A Babe Amongst...Werewolves? Ch. 02

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She is captured and turned by werewolves and must escape.
2.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 06/25/2013
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Hello everyone :)

So Chapter 2 is below, and I am working on Ch. 3 now! Also, in this chapter when the perspective changes character I'll use +++++++ to identify. Feel free to leave feedback/comments, I hope you guys like it! :)



I was so confused...so exhausted...everything was blurry...

"My mind isn't working properly" I think vaguely, as I laid slumped on my back on a dirt floor. Colours and blackness swirls in my vision as I stare at the wooden rafters holding up the roof of the building.

My entire body is limp, well at least I think it is. Or was it? I wondered. When was that? Where was I? When where I? I want to be at work in bed I thought. I'm not even sure if what I just thought made sense, or if I just thought at all. Maybe I spoke? Who knows..?

I feel my lids dropping, and I fall asleep on the floor, exhausted.

I wake on the same dirt floor. I think I might be in a barn, but I'm not sure, the room is still spinning around me gently.

"I....ju...just....pl...pleas...please" I mutter feverishly. I don't even know what I'm trying to say. I feel so gluggy and disorientated. Like that moment before you faint, where you are simultaneously super aware of everything, but then completely disconnected, confused and weak.

As I shudder, I look up from the floor and see Blondie and another man I don't recognise staring down at me. Blondie looks satisfied, I scowl up at him before stopping quickly. Shit! My eyebrows just almost fell off my face from doing that. Better be careful Elle. I think to myself. Don't want those suckers to get away.

As I lie there, I wonder vaguely about what people do when their eyebrows fall off them, before I feel myself getting lifted from the ground. As I am raised, my skin gets unbearably hot, and I arch my back in pain, a haze of red clouds my vision, and yet again, I am lost to the dreamworld...

...I'm in another room now, underground I think. The floor is cement, or something hard and cold anyway. My body shakes uncontrollably, my skin is so itchy. I moan helplessly on the ground.

Blondie is standing over me again, this time with Buzz Cut. Suddenly their faces distort, as if they were standing in front of carnival mirrors. I reach out to touch their faces, but as I move my hand in front of me, their face changes with it. I wave my hand around for some time, watching their faces stretch and widen, sometimes comically other times grotesquely. After a while their faces become less malleable and before long, they are completely normal above me, still staring down. Uselessly I continue to wiggle my hand in front of my face, hoping to continue the effect.


Dennis stared down at his newest werebitch. He was quite pleased it was that mouthy one on the end, he'd hoped she'd be the one to pull through.

She'll wish she hadn't soon enough he thought to himself maliciously. She'd regret biting him and making fun of his cock then.

He continued to study her as she lay there, weakly waving her hand in front of her face, giggling as she did it. She was attractive, he decided, very attractive.

Long brown hair, blue eyes, fair skin and a nice body. Not fat, but not super slim either, a nice womanly body. She was reasonably tall to, about 5'9 or so. He looked at her full pink lips as she continued her hand games, looking forward to the day when she'd be on her knees servicing him. Her movements had stopped now, and her lids were heavy with fatigue from her game.

"Shall we move her to the cage Alpha?" asked Joe respectively.

"Yes, she has made it through the first stage of transition, the cages will be fine. Make sure she has a foam mat, and that none of the others touch her" ordered Dennis.

He reached down and slowly stroked the side of her face, as she lay there.

He eyed his Beta. "That includes you to Joe, I want to be the first inside this bitch. I have a debt to pay, one I'm sure she won't enjoy"

Joe grinned at his Alpha's cruel words, as he reached down and hoisted the sleeping women up over his shoulder.

Dennis watched as Joe quickly transferred the woman into one of the remaining empty cages in the enormous basement, and then rapidly filled a small bowl with water, and tossed in a small foam mattress for her to lie on. He then quickly padlocked the front of the cage shut and locked it.

As Joe headed back to Dennis, who was standing near the bottom of the basement stairs, Dennis looked at the unconscious woman in her cage then surveyed the large dimly lit basement with satisfaction. There were three dozen cages in total in the room, and capacity was close to 100%, he noted, pleased.

