A Beautiful View Redux

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A follow-up to BigGuy33's story.
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First, thanks to BigGuy33 for giving his permission for this follow-up. Thanks always to blackrandl1958 for her sweet inspiration, advice and editing.


In the cold light of day, I wondered if I might have been too hasty in moving Connie back in so soon after our fuck session at the party the previous night.

Even though we had been divorced 16 months, the pain of her betrayal was still fresh. Her reasons, or should that be excuses, hadn't changed. I was still working long hours and still had to travel on a regular basis. How could I be sure that she wouldn't get "lonely" again and make another "poor choice."

The fact was I couldn't. If I was to get back together with Connie for anything more than a live-in FWB relationship, I would have to, somehow, learn to trust her again, and I just wasn't sure that was likely or even, realistically, possible.

We fucked liked bunnies at every opportunity, and I have to say that the sex was at least as good as I remembered. I don't know if it was my 16-month long period of abstinence that made it seem so hot or what, but it was definitely H-O-T!

We still got together with Tom and Mary on a regular basis, but I never regained the closeness, the "got your back" feeling that we had before. I know they felt that they were doing the right thing and that it was for my own good, but I still felt that as my friends, they should have respected my wishes. It was bad enough that they remained friends with Connie after she cheated on me, but they actually conspired with her to get us back together. I supposed our ultimate relationship would depend on how Connie and I ended up.

It wasn't long after we got Connie moved back in with me, that the wedding planning began! Yes, even though I had given no indication that I was ready to take the next step and propose re-marriage to Connie, it seemed like every time we got together, and I'm sure that whenever Mary and Connie got together, the wedding talk would start. Whether it was the best time of year to get married, reception locations and menus, or where we should go on our honeymoon, they would get their heads together and nothing I could say could discourage them. While this irritated me, reminding me of how my wishes regarding Connie were ignored, ultimately, I decided to let them have their fun. Nothing was going to happen unless I was ready, and I was far from ready!

Life went on in this way for several months, Connie living with me almost like man and wife, except, of course, for the paperwork and ceremony.

I certainly enjoyed the sex! Connie was a sex machine. One night, I said, "Are you trying to fuck me to the altar?"

"If that's what it takes," she said.

"Connie, you have to realize that's not the answer," I said, "We never had a problem in the bedroom. The problem was with my job, and that hasn't changed; if anything it's gotten a little worse as I've thrown myself even more into my work."

"I understand, Henry," Connie said, "and I've learned my lesson. I know what I have to lose!"

"You didn't before?" I asked. "You actually thought you could fuck Mark and everything would be hunky-dory?"

"I already told you! I wasn't thinking, at least at first," she cried. "If I was thinking, I never would have done it! It was only after I did it the first time that I thought about it, and look where that got me."

"Now we come to the heart of the matter," I said, "The reason you were able to do it, and thought that you could continue, was because I trusted you. To paraphrase Rhett Butler, 'Frankly my dear, I don't trust you'." Then I rolled over, turning my back to Connie, and fell asleep to her soft sobs.

The end came, not with a bang but a whimper, and reads like such a cliché that I'm almost embarrassed to write it down.

I had an out-of-town business trip that ended early, and although I told myself I simply wanted to surprise Connie, I'm sure that deep down in my subconscious I thought that I would test whether or not I could trust Connie.

As I approached our house, I saw Tom and Mary's car and breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Mary was probably over helping Connie out. When I came in the front door, I was just about to call out when I noticed the clothes strewn around the living room, including men's clothes. Pulling myself together, I could hear the unmistakable sounds coming from the bedroom. I pulled out my smartphone, set it to video and quietly approached the bedroom door. I had two pieces of luck: They had left the bedroom door open and they were doing it doggie style facing parallel to the doorway, so I had a good shot of both of their faces.

You can probably guess that the man laying the pipe to my "desperate to get me back" ex-wife, Connie was my great best, soon to be ex-friend, Tom. Once I felt that I had enough video, I coughed to get their attention; the look of shocked surprise was priceless! Of course, they started spouting the usual: "It's not what it looks like," "I/we can explain," "Please don't tell Mary!"

I could only laugh, and told Connie that I would expect all of her belongings out of my place by the end of the day. I quickly gathered up their wallets, car keys and phones, got in my car and headed over to Tom and Mary's house.

I arrived at their house and rang their bell. "Henry," Mary said, "what are you doing here? Connie said you were out of town."

"I was," I said, "but we wrapped up a little early and I thought I would surprise Connie."

"I'm sure she'll be surprised, all right," she said, "But why are you here instead of at your place? Tom's over there now, helping Connie out."

"Oh, I'm sure he's helping her out, all right," I said with a smirk. "I think you'd better sit down."

"Henry," Mary said, nervously, "you're scaring me. What the fuck is going on?"

