3 Families Vol. 01 Ch. 04


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"You wouldn't dare." Abbey said quickly pulling away.

"Want to bet." Alex smiled.

"Besides you couldn't hold me down and spank me." Abbey lifted up the back of her shirt and flashed her panty clad ass.

"I'll take that challenge." Alex said as he chased her into the hall. She got to her bedroom door and tried to close it but he pushed in before she could.

"Ah, bubba." She ran for her bed but before she could he grabbed her arm. "No."

"Got you." Alex said as he wrapped his arm around her waist and started to tickle her with both hands. She squirmed trying to get free, her boobs jiggling about in her shirt as she laughed, and her ass rubbing against his crotch making him hard again. Alex pulled her back as they fell onto the bed. Alex grabbed the back of her shirt flashing her panties.

"What are you doing" Abbey looked back at him.

"Giving you your birthday spankings." He grinned.

"You wouldn't dare." She teased.

"Say mercy and I will stop." Alex teased. It was a rule with all of the kids when they horse played around that if someone said mercy the other person had to stop. Mostly so no one got hurt, either emotionally or physically. The only time Alex ever said it was when Jo practiced her arm locks on him without warning.

"Never." Abbey elbowed him in the stomach hard, knocking the wind out of him. She was getting like Jo and not pulling her punches he thought. She used it to try and get away but he grabbed her and pulled her back tossing her over his lap and lifting her shirt again.

"Alex don't you dare." She put her left arm back but he grabbed it hooked his left arm under her left arm and grabbed her wrist locking both arms behind her back.

"Last chance, say mercy." He smiled. He looked over and noticed he could see their reflection in the mirror. She was looking at it too, at the way she was her tits where hanging down in her shirt dangling about as she fought to get free.

"Nope." She grinned shaking her head.

"Okay." Alex looked down at her ass and gave her a nice little smack watching it jiggle. "Two." He gave her other cheek a smack watching it jiggle as well.

"That all you got." She teased.

"Three." Alex gave her a nice smack as he made her ass cheek jiggle as she whimpered a bit." "Four." He smacked the other. "Five." He looked up at her in the mirror as he struck her ass again watching her boobs bounce forward as he smacked her behind. "Six." Striking the other ass set her tits bouncing again, Alex's hard on rubbing against her stomach. "Say Mercy." He grinned.

"You hit like a sissy." Abbey was egging him on the stubborn little shit. Her ass was a little pink as he looked back down at it.

"Seven." Alex said smacking her ass harder as he made it ripple. "Eight. Nine. Ten." He said as he went faster moving back and forth from ass cheek to cheek, she whimpered with each strike. Her eyes where closed but her mouth was open, her tits heaving in time with each strike. "Eleven, Twelve." He said stopping as her right tit had popped out of her shirt, her ass slightly reddish now. "Had enough?"

"Mom spanks harder than that." Abbey stuck her tongue out at him in response. Part of him knew he shouldn't but he grabbed her panties and pulled them down, exposing her ass. He looked back at her as she looked at him in shock, but smiling.

"Okay you asked for it." Alex raised his hand up in the air and landed it hard on her filling the room with a clasping noise, not hard enough to hurt her but enough for it to sting. "Thirteen, Fourteen." Going back and forth from cheek, she moaned with each smack, her tits bouncing about. "Fifteen, sixteen, seventeen." The look on her face indicated that she was almost enjoying her brother spanking her. By the time he landed the last smack Alex swore he would cum just from her stomach rubbing his crotch, between her now bright red rippling ass and her loose tit flopping about he was more than aroused. Alex pulled up her panties and let her up. She fixed her top and sat up looking at him.

"Butthole." She playfully pouted and rubbed her ass.

"You could have stopped me at any time." Alex teased pulling her into is lap.

"Why, you hit like a girl." She shrugged.

"Oh! You know you liked it." He teased.

"Now you're going to get it." Abbey tried to elbow him in the stomach again but he knew it was coming this time.

"You know I forgot something. A pinch for good luck." Alex grabbed his sister's nipple through her shirt pinching it. She squirmed and tossed her head back busting Alex in the lip.

"Mmph!" Alex said as he fell back onto the bed holding his mouth and sucking his lip.

"That's what's what you get when you mess with me." Abs said as she sat on his stomach.

