36 Part 02


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Even though thoughts of escape never left her mind, it seemed more hopeless than ever. The lucky break she had had the first time would not come again.

'The Stool' had travelled along with her, and was once again the only piece of furniture in her prison -- and it was used a lot.

She was sometimes blindfolded. Not that it mattered a lot. 'Fish' and his friends regularly came by and whipped her into unconsciousness. Apparently, they had decided to keep her as weak and defenceless as possible and a very efficient way to do that was the regular whippings. She was in a daze most of the time.

She did try to clear her mind as much as possible, when she was blindfolded and taken. Using her sense of hearing and smell to deduce who was using her.

The panting, groans, moans and scents gave some of them away. She did not know why, but it gave her a small sense of superiority to recognize her tormentors.

Even though she never gave up hope, she knew it would only be a matter of time before the ship would sail and her fate would be sealed.

Whenever she was conscious enough, she listened intensely and sometimes there seemed to be a lot of activity on the iron deck above her. The only noises coming through the iron ceiling of her prison were bumps and heavy footsteps. The ship was probably getting loaded and ready to depart.

The crew also used her. They were gentler than most, but still used her indiscriminately.

This was worse than The Brothel, she thought. At least you were not totally chained down most of the time, but the result was probably the same.

She had been in her usual daze, when noises above woke her up. At first she thought it was the usual sounds but then she realized that this was different. The noises were louder and there were a lot more bumping and knockings on the deck.

Suddenly the door opened and slammed against the wall. Something came bumping down the stairs. She thought it was strange that a ball would come bumping down the staircase but as it reached the floor and rolled over to her, she saw it was a human head.

'Fish's head! A few of his discoloured teeth had been knocked out on the way down the staircase and one eye was strangely closed. It had patches of blood all over and had left a clear splatter of bloodstains across the iron floor. Strangely enough he was still smiling his nasty smile. Shivering she crawled as far back from the ghastly head as her restraints allowed.

"I'VE FOUND HER!" It was the de la Pere, the leader of the guards from the house. He filled the opening at the top of the stairs with his big frame. Bend down over something and a minute later rose again. Holding a set of keys and a spanner in one hand and his bloody sword in the other.

He jumped down the ladder and was leaning over her before her dazed brain realized what was going on.

"So, so. Princess. It's all over. You're safe now."

He wiped his sword on the straw, leaving a dark patch of blood and slid it back in the scabbard at his side.

She dozed off as he gently turned her and unlocked all the restraints. Then he lifted her up as if she was light as a feather.

Like in a dream, she was carried up the stairs. De la Pere took one big step over 'Fish's headless body at the top they were out in the morning sunlight.

The sun in her face made her wake up and she faintly heard the cheers from the guards. She had a quick look at the carnage on the deck. There were bodies and blood everywhere.

The last things, she saw before the world turned black again was four surviving sailors or slave hunters lined up against the railing of the ship.

Once again she found herself in the 'sick room'. She was not as badly off as before but weak and in pain.

Someone -- probably her girls - had washed and cleaned her and put her to bed.

During the next days she had many visitors. First of all Sir Robert -- and the guards, which she thanked from the depths of her heart for saving her.

The everyone from the kitchen, The Doc, people she had helped from the town. Everybody carrying fruit and flowers. In the end she felt like there was hardly room for herself in there and had the girls distribute most of it at strategical places around the house. For the next week you could not enter a room without being met by the smell of fruit and delicatessen and the sight of large bouquets of flowers.

By sheer force of will, she was out of bed again within a week. Still wobbly on her legs but trying to catch up. Maria had been in charge in her absence and it had worked out fine.

Slowly it dawned on her, how much she was liked and loved. Everybody had been looking for her: The people from the big house and the majority of the town.

A drunk sailor in an inn had happened to reveal where she was and from there it had just been a matter of planning the raid.

It had worked fine. Apart from some bruises and cuts, the whole attacking party had been unharmed. They had gone in at sunrise and the little resistance they had met had been eliminated quickly.