"Mary, remember a few months ago, I didn't want to go to that party; but you and Tom knew better, that I needed to get out and socialize more?

"Yes, Henry, I remember, but what does that have to do with why you here and not home with Connie?

"Relax, Mary," I said, "I'm getting there. Do you also remember how it was all a ploy; that despite my protestations, you guys knew better, that you conspired with Connie to throw us back together?"

"Of course, Henry!" she exclaimed, "and you have to agree that we were right! You and Connie have never been happier, even back when you were married!"

"I'm sure it must have seemed that way. I was even beginning to believe it myself, but then, how do you explain this?" I said, as I began playing the video for her.

At first, you could've heard a pin drop as the video started, but soon you could practically see the steam coming out of her ears!

"That bastard!" she said, "'Connie needs my help with the lawn mower;' 'Connie's car won't start;' and that slut! After all I did for her, helping her get you back! I never dreamed she would betray either one of us, let alone both of us! What are you going to do now, Henry?"

"Well, obviously the reconciliation is over and done with. I have already told her to get her things out, and I'm through with Mike," I said, "I hope you've learned your lesson about meddling in other people's business!"

The next thing I knew Connie and Tom came rushing in the front door. Damn, I had forgotten about the spare set of keys in the kitchen. Oh, well, maybe this would be a good thing, get all the bullshit out on the table once and for all!

Connie was the first to speak. "Oh, Henry, Honey," she said, "I'm so glad you're still here! Please you have to let me explain!"

"Explain!" I said, "Okay, maybe you can explain about how 'I've learned my lesson. I know what I have to lose!' yet there you were doing the exact same thing that caused our divorce, only this time it was with my 'best' friend!"

"You don't understand!" she sobbed.

"That's right! I don't understand! You were so 'sorry' and you'd never be unfaithful again, yet you couldn't even wait till we were married to cheat on me again. It makes no fucking sense!

"Not that I really expect an honest answer, but just how often has Tom been 'helping you out' since we got back together?"

Connie could only look down at floor.

"I think I can help, Henry," Mary said.

Tom and Connie nearly jumped out of their skin, trying without success to get Mary to stop without actually saying anything.

"I think it started almost from the first time you had a trip out of town," Mary said. "At first I went along to keep Connie company while Tom took care of whatever chore she had for him. I should have suspected something from the beginning; Tom never really seemed to do anything besides puttering around.

"Tom didn't go over for a while, although Connie seemed to call whenever you went out of town, for some reason always calling Tom on his cell instead of my cell or the landline. Tom never really had much to say, just a few mumbles before handing me the phone to have some meaningless chat with Connie. Then one time when you were away, I had to go see my mother, and when I got home there was a note from Tom that he had to help Connie with something. That was about three months ago. Since then, he has either gone when I had something else to do, or they had some bullshit reason why I shouldn't bother going along."

"So, Connie," I said, "I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that when we got back together you didn't intend to cheat again. You knew our situation and our history. If you had the slightest doubt of your ability to be faithful, why did you not only want to get back together but fight so hard for it?"

"I don't know!" she cried. "I really thought I could handle it, and I love you so much that I couldn't bear to be apart."

"But we talked about this, and you said you learned your lesson! As soon as you began to realize that you couldn't take it, why didn't you just break things off? Sure, it would have hurt, but not as much as this!"

"I just couldn't live without you! I tried talking to Tom..."

"Stop right there!" I almost screamed. "Tom? Why not Mary? You certainly had no trouble talking to Mary when you schemed to get me back!"

"I'm not sure," she said, "I guess because he is...was your best friend."

I almost broke out laughing. "Well, we've seen how well that worked out!"

As upset as she was, even Connie couldn't resist a small smile.

Turning to Tom I said, "You! You were supposed to be my best friend! You did all you could to get us back together, and knew how her cheating on me nearly destroyed me. How in the world could you do this to me?"

"I did it to protect you," Tom said.

"You what?" I nearly hit the ceiling.

"Just listen to me, Henry," he said. "I could see that Connie was going through Hell, and that if I didn't do something she would probably cheat on you again..."

"So, you decided to help me by having her cheat on me with you? That makes no sense!"

"I thought that it did," he said, "I thought that if she cheated with someone else you would either catch her again, or she might fall for the other guy. I felt that I could keep her from getting too emotionally involved with me, and I was sure that I could keep you from catching us."

This time I couldn't help myself, I laughed out loud. "How? Connie knew my schedule at least as well as you did, why would you be able to keep me from finding out any better than she could?"

He obviously had no answer to that, so he wisely kept his mouth shut.