As he stared, staring back at him were many frightened pairs of eyes from the other female captives, their eyes wide with fear at the sight of the ferocious and cruel Alpha.


I groaned, fuck my head was pounding, as I slowly came to. As the cogs and wheels finally began turning in my brain, memories of what had happened over the last however lomg started flashing back to me.

Werewolf // Blondie // barn // carnival // Buzz Cut // Pain // Teeth // Basement

They flashed through quickly, and I sat up slowly, as my eyes adjusted to the poor lighting and I began to take in my surrounding.

Oh. My. Fucking. God. Oh my god. Holy shitballs! . FUCKKKKK!! My mind screamed at me, as I looked around.

For starters, I was in a cage. A bonafide, crazy dungeon master style cage. The cage was about 6x8ft and about 6 feet high. The cage was against the wall, so there were only bars on the front and two sides, with white painted brick behind me.

The floor and ceiling were both some sort of thick steel, and the other three sides were all thick vertical bars. There was a door on the front bars, with a big locked padlock on it.

Inside my cage was a crappy foam mattress, no sheets, and a bowl of water. Well of course there's not sheets, my brain yelled at me. This isn't the goddamn Four Seasons Maui you idiot!

"Guess that's a no on the full English breakfast then" I muttered aloud to myself sarcastically.

While my cage was scary enough, the true horrors lay just outside my beautiful accommodation. About thirty in fact, give or take a few. They were in cages that were exactly like mine. They watched my silently as I stared. Like me they were all naked, and most of them were heavily bruised and malnourished.

The room we were in itself was huge, I mean, it was like a underground hall or something. It was very long, about 110 feet maybe, with cages on both sides of the room. All the cages had one side backed against the wall, and then each cage shared one wall with the cage next to it. Kind of like in a pound, I thought to myself, some sort of alternate werewolf pound.

I continued to inspect the room, scanning it to see it there was any visible weapons or anything I could use to get the padlock off my door.

"It's no use" said a voice.

I just about leapt out of my skin. While I had certainly had a good look at everything else, I hadn't actually looked to see if I had neighbours or not. I stared, at looked at the woman in the cage next to me.

She looked like she was in her early thirties. Her hair was slightly past her shoulders and dark blonde. She was quite delicate looking and couldn't of been more than 5'3.

"What's no use?" I asked warily.

"Trying to escape" she said softly. "Even if you somehow managed to get the lock off, they have guards up the stairs, watching the entrance. Plus not to mention patrolling the property in general. You'd never make it."

I scowled, it wasn't exactly the news I had been hoping for.

She slid her hand through the bars and extended it. "I'm Marigold, by the way"

I snorted "Marigold? What was your sisters name, Daffodil?" I instantly regretted my words as soon as they came out of my mouth.

Here I was trapped in some utterly bizarre situation after being attacked by a supposedly mythical fucking werewolf Viking type with a entertainingly small cock and I was being a bitch to the prisoner in the cell besides me with the unfortunate name?

"I'm sorry" I added hastily "I didn't mean to be rude..I just..kinda popped out. I'm Elle by the way" I shrugged lamely.

She smiled, "that's ok, my Mum went through a plant phase when me and my sisters were born" she paused, "considering their names are Thistle and Moonflower, I feel like I got off pretty well. Most people just call me Marie anyway"

I laughed, "god Moonflower really? Jeez if they really didn't want her they could've just put her up for adoption, no need to make her suffer"

We both laughed for a moment enjoying the normalcy of the situation.

"So," I started. "What the fuck is going on here? I mean, what is, any of this? Why have they taken us here? What do they want from us? Also, I'm pretty sure that blonde dude turns into a dog." I blurted out, staring at her.

The women in the other cages were still all silent, but they were all clearly listening to the conversation. Their eyes flicked back to Marigold as they waited for her to respond. They seemed almost deferential to her.

"Dennis, the blonde guy, is a werewolf, as is all the other men here," she hesitated "and all the women."

I stared at her for a moment as what she said sunk in to my rather thick skull. "Those pricks turned me into a goddam werewolf!?" I shrieked. "That's why they attacked me and those other women?" I suddenly looked back around to the cages, trying to spot the other five women that had been with me. Where were they?