There were only 4 survivors from the ship: One of the slave hunters and three of the sailors. They were sentenced to death in a quick session at The Court.

Their attempts to claim not being a part of her ordeal was rejected without any discussion.

She had to go to the square in front of the church the following week. To watch the foursome being whipped and then hung in temporary erected gallows.

36 had tried asking for clemency but Sir Robert would not hear of it. Her subsequent attempt to talk only for the tree sailors had also been rejected by Sir Robert outright.

Abduction and kidnapping were according to him one of the worst crimes that one could do and the fact that the sailors had not only kept quiet about it, but apparently also used the situation to satisfy their lust with her helpless body was reason enough to make an example of them.

There would be no leniency for their part in her abduction and abuse.

The only concession, she got was to be allowed to read a short statement before the punishment began.

It had been very hard on her. She had to stand on top of the steps of the former church and face the four prisoners. While they and the whole square had their eyes on her, she had to read her words out loud from a piece of paper in her hand.

The overfilled square had been so quiet that the only noise, apart from her voice, was a sad twirping of a lonely bird from the top of the roof of the former church.

Her statement was short. She said that she forgave her torturers, thanked her saviors and hoped the foursome would accept their fate -- and that it would be quick and painless.

Afterwards, there was just silence before Sir Robert had ordered the punishment to commence. Her wishes for a painless punishment was to no avail. The foursome got whipped till they were half dead and then they were strung up. Not in a way that their neck broke by a fall but pulled slowly up and strangled.

Their bodies twisting and their faces turning blue with the tongues hanging out.

Their bowels and bladders emptying and colouring the legs of their trousers as life was squeezed slowly out of them

She closed her eyes several times but did not dare look away. She knew too many eyes rested on her.

The bodies were not left to hang. On Sir Roberts orders they were taken down immediately after the execution and buried in unmarked graves that same afternoon. The gallows were dismantled at the same time and the area under which it had stood was washed clean.

Their ship was auctioned off that same afternoon.

That same evening she encountered 'Hedgehog' in the hallways. He had always blocked her way when they met, but this time his eyes avoided hers as he stared at the floor and tried to press by her.

She did not let him but stepped to the sides each time he did. Preventing him to slip by.

Stopping and sort of slumping, he looked up and met her eyes.

She held his gaze as she told him, she was quite aware that he had been one of her tormentors and abusers at the ship.

At first he rejected any such thing, but his eyes flickered from side to side and she insisted.

In a few short words she mentioned his scent and the noises he made, when fucking and ejaculating. Making a point that she had heard him enough times before she was on the ship to be able to make a definite identification.

They both knew that what she had just been through and her rescue, gave her words a lot of weight with everybody. He might still accuse her of stealing the jewelry, but it was by no means as bad as being a participant in a kidnap and abuse. The Judge had in his final speech at the trial made it quite clear that this was a major offense. The subsequent fate of the four left no doubt about the severity of such a crime.

She hoped that 'Hedgehog' could feel the rope around his dirty neck.

Reluctantly he admitted it.

"What will you do?" He asked in a hoarse whisper.

"Nothing if you behave yourself from now on and leave me alone! If not, I will immediately accuse you of what you have done."

36 could see that she definitely had the upper hand now. The search for her and her liberation had clearly shown that she not only had the people in the big house and the guards behind her, but also the majority of the town. They would definitely believe her if she accused him of what he had done. He had been so sure she would be sailed away never to be heard of again, and then had used her to satisfy his horny desires.

It had been a terrible mistake. Seen from his viewpoint.

She considered spitting him in the face but composed herself and said in a very determined voice: "Now hand over the jewelry piece, please!"

He told her he had it in his room and she followed him there. He looked like a broken man: His shoulders sagging and his steps small and slow.

In the room he produced the jewelry and confessed that it had not actually been taken from Lady Charlotta. He had bought it from a jewelry friend in order to use it to blackmail her to have sex with him.

