A Big Shiny Blue Marble Ch. 39


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He disagreed, "You are no such thing to me, Rosa. I've hated my life for a long time and I had no way to change it and no reason to want to. I have that now. You gave me the reason, Rosa. In the middle of a ruined city on a world where I would have never wanted to be, you gave me everything -- all of the reasons that I need, and at the center of it is a wonderful female who I have marked because I want her. I think that you're wrong about a few notions about me being a god or something like that and I've tried to show you gently that I'm no such thing. But I believe in you, Rosa."

She smiled from behind her closed eyes, "I love you, Tirran. I understand how you think that I'm mistaken, and I don't think that you're a god -- not the way that my people did so long ago. It's all in the level of technology. I see that now, but I still know that I'm right.

I know the difference between those werewolves out there and you. The people were never promised that one of us could be a werewolf. That happened anyway. They were promised that one of them would be taken by the Wolf People and accepted as one of them -- to be one of them. I'm about all that's left now -- who's under like eighty years old. If I'm not the one then there never will be, and it's enough for me to want to be what you are and if I can have just one more wish, then I want to spend the rest of my life with the one that I met today. So if that sounds good to you, then come on and fuck me."

Tirran mounted her and as he took her and their passion rose once more, she begged him for his bite.

She put everything into it that she had, as tired as she was, and when she felt his thrusting becoming more urgent, she called out to her ancestors and any of his that might have been listening as she gave herself to the one person who had been able to touch her heart so easily.

She screamed out her pain and her joy to see his head next to hers with her shoulder in his teeth and her blood running.

As soon as she had the brain cells to devote to the task, Rosa began to chant, saying the prayers that she'd been taught since she was a girl. They'd been in with all of the other ones that she'd learned then, part and parcel of the liturgy of her people, but this part was what had been passed down from one generation to the next, from mother to daughter alone and never committed to buckskin or paper.

It was not expected that a girl meet and mate with one of the Wolf People as her tribe had called them. That hadn't happened in more than half a millennium, but the chants were still there, and Rosa drew on them now. Though she was in pain, she had several quick orgasms. They weren't as hard as the ones that she'd had with him before, but they were very satisfying to her all the same -- given that he'd opened her shoulder. She asked him to stop and then she'd moved to put her head and her arms onto the mattress as she offered him another place now.

"Rosa" he said, "Are you sure?"

"Yes," she groaned, "I've promised you this in my joking way all night. I want it now. If you still have anything left for me in there, then do this for me and give me the last now. I'm sure that I'm the one, and I'm just as sure that I'm the one for Tirran."

She smirked at him over her shoulder, "You get me lit the right way Handsome, and you can even give me that knot of yours if you think you can be nice to me about it."

Rosa was thankful that his hardness was well-lubricated and even more, she was thankful for the shape of it. As he entered her very carefully, hoping only to please her with the last gushes from the coupling that they'd just had, Tirran found that they fit together a lot more easily than he'd have thought. The first few long strokes made him happy and more sure of her than ever. He only knew that he wanted to be done before the onset of the change -- if it came to her.

He didn't think that he could bear it if her heart failed her while he was still inside of her.

But it didn't happen that way. He found himself feeling as though he was back at the beginning and no matter what he'd wanted, this wasn't going to be an abbreviated coupling under any circumstances. He was gentle and Rosa whimpered and cooed to him, telling him that this was better than anything that she'd ever experienced like this. Under other conditions, he's have been overjoyed, since she felt better to him that anyone that he'd ever done this with. The ramp to the top was a long gentle incline and they did get to the top of it in good time.

His hips were slapping hard against her incredible bottom when he felt his seed coming. He told Rosa, but she made no reply other than a high keening sound, so when he was at the point that he knew within a few strokes, he slid his pawed hand around her and down her belly, reaching for her sopping wet folds to find her nub. When he felt the first rush, he bit Rosa's other shoulder and growled as his fingers worked to help her -- and they did. She almost jumped and her pleasure took her over as she cried out while he was filling her and then he was working his way to the next load as fast as his testicles could make it for delivery. But when he looked over...

He saw her eyes, and knew that she was in the beginnings of it from his first bite. Her breath heaved in and out of her and she started to growl and snarl at him, while still keening her joy. He watched as her snout grew right alongside his and when she opened her mouth to howl and bay, he watched as her long teeth emerged. She was growing very difficult to hold onto - even though he knew that she wasn't trying to do anything other than take his seed.

Tirran had to devote more and more of his concentration on keeping her still so that he could give her everything, because when his next contractions came and he held himself still, she paused only long enough to realize what he was doing for her before the threw herself against him for more.

He finally found a way to hold her, both of them bucking and panting but by then, Rosa was already well into growing her fur. He remembered thinking that it was a nice pelt that she wore and he liked the color -- a rich gray with hints of red in it when he suddenly knew that her shape had changed and his had changed to meet it. When the last of his contractions had come and gone, he stopped and they stood for a time holding still and quivering together.

