3 M's, My Many Mothers Ch. 01


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"Do it Danny. Do it for me. Just this once. You deserve it." Kat growled.

She had me wound up like a top. I was right on the edge.

"Are you sure?" I asked stupidly.

"I want it and Nikki wants it for you also! Do it for both of us!" Mom shrieked.

That was it! My cock spewed cum up her back and on my chest. She pushed her back against me trapping the warm goo between us. I rolled onto my back. Kat got up and retrieved the towel from the bathroom. She cleaned me up and then allowed me to clean her back.

"Get your boxers and come down and sleep with me." Kat ordered.

"Can I trust you?" I asked half teasing.

"For the rest of the night you can. But tomorrow..."

I slept in her bed with her that night. The next day we talked about how I was still not comfortable having sex with her or any other woman. I don't think she understood. How could she when I didn't understand it myself. I had a feeling one day soon I would.

Later that week Mom had gotten word that the people she worked for had sold their business to a large agency. The details were still being worked out but they would be giving her a generous severance. She put on a brave face but I knew she was terrified inside.

Friday I received a call from the current coach from the football team. He asked if I could come and meet him Saturday. I explained that I worked during the day but would be available in the evening or Sunday. He asked if he could come out Sunday afternoon.

Coach Watkins was at our door and beside him was Coach Andersen, the one whose house I had been to. I welcomed them in. Mom and I listened to their pitch. Besides the passing of my two friends others were suspended from the team for being involved at the party contributing to their deaths. The team was decimated. Some of the guys I played flag football with recommended me. Coach Andersen had also called the current coach.

I had a long talk with George. He agreed that I should give it a try. Coach Andersen started me on a training regimen to build body weight and strength. When I joined the team I played wide receiver tipping the scales at just over 180 pounds. In time I would become a force to be reckoned with. My speed was better, my strength was greater, but mostly I was more durable. We had a good year despite our shortcomings.

Football was over with and I was on to basketball. I had just turned nineteen in September. Tall and lanky I was still not bigger than most of my teammates. On other fronts Kat was no longer employed. She planned to take a couple of weeks off but was now just hanging out at home.

Mom was miserable and now so was I. Nikki was back in college, jammed with classes so she could graduate early, because of that she was seldom around. With school, sports and some work I was busy also. I knew I had to do something.

"I thought you were supposed to go interview at the new agency?" I asked Monday night over dinner.

"I will. I just need to get prepared. I have never worked in a place with so many people!" Mom replied. I knew she was stalling.

"Kathryn, tomorrow you will set up an interview. After dinner we are going to the mall and get you a new outfit." When there was no reply I knew I had gotten my point across. That night with the help of a great salesperson we bought Kat a new business suit.

The next day Kat informed me her interview was scheduled for Thursday at ten thirty with a Mr. Sheets.

Thursday I was in my second period class when I had a feeling something was wrong. I looked at the clock, my class would be over in fifteen minutes. I decided then I would call her. The bell rang I bolted out the door, the image of our house flashed through my head. I went past the locker straight to the parking lot.

I pulled in the drive opening the garage door. I could see her car was still parked inside. I was in the house in a flash. I looked around the living room and then her bedroom. Mom was not in the bathroom. I stood in the hall looking at the stairs to my room.

"Kat what's wrong?" I asked stopping at the top of the stairs. She was curled up in my bed crying. I looked at the clock it was just past ten. "Kathryn! Get your ass out of that bed and get yourself dressed right now!"

I gave her my sternest look and grabbed her hand. She was in her robe. She smelled fresh from the shower. I led her down stairs and waited for her to get dressed. She fixed her hair but would have to do her makeup in the truck I looked at the clock it was ten thirty. Setting beside me she used the rear view mirror for her makeup.

We reached the agency office I pulled into a visitor spot just in front of the building.

"Relax and be yourself." I said calmly. Kat looked terrified.

I gave her a long gentle kiss on the lips so as not to smudge her lipstick. Kat stopped shaking but was still nervous. I gripped her hand and helped her out my door. I looked at the building and could see a tall dark hair woman looking out the window at us.

I could see several other people standing with her in the office talking to each other. Ignoring the others the striking woman was looking directly at us. With a tilt of her head she smiled at us. Something about her struck me odd. It was the way she focused on Kat and then me. Her whole body language was wrong for work.

This woman was completely focused on us. Sizing us up. I knew that look, it was very familiar. It's the same look I give people when I am searching for clues. Holding mom's hand the whole time we walked to the entrance. Kat started shaking again when we reached the outer door.

"Mom settle down, it will be ok. They aren't going to make a decision today. They just want to talk to you. Relax. Be yourself and you'll be fine." I tried to calm her down.

