500 Annies Ch. 03


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She vowed they would have a better life if it killed her.

Sometimes you meet strangers, sometimes you meet friends. Wendy was going to be my friend. I made a call to the company I had just left.

"Jerry, Joe here. No, I didn't forget anything. I've got a friend here in town, she and her husband need a job pretty bad. Yes, I'll personally vouch for them. What? Wait, I'll ask her."

"Wendy, how does nine fifty an hour sound?"

You would have thought I'd offered the moon.

She just cried and nodded yes.

"Jerry, she said that would do to start. What? I'll ask her. Wendy, does your husband know how to drive a forklift?"

Still crying, she nodded yes again.

"Yes, he does. Eleven an hour? That'll do to start with. She will be in to fill out the paperwork right after lunch. Jerry, I really appreciate this. I owe you, and I always pay my debts. Thanks again."

She was so shocked she forgot to eat.

I called the waitress over. I looked at her nameplate.

"Sue, are you a good woman? Can I trust you?"

She eyed me warily.

"My husband thinks so, and yes, I'm trustworthy."

Wendy was watching, wondering where I was going with the questioning.

"Wendy, stay right here. I need to talk to Sue for just a second."

I stood and went over to the counter. She joined me after refilling some glasses, she was working after all.

"Sue, I think you're a good woman. I need you to do something for me, something that will take a little of your time this afternoon. When do you get off? Do you have to go straight home? And I want you to do it for Wendy, not me."

"I get off right after the lunch crowd is gone, at two. My husband doesn't get home until six thirty, and we're empty nesters. If I agree with

what you want, is that enough time?"

"Plenty" I assured her.

Wendy has a job interview with Apex Consolidated. Do you know it?"

She nodded.

"She's got the job if she shows up. Look at her, she's neat and clean, but her clothes have seen better days, and her toe sticks out of one of her sneakers. I want you to take her to Wal-Mart, get her new clothes and shoes, then take her to the interview. I'll pay for your gas and time. Will you help her?"

"Why are you doing this? What's in it for you?

"The warm fuzzy feeling you get when you do the right thing, just because it's right. I don't think she's had a lot of luck in her life, let's give her some."

"I've never met her before. When I leave today I'm going back home and will probably never see her again. But I'll always remember her for her hope and optimism in the face of such overwhelming adversity. It give me reason to believe our species isn't such a waste after all. Now, will you help?"

I think she had actual tears in her eyes when I finished. I pulled all the cash I had out of my wallet, a little over four hundred dollars, and gave it to Sue.

"Keep a hundred for your trouble, and don't argue. Take your husband some where nice, pay a bill, or just stick it back for what if. But I insist you keep it. Make her spend at least two hundred on herself, and the other hundred on her husband. I'm thanking you in advance."

I walked over to Wendy.

"Child, I hope you enjoy your meal. I have to leave now, but it was a real honor to meet you. I pray all your dreams come true. Don't let me down on that job, I vouched for you, and I'll hear about it if you mess up."

I gave her my card with her number on it.

I almost made it to my car when she grabbed me, hugged me as hard as she could, and kissed my cheek.

I rubbed it absently as I drove away, damn allergies anyway, I could barely see the road.


I did my last interview and finished the book.

John did an outstanding job editing it. It was much better after he finished it. The publishing company did one of the many new tricks companies do to attract new customers. They put my first three chapters on their epublishing branch, free, a month before the release date, with a promise that if it was preordered, they could get it five days before the print version hit the stores.

Amazingly, forty thousand plus preordered. The publicists did a good job getting the word out.

The rest, as you know, is history.


Babs interjected at this point. She knew from conversations she had with Joe beforehand that he had a new woman in his life. She was sure the audience would want to know he was not pining for his lost wife.

"So, Joe, your life must be much different from before? Do you live in the same style as before, have you gone 'Hollywood' on us? Out dating starlets, that sort of thing?"

His laughter was refreshing after his mostly serious discourse.

"Yes, it's much different, but not in the way you think. After the book was published I went on publicity junkets. Book signings, talk shows, personal appearances, that sort of thing."

"I didn't have any starlets. After my wife left me the way she did, I wasn't anxious to get back into the relationship game. Oh, I dated a few times, spent some serious time with another author I found myself in the company of a lot as she did publicity for her book, but it was a friendship of proximity, not attraction. We're still good friends, it didn't get far enough to engender hard feelings."

"I wasn't looking for love. And, as usual, when you aren't looking for something it slaps you in the face."

"So, I take it you do have a relationship with someone? How did you meet?"

She knew, and it was a great story. The audience would love it.

"I stole her lunch."


I was at the publishers office, stopping by to get my new schedule. If I knew how much work promoting a book was compared to writing it, I would probably never turned on my computer.

In eight months I had been to almost every major city in the northern hemisphere. It was fun for awhile, but I never really liked traveling so it got old pretty quick. But I was contractually committed, so I had to suck it up.

They had assigned a driver to me, and a Cadillac SUV. It was nice but way too big in my opinion.

