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The chef looked quickly up and down her body.

"Well she looks far too good to be a housemaid. Can you work, woman? And what's your name?"

She had blushed and looked down at this -- yet another inspection -- now she looked up.

"Yes, Sir. I can work, but you need to teach me what I should do -- and my name is thirty-six!"

The chef shook his head and chuckled.

"Well, well. Now I have seen and heard that as well! I suppose you have reasons for that name -- but we have never had a lucky number employed here -- suppose one time has to be the first. Welcome, dear."

He turned, and his voice that had been dark and low till now, suddenly boomed like a church bell over all the other noises: "Sophia! Come her. Now!"

A small, grey-haired, elderly woman with her hair in a bun on top of her head appeared out of nowhere and came rushing across the kitchen.

"Yes, Chef!"

"This is your new housemaid. She claims her name is thirty-six. Take her and get her installed and ready. We have a big party tonight as you know. All the usual houseguests being in town for the market and expecting to be fed and entertained at Sir Robert's expense!"

The woman also gave her body a quick, inspecting look up and down a few times. Squeezing her eyes tight as two little slits.

"I see. You'd better come with me then...ehhh....thirty-.six."

She turned and started walking in the same, fast pace. Without being able to say anything to Sir Robert or the chef, she trotted along as fast as she could. Following the little lady.

The kitchen was huge and steamy. A lot of people worked at counters and pots and pans. As she stepped after the grey-haired tornado, she noticed more than one curious set of eyes upon her.

The woman in front of her was wearing something resembling a monk's cowl, and in the same earthy-brown colour she had seen so many wear in the village. The hood on the back swung from side to side as she walked and she could see how slim and narrow her waist was by the rope belt going round her two times. She wore simple sandals on her feet.

At the end of the kitchen, the woman opened another heavy door -- and they entered a shorter hallway. This one dark and only lit by some oil lamps or torches hanging at regular intervals along the walls.

Along both sides were similar, heavy doors -- all open.

As they passed, the woman shouted in through a door. "Isabella. Here. Now!" and then a little further down into another door: "Eve. Here. Now!" The result was two women -- in the same brownish cowl appearing from the doors and following close behind them.

At the end of the corridor, another similar door opened into a small room with stone arches as ceiling.

The woman turned round: "You may call me Mistress -- and now we have to get you cleaned up and ready. You will start immediately as it is one of our busiest nights tonight. Sit down!"

She pointed to a solid oak chair with no armrests in the middle of the room.

"Eve you can cut her hair. Isabella, here's the key. Go find the poor creature some clothes and a pair of sandals. Preferably something the right size."

She dumped into the chair. The woman smiled at her. "Welcome thirty-six. If you behave, know your place and do as you are told, you will be quite happy here, if not you will be miserable. I will personally see to that! Understand?"

"Yes, Mistress."

Her hair had been growing out unevenly since Granny had given her the slobby haircut. Now Eve started on it with first a pair of scissors, making large locks fall to the floor. After that, she made a thick foam with a stick of soap in a tin washbasin, administered a fat layer on her head, and used a very sharp tool to remove the last of her hair. She noticed that both Eve and Isabella had very, very short hair, but were wearing a sort of open cap on top of their heads.

Eve did not speak during the whole operation, but in the end said: "Mistress likes us to have very, very short hair, so we will not accidentally leave a long hair in the food -- and she says it makes us less attractive and more inconspicuous. Thus sparing us from men's hungry eyes and desires."

She could relate to that. Somewhat the same idea Granny had had -- and she was grateful not to have to play an idiot as well.

She noticed Eve had a ring in her nose -- just like the one she herself wore, and she thought she could just sense the ring sin her nipples, when she moved in the cowl.

When all her hair had gone, Eve made her sweep it up and put it into a bag, explaining that hair was always good for stuffing children's pillows, so her hair would not just be discarded.

She took the cloth Eve gave her, and wiped her now almost totally bald head dry.

While she had had her haircut, Eve had put a hose into a large basin in the floor -- and the basin was now about half filled with water.

