A Barbarian Girl on Gor Ch. 08

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Amelia Jane encounters a surprising beast.
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Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 10/27/2022
Created 11/26/2013
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8. Amelia Jane encounters a surprising beast

A rag was stuffed into my mouth, gagging me once more, and then something placed over it and tied behind my head securing it in place. It tasted unpleasant, as if it had been used for cleaning floors or such. I could scarcely whimper, my mouth wadded as it was. Then something was pulled over my head, and I saw no more. I heard a sound as of metal straining and then breaking. The sound was repeated twice, and I could feel that my ankle was no longer tethered. I was lifted bodily off the ground by strong hands, my hands still tied behind me, and then a rough material rubbed against my bare skin. I realised that I had in all likelihood been placed into a sack, of burlap, or some such cheap utilitarian material.

I found myself head downwards, my bottom in the air, and my legs dangling, and I surmised that I was being carried over a man's shoulder. As we moved off I deduced that my head was at his back, my legs and bottom facing forwards.

I found it difficult to breathe easily, gagged as I was, in the receptacle in which I found myself being transported. I whimpered a little, softly, as best I could, as if in protest. My bottom was slapped, hard, through the cheap sacking, and I endeavoured thereafter to make no sound at all.

I tried to recollect the brief glimpse that I had had of the men before the hood had been placed over my head. They were perhaps the most disreputable group of males that I had ever seen in my life. There was a hardness about them, as if they were used to tough circumstances. There had been no words when they had came across me in the square, just swift action.

I wondered how they had discovered me. Had they merely been crossing the market in the early dawn, on a trip out to take the air or such? I doubted it, but I suppose that there was no reason why not. Then I remembered the powerful looking metal shearing object that one of them had carried. It seemed an unlikely implement to select by happenstance for such a trip.

I suspected, then, that they had known that they should come across me. I wondered how this could have been. I recalled the market recycler. I wondered if he had revealed to them that a girl was there in the market place, chained, ripe for the taking, a tempting piece of low-hanging fruit available for plucking to any that might have the right equipment to hand. I wondered bitterly how much he had charged them for the information.

I shuddered, wondering where they might be taking me, and for what purpose they intended to use me.

At one point I was placed on the ground, and then, after a moment or two, thrown again over a shoulder, my head down at a man's back, my hips high, my bottom foremost. I did not know if I was over the shoulder of the same man, or whether he had passed me off to another, that they might share the load that comprised my nude body, gagged and hooded in the sack.

After some time it seemed that we went down some stairs, I feeling myself bumped up and down on the man's shoulder as we descended. Then the sound of a door opening and I realised that I must now be inside. I was placed, not gently, on a flat surface, as of wood, I did not know if it were a floor, or a table, or some such similar item of furniture on which a sack containing a girl might be placed. I whimpered softly, through the cloth wadding in my mouth. I felt a kick, hard, to my back. It would seem, therefore, that I was on the floor, and, further, that noise or protest on my part was not welcomed at this juncture.

I remained in place quietly. There was discussion now, male voices. I felt movement as something happened to my sack. I presume that the ties were opened as I was lifted in the air.and felt myself tipped, tumbling unceremoniously downwards. Unable to break my fall with my hands, and not knowing how high up I was, and when I should hit the ground, my fall was ungainly and awkward. I felt my shoulder hit the floor and I sprawled there, on my back. I heard mocking laughter. I cried a little in my hood, knowing myself bruised.

I felt stone or some other unyielding surface against my underside. I squirmed a little and felt a chain, doubtless that linked to my empty coin box, tangled around my body. I tasted the unpleasant rag stuffed into my mouth, my head in the stuffy hood. I felt a strong hand grip my ankle, still with its cuff, although the chain that previously connected it with the fixed ring was now gone. I felt myself dragged across the floor, and then a different material beneath me, that of coarse woven material such as might comprise a blanket or such. I heard a door close, and the sound of the voices diminished. The hand on my ankle left me, but then another hand, or perhaps more likely the same one, mauled roughly my right breast. I whimpered in the hood as the hand went down to my belly and then further.

I do not know in which order they had me, but I know that I was taken five times, and would assume that each had one use of me. Three of the 'sessions' had me lying on my back, though once I was placed upon my belly, and my rear hole utilised. The last used me by cupping my breasts around what I took to be his male member. From various aural clues I surmised that he was that of their group that possessed a peg leg. I was not cleaned between each taking of me. They did not seem to be particularly fastidious fellows.

When this last had done with me, wiping himself clean on my breasts, I was left alone. I could hear them faintly in the next room, but even had their voices been loud enough for me to overhear, I would not have been able to understand them.

