30 Years of Love 90 days of Lies


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"When my lawyer got there, I accused Kathy of breaking into my apartment. I told him he should charge her with trespassing too. And she just sat there and smiled."

"Did you guys have sex?" he asked.

"Hell no," I said. "I wouldn't touch her with someone else's dick."

"Kathy's face fell, then. And she smiled and nodded her head vigorously. She opened her legs and stuck her hand over her pussy so he couldn't see it. I think that he was glad because of two reasons. The first was because he was a young virile guy in his thirties. I don't think he was interested in seeing a fifty year old pussy. And the second because I think he'd gotten the idea of how jealous I got over her."

"With the one hand over her pussy, Kathy pointed her other hand towards a blob of dried up sperm. She also pointed to similar spots on my boxers."

"But we didn't..." I began.

"Nope we didn't, but you wish we had don't you?" she smirked. "I gave him a hand-job because his dick was poking my ass so hard I was afraid it would go in and he'd charge me with rape. That does meet the requirements for a section seven thirteen doesn't it?"

"As I watched my lawyer grudgingly nodded his head."

"What the hell is going on here?" I asked.

"She gets to stay for thirty days," he said. "You're a married couple. You slept in the same bed last night and had sex. The divorce has to be halted and she can stay in your house for at least thirty days. I had a fit. I took a shower and Kathy started making me breakfast."

"The fridge is not that well stocked," she said smiling. "I'm going to have to go shopping. What would you like for dinner?"

"Your absence," I said.

"Kathy had ramped up her attempts to get me back so I had to ramp up mine to get away. There was no way I was going to live with her for thirty days, so I moved back into the house. I also went nuclear in my attack against Kathy."

"That evening her mother and father were named in the divorce along with as many of the people from Las Vegas that we could identify. Things got serious. Paganism as a religion is not big in the US. It's seen as an aberrant sex cult. When I took out a full page ad and several smaller ones across the country, the case began to pick up notoriety. I was interviewed for a couple of newspapers. I also got a chance to go on a national news show."

"Kathy's father and a lot of other people went to her and finally convinced her that too many people were going to be hurt. I think they finally convinced her that no matter what happened, she couldn't force me to stay married to her. It might take a year or more but I'd eventually be free. If she hoped that someday we'd have a chance to get back together, she had to let me go."

"We settled on the fifty/fifty split that I'd originally offered. A lot of guys who'd read about my case and really wanted to see Kathy and all cheaters burned were unhappy. They were stupid. The divorce was only part one of my plan.

"A few days after the divorce papers were signed all of my children got visits from my lawyer and a technician. They were all asked for a cheek swab. The kids were all sure it was only another blow in the war between Kathy and I. Our continuing shenanigans were beginning to get on everyone's nerves."

"We were not allowed to touch our funds from the settlement until the second case was concluded. Kathy called me and asked me what was going on. When she found out that I was trying to find out whether our kids were mine or not, she laughed at me."

"I love you Rob," she said. "You and I both know those kids are yours. You'll only hurt your relationship with them. It won't stop me from loving you or push me any further away from you. It also won't stop me from spending the rest of my life trying to get you back."

"So a month later, when we gathered in my lawyer's office, she was delighted. She even reached out to try to hold my hand. Just before the lawyer got the sealed papers open, she looked at me."

"You really had our kids tested?" she laughed again. "Want to make another one?"

"When my lawyer placed Michael's DNA test on the table and we read the results that proved that Michael was mine with a probability of 99.9999% surety. Kathy laughed.

"Honey, if you want to spend time with me all you have to do is ask," she said patting the top of my hand with hers. "You don't have to go to all of these elaborate lengths, all you have to do is tell me to come and where. I'll be anywhere you are, anytime you want me."

"When the second report and strip also read 99.9999% for Jessica, she laughed even harder."

"All of the laughter stopped when she saw the third strip. Conrad's strip read 0.0001% possible. That meant that there was probably a bigger chance of Conrad being my lawyer's son than mine, even with my lawyer being younger than Rad. Kathy's face fell and she cried harder than I'd ever seen."

"There is no way I'd ever do that to you Rob," she cried. "I never missed my pills."