I kissed her on the cheek this time. We entered the foyer a long reception desk was in front, a glass conference room to our left. To the right was the glass office where the woman still stood with the other people. Behind the reception desk are rows of cubicles the quiet roar of business being conducted there.

"Tell them you're here. Don't mention why you're late. I'll sit here in the chairs and wait for you." I whispered. Nervously mom walked to the counter. My seat was near the conference room looking at the office and the counter.

"Hello I am. I am Ms. Masters. I am here to see Mr. Sheets." Kat explained.

I noticed the woman in the office walking out, the group followed her. They passed within feet of Kat waiting at the counter.

"Ms. Masters, I am Kevin Sheets what can I do for you?" He was short and terse.

"I have an interview scheduled with you." Kat was shifting nervously.

"Did have an interview. You were to be here at ten thirty. It's now almost eleven. If you can't be here on time you do not need this job!" Kevin said condescendingly.

The woman heard this. She held her hand up and stopped, the troupes stopped with her. Turning she indicated the troupes should continue on. She stood well to the side and rear of Mr. Sheets silently watching and glancing at me on occasion.

"I know I am late, and to be honest it was avoidable. It's just." Kat held back her tears. Mom looked at me briefly. I knew she thought of all those times I wanted to give up on myself.

"Mr. and Mrs. Turner suggested I come here. Maybe I can reschedule?" She was gaining confidence as her words came out. The woman looked at her and then at me. Even the receptionist seemed to understand her predicament.

"Wait here a minute I have something to take care of. I'll be back shortly." Mr. Sheets turned his back and left Kat standing at the counter.

The woman passed right by mom and headed straight to me. Her heels clicked on the tile floor. I stood as she stopped in front of me. A smile crossed her face as I did.

"Sharon Peterson and you must be?" She took a quick glance back to the counter. Mom's back was to us, she extend her hand.

"Daniel Master's. That's my mom." I shook her hand confidently. She crooked her head at my admission.

"So Daniel, why is she late?" Sharon was much like Eve. She has the innate ability to be both forceful and polite.

"Kat has worked for the Turner's for over twelve years. It was just the three of them. They did the selling and mom ran the office. She did almost everything alone." I explained.

We both looked at her patiently waiting for Mr. Sheets to return. I could see Sharon was just as unnerved seeing her standing alone as I was.

"Mom is a bit overwhelmed by the possibility of working with so many other people. She was a bit shy about coming. Kat will be fine, she just needs some time to get acclimated." I said. "She is good at what she does just ask the Turner's. She is as good as any of these people I bet, heck maybe even better!" Sharon looked back to the counter I could see she wasn't happy with Mr. Sheets.

"So your mom knows the customers?" Sharon turned her attention back to me.

"Most on a first name basis. Any changes or updates she handled personally. Kat probably knows more about the clients than the Turner's do." I replied looking to see if Mr. Sheets returned.

"Thank you Daniel. I believe you." Sharon reached out to shake my hand again.

"Ma'am it was all my pleasure I am sure." I shook her hand and waited for her to return to her office before I sat down. I could see her pick up a phone and speak briefly then hung up.

Mr. Sheets returned to the counter. "I am sorry Ms. Masters but my schedule is full. I have no openings for you." He turned and walked away.

Kat turned and gathered herself walking in my direction. I could see her disappointment. I stood waiting for her to reach me. I saw Sharon walking out of her office to the counter mom had just been standing at. I indicated Kat should wait for me.

"Ms. Peterson." I waited so as not to interrupt. Sharon turned to face me. "Thank you for not making her wait any longer. I think he has humiliated her enough." I said clearly. "Again thank you." I turned to leave.

"Daniel wait!" Sharon called out.

I turned to face her. She looked me up and down then looked at mom.

"Would you ask Kathryn to join us in my office?" Sharon asked. I gathered mom and stood at her office door.

"Come in, would you both please have a seat? I'll just be a minute." She picked up her phone. "Kevin would you please come to my office? Thank you."

Moments later Kevin showed up at her door.

"Kevin, Ms. Masters will be joining our staff as of Monday." Sharon said firmly. She turned to mom. "Is Monday ok with you?"

"Why yes. Of course!" Kat replied. Mom could hardly believe what was happening.

"As I was saying, she will be here Monday. I want you to have Heather come see me when I am done here. Kat. May I call you Kat?" Sharon asked, mom nodded. "Kat will be taking her position so Heather can be promoted. That is all. You may go."

Kevin turned red in the face and left.

"Kathryn I have to tell you, your son is an amazing young man. Please be here on time Monday we start at nine. It would look bad for the rest of the staff if they thought I was playing favorites. Any questions?"

