life!

But I knew this wasn't messing about, boy and girl stuff. Eva had given me her body and feelings and I needed to, wanted to, be careful but then there was Cass too. I wasn't quite expecting my time with Eva to involve Cass so closely again but, ultimately, it was hardly a surprise and didn't feel dirty or sordid. If anything, it was complete trust in each other.

My sexual education was coming from two friends who knew exactly what they were doing. Both Cass and Eva knew what they liked and didn't like. At the same time, though, I told myself not to abuse it -- not to take them for granted.

I took a walk into town in the afternoon to get some cash. An unseasonably warm day for the time of year, it was a good day to be out. Bright sunshine with a breeze as a reminder it wasn't Spring yet. I was still musing around the dynamics of what Cass, Eva and I were when I heard a familiar voice.

"Andy, Andy" I knew that voice. Flashbacks of that morning ran through my head. She shouted to me in exactly the same way as she had whilst Cass and I were not quite having sex.

"Ruthie, you look really good, how are you?"

I had only ever seen Ruthie either in her work clothes or "slob stuff" as she called it. The supermarket where she worked had a particularly bright blue polo shirt that got issued as uniform. Not exactly flattering.

But today, she was obviously dressed to go somewhere. A white shirt over a lemony coloured top and a short white skirt with a few flowers on it. Ruthie had really nice legs too with white tennis-style shoes on. Really different look for her. She had a lovely, bright smile today too with her slightly unruly mop of blonde hair just settling on her shoulders.

"Oh Andy. Yeah, I'm OK, I think. Going out with my best mate today. She bought some tickets to a film so we're doing that. I'm just going back home now. You walking to see Cass?"

I hadn't been but, having got my cash, it was worth the walk to catch up a bit with Ruthie. It was only a week since the night where it was all too much for her and it was certainly a sobering experience to see her pain. I was glad of the chance to make sure she was OK.

"I'm pleased, Ruthie. I know we don't know each other that well but you were so upset last week, it was quite emotional to see how much it affected you."

"I've been thinking about that." Ruthie spoke slower than normal, as if to be sure of every word she was saying. "I think I finally admitted that I was in a bit of a mess and doing dangerous things for the wrong reasons. Our rude chat was really fun but I didn't know, until I was talking about how nasty Steve had been, that I was hurting myself. I've had a quiet week since."

"So, no more Pete?"

"No. Steering clear of it all. No blokes -- just me for now. That was finally enough for me to not put myself in another shitty situation. I've been fucked around enough, if you know what I mean!"

Ruthie's language returning to its usual fruity level -- a sign her mood had lightened.

"You know, Ruthie, I think that there is very rarely any sex without consequences. Your hurt reaffirmed that -- especially as we're witnessing the continuing Cass & David horror show."

Ruthie replied "And that isn't getting any better."

I agreed. If only she knew the other dimension that now existed alongside it.

"Look, you do look brilliant, It's the first time I've seen you dressed up."

Ruthie smiled, "Oh, thanks, Andy. Yes, well I haven't seen Jules, my best mate, in a while and it's nice to wear something that isn't going to end up half off later on!"

We both had a smirk and a giggle at that.

Ruthie continued "Thing is though, it's not what I was going to wear but the top that's under this shirt, I was going to wear on its own. Nice warm day and all that."

"Oh, what went wrong then?"

"Well, I loved the colour and it was cheap and looked my size so I grabbed it and got it home but then didn't think about it."

She was looking down at it as she continued.

"So, a month later I remember it and put it on this morning expecting a nice fit around me 'cos it's not a top you can wear a bra with and it's too fucking low for my tits!"

Typical Ruthie honesty! She was on a roll.

"I must have spent 10 minutes in the mirror pulling it around trying to make it decent on its own, even turned it around to see if it worked back to front but the back was lower than the front and my tits were full out!"

I was laughing by this point. Not just imagining this sight in my mind but Ruthie's increasingly animated and unreserved delivery.

"Anyway, in the end I was determined to wear it so I've borrowed my sister's classy white shirt to cover what I'm now calling my "perky tits top"."

We were both laughing now. She told a good story.