Rosa changed then and he was back to holding his woman. He slid out of her very slowly and he picked her up and took her to the bed before he found the sink with the half-barrel of water above it with a hose running down to the tap. He washed a little and then he searched for something to let her drink out of.

Rosa watched him from the bed, more in love with him than ever. "Just use the bowl," she whispered weakly, "I don't know what I'm gonna turn into next."

He sat on the bed and wiped her face with a wet washcloth before he tried to clean up the places where he'd bitten her and she winced at his touch. "Are you happy?" he asked, "I think that I saw that you went through three changes. I only have two myself."

"I did it," she said, "didn't I? Now I have to see if I'm only an, ... abomination or it I'm true."

He stopped and looked at her, "Forgive me, "He said, "I want to know only if you will live first. You have made me share your dream, Rosa, but I can only feel comfort now if I know that you will live. Anything else, I can take in my stride, but I want you to live more than anything."

He leaned down and kissed her for a moment, "To you, this is a large thing and I understand why, but to me, it is large that you are still mine and breathing. You are true, you know. At least I think so." He put his hand in the middle of her chest, "Change now."

A moment later, she was as he was, still looking up at him calmly, "I like it, but what is your hand there for?"

He patted her breastbone softly, "Only to feel the beat of your sweet heart, Rosa. It did not change at all. No skipped beats, nothing. I think that you have what you wanted, though you may lose this wonderful human shape soon if the memory of it fades from you."

"Welcome to the Xer, sister," he said with a smile in the Xerian tongue as he watched her eyes and his heart pounded in his chest to see that she understood him.

She didn't see that the hand that he placed on her chest was there to feel it if she was unstable. Since she showed no sign other than her calm and weary happiness to have managed something wonderful, he let go of the weapon that he had his other hand on, just as hidden from her view because of that hand on her chest. It would have killed him to see it, but if she'd become an unstable thing, he'd have killed her out of mercy. Most of the ones who were turned perished after doing great damage to everything around them in their agony. He'd read of some who had exploded.

To his great relief and to her happiness, Rosa had managed the impossible, to go from a human girl to a fine Xer female and survive it.

"Can I see what I look like?" she asked and he nodded as he stood up to bring her the mirror. She sat up a little unsteadily and looked down at herself. "I think that I like me," she chuckled.

"Hey, ..."

He looked at her and grinned. "You must have had your hair long for most of your life," he smiled, "Your body has a self-image and that image has long hair. It's just as well," he chuckled, "That's a nice mane that you have and I think a short one would look a little odd. Your hair is still short in the human shape -- for as long as you can remember it, so change to it often, maybe, though I don't know if that will help anything."

"But I cut it for you," she said a little sadly.

"And I love it, but I also love you like this. Look down."

Rosa gasped, "But, ... "

"You have always had more on your chest than you gave yourself credit for. Your lovely fur makes you fill out more now. If it matters to you, I have learned that I like what you have. Here, look at yourself now."

Rosa almost felt faint as she stared, "I'm ... "She looked at Tirran, "I'm - beautiful."

"You were beautiful before," he chuckled, "I'll have to learn to live with it."

She smirked at him and tried to jump from where she sat to pounce on him, but her new center of gravity and the difference in her legs were almost her downfall in a literal sense. Tirran caught her and helped her back onto the bed. "Save your exuberance until you have re-learned the art of walking."

But she watched as his face clouded over then. "What's wrong?"

He was kicking himself, but he smiled, "Nothing for now, Rosa. But you are a Xer now. On Xer, you have no identity, so you cannot go there with me. I've forgotten, since it really didn't mean much to me, but you and I now have a problem."

He began to tell her about the Merren demon that he worked for and some of the things that he'd seen when they'd come here before. Rosa's mouth fell open.

"That's where you fly to?" she asked, "Tirran, that whole place, ... man, there's nothing there but bad ju-ju. I've seen people walk in there, but I've never seen one walk out again. You work for them?"

He shook his head, "No. I'm a member of the Xer military. I'm on loan to that old creature, and I fly his craft for him. It's not even his. It's a Xer craft, but he's got some connections someplace -- strong ones if he can pull the strings that I've seen him pull.

They usually pick worlds apart for something, some resource in the ground -- something that they want. This world was chosen a long time ago, but something went wrong and they've left it alone -- officially. But the one that I fly around has other ideas somehow. I just don't know what they are -- yet, anyway."

He looked at her, suddenly finding himself looking at a reason to care for an entire world, "Where did you say that you were from?"

"I'm from Colorado, why?" She asked.

"I might have to hide you there for a while," he said, "Not yet, but maybe in a few weeks, once I figure out how. You'll be safer there while I try to find a way to get you off-world. But I'm also thinking that it's about time for that creature that I fly around to have a mishap. I can't see that they'd replace him any time soon. I don't know any details, but I know that what he does is against a whole lot of Merren laws."

He watched as she sat up slowly, pulling herself up by using the weight of his body. "Move over a little, Tirran," she groaned, "I've just thought of something."

She struggled and got her new feet on the floor and she pushed on his shoulder as she stood up a little unsteadily and then worked her way very carefully to where he cloak hung on its peg.