"Ms. Peterson. I understand you are offering Kat a position here but what will the compensation be?" I asked tilting my head with confidence.

"Ah yes. Her agent I see. Well how about we start her at her previous wage plus ten percent?" She tossed the ball back in my court.

"Plus commissions!" I volleyed back.

"Commissions? What commissions?" She seemed shocked.

"Ms. Peterson you bought the business from the Turner's but once clients find out the Turner's are no longer their agents they will feel free to go anywhere to get their insurance. My guess, and I'm sure yours, is if they were contacted by someone they were familiar with, let's just use my mom for an example, most would likely stay." I said smiling.

"I'm listening." Sharon chuckled.

"Now you pay your sales force to pick up new business but the cost to retain existing customers significantly affects the bottom line. If these clients decided to leave you may be able to retain what? Maybe 25%? Just a guess, but if Kat gets involved I bet it would be closer to 75%." I explained. "That and if they do leave and then you get them back you would pay the full commission on the new sale. So my suggestion is she gets compensation for any clients she can retain. If she doesn't you are out nothing."

"What you are suggesting is quite unique." Sharon replied

"The person you are getting is quite unique." I looked over at Kat.

"Mr. Masters you have a deal." She stood at her desk and extended her hand. I shook it and so did Kat.

"Thank you Ms. Peterson." Kat gushed. Mom and I walked to the door to leave.

"Daniel. May I make a suggestion?" Sharon asked.

"By all means." I replied.

"This is a large office. Public displays of affection can keep the rumor mills working overtime here."

"I understand. I'll remember that." I moved into the hall outside her office. "Thank you Ms. Peterson. Mom will be here on time Monday." I announced clearly to anyone within earshot.

I took mom's hand in mine as we started to leave. Sharon and I exchanged one last knowing smile as I walked past her office windows. I helped mom in the truck and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. Sharon tilted her head one last time before we left.

I was on the first team in basketball no longer the wimpy kid being pushed around. The Christmas break was a needed time off. Eve offered to fly us to Florida but with Kat's new job and Uncle George needing me on site we decided to stay home. Kat was disappointed when Nikki didn't visit, but her parents took a much need trip to see family that weren't able to come to Kyle's funeral.

I knew how important it was to her. I was feeling the loss of Kyle and Carlton both. Sure I had other friends but none as close as they were. Also on my mind was the fact that I needed to sort through college offers.

Christmas day was a special occasion. With mom's new job and additional income I decided we could finally get her a new vehicle. The day before Christmas they delivered it hiding it in the garage while we were at George's for a family get together.

On Christmas Eve, Kat and I went to George and Sally's where we had a great time. We drove my truck. I left the keys in her car and the side door open. They were to back the new car in at an angle with a big bow on top. When we came home I opened the overhead door and the trucks lights illuminated the new car. Mom was completely stunned of course. She started hugging and kissing me for many minutes before and after she sat in it.

Christmas morning I was hoping to slumber in bed. It was earlier than I hoped when I heard mom slowly ascend the steps. I faked being asleep when she sat on the edge of the bed.

"Are you coming down sleepyhead?" Mom said knowing I was awake.

"Awe it's Christmas, can't a guy get some sleep?" I laughed turning to face her.

Kat was wearing her satin robe and from the looks of her nipples little else below it.

"You have presents to open!" Mom grinned. "You used to love to open presents."

"Well how about I just open this one?" I teased reaching for her hand.

Kat stopped smiling. She looked at me in earnest. My hand held hers I could feel how conflicted she was.

"Are you sure Daniel?" Kat asked her eyes never leaving mine.

"Can I trust you?" I replied smiling.

"It's your present, do with it what you will." Kat teased.

"So you're giving it to me?" I asked for clarification.

Kat knew what I meant by that. She raised me too well to know there could be no question of her intentions. Kat nodded. Still I waited. Knowing me as she did mom slipped the top of her robe off displaying her tits to me.

"Kiss me Daniel!" Kat whispered.

I sat up and took her in my arms. Sitting on my lap we kissed passionately for several minutes. I worked my hand inside her robe and up her back. Mom quivered in anticipation. Slowly our suppressed desires took hold. I pulled the robe from her body further unwrapping my present.

"Mom you are so beautiful!" I said just trying to be honest.

"Thank you son." Kat replied naturally.

"I'm really not just saying that, I mean it." I blushed a bit. "But you know that don't you?"

Kat looked deep in my eyes confirming what she already knew, I was in love with her. Mom moved up slightly offering me her tit as she gave herself to me. Instincts kicked in as I took the soft fleshy mound in my mouth. I can remember every sound Kat made, every movement, every texture as I kissed my way around her breast. Mom desperate to open her present was pawing at my boxers.