We were going out to lunch, just to eat, thank goodness, not a meeting. I was passing the employee lounge when one of the delectable smells I had ever experienced made my nose take notice.

I surprised my driver by going in.

A woman was standing at the microwave. A dark haired beauty, it was the first time voluptuous ever had any meaning to me. I later found out she was 38[DD] 28 40. She stood 5'4" without her trademark 3 inch heels. The woman oozed sensuality like fat men sweat when caught in a lie.

I was so stunned with her appearance I almost forgot what I came in there for. Fortunately, she was holding the plate the aroma was coming from.

"What is that?" I asked, greedily.

"Meatloaf, Cuban style. Mashed potatoes with garlic, and french cut green beans. It's my lunch."

I think I surprised everyone in the room with my actions.

"Not anymore it isn't. I'll give you fifty dollars for that plate."

"Are you on crack? Go get your own lunch. I've only got forty five minutes, go away!"

"All right, a hundred."

For the first time she noticed my driver. It wasn't a service, the company kept a few cars and drivers around, it was easier to keep track of their writers. That way their first loyalty was to them, and if a writer wanted to deviate from the schedule, look for drugs, hookers, or what have you, they were refused and reported. Stoned writers were notoriously unreliable.

"Bobby, who is this guy?"

"Joe Williams, you know, 500 Annies."

She looked me up and down.

"So you're the guy that knows the inner workings of a womans' mind. Somehow, I thought you would look smarter."

She was saying it for shock value, and my answer surprised her.

"Obviously you haven't read the book, or you'd realize I'm just as dumb as I look. Look, I haven't had a decent home cooked meal for almost a year. I'm desperate here. Tell you what, I'll give you the hundred and a meal at any restaurant in town. Please."


"Yes, anywhere."

"I just love it when a man begs. All right, here's the deal. I'll SHARE my lunch with you, and you can take me to La Frontera for dinner. Deal?"

"Are you kidding? A home cooked lunch and dinner with a beautiful woman the same day? DEAL!"

I grabbed her hand and shook it.

The whole room laughed, and I think she ended up being the embarrassed one.

She was nice, and let me eat most of the food.

Her name was Yolanda[don't call me that, I don't like it]Maria Garza. Half Cuban, Half Irish. I wondered if she had a temper?

Over the next few months, I found she did. Hot blooded, she loved as hard as she fought. It was kind of overwhelming.

As we parted she told me to make the reservations for as early as possible, so we could eat in time for her to get home for her kids at a decent hour.

"You don't have to go if it interferes with your family. Husband and kids should always come first."

I loved her laugh.

"Nice cast, you must be a fisherman No, no husband around. And my kids are pretty old, but I'll call my cousin Becky, she likes to watch them. Says it reminds her why she didn't have children."

Sometimes it's good to be a bestselling author. I took a little doing but I had reservations for seven, mostly because Rick Bayless wanted to meet me.

She got off at five thirty and had me pick her up at six. We arrived a little early and surprisingly got seated immediately.

She declined a drink before dinner, saying she didn't want to dull her palate. I had a Victoria, a Mexican beer I favored almost as much as Shiner bock. She studied the menu.

"What should we order?"

"I'm going to order the Mexican style barbeque.

Order what you want, and please, if you have some suggestions, I'm all ears."

Just then Rick Bayless walked up and welcomed me. I had brought an autographed copy of the book for his wife, and another for his daughter.

He and Maria slipped in and out of Spanish, discussing food.

I don't know what we ate, but it was all great. I was so stuffed I didn't want to move. Maria wasn't shy about eating, I commented she must wear the gym out to stay in the shape she was in.

"I have a great exercise regimen. I chase four teenagers around and work a full time job in my spare time."

"You're old enough to have teenagers? What, were you a child bride?"

Her smile was like sunshine.

"You're either a great flatterer or you really don't have a clue about women. I'm forty six."

Shit, I thought she was in her late thirties.

She showed me pictures of her children. Two boys, sixteen and fourteen. Twin girls, thirteen.

I showed her a picture of AJ and her baby.

We both agreed family was a great thing.

All too soon it was over. I dropped he at the station, she lived about an hour from Chicago, said there just wasn't anything local.


I hadn't felt this good in years. The attraction was tremendous. at least on my part. I would be in town for the next six days, and I hoped I could spend more time with her.

God must love me after all, because she got Bobby to give me her cell number, with orders to call, now.

It rang twice before she picked up. Without preamble she gave me instructions.

"Home cooked dinner tonight, my house, seven.

It won't be an intimate dinner, all my kids will be there. Take am overnight bag, trains don't run past eight. Don't get your hopes up, we have a very nice motel and I reserved a room for you. Do not miss the train!"

I was waiting for her when she left the office.

She gave me a friendly hug and hurried me towards the station. She lived in a small town about an hour out of Chicago, Grant something or other.

Her house was modest, but in a good neighborhood. Three bedrooms and she needed more. The boys shared one, the twins the other. I was quickly distracted by the smells coming out of the kitchen.