Isabella now came back with a pile of clothes that she put on the chair 36 had just risen from.

Then they went out, but came back quickly. This time carrying a large wooden barrel between them on a cross-bar on their shoulders. Steam rose up from the barrel.

They emptied this hot water into the bowl -- added a delicious smelling oil from a few earthenware flasks, used their hands to stir the water -- and told her to get in.

The water was not overly hot, but nice and warm -- and the scent rose into her nostrils.

They gave her a hand-sized knot of wooden shavings -- and a bar of soap, told her to clean up and left her alone.

She was happy to be able to wash off the oil and the dust that had settled in it from when she had been taken from her cell to the house.

When the water began to get cold and she had scrubbed everything clean, she rose from the bath feeling clean and fresh -- and sensing she now smelled of the perfume that had been in the water.

She sorted the things on the chair. It was a cowl like the rest of them was wearing, a heavy rope as a belt, a small open cap for her head -- and a pair of simple sandals: Just a leather sole and then straps. One across her big toe, some over her feet and then small way up her leg. She tried making a knot like she had seen the others do.

When she had almost finished Isabella and Eve came back.

"Nice. Now you look almost civilized! Come We will show you what we will have to do."

On their way out through the kitchen she was again subject to many looks, but ignored them and just trotted along after the girls.

At the end of the kitchen was a long counter.

Isabella pointed at the end of the counter.

"Here at this end, the chefs place the food that has to go up. Usually we just take it and carry it upstairs and serve it. If there's anything that has to be done more than that, we will tell you and some of us will do it as you watch and learn. When you come down with the empties, you place them nicely piled at the other end of the counter. Is that clear?"

It seemed simple enough, so she nodded. Eve took her by the arm, and they went upstairs.

After a few staircases and a corridor, the entered a very big hall with a long U-shaped, solid table dominating it.

"When you come in here with things, Mistress will be right inside the door. She will give your load a quick check and then you serve. You do not talk or answer anybody but stay absolutely still -- no matter what.

Except in the unlikely situation that any on the big end of the table talks to you. There Sir Robert and his family will be seated.

You start serving at their end and work your way down the sides. You are expected to keep check on who has been given food, so you fill up the two sides simultaneously.

If you see any empties, you take them along on your way back.

You must be quick and hurry all the time. They need to get served as fast as possible, while the food is hot -- and they all need to get their food at the same time if possible.

If somebody spills anything, there will be a pile of cloths at the tables along the wall. You discretely help them out any way you can."

She nodded and looked round the big room. She had never been in a hall this big. Not even the biggest rooms on the island could compare to this size.

Eve spoke again: "We are to be as invisible as possible, and make sure everybody is happy, fed properly, and has a nice clean table in front of them. You understand?"

She nodded again. Eve brought her to one of the side tables. Showed her the pile of cloths for cleaning up -- and the small pieces of white linen that could be used over the tablecloth in case someone made a spot on the original tablecloth. She also showed her how to do this.

36 was attentive and tried to remember all the information, she was given. It seemed to be relatively easy - and she was used to being a silent shadow from all her wanderings in the wild.

At one point she looked up, and on the wall right in front of her was a mirror. She could not help laughing. What she saw was a boy with a round head and no hair. Had it not been for the two bulges in front of her chest, she would have been able to pass for a boy any day.

Eve noticed -- and caught her thoughts -- then also laughed.

"We do look inconspicuous -- but that is only good!" She put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close in a short kind of embrace.

"You'll be fine here. Welcome -- and me and the other 3 housemaids will help you any way we can."

"Thank you." She smiled and knew she had found the first real friend in a long, long time.

"ehhh...when there's no party. What do we do then?"

"We clean, sort, serve the people that live her and generally are available for all sorts of household duties. It is not hard -- apart from perhaps washing the floors. You'll figure out that soon enough -- it's easy -- but concentrate on tonight. It is a big night. Let's go."