Marigold continued as I searched "the other women aren't here." I glanced at her questioningly. She sighed, and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Elle, what do you know about werewolves?"

"Umm..only what Hollywood has told me. They are people who turn into wolves, they don't like silver and they go through alot of clothes?" I smiled, weakly, I was in shock over this whole insane situation. I was a fucking werewolf! They're not supposed to exist! That asshole Dennis better hope I don't get out of this cage, I thought violently. I'll rip his puny cock off then choke him with it!

"...we don't have any problems with silver" Marigold was saying. I snapped back to attention.

"Female and male weres you have to understand, are very different" she continued, "it's not like humans, there are noticeable differences, especially in speed and strength. Because of what we are, our animal instincts control a lot of our behaviours. We can't help but obeying the strongest, the most dominant, it's in our nature."

I just looked at her, shocked. "Great, so now because I'm half dog, I'm going to roll over to every man I meet?"

"No, not exactly. It's not just females that obey the strongest, all wolves want a strong Alpha. We have packs and pack rankings. Some male wolves aren't dominant at all. It's just that, men are always the Alphas, because male weres are significantly stronger."

"Ok" I started slowly, trying to make sense. Better to keep calm for now, and get as informed as you can, I reasoned with myself. "So, you said there are packs, and rankings? How does that work, is it just a fight, so some women will be higher?"

"Not quite," Marigold replied. "Male weres are ranked, the most dominant being the Alpha, or leader of the pack. Normally he will have a few Beta's, enforcers if you like."

That must be what Buzz Cut and Long Hair are to Blondie, I thought to myself.

"After that there isn't a specific name for your position, it's just everyone who isn't a Beta or Alpha, more of a ranking order. The rest of the wolves will be essentially ranked, from the most dominant to the least. It's not a hard and fast order, wolves can challenge the wolf above them on the list if they feel they deserve it."

"So female weres fight the men?" I was kinda confused by now, I thought she said females were a lot weaker?

"No, this is just male weres. Female weres get their rank from their mate, their partner. If you are an unmated female were, you'd just be at the bottom"

"Fuck that is some outdated bullshit" I stated, rolling my eyes "I guess the whole women's lib thing has yet to take off among the supernatural."

"It's just how it is," she shrugged. "You'll see, once your wolf is present, you'll understand more. It's just survival instincts."

"Right." I was unconvinced, but I figured no point arguing about it now. "Ok so, I'm up with you til now, but then why are we here?"

Marigold was quiet, she was staring at the floor, she looked forlorn. "There are two ways you can become werewolf," she started--CLANG!!

We all jumped, as the door above burst open, and I could see four men, no four werewolves, I mentally corrected, start walking down the stairs. They seemed to have some sort of first aid kit or something with them.

As they walked down, a large, disgusting looking man with greasy long hair and a gross long beard shouted out. "Rise and shine my beauties, it's time for your shots!" He laughed, and as they reached the bottom, I realised they had syringes, filled with a strange pale green liquid.

Great, what now? I wondered bitterly...

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FaithWhiteFaithWhiteover 9 years ago
Still going.....

So far so good. A little short in length but otherwise an interesting story.

WildWolfGirlWildWolfGirlabout 10 years agoAuthor
Chapter 3

Chapter 3 has just been submitted so once it's approved it will be up hopefully by the end of next week! Sorry for the delay! :)

agamottoagamottoover 10 years ago
Good story so far......

You had mentioned a third chapter, will it be out soon? Or will we wait a year or ten like with Jean M. Auel's books?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Grrrrr! Can we have chapter 3 please?

We've all been waiting since last July, and we're all very impatient now. Seems to me like you've been working on Ch. 3 for a very long time. So, you're going to have to do something about it, like finish the damn thing and get the bloody thing posted. PLEASE! :)

Robert26372Robert26372over 10 years ago
When do we get the next chapter ?

I guess you´re not intending to complete this story. It´s a shame because it´s good and has many possibilities. Think about it again and start writting. I think it´s a good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

its been three freaking months AND THERE STILL IS NO THIRD CHAPTER i need another chapter

DaddyslilpsychoDaddyslilpsychoalmost 11 years ago
keep going!