Hooded, gagged, hands behind my back, utterly helpless, my nude body presumably stained and coated with variously combined sexual residues, I attempted to sleep, sobbing into my hood.

I awoke to feel myself being dragged once more across the floor by the ankle. This time I think it was to the larger room, into which I had been first pitched from the sack. I felt a booted foot on my shoulder, and then something heavy and metallic resting on me, just below my collar. I heard a grating slicing noise, then I heard another pinging sound, similar to that which had preceded myself being placed into the sack, that noise which I had associated with the cutting of the chain that linked me to the ankle ring. In this instance I surmised that it was the chain linking the band upon my neck to the coin box that was being sliced away by the shearing device that I had briefly witnessed in the market place.

Suddenly light flooded into my eyes. The hood had been taken off my head. My eyes squinted, making out only vague shapes. In front of me was a man. The gag at my mouth was then also removed, and then also the cloth wadded into my oral cavity. The cuffs holding my wrists behind my back, and the band around my neck remained. As I grew more accustomed to the light, I realised with a start that the man facing me was wearing a hood. There was another man behind him, also hooded. Their hoods differed importantly from that which I had worn in that holes had been cut out to enable their eyes to look out. They spoke to me several times. Each time I answered with the only phrase that I knew in their language 'I am a slave girl'.

After a time one of them hit me, then questioned me again. I whimpered but could only speak my little phrase. I was hit again, and fell to the floor. They began to kick me. Still I uttered my little phrase, now almost a mantra against the pain they were inflicting upon my defenceless nude body.

Eventually they stopped their attack on my person and spoke to each other. They seemed to concur on some matter and one of them left. He came back shortly after carrying something in his hand, It was placed on me. It had a similar effect to the hood, stopping any sight, however, I could feel that my mouth and nose were still 'open to the elements' as it were.

It seemed that my temporary respite from having my vision denied me had been brought to an end. A man gripped my upper arm, and led me off. I assumed we went through a further door. The room had a different smell to that which I had occupied the previous night. I heard him bark a shout, as of a command. I did not know what to do. I felt his hand push me down, into my kneeling position. Almost without thinking I went to my 'default stance', with my arms behind me. I heard an angry shout then felt his hands upon my bare limbs, not gently. He positioned me so that I was on my knees, but with my hips not on my heels, but kneeling up. From a kick on my bottom, I surmised that I was to move forward on my knees. I did so, each movement painful as my knees came into contact with the floor. Eventually my further progress was stopped by my face meeting a thin shaft or tube of metal. I stopped, unable to continue. I heard a noise behind me, that corresponded to what one might hear from the closing then locking of a door. Then I heard the sound of another door. Then all was quiet.

I explored my new environment with my face. In four directions I came across the vertical tubes, spaced apart by about three or four inches. Each of the four sets comprised a square of approximately one yard on each side. Above me the roof seemed of metal, cold and smooth to my touch. It was just above me as I knelt up. I evidently could not stand upright nor stretch in any direction. As I explored about the cage, my chin touched another object, a small bowl. Putting my nose into it I realised that it contained a liquid. I lapped a little, gingerly, with my tongue. It was water. I had at least a pan of water. Next to it, my face contacted a larger container, a pail. It was empty. I smelt inside for food. I wrinkled my nose in distaste. I surmised what it might be for. It seemed that I was destined to remain in this new limited environment for some time. I could not stretch my limbs out, nor stand upright. There was drink within, but no food.

I was grateful at least for the pan of water and the other, larger bucket. I settled myself onto the floor, my legs pulled up through necessity given the cage's limited dimensions. I wondered what might be their plans for me.

I lapped a little from the bowl that had been placed in the cell. I did not need to utilise the other bowl. I dozed fitfully for a while, then awoke, and supped once more from the little bowl. I repeated the routine, Then again, and again. I began to realise that despite my attempting to ration myself, the water in the bowl was almost depleted. I called out. I could hear nothing. I slept again. When I awoke I lapped the few drops that were the last of my water. The pail stank. i wondered how long I had been in the little cage. It must have been more than a day. Surely they would bring more water soon?

More time passed. I could hear nothing. Nothing at all. Had the house been abandoned? I alternated between fitful dozing and worried awakening. I began to get very thirsty. My throat had become parched and dry. It became difficult for me to swallow. I tried to recall how long it took to die of thirst. Was it three or four days? I wondered how long I had been in the tiny cage. It had surely been several days. My thirst and hunger became excruciating. I could no longer call out, and any sound above a whisper caused my throat to parch.