I knew how awkward I must be. I had always struggle in the beginning. Mom knew this of course and helped as only she could. Just like when she taught me how to dance I let her take the lead. We shifted on my bed as our passion started to build.

I took Kat's panties off and slowly moved my hand over her stomach. How to get there was today's lesson what to do once I got there I learned months ago. She was writhing on the bed as mom guided my fingers to touch all of her hot buttons. Kat squirmed as my finger grazed her clit then slowly slipped deep in her pussy.

As for me? Well this was Christmas. So in the interest of giving, as well as receiving, I allowed mom to pleasure me as well.

As my fingers worked in her oozing pussy her hand was stroking my cock. The feeling was one I had never experienced. Having someone other than myself stroking my erection was one thing. Having Kat doing it was more than magnificent.

Kat had my cock hard and straining to cum. She brought me close several times but then let me settle down as her excitement built up to match mine. Here we were mother and son masturbating each other, and of all days, it was Christmas!

As my cum shot from my dick her pussy clamped hard on my fingers. With Kat's impeccable timing we both orgasmed in unison. Moments later we were locked into another passionate kiss as the mess I made coated our bodies.

Knowing I was still not ready for the next step Kat slipped from my arms and kissed me one last time. She stood slipping back on her robe, I could see she was happy.

"Are you going to come down now?" Mom laughed.

"Can I trust you?" I teased back.

"For today my love, for today." Kat cooed.

With both of us sexually satisfied I got up but we went to our separate bathrooms to prepare for opening our actual presents.

The car was really not a gift since she would be paying for it so I bought her a new cell phone. The present under the tree for me was a laptop computer. The rest of the day was spent relaxing. I held her as we watched a few movies, Kat and I kissed almost the whole time. Later we shared dinner before going to bed, there she wrapped my arm around her to caress her tits.

"I love you Danny." Kat whispered just before she fell asleep.

I on the other hand was wide awake remembering probably the best day of my young life and wondering what was in store for the future.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You know, if all people are going to do is complain about a story, why bother reading it to begin with. Lots of complaining, but I don't see THEIR names on any stories!

thegreat101thegreat101about 2 years ago

Why the hell did you need those setup of test tube baby and all that stuff and of How did the main character's mother raise her son and of How did the son grow up?

Why fuckkking did mom and son say each other i love you?? Why fuccccking did dead son give his mom and his son the voice? fuuucking useless

After all, she did suck and lick everything that can be done and put everything that can be put in her.

why did she suck cucumber or sausage or pencil or dog's nut or slit which passed by along street?

It's not a story about human, it's just a story about not human, right?

shit so stupid writing.

You need self control.

You must select the target aimed.

there r no thrill

Gregory079Gregory079over 2 years ago

Basically like every other story on here except trying to be longer. Same plot; it’d be amazing to see some original, non-recycled content here. There’s a few stories, very rare.

Another 18 year old 6’+ football jock and terribly lonely 37 year old mom. What’s new? What’s unique? Nothing.

Foxterot7aFoxterot7aalmost 3 years ago

As a romantic, I enjoy character, plot and subplot development. This series has exceptionally developed the major characters and is slowly developing the minor players. The son is mature beyond his years. It appears he has taken better care of his mother than she herself has. The intimacy and sensual passion between mother and son is untainted. Per the author's introduction, if you are looking vulgar, gutter sex, to read something else. If you are looking for erotic literature, continue reading.

BorrexBorrexover 3 years ago
Fuck the begrudgers

Good story, Danny has principals regarding full sex himself but is still open minded. Good man Danny!. Never mind the Gobshite with the first comment he's talking bollix.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This story is ass

“This is how I was raised!” Yet his mother is fucking his own girlfriend. Not to mention that Daniel is a teenager with raging hormones, but is too much of a simp pussy boi to get his lil pp wet. *crumples up this shit, and Kobes it into the trash.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Wow. I love your stories

mark73107mark73107over 6 years ago

Now this was a story that I could wrap my head around. 5 stars.

It was written as a well thought out story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
5 Stars, but...

Loved the story (5 stars). Great writing style, and a very sexy story. Perhaps it's a bit early to make a judgment regarding this story, since I've only read the first chapter, but I found it very, very strange that a healthy young man full of raging hormones "isn't ready yet". From puberty onward, most young men will screw anything that moves, as the old saying goes. The development of this story, along with the long spans of time where nothing happens, seems very out of the ordinary to me. This is not a criticism of the story itself, but rather an observation of human behavior. Lastly, thanks for taking the time and effort to submit this gem!

C_frommnC_frommnover 8 years ago
Great Start

Like the Characters as you are Building them. They seem to come alive as the story moves. Good Writing.

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