She followed Eve back down into the cellars, across the kitchen and into the back hallway. Here she was installed in a small, windowless room. An almost exact copy of the rooms next to it, where the other women slept. It had a bed, a chair a small table and a cupboard on the side. A single oil lamp gave a dim, but warm light. None of the furniture seemed to be of the same kind, but all was solid and clean. Eve explained that the doors were never closed, so she was not in a prison cell like she had been since she arrived at the town. She was free to go everywhere.

After the short inspection -- and having placed her spare set of 'clothes' in the cupboard, Eve took her to the far end of the corridor, where a door opened to a narrow staircase -- up and into the open.

Eve explained that the door -- at all times -- had to be locked from the inside with the key sitting in the lock, but it was the girls access to the open.

When they came outside, she had to blink a few times in the sudden, strong light. The other 3 girls were there. Sitting on wooden crates and talking. She had already met Eve and Isabella, now she was introduced to the last housemaid: Maria. They were all so similar that they could have been sisters: same cloak, same short hair, same sandals.


by o_girl ©

Chapter eighteen

The party -- and a few introductory rites...

They did not get much time to bask in the sun outside. Soon the Mistress voice rang out from the basement door, and they were all put to work. She had to lay the tablecloths in the big hall, and the linen napkins, together with Eve. Isabella and Maria put the knives, forks, spoons, plates and glasses and cups at each place. Mistress arranged the candles and flower arrangements. As Isabella and she finished first in order for the rest to be able to do their part, they helped by going to and fro carrying the porcelain, cutlery and glasses.

She felt like she was part of a machine -- a well-oiled one. Everybody kept busy and everybody helped out as soon as they had a minute to spare.

After a few hours they had finished -- and Mistress had inspected and approved of everything.

Sir Robert came by when they were getting ready to go downstairs again. He and Mistress walked around the table and he expressed his pleasure with everything. He never gave her a second glance, which she was grateful for. She did not want the others to think, he had any preference for her, and generally just wanted to be invisible.

They had a short pause, where they had something to eat and drink in a the only common room in their own back section of the kitchen cellar. Their food was delicious. The cooks had prepared something -- probably not like the feast being served in the hall - but delicious meat and veggies with a spicy sauce.

Mistress urged them to eat well as they would have to be on their toes for a long time later.

Her sandals bothered her. The strap round her big toe had already made a red line round the toe. She asked if she could go barefoot, but Mistress refused flat out. A little later. Mistress came with a small container with some fatty goo in. Told her to use it liberally on all aching spots on her feet, put it in her pocket -- and said she was excused to take a few, short breaks during the evening to reapply the goo on whatever place that might ache.

Apart from her feet getting worse and worse during the evening, she managed quite well in her own opinion. As soon as they started serving, they got into a rhythm. Running back and forth between the counter in the kitchen and the tables.

No one seemed to notice them -- and no one made passes at her when she leaned over to place a plate or a tray of food. She even managed to pour wine without spilling apart from a few drops now and then.

Half way through the evening, she was passing Sir Robert at the high table at the end. He turned as she hurried by, smiled at her and winked with one eye. She hoped no one noticed.

Mistress was standing right inside the door, and inspected everything before they were allowed to serve it. Once in a while she moved something a little but most often just nodding at them so they could hurry with their plates and trays.

The very few, short intermissions, she had, she used at the other end of the kitchen counter, stacking the used things better and more neatly. She even had time to help one of the young men, that took care of the dishwashing, by carrying some piles of dirty plates to his station at the back.

Mistress had been right. They worked continuously for many hours -- and when they finally could sit down for a few minutes on their regular spot outside the end of their own hallway, they were all sweaty and worn out.

The feast continued upstairs, but now they took turns -- two and two -- to be in the hall and pour more wine and beer for the participants. There were music and dancers, and she enjoyed taking a quick look in between running back and forth.

Finally, very, very late the party ended and everybody went home or -- the house guests -- to their quarters around in the building.

They spend an hour clearing and cleaning the big hall. As the newest member of their gang, she had to scrub the large floor.

Daylight was coming when they had finished -- but she had a surprise yet to come.