Its a great story just chapters need to be longer and you need to continue the story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Well done....I see alot of impatient people are eager for more

I see so many great comments and I think your a winner....

awesome story I am dangling on the edge.....wow it would really be great if she kicked blonde wolfie boy's ass.....I would love it!

DragonEmperessDragonEmperessalmost 11 years ago
Drum roll.....

Any updates?

WildWolfGirlWildWolfGirlalmost 11 years agoAuthor
Sorry for the delay!

Hey everyone!

I'm so so sorry for the enormous delay for chapter 3! I'd planned to submit it a few weeks ago but it wasn't where I wanted it before I went away camping for 2 weeks with no Internet/power! And then I came back and uni started so I have been too busy! But I have a free day so I am fairly confident I will submit it today, I have really been working to make it longer as well, so I'll put another post to let you guys know when it is officially submitted and I'll really work to be quicker for the next chapters :-/

@anon sorry I don't have a blog! But I'll try and be better with keeping you guys updated even if its just a post in comments on here in the future :)

drews_lette11drews_lette11almost 11 years ago

I like the way this is heading but the chapters are too short. hard to really immerse myself in the story.

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedalmost 11 years ago

I love this. great twist to the whole were story. keep up the good work can't wait for chapter 3.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Whyyy is it taking so long to come up?

I check constantly whether Chapter 3 has gone up, I was wondering whether you have a blog or something?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Get an editor, it really is painful to read!

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago

You haven't done the statistics list thingy... Comment before me had asked for more description of our girl and I was seconding that with the caveat re #'s. :)

Perhaps you can work some of her history in via her thoughts about what she has lost and/or what she is fighting to get back. Maybe some description of her via the observations of Marie or the thugs.

About writing in general...I, too, am very,very fond of commas! I'm also obsessed with ellipses. More formal writing requires these be controlled. More relaxed writing, especially something more conversational, I say let 'em rip!

Go Elle! Fight the power!

WildWolfGirlWildWolfGirlalmost 11 years agoAuthor

Hey everyone :)

Working on chapter 3 as I write this, I'll defintely be submitting it this afternoon! And it's longer!

@MissMetaphoricalStick thanks! I'm sure there are some grammar problems in there hehe, but honestly i figure as long as it's good enough jt doesn't distract readers from the actual story I'm not going to sweat it!

Yeah this is my first attempt at writing anything like this, or really anything other than stories in high school haha, it is a little overwhelming! I would like that, I still haven't fully decided where I want this to go, so comments/suggestions etc are more than welcome! I am defintely going to focus on writing longer chapters from now on though, force myself to write those extra words!

@redlion ha I didn't really think about the fact that normally rogues are essentially loners in werewolf stories, so thanks for pointing it out, I will make sure to explain that dynamic in the next chapters to clarify for you guys.

@anonymous (rogue comment) I disagree with you saying that it doesn't make sense. While it is unusual, I don't think there is a set rule in werewolf lore that all rogues can never be in a pack together (or perhaps are just in a evil pack). As this is already a story about mythical supernatural creatures I feel like the suspension of disbelief can be extended to cover the concept of a rogue pack. Also, not to quibble, (yes I am actually using quibble) but TECHNICALLY I never used the word rogue anywhere in my story to describe the wolves, even though I can understand why they are perceived in that way.

MissesMetophoricalStickMissesMetophoricalStickalmost 11 years ago
Excellent Story

I love how you've really given the main character a defined personality. The sarcasm and humor you've put in is very amusing and I can tell you've put great effort into this story so far. Also, I hope Marigold and Elle find a way to improve their situation. As someone mentioned earlier, I'm sure we'd all love to see longer story lengths, although as a story writer myself, I realize how difficult that can be. I just hope that you aren't like me and continue going into writers' blocks. I'm sure the support from your story followers will be enough. You still have a lot of paths you can travel with this story, and if you need any ideas or suggestions your readers have your back. Also, I didn't really notice any grammatical errors so truly congratulate yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

This is pretty good, need longer chapters tho, I like the heroine a lot of attitude lol good job tho

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Rogues don't have a pack structure, they're out for themselves not a part of a pack, it just doesn't make sense.

redlion75redlion75almost 11 years ago

a pack of rogues with a pack structure?

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