She smiled as she realized why there had been no commotion over the missing jewelry. The piece had never been stolen in the first place.

She got a quick idea. Told him that she wanted him to present it to The Lady as a present. That same evening at dinner.

She would have no use of such a fine piece and as it had no importance as a blackmail tool anymore, it would only be a risk for her to have it hidden somewhere. A piece much too expensive to be in her possession and a risk if anyone found out.

Besides it would be a suitable 'punishment' to have him hand it over as a gift in public. Only she and him knowing the true story behind it.

When she left him, he sat crouched in a chair.

She would not exercise the power she now had over him. Being left in peace would be quite enough for her.

Their eyes met over the table the same evening, as 'Hedgehog' rose. Made a small speech and handed the piece to Lady Charlotta.

36 noticed that Sir Robert send her a few looks during the process. It made her a little worried.

A lot of whispering, rumors, quiet talk between friends, politics in the seclusion of small rooms and minor scandals developed in secret between the stone walls of the house.

36 always suspected that Sir Robert knew more than he gave the impression of.

She was sure that he noticed the unspoken interchange of eyes that went on between 'Hedgehog' and her. If nothing else, he might be pondering if she had anything to do with this surprise gift for The Lady...

For a long time, she had nightmares regularly. Seeing 'Fish's bloody head fall down the stairs and roll towards her in slow-motion. That and other pictures and visions from her captivity mingled with the already large, black cloud of bad experiences, which came to her in her worst nightmares..

She would wake up drenched in sweat and shivering with cold.

36 -- Part two

by o_girl ©

Chapter thirty-four

Disaster -- and time for a change...

As things again had settled down and the rhythm of everyday life returned to the house and town, disaster struck.

Lady Charlotta went riding almost every day. Sometimes with a friend or two, sometimes alone. She was not a good rider but had a pretty calm and well-mannered horse.

She usually went through the main gate of the house and then rode through the streets and out at the north end of the town. As mentioned before only the South side had any form of hills and larger vegetation. All other sides -- including the North -- were flat and stretched as far as the eye could see.

That provided a wide, obstacle free area for her to ride safely. Besides, The Lady almost always rode in a calm and controlled pace.

One day her horse came back alone and a search party was sent out. They found her by a little creek, where she had fallen off the horse -- probably in an attempt to jump the creek. Her neck was broken.

The whole house went into a black cloud of mourning. 36 and her girls tip-toed around even quieter than usual. Conversation in the halls and rooms were in low, almost whispering voices.

Sir Robert walked about like a dark shadow and seemed inconsolable.

His children spend most of their time in the cellar with 36 and her girls and they did their best to cheer them up and help them in their deep sorrow.

The funeral was a big affair. People had come from all over the area. Even though Lady Charlotta had been a quiet person. Most often keeping herself to herself and acting very reserved she was still known and loved.

If nothing else, everybody knew that she had been the shadow behind Sir Robert. Supporting and advising him in all matters.

They joined in his sorrow over the loss.

36 felt the sorrow as much as anyone else. The Lady had never been particularly friendly to her, but she had always treated her politely and in a way 36 would expect a mere servant to be treated.

After the episode on the road The Lady had always given her a small nod, when their paths crossed in the hallways or chambers. This was by far more than she did to anyone else belonging to the staff. The Chef included. So, she had actually been rather proud that she -- of all the staff -- had that much positive attention from Lady Charlotta.

The mood in the big house seemed to have gone into a permanent stage of grief. Sir Robert still walked around like a dark shadow. Tending to his duties and affairs as usual but only speaking when he absolutely had to.

All partying and social occasions were cancelled. The Council and The Court temporarily moved their meetings to the old church by the square.

The kitchen and cellar were also strangely quiet. There was only the absolute minimum work to be done by The Chef and his crew - and 36 and her girls.

Time passed and slowly the dark clouds in the house lifted.