"Fuck that hurt." He laughed.

"Let me see." She leaned in as he stuck out his lip.

"Ah little baby got a boo boo, you want me to kiss it and make it better." She teased. He was sure it was probably no bigger than a paper cut, but it stung like a paper cut too; funny how shallow cuts hurt worst then deep ones sometimes.

"Yeah would you." He stuck out his lip.

"Okay." She leaned down and kissed him at first it was just a peck but as she kissed him she suckled softly at his sore lip. He began to kiss her also, she had never been shy about kissing him on the lips but this was deeper than usual as she sucked his lip. It stung but he hated when she had stopped.

"Better." She leaned back.

"You got a little blood on your top lip." He smiled. She ran her tongue over her lip licking the blood away.

"Better?" She asked. He nodded finding it somewhat sweet and sexy. "I should make you kiss my butt it's all red now." She said as she hopped off of him and stood up.

"Okay." He sat up and bent down giving her a kiss on her soft ass cheek.

"Ewe, Bubba." She jumped ran a couple steps away wiping her ass.

"What I still have seventeen more kisses to go." Alex grinned.

"Pervert." She teased looking at him.

"You know you still love me." He smiled.

"Someone has to." Abbey bit her lip and looked at him. "I am going to hop in mom's shower so you can use ours." Good Alex thought, because he really needed to go jack off.


It had been a long, but fun day Alex thought, apart from the salted popcorn on his busted lip at the movies. Spending the morning with Abbey then taking her to her surprise party. It was good to see her happy and smiling again.

Alex toweled off his hair and sat down at his computer checking out the pictures he had downloaded. They were mostly of naked women; though there were some hardcore picture sets as well. He mostly looked at dirty pictures online since it took forever to download even a small movie clip with the damn dial up. Though his favorite pictures where those of his mother which he now knew by heart without the need to look, (he probably still would look at them before he crawled into bed and jacked off); but he liked a little Varity ever now and then.

He clicked onto some pictures he had downloaded of a sexy redhead, grinning as he thought of Jo as he scrolled through the pictures. Sure she preferred girls which meant he never stood a chance but knowing she was a lesbian made her somewhat hotter. His dreams of ever being with her were dashed, not that he had much chance since she was his cousin, but he would be happy just watching her with another girl, he mused.

"Hey Alex." He heard Abbey say as his door opened and she came inside.

"Jeezz don't you knock." Alex said sitting up straight as he closed the pictures.

"Sorry I was just bringing your camera back." Abbey pouted. He couldn't help but notice she was wearing the cute little baby doll nightie his Aunt had bought her saying every woman needed lingerie. It was sexy yet not overly revealing so she could wear it front of him.

"It's okay." Alex shrugged; it was his own fault for not locking the door. "I thought you were in bed."

"I couldn't sleep." Abbey smiled and put her arms behind her back as she crept over and put his camera down on the desk. He had taken pictures during the party and let her borrow it to put them on the family computer. "Were you looking at dirty pictures?"

"No I would never do that." He shook his head. Knowing full well she had probably already seen what was on the screen as it was facing the door.

"Liar." She put her arms around him and her breasts touched the back of his head. He couldn't help but lean back against her tits. They made great pillows.

"You know mom says you will go blind if you keep doing that." She put her head on top of his.

"What, who said that." He played looking around.

"Can I see?" She asked catching him a little by surprise.

"What?" He glanced up.

"Can I see what you were looking at?" She leaned over his shoulder.

"What! No way, mom would kill me." Though maybe not. She had given him his first dirty magazines and dads old porn to boot. He just wasn't sure what mom would think of him showing it to his little sister.

"I won't tell, besides I am old enough now." She smiled; proud she could now say she was eighteen.

"Abbey I don't know." He remembered the last time he looked at porn with his big sister. Abbey wasn't Nicky though.

"Wouldn't you rather you show me than I look up this on my own." He hated when she used the little sister card. Who knows what she would look up or accidently stumble across, a web search of young women's water sports for example shouldn't be done without some kind of porn filter. "Please." She said as she walked around and looked at him with her big brown eyes and bit her bottom lip. Damn she was all grown up and still playing that card.

"Fine." Alex groaned. He went through the few folders he used to hide his porn. Luckily the pictures of mom where hidden in another folder. Once under his porn photos he pulled up the folder of different girls.