At this point Mary spoke up. "Connie, why couldn't you talk to me? God knows you cried on my shoulder often enough during your separation and after the divorce! Please don't take this the wrong way, Henry, but if you had to cheat, why do it with Tom? You saw how your cheating destroyed Henry, fuck you saw how it destroyed you. Do you have any idea what you have done to me?

"My marriage is probably over, our friendship is dead as a door nail, and given my part in bringing you two back together I doubt if there is much left of my friendship with Henry."

Connie was openly sobbing now. "But I love you, but I love you..." she kept saying over and over again.

I gave Connie and Tom their wallets, phones and car keys back, telling Connie again to remove her belongings as soon as possible. While I didn't exactly threaten him, I did tell Tom to stay out of my way!

I turned to Mary, saying, "Part of me wants to laugh at you, telling you that this is what you get for meddling in other people's lives. I can't find it in my heart to do that, I know, only too well, how much this kind of betrayal feels, and I know your heart was in the right place. Maybe once things settle down we can be friends again."

"Thank you, Henry," Mary said, "I really appreciate that. God knows I finally understand what you went through, though I wish I didn't! I'm pretty sure I'll be joining you in the ranks of the divorced, I guess time will tell."

With that, I gave Mary a kiss in the cheek good-bye, turned and left, heading back to my house, not knowing if Connie would be there, but hoping she would wait until the next day when I would be at work.

I had been turning all sorts of Burn The Bitch/Bastard scenarios over in my mind, but I ultimately concluded that it wasn't worth the trouble. I wondered if Tom and Connie would end up together. Well, if they did, they deserved each other!

If anything good came out of this fiasco it was that I decided that it was time to come out of my period of mourning for my marriage and to dip my toes into the dating pool. Would I complete the cliché and meet a rich super model sex machine who adored me? I doubted it, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Wish me luck!

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ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon3 months ago

Now I see why people on here call you BabblingBrooks....you and your characters never STFU.

Buster2UBuster2U6 months ago

5 Bg Blazing stars for an interesting story. I have done my best to NEVER get involved in other peoples love lives, and NEVER fuck my buddie's gal, married or not. It hasn't gotten me more pussy, but it hasn't cost me most sleepless nights or guilt. I know of some of my friends that still feel guilty years after banging our roommates gal just for the roommate to be seriously hurt in a motorcycle vs pickup truck accident, and now later is passed away. Imagine the guilt that roommate feels. Guilt can be avoided by NOT doing those things that cause it. Interesting life lesson in this story. Thanks, Buster2U

NickTeeNickTee9 months ago

I didn't like the original much but this one was just beyond bad

StruckwrongStruckwrong9 months ago

A cheaters gonna cheat story.

kirei8kirei811 months ago

Again, no fucking payback!

shadrachtshadracht12 months ago

Not much of an ending, and no real hope or joy to the story. I don't read to just feel bad about thing.

gopher25gopher25over 1 year ago

All that is missing is for Henry and Mary to end up married. Three stars ... being generous.

DrgwngDrgwngalmost 2 years ago

This was even more stupid and far worse than the first. He calmly talked to them about this, really? No penalties no consequences, no negative results. Just ridiculous.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2almost 2 years ago

The whole dialog and acting after they were caught was absurd and ill thought out. There is no way Tom would hnot have had a broken nose or some sort of beating and Connie's shtuff should have been all over the driveway.

This was a huge betrayal and disrespecting by Tom and Connie and there was no price paid by either of them.

SunnyU2SunnyU2almost 2 years ago

Did not need to be written

iameaseliameaselabout 2 years ago

Nope, absolutely a bigly well deserved nope.

The original was weak enough (ie pretty lame set up) but this.....this was a far worse mess.

BlueEyd2BlueEyd2over 2 years ago

absurd justification on Tom's part. And Connie must have a permanent martian slut raygun constantly aimed at her.

fredbrownfredbrownover 2 years ago

Well, this is a downer! If she puts a notch on the bed post every tryst your bed will collapse. I would believe ole Connie has the best of intentions but the truth is she is almost as bad as you and I when it comes to keeping the old panties up. We be dogs - No?

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Sometimes the RAAC just don’t take.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

1 star - this is worse than the other one.

The other one was really lite on plot and should not have been added to, especially this way.

Rancher46Rancher46almost 3 years ago

This one not so much, the BTB crowd will love it. I liked the other one better.

amygdalaamygdalaabout 3 years ago

I read the original and boy did I hate it. This seems like a very likely outcome to a lot of these RAAC from hell. Not knocking reconciliations but if they worked in real life then the divorce rate would not be so high..IJS.

GriscomGriscomabout 3 years ago

I think it would have been more consistent with the earlier chapters, where Mary did not seem to mind cheating and Henry wondered whether Tom and Mary would split as a result of that thinking, if Henry came home to find Connie and Mary getting double-teamed by two other guys. That would make Tom well-meaning but clueless.

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