"Kathy, when Conrad came along he was an accident. And his birthday was roughly nine months from your whoring session wasn't it?" She nodded.

"But he has to be yours," she said.

"I shook my head."

"Maybe that's why you were so eager to have another baby so soon after Rad was born," I said. "Subconsciously you knew what you'd done to me."

"I never wanted anyone's babies but yours," she spat. "If I had any inkling, I'd have taken care of it. Maybe that's why he..." she stopped talking and didn't say anything else.

"So what now Rob?" she asked.

"It's out of my hands," I said. "I'm going to have all of the known members of your sect tested to find out who his father is and I'm going to sue both of you for the cost of bringing up another man's child. "

"But Rob, God dammit he's your son. You've been the only father he's ever had. We'll never find out who his father is." She started crying then. "There were too many men over the years. What have I done?"

"Phil convinced Kathy to settle out of court with me. The Pagan sect would help pay whatever I asked. What I ended up getting was almost twice what Kathy got in our divorce. She ended up living with her parents and I got to keep my business and even to grow it more."

"The first year after the divorce I concentrated on the business. I didn't date at all. I had no interest in meeting anyone. As far as I was concerned, my life was over. But after a year or two the pain calmed down to a dull ache. "

"I dulled the pain even further by concentrating on my car. I went to Mustang shows and events across the country. I met a lot of nice people and even some women but I kept things on a friendly level only."

"It must have been two years before I let a friend arrange a blind date for me. The woman was my age and very well preserved but it simply wouldn't work. Everything about her reminded me of Kathy, even when it didn't. Let me give you an example. The woman I dated was very full-busted..."

"But Dad, Mom is flat chested," said Conrad.

"Exactly," I said. "The woman having breasts reminded me that your mother didn't and how much I loved what she had. I knew then that I'd never stop loving your mother. I had a few more dates but it was always the same. I never once had sex with any of those women. After a while, I just turned to really high class escorts."

"But why?" asked Jessica. "Why not just go back to mom?"

"Trust, Honey," I said. "I loved your mother, but she cheated on me for thirty years and I never had a clue. With the escorts, our arrangements are totally financial. There's no trust involved. I pay for the services rendered. If I'm not satisfied, I get another girl."

"That's sad, Daddy," said Jessica. "What about love?"

"What about it?" I said. "I have the memories of my life all the way up until your mother betrayed me for that."

"What about new love?" she asked.

"Jess, I don't think I could ever love anyone as much as I loved your mother. There's simply no room in my heart for that. Your mother still occupies so much room in my heart even now."

"He even calls me Kathy sometimes when we..." said Darla.

"I do love Darla after a fashion," I interrupted. "She's like another daughter to me. She's the second person I've had this arrangement with. I only keep the arrangements for up to two years with a girl. After that, the danger is that it becomes too much like love to keep it going. In Darla's case, I already love her. So it's time to move on before both of us are hurt and can't go back. Darla will walk away in about a month with enough money to do whatever she wants for the rest of her life. She's also going to help get the next girl ready for me. This way my life will never be boring. The question I have is whether or not the three of you can come back into my life."

"What do you mean Daddy?" asked Jessica. "We've always been in your life."

"Jess, when was the last time I saw you?" I asked her.

"Um..." she had no answer.

"You've been married for four years and I've never met your husband or been to your house," I said. "You were pretty much flat as a board like your mom when I saw you last. I never knew you'd had some um...work done."

"Not as much as some people," she said.

"Jess, Darla is one hundred percent real from head to toe. Trust me, I know," I said.

Darla just smiled.

"The point here is that the three of you simply took your mother's side in the divorce and..." I began.

"We did no such thing," said Michael. "Dad, after the divorce you were very bitter and angry, you didn't have time for anyone or anything. We couldn't get through to you. And after you stopped being angry, which took years, I might add; you wouldn't come to any family event that Mom was invited to."