Mistress lined them up in the room where she had had her haircut and bath. She then told them to undress -- and they all stood on a line naked before her. She praised their efforts, but then said:

"As usual there has been some mishaps -- a few mistakes -- and a few blunders, girls!"

She sensed the tension down the line.

"Isabella! You spilled half a glass of red wine down the trousers of the Miller! What have you got to say for yourself?"

"Nothing, Mistress. It was a mishap. It will not happen again, Mistress!"

"I am sure of it. Now you know the drill. Take the position! Eve and Maria hold her."

To her amazement, Isabella went to the big oak table, bend over it, spread her legs and let Eve and Maria take her wrists and hold her tightly over the table.

For the first time, she noticed that Mistress had a long, black, braided whip hanging in the folds of her cowl.

A slight shake went through her. Even though the room was warm, she felt a chill creep over her body.

The Mistress went behind Isabella, put her hand in her open crotch and moved it slowly up and down a few times, then let her middle finger disappear inside.

Isabella gave out a slight moan. After a few minutes, she pulled out her finger and stuck it in her mouth, sucking on it, while moving it slowly in and out.

Pulling the finger out, she stepped to the side.

"You will get 6 for your offense, Isabella. And let it never happen again. It is the reputation of this house that is at stake, and we cannot have the guests go away and say they had been splashed in red wine -- can we now?"

"No Mistress."

Isabella's voice sounded tiny and meek.

She placed the whip horizontally across Isabella's buttocks. Moved it back and forth a few times, then swung it with full force, making a very nasty sound as it hit the skin.

Isabella arched her back -- and she could see all her muscles tighten. A small 'mmmm'-sound came from her.

Then, with the same weak voice: "One. Thank you, Mistress."

She waited until the body was quite still again before repeating the process. This time hitting a little lower than the first stripe.

Again, the same reaction by Isabella -- followed by a meek: "Two. Thank you, Mistress."

It took a while before Isabella had all 6 stripes, placed almost with a perfect distance between them, and soon getting a colour darker than the scar with the 'S from the branding on the side of her buttock.

She was shaking when the girls helped her up right, and they had to support her, so she would not fall over.

She had to kiss the end of the whip, and say 'Thank You, Mistress' one more time.

They lined up again.

"Now. Fortunately, we had had no more mishaps tonight -- as if one is not enough!"

They all answered. "Yes, Mistress!" in a loud, clear voice.

She relaxed but wondered why the rest of them still seemed tense.

"We do, however have a new member of our little staff: Thirty-six. Step up to me."

She answered: "Yes, Mistress." And stepped forward.

"Just so you know what awaits you should you not do your duties perfectly, I have decided to give you 6 lashes - you might say a kind of an initiation. At least it will be something that will make you do more than your outmost, and maybe tonight you were lucky, maybe not. In any case, you need to know what happens if you step out of line. Go to the table. Eve and Maria assist her!"

Before she could react, the two girls had grabbed her wrists and upper arms, pulled her to the table and bend her over it. She felt the strain as they held her arms towards the end of the table.

The Mistress used the whip -- small but hurting strokes -- in the insides of her legs till she had spread enough for her to be satisfied.

Then she felt the hand in her crotch -- slowly sliding up and down, and involuntarily making her wet. Wet enough for the finger to slide inside her.

Even though she tried thinking of something else, she was soon moaning as much as Isabella had -- then the finger went out.

Then came the feeling of the hard leather sliding across her butt. Reminding her of the slave traders that had abused her and whipped her. She closed her eyes. Determined not to break down.

She did not know it she heard the sound or felt the pain first, but the pain made stars dance before her eyes, and she was glad that Eve and Maria held her arms. Otherwise she might have jumped up in the air.

She braced herself, sank a few times, and then said in a clear voice: "One. Thank You, Mistress!"

The next stroke felt even more painful, although she did not believe anything could. The little woman had an impressive strength in her arm -- and she did not spare it.

She held her own -- for all 6 strokes. The only sign of it when they helped her up, was the few tears that had run down her cheeks.