"What is that?"

She and the girls smiled.

"You'll know in about half an hour. Boys, keep him distracted until dinner is done."

The boys didn't say much, but they didn't ignore me. They had been watching a baseball game when I came in and I suggested they switched it back on.

I love baseball, it appeals to me as an engineer and a chess player. I've always considered baseball a human version of a chess game, with the manager as the player, and the team the pieces. I told the boys my theory and they warmed up quickly. They were both on their high school team, one as an outfielder and the other as a catcher.

We agreed the Cubs and the White Sox were going to have another dismal year, and I lamented the Braves just weren't the same without the leadership of Bobby Cox.

We were having a serious discussion on the designated hitter rule when I noticed Maria watching us with a little smile on her face.

"Boys, It's time for dinner. You can finish your debate afterwards."

Cuban pulled pork sandwiches, they showed me the different condiments. I chose one that was a bit spicy, but bearable. A fruit salsa, and a rice dish with vegetables, shrimp, and chicken. It was one of the best meals I had ever had. I tried not to eat too much and failed miserably.

After the dishes were cleaned I thought I would be shown the door. The surprises kept coming.

It was family game night, and in my honor tonight's game was Scrabble. I spent an hour getting my butt kicked. I never knew there were national championships for Scrabble, but the twins were avid players and competitors. Christina and Cassandra both had been to the state junior championships. I was totally humiliated.

It didn't help any when they got comfortable enough to taunt me.

"Are you sure you're a writer? You don't seem to know many words. That's not really a word is it? Show me in the dictionary?"

They had a huge dictionary on the table just for challenges. Apparently 'snarful' wasn't really a word.

The boys and Marie had quit playing, enjoying my destruction.

All to soon the night was over. It was loud, boisterous, and filled with love. I got quiet on the way to the motel. She seemed to sense something.

"What's wrong? Did you enjoy yourself? I know the girls can be quite vicious when it comes to their games, but they seemed to like you."

I shook my head.

"I loved every second. You tell those snippy little youngsters I want a rematch. I'm going to study, I won't be so easy next time. Th reason I went quiet was that I always wanted a large family. It wasn't until tonight that I realized what I missed. Medical reasons forced us to just have one."

"Why didn't you adopt? There's too many kids out there without families as it is."

"Short answer? She didn't want to. I brought it up at least four times over the years, but she shot it down until it was too late."

She didn't say a thing, but reached over and held my hand until we got to the motel.

I thanked her for the evening as she walked me to my room.

"It was my pleasure. You were a big hit with the kids, they usually don't warm up to men that fast.

For that matter neither do I."

We were standing at my door by then.

I started to say goodnight when she took my head and pulled it down to hers. The kiss was soft, lingering and full of promise. We probably held it a little too long, and when we broke we were both a little flushed.


She put her fingers on my lips. Damn, even they felt erotic.

"Hush, my good man. Don't spoil it by talking.

I'll be here to pick you up at seven thirty. Be ready."

One more brief kiss and she was gone.


"We have to stop now, our time is up. Tune in tomorrow for the final show, where Joe discusses what he learned by writing the book and tells us where he's at now, especially romantically."

"This is Barbara Barnes, Book Report, WORD, 86.7 on your dial. Goodnight all."

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NudeInMaineNudeInMaine4 months ago

Good story. Need a follow up on Annie 499 to see how they are doing now.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I loved it. This chapter had a little of everything. I too felt sorry for the young couple (Annie 499). Thanks for sharing it with us.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I was a design engineer yet Q has a greater imagination than mine! 5 stars

somewhere east of Omaha

oldpantythiefoldpantythief6 months ago

Got to agree with some of the other commenters, the allergies are bad right now, lol. I think this is the best chapter so far, not sure if it can be topped.

mcrr2225mcrr22257 months ago

Great story and you're right about 1 thing. Shiner Bock is great beer, this coming from a Texan that lives about an hour away from Shiner.

Jennifer182Jennifer182almost 2 years ago

OMG my allergies are really bad..... What a beautifully written story, I have laughed and cried, Thank you qhml1 for taking the time and effort to write this.


dawg997dawg997almost 2 years ago

Great story, you have me hooked!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One small comment. You use commas when not appropriate; a semi colon, comma with a connecting word ( comma and or comma because for example) or a full stop with a new sentence starting. The writing is fine, though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

What can I say, it is my fourth time through. I feel sorry for any who for whatever reason stop reading. An amazing tale by an equally amazing writer, shame it is limited to 5 stars max. Thank you Q.

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

i keep loving it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The pen is indeed mightier, but only when wielded by master swordsman...!

BabalooieBabalooiealmost 3 years ago

Great job. Damn allergies!

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 3 years ago


It keeps getting better and better. I'll continue...

Woodturner2018Woodturner2018about 3 years ago

The Golden Rule states do unto others as you would have them do to you. What Joe did with Annie499 is the best example of that that I can think of. Thanks for that thought.

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