"Mom on the other hand, was just as bad. She slowly sank into a depression that no one could pull her out of. She moved in with Grandma and Gramps. She didn't date, she barely spoke and every time we saw her, the first thing she wanted to know was whether or not we'd seen you. Grandma had to sometimes make her eat, Dad. She stopped taking care of herself. Grandma and Grandpa died last year and Mom just started to waste away again. Grandpa spent a lot of his last days cursing you because you pretty much destroyed the Pagans. There were no more big rituals after your articles in the newspapers and you bringing what they were doing to light.

We finally had to put Mom in the home where she'd be looked at around the clock. Every time we did see you, you had some hot chick on your arm. Until today, we never thought you were suffering."

"Why should I suffer?" I asked. "In case you forgot, I was the one who was faithful. I busted my ass for thirty years taking care of a woman who cheated on me more times than I can count and..."

"Then why do you get that pathetic sound in your voice every time you talk about her?" asked Jessica.

"Let's talk about something else?" I said.

"During the divorce, you and Michael were pretty much kept out of things," I said. "Conrad betrayed me more than anyone. As my son, he should have told me. He was twenty eight when the divorce happened. He'd been going to those things for almost ten fucking years and never said a word. Plus he was a wise ass so he ended up getting his wise ass busted."

"But I felt closer to Mom because I sensed down deep that I wasn't your son," he said.

"See how stupid he is Darla," I said.

"Conrad, do you have any idea who your father is?" I asked. "Did you do DNA tests on any of the men in the sect who were active back then?"

"All the men that I could find," he said sadly. "It was really frustrating. Most of them refused and the ones who were willing were all twisted. They wanted to be my dad for all the wrong reasons. A couple of them were gay, and the rest wanted money or someone to take advantage of." Now it was Conrad's turn to tear up.

"So Conrad, down deep inside who do you think is your father?" I asked.

"I've really always thought that you were, until I saw that DNA test," he said. "It really shocked me."

"No son," I said. "What it did was fooled you. That test was a fake as they come. Neither the lawyers nor the judge knew anything about reading DNA strips. Pretty much nobody does except for the doctors and techs who work in those labs. It's pretty simple to get a starving med student to fake one test for a thousand dollars. Even if he's caught, he can say it was just a labeling mistake. If you'd ever looked at the strips all together, you'd have noticed that yours was really different. It should have at least shown a similarity with your mother's DNA. Not only was it different from mine it was different from hers as well and nobody caught it; which I counted on."

"You tricked us, Dad?" he said.

"Yup," I smirked. "You're just as much the fruit of my loins as those two. But you had it coming, Conrad. You helped to take the most precious thing in my life away from me."

"Dad," he said."I just want you to know that I saw Mom naked, but we never uh...you know. She never did it with Grandpa either. And Aunt Rose is the only one in the family who goes both ways." Conrad had a broad smile on his face. Finding out that I really was his father was far more important than him trying to get back at me."

I started yawning then and Darla stood up and told them it was time to go.

"But we have so much to talk about," said Jessica.

"You'll have plenty of time in the future now that you're back together again," said Darla. "But he needs his rest." As I watched she shooed them out of the room and they spoke for a few moments. I never found out what they talked about.

* * * * * *


"The three of you are on the edge," I said to the people in front of me. "All of you have everything in the world to be proud of and to fight for and you're pissing it all away. You, Michael, are about to lose your job and your marriage. Your gambling problem is going to cost you if you don't stop. And you hit on every woman you see when you have a very nice wife at home, who loves you. But she won't take one more betrayal. Didn't you learn anything from your father?"

"Conrad, you're a worthless sack of shit, running from one con game to another. For a long time you've been blaming it on not knowing who your father was and all of that weak bullshit. Now you know who he is. He's the same man he always was. Your pathetic cries for attention in your twenties don't work for a man nearing middle age. Ask your father for your job back. You have to realize, I'll be leaving him soon as much as I love him to try to get my own life back. I need to know that he has people he can count on or I won't be able to leave him."

"Jessica, you're the worst of the three. You didn't learn from your father or your mother. Honey, you need to learn what real love is. You're the nicest woman in the world and probably the stupidest. You need to get two things. First, get a divorce. That asshole you're married to doesn't appreciate you. He gives you excuse after excuse for not getting a job and the things he does to you. For the longest time it was because the women he cheated with had bigger boobs, so you got bigger boobs and he still cheats. You don't feel comfortable with your boobs; some women simply don't adjust well after the surgery. Have them taken out and find someone who loves you for you."