"What are you doing, Rosa?" He couldn't figure out what her intent was here.

"I think that we have at least a little time to think about things," she said, "In the meantime, I've gotten what I'd always wanted."

"You mean that you are a Xer now?"

She shook her head, "Yeah, and that's wonderful, but I'm not going to lose sight of how it came to me, through you -- something that I've always wanted. I think that we're having a moment for one of these smokes if there ever was one."

He was still uncertain as he watched carefully while she worked her way back to the bed to sit next to him.

"You mean that you have the love of a Xer now? Is that it?"

"No," she laughed a little, "well, yes and no. For the first time in my life, I've got somebody who loves me and there's no way that I can mistake what I see. I'm in love, Tirran."

She laughed a little, "I'm in love and it's the best thing ever."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I have to agree with taltos here... I have been following this story for a couple weeks now when I get the gap to read and I love it... So I'm not just being biased here with taltos's writing here but I am a hairdresser by trade and in my industry there are meny gay and lesbian people, And about 55% decide after being gay or lesbian for years that they prefer the opposite sex... Trust me I have alot of friends that have done this... Then you have the straight people who are hairstylists who decide after 15 years of Marriage they are gay or lesbian so tell me why you think it's b&() that gay or lesbians can decide to be straight if they find someone who has appealed to them intellectually and physically if straight people can decide they lesbian or gay?? And I'm not talking bout people who have married the opposite sex because it is what is socially acceptable...

TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor

"Almost seeming to support the notion that someone can be cured of being gay" is a notion that you brought up, but don't try to throw its ownership at me. There are shades of every color. I'm not suggesting that Tirran wasn't really gay. I only stated that he liked boys. If he's found someone who can get to him to a degree or way that he'd never considered before, he might be able to overlook some things in favor of others which have really attracted him, that's all. Not terribly likely, but at least possible.

Most people's orientation doesn't (and likely can't) change, bisexuals aside, but ... do you mean to say that you've never in your life met an individual who might have caused you at least a moment's thought where you considered maybe hopping the fence? Really? Never?

So in the fabric of the tale - which is no more real than the creatures in it, you're trying to insinuate that I'm suggesting that same-sexed people might be "cured"?

Oh please...

PrincessJezebelPrincessJezebelover 11 years ago
Once again, I find I agree...

...with the comments about new characters but the same old situations and dialogue.

One thing that troubles me is that at the beginning of the story, Selena and Dahlgren are so cautious that they don't even want to tell each other their names. This created a little sexual tension--will they or won't they? I find that enjoyable in stories.

Now it seems that every pair who meet declare themselves mated in an hour or two! It just doesn't seem very likely in many of these cases.

It also doesn't seem likely that so many people would change their sexual orientation so quickly from what they have been all their lives. It almost seems to support the notion that someone can be "cured" of being gay, which I find highly insulting to gay and lesbian people. It's as if Tirran wasn't REALLY gay--he just hadn't met the right woman yet.

I understand that it's a fantasy world, but the sense of the way that people behave in this world seems to have shifted dramatically from what it was at the beginning. It's your world, and your story, but it's really beginning to stretch the bounds of credibility.

TaLtos6TaLtos6over 11 years agoAuthor
@cittran @katgoddess1

Everyone plays a part; some large and some not. The world and life at large are like that, though I've focused on the ones who pair - for however long. I almost hate to say it, but there is still the queen a half a world away, and once her tale settles, this moves on at an accelerated pace, so enjoy the scenery for now.

And thank for for the comments!

cittrancittranover 11 years ago

Yeah, I'm conflicted.

On the one hand: two more characters to love, and two more to memorize, and two more to wait for until their story is done.

On the other hand: *realizes who the author is* "Screw it, it's TaLtos6. I'll wait!"

kiwiplumkiwiplumover 11 years ago

You put in words what I have been thinking but not realised. I love this story, and you're right, the totally open, honest way the characters interact is unusual, I love it but would be better if there was a bit of difference at times, some different characteristics and mannerisms. But hey, if that's the only critique then all is well with the world!


katgoddess1katgoddess1over 11 years ago
Oh dear

Two more characters to love.

jpz007ahrenjpz007ahrenover 11 years ago

I like the new characters, but you've taught your readers caution in their love for your toons. I'll wait and see their relationship and story unfold before I fall for these two as I did for Molly and Faith- for whom you are not forgiven.

5 stars

rissa200204rissa200204over 11 years ago
Up to your standards

I know the title of my post may cause a moment of quiet but i mean this in a honest way, I find this series so very easy to read the characters to imagine and their actions logical. I admire your work, the only real critique i would have is that in some of the other stories when 2 people are discussing their feelings or intentions it feels a lil of a sameness, not that they are repeating what others had said in that sense but a pattern to them as if direct and hopeful honesty is a trait shared by them. Not sure if i am expressing it well myself its very hard to pin point and i don't make a habit of critiquing alot of folks work. But to clarify i didn't dislike it, i just noticed it is all.

i check daily in my fav spots and i have to say your one of the few i read all i can find posted :> hope that makes your day i know your stories makes mine :)

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