"I mean, look at this." and, without any hint of modesty (although she did give a quick glance around to check there was no-one near), she loosened the top button of her shirt that was done up at the level of her chest and moved it to show her right breast.

I could see what she meant. The join of the bottom of the shoulder strap to the top sat just on her nipple so her areola was showing

"You see, Andy. Couldn't do it without the shirt."

"Mmm, you might be pushing things a bit. The shirt saves it, doesn't it?"

"It does...thankfully. I'm not ready to flash my tits to anyone, you know."

"Except me, maybe. That's a little more of you than I thought I'd see." I said with some amusement in my voice.

"Oh yes, sorry, but, actually, not a spot on what I saw of you a little while ago if you remember, Andy!!" Ruthie winked and we laughed again.

"Yes, I can't argue with that."

Almost at Ruthie's house and with Cass's in sight.

"Look, have a great time, Ruthie. Hope you enjoy the film tonight. You look gorgeous by the way."

"Cheers, Andy. Say hi to Cass for me. Lovely to see you -- and flash you!" Laughing away, she gave me a wink and a kiss on the lips, which was a surprise, and she was off to her house in a really happy mood. I was so pleased she was better.

And so, to Cass's. The door was unlocked so I pushed it open.

"Cass? It's Andy."

A distant voice came

"Hi Andy, upstairs." I made my way up. It made no difference that I was here only 18 or so hours earlier in different circumstances. I always seemed to be here -- no bad thing.

"Hello Superwoman."

"Andy, hello." She came over and gave me a big hug and a kiss. "Have you recovered from our little soiree last night?" she said with a knowing, raised eyebrow.

"Cass, It's invaded every thought since but, yes, I'm good."

"Beautiful man" Cass's hand rested on my cheek for a moment as she looked at me. "Right, I am out tonight. My darling mother had decided we should go out for dinner."

"Oh, your Mum. That's a first in a while."

"I'm sure she wants to lecture me about David. I dare not even allude to any kind of interaction with you. She'll latch onto it like a limpet."

"She takes an interest then."

"Only in order to try and manage my affairs, Andy, and it's my job to avoid that as much as possible!"

"Good luck to you on that. Can I help you?"

"Oh please."

Cass was attempting to manage her way out of one of her myriad fitted dresses and it wasn't quite happening.

"You got to singing lessons then?"

"At the very last moment. I had to run for the train this morning. I was a bit exhausted after last night."

"I know that feeling well."

A well timed yank and the dress was off. Cass now in her bra and knickers looking for the right thing for dinner.

"Ruthie says "Hi". I saw her this afternoon. In fact, I called in because I walked back with her. We were just chatting. She seems OK after last week."

"She is but she's fragile and needs to be treated well, Andy. The whole man thing has just caused her a lot of pain."

It would seem somehow odd if Cass was coy in front of me given our recent interactions and so it was that she whipped off her bra and stood with her hands on her hips with those fulsome, round breasts on show.

"Blue or black bra?"

"Show me the dress."

It was a lower cut number than she usually wore but I guess it was for dinner.

"Blue, in case your neckline moves and the edges of your bra start to show."

"Get you, not only sexy but sartorial advice too. What a catch!"

"Mmm, I think "sexy" doesn't really fit me, does it."

"That, my man, is my judgment and I am right."

"Yes, miss." I replied, complete with mock salute.

She wasn't getting dressed yet so she pulled the gown from last night off the floor, wrapped it around her and we went downstairs. Kettle on and I settled down on the sill of the deep window that looked out to that now familiar garden from the kitchen.

"Cass, can I ask you a question about last night? Something that's been on my mind and, bearing in mind how we are now, I thought I should ask."

"Fire away."

"In the course of that wonderful evening, you came up to us and kissed us both and it looked like you kissed Eva the same way you kissed me which was quite full and deep. I sensed no awkwardness coming from either of you about it. I wanted to know if there was a "Cass and Eva" thing at all that I wasn't aware of?"

Cass stirred our tea, sugared them up and we moved into the living room.

"Get comfy. Andy. I have a story to tell you."

With the tea sitting on a table in front of us within reach, Cass and I took opposite ends of the sofa and found a comfortable position with our legs across each other.