"Your Dad would have chewed off his own arm for your mother, and she's as flat as they come. Real love has nothing to do with bust size."

* * * * * *


Darla and I got into bed and she rolled over next to me.

"Say it," she said. "I always know when there's something you need to tell me."

"Darla," I lied tonight. "When I said that I only trusted you because our arrangement was only financial; it wasn't true. I know it's supposed to be that way, but you're the only person I really trust. I trust you far more than I do the kids. That fucking Michael tried to make a move on you in the kitchen, didn't he?"

"You do know your kids," she said.

"Rob, I love you," she said. "But you can't trust me either. We have about six weeks left together before our contract expires. I've done something terrible for you. I hope it will make you happy, but if it doesn't and my life doesn't work out either, I'll come back and take care of you until we both die."

"Come on Darla," I said. "In real life, sixty year old guys don't end up with hot twenty eight year olds. You're younger than my kids."

Over the next few weeks, Darla took care of me like she always did. But she started leaving me for an hour or two at a time. She told me she was meeting the next girl to start getting her ready for me. I didn't want to think about it. My cast came off. I worked really hard at getting back the strength in the leg. Darla told me that the new girl was working out too so she'd be able to keep up with me.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"She'll tell you," she said.

Darla and I had sex every night after the cast came off. It kept getting better and more intense until one night she told me we had to stop. "The new girl will probably want you to be ready for her," she said.

I remembered that it was similar when I switched to Darla from my first escort. It took months before Darla and I had sex. We had to get to know each other and things had to be right. She had to be more of a companion and not just some whore.

"What if I don't like her?" I asked one night in the middle of our sleep.

"Then I'll come back, dummy," she said. "Now go back to sleep."

"Darla," I said.

"Yes Robert," she answered.

"I don't like her," I said and dozed off to sleep.

"What does she look like?" I asked, the next night.

"She's ugly," said Darla. "But it won't matter because she has huge tits. You won't be able to keep your hands off of them."

"I don't like huge tits," I said. "I only like yours because they're attached to you."

Two days later Darla was gone. She left me a note that told me to give the new girl a chance. I'd probably have to take care of her as much as she took care of me. And I shouldn't worry about it because I could have a far longer contract with her. She'd stay as long as I wanted her too. As a last favor, Darla asked me to forgive her for what she'd done but she loved me and wanted me to be happy. She said that what she'd done had been for my own good and it hadn't been nearly as bad as what I'd done to Kathy and Conrad with the DNA test.

I could hear someone downstairs moving around. I assumed it was the new girl. I walked downstairs and into my kitchen where I smelled bacon cooking.

I saw a slim form standing in front of my stove. "Why are you in my kitchen?" she asked. I turned my head away from the bacon and looked at her. She had light blond hair like Darla's and a really nice butt. Her voice sounded older though.

I grabbed her and saw that her chest was as flat as a board. She pulled the wig off and looked at me. I was speechless.

"Robbie?" she said.

I still couldn't form words.

"We've been apart for seven God damned years and you have nothing to say to me?" she asked. She shook her head in frustration. Six months ago I almost died. Do you know what brought me back?"

I shook my head. "Darla," she said. "That woman saved us, Robbie. If it wasn't for her I'd probably be dead. I kept hearing about you with hot young women. And I just wanted to die. Why would you need me anymore if you could have them? And every time I heard about you with someone else, I just wanted to turn into the Hulk and strangle them. You belong to me, Robbie, no one else. I started to understand how you felt seeing me in Vegas and thinking about all of the men I'd been with. Seeing you with Darla was the worst, because Honey, I could see that the two of you cared for each other."

"When you got put in the home, I figured I'd have my chance. I started eating again and tried to get my health back. Then I noticed that Darla cared more for you than our kids cared for me. She came every fucking day, regardless of the weather or anything else. She also stayed all day. She was there when you awoke and she stayed until they made her leave every day and fought with them when it was time to go."