"Wow, there are a lot of girls." She said.

"Click that one." She pointed to the screen. Alex pulled up the girl and began clicking through the pictures.

"Wow, those girls show everything." She said as she got closer and leaned over the desk. "Can I?" She asked looking at the mouse. He let her take it as she went through folder after folder looking at the different girls.

"Do you think these girls are pretty?" She looked over at him.

"Yeah I would say so." He shrugged. Alex would say he had a type per say. He loved slim girls like Jo, to chubby girls like his sister, older women like his mom, bigger butt girls like Kat and Candy.

"Do you have any pictures of guys?" She grinned over at him.

"No I am not gay." He shrugged.

"You know with girls." She smiled. He shrugged and took the mouse and backed up and click on his folder labeled 'hardcore'. They were less sets and more just an assortment of dirty pictures he liked. She quickly took the mouse back and clicked on one.

"Holy crap." She covered her face and giggled as the first picture had a guy and girl on a bed his cock deep in her pussy. She clicked on the next which was a girl looking up at a guy off camera with his cock in her mouth and balls in hand.

"Ewe. Do girls really do that?" She covered her mouth.

"Some depends on the girl." He shrugged, not as many as he would like. Emily would but she never got into it like he wanted. Not like his first time he thought.

"Why?" She glanced over at him.

"Because it feels good silly." He poked her nose.

"Candy says she has done it with her boyfriend several times." Abbey smiled.

"See you should ask her about it then." He said, though he wouldn't be able to look his cousin straight in the face again, at least not without picturing his cock in her mouth. Why did Abbey have to tell him that?

"I just want to know why guys like it." She shrugged.

"I don't know, like I said it feels really good and it's not like sex. The mouth has more moving parts. The girl can lick it and kiss it." He smiled.

"Just seems nasty." She said sticking out her tongue and squinting.

"Guys do it to girls also, you know lick them down there." He pointed down to her crotch.

"Really?" She looked at him grinning.

"Well not all guys." His sis had been right about girls. If you asked them for sex they would most likely say no, but if you offered to eat a girl out her legs usually spread open pretty damn quick; finger her a little as well and she might let you stick something bigger inside.

"Do you?" His sister smiled at him.

"Yeah, I have." He nodded. A grin played across her face as she looked back at the screen.

"And some girls too apparently." She said as the next picture was of two girls in a lesbian sixty-nine.

"Sorry there is some girl on girl in there." She just giggled and went through the pictures one by one. She didn't seem too shocked by most of them.

"Here! I thought you were all sweet and innocent." He teased.

"I am Sweet." She grinned back at him though she didn't say anything about being Innocent. It's always the ones you least expect he thought.

Alex leaned back in his chair as he watched her face with each new picture. He couldn't help but glance over at her ass which was up in the air as it shifted back and forth a little as she rubbed her thighs together. Shit was she getting aroused. He knew he was but resisted the urge to reach down and rub himself. He reached over and caressed her thigh. She glanced back at him and smiled; most likely thinking it was an invitation as she slid over and sat in his lap wiggling a little to make herself comfortable as her pussy rubbed his crotch a little.

"Bubba, do you think I am pretty?" His sister frowned.

"What kind of question is that?" He touched her thigh.

"It's just; boys at school don't really notice me. I don't look like these girls in the pictures. I am short and fat." She leaned her head against him pouting.

"You are not fat, and you're taller than Candy and Kitty and they both have no problem getting guys." He stroked her back.

"Yes I am Alex; I got big breasts and thighs, and a wide ass." She sighed.

"You say it like it's a bad thing." He laughed. They were his favorite things about her, not counting her adorable face.

"Here I want to show you something." He gave her a little pat on the ass thinking of this morning. He walked over and opened the bottom draw of his dresser and pulled out the stack of magazines mom had given him, there used to be some old dirty VHS tapes in the bottom as well, but Alex gave them to Jo since he had given her his VCR last summer. He plopped them down on his bed and sat down; she sat on the other side of the stack.

"Mom gave me these, they were dads." He picked one up and opened it to show her a very busty and slightly chubby girl in various poses. "See skinny girls are not the only kind of girls guys like to look at naked. A smile crossing her lips as she took the magazine and looked at the girls who were more like her. "You can be a little chubby, maybe not every guy will find you sexy, but some will, and all you have to do is find one that thinks you are as beautiful as I know you are." He brushed her hair aside and kissed her playfully on the neck.