"You remember that night where we were confessing about things we'd done and stuff. Well, I told you my first sexual experience was with a woman -- well that woman was Eva."

"OK." This was something new.

"When my Mum and Dad split up, I was not far short of my 'A' levels and Eva went from being my best friend to the person I almost entirely relied on to keep me on the straight and narrow."

I recalled what Eva had said about what state Cass had been before on the night of David letting her down.

"Once the exams were out of the way, Eva knew I didn't want to be by myself so she asked her parents if I could go with them to their holiday house for their next week. So, I went."

Cass paused for a moment, as if to gather her thoughts.

"Just being with a happy family was great. Eva became the closest person I had. One day, her parents left us at the house and it was one of those moments where we just felt so close, so tight, that I kissed her. She didn't retreat and we spent an afternoon together. Very close, intimate but not penetration...just naked, undisturbed. I think we both discovered something about our sexual sides but in the context of our unconditional closeness as friends. We were physical and passionate and enjoying it together."

"And that has carried through to now?"

"Well, we're friends without any borders or secrets and you're part of that now."

"So that is why Eva is so comfortable about you and I being close if you feel you need it."

"Well, last night, while you were laid out, Eva suggested that I should be involved. I hoped you liked it."

"I can't tell you how special that was. You know Eva held my hand at the end, when I came."

"Yes, it was beautiful. By God, I wanted it...you...all of it. Naked, you & me fucking, her. Now, so, it's us three together, no secrets. I know you're seeing her tonight. Love her, let her love you. We all know what we're doing and she wants you so much."

For a moment, I was happy with my intuition but happier that there would clearly be nothing kept back between Cass and Eva and, therefore, them and me. It felt like a very unique but freeing place to be. No-one would be hurt.

"So," Cass was happy and smiling "you might like to know that Eva and I have come to one conclusion."

"Oh, and what is that, Cass?"

Cass moved her foot to place it firmly on my groin.

"That your cock is quite thick and substantial."

"Oh, really!" I tried very hard not to drop my tea all over me.

"Yes, I've had a little while to think about it, but it's not about length, more width. Very, very pleasing though. It's a lovely size to suck on."

At which point, Cass reached for my tea from my hand, put it on the table, pushed herself forward so she was over me and kissed me, a playful kiss with her tongue just touching mine. Her gown slipped allowing her breasts some freedom. Bare, they were resting on my shirt. She was unconcerned and so was I. She swung her legs round, shook herself free of the gown and laid on me, topless, for a while.

"Cass." I laid my hand on her now bare shoulder.

"Mmm, big boy." Cue laughter from us both.

"I adore being with you. Cass. You know that but I do have David in mind."

"I know, you're that kind of guy but, if things don't change, he's heading out permanently as far as I'm concerned. I've had more positive physical desire from you than anytime lately with him, you know that."

"So, this sounds like you've set a date for him to either get himself sorted with you or go. Have you?"

"Yes. end of July."

"OK, so six months-ish"

"Yes, I'm going to try until then but, if nothing happens, he's on his way soon after. I've had enough of the inequality of how we are."

I couldn't disagree. He was a hopeless individual and it did cross my mind that I could make her happier.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready now, Cass?"

She jumped up. "Oh shit, yes, can you help me please?"

So, straight upstairs and there I am, helping her hustle herself into fresh underwear and the dress she was wearing for dinner with her Mum, holding bits of jewellery, hairclips and hairbrushes. I literally got her out the door to the cab, locked the door and handed her the keys. With a peck on the cheek, I sent her on her way.

"Enjoy tonight, Andy." shouted Cass through the open taxi window. I had a feeling I would enjoy that more than Cass would enjoy her night.


6pm and I was at Eva's door. She greeted me with a lovely smile.

"Come on in, Andy." I dropped my bag and we embraced, sharing a long, developing kiss.

Eva looked great. She had one of her bohemian dresses on. Different light colours with buttons down the front, although I noticed they weren't buttoned up, instead being held in place by another long necklace. Her hair was tied up a little today, the first time I'd seen it so. tied low at the line of her shoulders.