Eventually the fitful dozing and worried awakening merged into one state. I was barely conscious. Had they simply forgotten about me? I wondered how many days I had been there. Had I been a mere bauble plucked from the streets of the market place, to be used once, as a trivial amusement and then discarded? To die a slow death in a tiny cage, neglected in a tiny room?

I felt like a pet, a rabbit perhaps or a hamster, that had been given to a spoilt child. The child had played and sported with the pet briefly, but the animal's novelty had worn off, the child, bored of its antics, moved onto another toy, the rabbit or hamster forgotten in its hutch alone.

I began to believe that such musings might constitute my last thoughts. However, a time later, how long I cannot tell, I heard sounds again. I tried to call out, but my voice was too weak to carry.

I heard the door unlock and then the cage door. I was saved! Hands were at my body, pulling me across the floor. I surmised that I was in the main room again. I could only croak out, but surely they would realise that I wanted, in fact desperately needed water? But I had no way of telling them.

I felt hands again at my body. I heard the pink of the metal cutter and realised that my hands had been freed. For the first time in a long time my arms were not trapped behind me. I expected that they would gang rape me once more but instead it would seem that they were dressing me. I felt a garment pulled over my head. There seemed to be a lot of it. More like a garment that might be worn on earth than the short tunics that had been worn by the yellow clad girls that had tried to make me swallow the insect, or the American sweeping girl that had called me a bitch. This garment seemed to come down to my feet.

I felt what I assumed to be a gag being put on me, yet it did not seem to be a gag, but simply something that covered my mouth.

My arms were once again pinned behind me, this time with rope, and I was frogmarched with a man on either side of me, holding me up by my upper arms and I felt fresh air blow on my hands and bare feet. It seemed that we were outside. I realised that there was sunlight falling on me, for the first time in a long while. I moved my feet along the ground, trying to keep up with the pace that the men demanded.

I was laid down somewhere, and soon felt us begin to move. We moved jerkily, and bounced along, as if in a cart of some sort. It seemed that there was a man with me, holding me. I wondered where we could possibly be going. I could hear background noises, as if we were on a street. I wondered about calling out but even had I dared to, I could not.

After a while, the cart stopped. I felt myself picked up again, unloaded from the cart like an item of cargo. I was carried a short way, facing back over a shoulder as before, then dropped upon the ground. There were men around me. My heart was racing. What could be happening? Suddenly light flooded in, as the covering over my eyes was pulled away. I blinked but the sunlight hurt my eyes. They were too dry to water. I had to shut them. Something else was put on my head, like a hat, but I could feel tendrils brushing my shoulders and ears. I realised with surprise that it was a wig. The 'hair' on it felt very thick and artificial. The sort of wig that one might wear to a fancy dress party or such. It was long and light coloured. I thought of my old mane of blonde hair, that which had been cut from me in the market place. I wondered how long it should take to grow back.

The garment covered me, a long dress, down to my ankles, long sleeves, a very high neck, covering the metal band that I wore there. I lay in it sprawled on the ground.

I tried again to speak, but my throat was so parched I could not. We waited. If the men were still around me, they made no sound. I lay on my side. I heard a faint rumbling. I wondered what it could be. It was a repetitive sound. It became louder as if something very large were coming closer. I felt my bottom lip tremble.

With difficulty, I turned my body so that I was facing the direction from whence the rumbling noise came. I tried again to open my eyes, I squinted in the bright light and saw, coming towards me, what could only be described as a dinosaur.

I tried to scream but my throat was too parched for any but the smallest sound to come out.

The animal was bipedal, with small arms, almost vestigial. Its hind legs though, were immense and powerful. Surprisingly, there was someone on the back of it, riding it. The figure was slight, with long blonde hair flowing. It was not sat astride the beast, but both legs seemed to be on one side. The beast and its rider were coming straight towards me.

I recalled the moons, and my realisation that I was in a different world, one in which I appeared to rank very low in the hierarchy of things. The extra moon had been a shock, yet here was something more immediate, more frightening. A dinosaur being ridden by a person, and I was tied up helplessly directly in its path.

Desperately, I tried to wriggle away but I was unable to squirm more than a few inches, I would not escape the lumbering beast that was now close to me.

I closed my eyes, preparing to be trampled.

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aisielynnaisielynnabout 10 years ago

*warm smile*

very interested to see just what plans these men have for Amelia Jane. And who is the mystery rider? *imagining the possibility of a Panther Woman, grins* So looking forward to your next chapter!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Oh Hell! Noooooooo.

Getting good and then you stop. Please make your chapters longer. And please hurry up with the next chapter, tomorrow would be good. :)

No, seriously though, please don't make us wait as long for the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

An interesting twist of events! Looking forward to the next update.

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