"Bubba." She giggled and blushed looking at him smiling.

"I mean it, you're just as beautiful as any of these girls, plus you got the one thing every guy wants."

"What's that?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Big boobs." He pointed at her breasts. "You just need to work on your self-confidence a little." He said as he stood up. "Which gives me an idea."

"Come on Smile." He picked up his camera pointing it at her as he turned it on.

"Bubba, I am in my undies." She blushed looking away.

"So, no one is going to see these but you and me, and you can delete them afterwards." Not that he wouldn't mind having pictures of her in her nightie and panties he thought, but he would let her delete them if she wanted to afterwards.

"Fine." She smiled and struck a little pose as she put the magazine down.

"Nice, work it." He teased as she went through different poses." Now, put your hands behind your head and arch your back." She did as he said causing her breasts to push outward as he snapped a variety of poses laughing and smiling as she did. He was surprised when she turned a little and slid the bra strap down her arm looking over her shoulder as she giggled slightly flipping her hair back. "Beautiful." He snapped the picture making her blush.

"Now slide your strap down your arm like you're taking it off." She giggled but reached over and slid the strap of her nightie down a little showing some of her breast as she did. He saw a bit of her areola peeking out the top. She bit her lip as she looked up at him.

"Okay now cup your breast like the strap fell off." He teased. To his surprise she reached in and cupped her breast with one hand and let the strap fall. Though her nipple was covered he could see more of her areola peeking through her fingers.

"Like this?" She said as she smiled.

"Perfect." He smiled snapping the picture. "Now the other one too."

"Bubba." She bushed.

"What you already got one of them out." He teased.

"Fine." She slid her strap down her shoulder as she covered herself with her wrist and then slid her hand down to cover her nipple. She sat there with her arms crossed, a tit in both hand. Her baby doll hanging from her elbows.

"Nice, work it." He took several pictures. "Okay switch hands. I will turn around." He smiled and turned taking a second to adjust his rock hard cock in his sweatpants.

"Okay." She said letting him know it was safe to turn around.

"That's it." He said taking a couple of shots. "Now lean forward a bit, let them hang down in your hands." She did just that as she bent over letting her puppies hang a little. "Perfect." After he took a picture she sat back up and uncovered her nipples, flashing her beautiful tits and quickly covered them back.

"Peekaboob." She giggled making her breasts shake in her hands.

"Wow." He said feeling a little stunned by her bold move.

"Bubba..." She bit her bottom lip. "Can we do some nude poses? I understand if you don't want to." She blushed.

"If you want." He shrugged trying to contain his excitement.

"Okay." She let her hands slide slowly from her tits showing off her beautiful breasts but kept her arms close to her, shyly.

"Just Beautiful." He snapped the picture, she blushed as she smiled and let her arms down.

"How do you want me to pose bubba?"

"Depends on whether you want to be just sexy or a little naughty." He grinned. He was fucking loving this but he wanted her to feel comfortable. She had been the one to want to show her breasts so he figured he would take things at her pace.

"A little naughty." She grinned. Yep not as innocent as she looked, he thought.

"Naughty it is, Hold them up." He said. She grabbed the bottom of her tits and held them up for him as he took a few pictures. "Nice. Now press them together." She squashed them between her hands, fuck! he wanted to wedge his dick between those two beautiful tits. "Okay now touch your nipples like this." He ran his own fingers in a circle around his chest.

"Like this." She said as she touched herself rubbing her nipples under her fingers.

"Yep." He said snapping a couple of pictures.

"That actually feels kind of nice." She giggled.

"We can stop at any time you get uncomfortable." He smiled at her.

"No, I am good. This is fun." She smiled.

"Okay now pinch your nipples. Roll them between your fingers." She giggled as she did; he swore he heard a little moan escape her lips. He took a couple of pics.

"Good, now give them a little tug." She pinched each nip and pulled at her teat as she lifted them, pulling a little harder then he would have thought as she stretched her teats slightly.

"Okay now, do like she is doing. Give each one a little kiss while looking at me." He pointed down to the magazine at the girl she had last been looking at.