We went into the kitchen. Eva flicked the kettle on and immediately came over to me and took my hands.

"I'm so happy you're here, Andy. This is very different for me -- having a man round to the house, you know."

"So, you never had anyone round?"

"Well, boyfriends a bit when I was younger but Mum and Dad were very clear that they stayed downstairs and once exams were around, no boys."

We spoke for some time about our respective school days and, also, our differing experiences with the opposite sex. We moved to the sofa, Eva with her bare legs across me, a large window out to the garden behind us.

"So, Eva. How do you feel after last night?"

"Oh Andy I..." She took a few seconds. "I have never felt so close to someone physically like that. And what you did to me to find my orgasm. I just loved it. You made me feel..." She smiled at me and let out a long "Mmmm" as she shook her upper body.

"That good?"

"That good. Definitely."

"I hope we can continue on that vein today, Eva. By the way, I did buy some condoms, you know..."

"No, you won't need them. I'm on the pill and, if I wasn't before, I would be if it meant getting the full experience of this!" She placed her hand directly on my groin, inspiring some immediate reaction "See, it's moving already!" We both laughed.

For a while we just sat and kissed and enjoyed each other's company. I noticed that Eva's unbuttoned dress revealed enough to tell me her top half was bare beneath it.

"Can I say, Eva, that I find the whole "unbuttoned no bra" thing quite sexy?"

"Well, it's not like my tits are going to fall out my dress. I'm certainly not Cass! But I like showing you that I'm not far from being naked with you. It excites me."

"So, I popped into Cass's this afternoon, mainly because I got talking to Ruthie and walked her to her house. She seems better now and has sworn herself off men, it seems."

"Well, that would be a change for her. I'm glad she's OK."

I decided to land upon what Cass told me earlier.

"I happened to notice the kiss you and Cass shared in front of me last night in the heat of things and I noticed it was quite...intense so I asked Cass about it and she told me about the summer holiday."

"Oh, I'm glad. I was going to tell you today as well so she's saved me a job. It was a beautiful thing to happen."

"Cass didn't go into too much detail."

"Well, we just spent a couple of hours undressing and touching and kissing. There was no deep sexual conquest. It was just two women sharing a closeness that, actually, we both needed that day. A bit of close mutual pleasure...comforting almost."

"That explains a great deal."

"How so, Andy?"

"Because you are both so relaxed around each other. I mean, both times we've all been intimate together now, I never felt there was any...timidity between you both, being naked in each other's presence...or sexual for that matter."

"Very perceptive of you. We only ever kissed and touched, there was no climax or anything but it's given us a very deep connection."

It was an unusual feeling for us to be together with no-one else around.

"This is very peaceful, Eva. I'm glad you asked me to stay."

"Well...let me be honest with you, Andy. I'm hoping that we will...have sex together and I didn't want that to happen with anyone else around...including Cass. And I know it's your first time and I want that to be special for you. I want this to be for us."

I took up her hands and kissed them. "Eva, that is just so thoughtful, thank you. Listen, tell me about what you like. I don't just want us here now to be about me. And be honest, bits you don't like too."

"OK. Well, one thing. I actually like being naked a lot of the time when I can at home alone. That's what inspired my attitude to underwear when I'm out sometimes."

"Would you be more comfortable if we got undressed now?"

"Are you sure, Andy? I don't want to rush you."

"Eva, stand up for me."

We stood to face each other. I undid my shirt, took it off and placed it on the sofa. Eva reached forward and undid my belt and jeans and lowered my zip. I drew her close and felt her hands push underneath my underwear onto my bum.

"That's nice, Eva. I like your hands on me."

"Do you? Is that something you enjoy?"

"Well, I know I like you touching me. If you want to continue so I'm naked, that's good for me."

Eva, still where she was slowly pushed down and I felt my erect penis become free as Eva sank to her knees to help me step out of my clothes. I was nude. Eva stood up.

"Andy, if you would like to do the same for me?"

I sank down on one knee and, by the bottom hem of her dress, slowly gathered up her dress, revealing, as I went, that Eva was, indeed, naked underneath it. I lifted it up, over her head and from her arms. Her longish necklace stayed in place, resting as ever between her breasts.