One day 36 and her girls were preparing a bath for Sir Robert. It was hard work. First to fill the large buckets with hot water in the kitchen. Then use a yoke to carry two of them all the way upstairs. Empty the buckets in the tub and return for another load.

There was no time to take even the shortest break. The water had to be reasonably hot when the person needing the bath got into it.

While the person was in the bath they continuously tapped two buckets from the valve at the bottom of the tub. Returned to the kitchen to discard the dirty and cold water. Only to return with two full buckets of fresh, hot water.

Sir Robert were sitting at his desk in his morning robe, when they went back and forth with their buckets.

Finished and having added the delicious herbal scent and soap to the water, she was the last one leaving.

It saddened her to see Robert sitting hunched over his papers and she felt very sorry for him. Having lost the love of his life so suddenly and in such a freak accident.

She went to the table and gave a small cough: "Ahem.."

"Yes, 36?"

"I was thinking, Sir Robert. If it is not improper, I would like to offer you a massage after your bath? It will not help your mind, but it will make your body relax and then it might even have a soothing effect on your mind?"

He looked up. His eyes almost empty: "You're a clever woman, 36. I do not really feel like anything at the moment, but I accept your offer. It might help. You may come back, when I have finished my bath -- and let's see if your kind hands can do anything to this waisted body of mine."

She smiled. "Very well. Sir. I'll go prepare and find some good oils and ointments and be back in a while." Then she turned and sailed silently out.

An hour later she came back and helped him out of the bath and down on his bed. There she used all her skills and knowledge of muscles and nerves to massage him -- for another hour.

He seemed to have fallen asleep several times during the proceeding and she could feel how the hardened tissue slowly relaxed under her hands and fingers.

Afterwards he made small content sounds as she climbed off his back, put the sheet over his body, wiped her hands and bid him a good day before leaving.

The next day she met him in the hall: "Thank you for your kind treatment of me yesterday. It was amazing how relaxed you can make a man feel! It even helped on my mood as you predicted it would."

She smiled. "Good, Sir. I am glad to have been of service. We are all sad at this time, but we might as well try and help each other as best we can. Life has to go on you know!"

He gave her a very thin smile in reply: "May I put forth a request, 36?"

"Of course, Sir. I might not be a slave anymore thanks to you -- but I am still your employee?"

"I would very much like you to give me a massage the next couple of times I have my bath. It has been so invigorating that I think you are actually helping me get better -- and my mind slowly healing. So, if you have time from your other duties and will grant me this favour, I would very much appreciate it?"

She happily agreed, and so it was.

Sir Robert tried to take a full bath every second day -- and then she would come to his room afterwards and give him a complete workover.

Soon she felt that it was noticed. Her girls referred a few of the rumours of her being alone with Sir Robert after his baths.

She was stunned -- and even if there was nothing to deny as nothing apart from the massage took place, she still countered the girls gossip. Of course that did little to stop the whispering along the walls.

His children had always taken a fancy for her and now when Lady Charlotta was gone, she did not feel obliged to keep them at arm's length anymore. She often had both of them sitting on or by the table in the cellar or in the apartment, while she mended clothes or made notes in her more and more worn and ragged prescription book.

That certainly did not have a positive effect on the rumours.

Her massages were always done the same way: First she did his back, arms and legs and then she made him turn and did the sides of his neck, front of shoulders and torso.

He was decent and always had a snip of the sheet over his private parts. She could not help noticing that the material seemed to rise 'strangely' at the end of each massage.

The inevitable happened. Maybe she thought that since the rumours were already going around and tongues were wagging, she might as well make them true. Maybe she had had a hidden desire for him since the first time they met. No matter what the reason was....

She had done his back and now he was lying with his eyes closed and she had almost finished. The last thing she had to do, was to relieve the tension on the sides of his neck.

She was sitting across his torso as she always did. Held a hand on his forehead, and used the fingers on her other hand to slide with a determined press up the side of his neck. The muscle slowly becoming softer. Then changed hands and did the other side.
