A Bimbo is Born!


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"I didn't ask for this!" Gwen wailed in frustration. "I only wanted a nose job."

"Yes, and it is done. But there is still more. Look Gwen here at the Monroe Clinic we are at the very forefront of plastic surgery. We have special materials and methods to bring recovery times right down. Where it would normally take weeks to recover, with us, you'll be back on your feet and ready to return to work in just one week."

"I want this fixed now. I want to be as I was."

"Come now, with those beautiful fake breasts, those big lips, that blonde hair and your blue eyes, you'll be perfect. A dream..."

"Blonde hair, I don't have blonde hair!" Gwen touched her hair and brought a strand before her eyes. Where it had been a thick chocolatey brown now it was a shimmering platinum.

"You dyed my hair?" She asked incredulously.

"No, no. Too conventional. This is a new method we have developed, using a specialised treatment and with implanted proteins into the scalp we can alter the colour of a given persons entire body hair permanently without damage to the root or health of the hair and skin. You are now and forever will be a platinum blonde with perfectly straight hair. Impressive hmm?"

Gwen could barely follow his words, it sounded too much like science fiction. She blurted out through puffy lips, "You're turning me into some kind of..." She struggled to find the right word, then blurted out: "Bimbo."

The Doctor tilted his head to the side, and lookin down his glasses asked her softly, "Is that such a bad thing? You will be more beautiful than you could ever have dreamed of. Think of what you looked like before. So boring, so nondescript."

"I liked how I looked." She protested.

His spread his hands, "Did you really, then why come here?"

"To fix my nose, my nose. That was all."

"But you're so much better now. Does no part of you appreciate what we have done for you, does no part of you like how you now look? You're one of those blonde bimbo girls now, does that not excite you?"

Before Gwen rebuked his comments a small part of her, deep within her, seemed to warm. She had always looked down on the type of girls he described. Empty-headed plastic bimbos. To think she looked like that, could be mistaken for that, despite being someone in Education, a professional woman. It did stir something. She needed to think about this, but first she needed to talk to Tom.

She ignored his question and said simply in way of reply, "I need to see Tom."

"Of course, but there is still much to do."

"I want to see Tom now." She said firmly but Doctor Krauss simply smiled.

"Soon" he said simply. "Now, the nurse's will be here soon to take you to your first bimbofication-hypnotherapy session."

"What? I didn't agree to this, to any of this!" She heaved herself up and the doctor glanced at her enormous chest. She saw he cock thicken in his trousers. She looked down at her chest. It was so big. Something inside her, yet to emerge into her consciousness, was excited. How much plastic was in those things? What even are cc's? What the hell is bimbofication? she asked herself.

"Miss Gwen we have Mr. Finn and Mr. Matthias's signatures and your signature in testimony to Mr. Finn's wishes."

"I didn't sign anything to allow all this."

"But can you say that you are truly upset? I think maybe not." He smiled.

"I need time, I'm still in shock."

"Understandable. But I must say I am very proud of my work and tomorrow when I examine you properly, I think you will be too. The medicines you've had intravenously these last twenty-four hours no doubt have accelerated the healing process quite considerably. You should be able to walk around quite comfortably by tomorrow afternoon. Now I must call the nurses to take you to your session." He turned to go.

"Doctor please." She moved towards him the gown slipped slightly revealing the top of her chest his cock pressed hard against his trousers as he took in her cleavage. He did nothing to conceal his erection.

"What are these sessions for?"

"Why Miss Gwen, much has been done to the body to make you a BD1A, but the mind, a 1A must take in the mind also." He looked down at the clipboard at her bed, picked it up and turned over the first page. "I see you are a college lecturer, well that's no career for a bimbo Is it? We must alter your mental state Miss Gwen, we must make you a bimbo, you are too smart, too intelligent at the moment, we must loosen you up a little. We filled your chest with plastic, now we must fill your head with air. We intend you to complete the BD1A program, to be a perfect air-head blonde bimbo."

Gwen looked at Doctor Krauss, who blinked twice, before replacing the clipboard and was about to beckon the nurses. Gwen would have expected to feel terror at his words but something inside her was changing, something had moved or had opened within her. Something seemed to tell her that this was alright, that nothing was wrong. She was now blonde, in possession of enormous fake breasts, a full pouting mouth, and soon would be an air-head. What was happening to her, where was she disappearing to? But, no, she felt like this was going to be ok, this was going to be something... something, she wanted? She wasn't sure she was ready to tell herself that.

She looked up at the Doctor and smiled. He turned and in view came the two nurses, Amanda pushing a wheelchair and Tina, her nose in the air, giving off the superior airs of an empress looking at a poor, pathetic, meek-minded serf.


Nurse Amanda wheeled her from the hypnotherapy treatment room back to the ward and helped her into bed. Amanda had attempted to engage her in conversation but Gwen's mind had been somewhere else, like a balloon bobbing just above them both. it wasn't until a short time later when Nurse Tina appeared to give her a dose of medicine before sleep that she felt more like her old self, calmer, more content. She ran through the last few days in her head. Tim's betrayal, the surgeries, the hypnotherapy, even the nurses condescending and downright rude attitudes, none of this seemed to needle her or annoy her as it once had. Right now she felt content to see Nurse Tina, not repulsed or angry.

"Feeling better Bimbo?"

Gwen sat up and accepted the plastic cup and the pill Tina offered her.

"Forgotten my name already?" joked Gwen. "So many patients huh?"

"Oh no, I remember your name perfectly but Bimbo does seem to suit you better don't you think?"

"To some be called a bimbo would be an insult."

"But not to you?"


"I'm glad. I expect you'll be called it quite often once you leave this place. Best to get used to it."

"Yes, I expect so."

"Well goodnight Bimbo."

"Goodnight Nurse." Tina took a few steps back and was about to turn when Gwen called her back.

"Nurse, that clipboard at the end of my bed."

"What of it?"

"Well it has my name on it doesn't it?"

"Yes, it's your records, of course it does."

"Could we change that please?"

"Change it, change what?"

"My name. Couldn't you cross out my old name and just put Bimbo instead please."

"Ah, why yes." She smiled, picked up the clipboard and with a blue biro crossed out her name and wrote Bimbo over it.

"Will that be all?"

"Well there is just one other thing."

Gwen detected a slight trace of weariness in her voice as she approached her once more. She felt guilty for it but she needed this.

"Yes Bimbo?"

"Do you have a mirror please? When last I saw myself I was a brunette with an ugly nose and now I'm this, well this bimbo and I want to know what I look like."

Amused she reached into a drawer and pulled out a small oval mirror in a posable wooden frame, a shaving mirror perhaps Gwen thought. She handed it to her.


Gwen took it and without hesitation brought it up to her face. She first noticed her nose, the reason she had ended up here in the first place. It was very much like her old nose minus the small offensive ball of flesh below the bridge that had tormented her all through adolescence and into adulthood. She felt tears gathering in her eyes. She looked at that nose, that perfectly straight nose with the slight turn at the tip and the two pea shaped nostrils and felt sheer happiness flood through her. She then looked at her lips. She wasn't sure if they were still swollen but they were big, almost cartoonish. She smiled and she could barely see her teeth. She relaxed and smiled again, keeping her lips pressed together. She liked how they looked, combined with her beautiful platinum hair. Her blue eyes sealed the look. She looked like a complete bimbo, like a porn star or some blow-up doll. She looked fake, she felt fake, but she also felt beautiful, desired, and with it, a rising heat of arousal within her. She was turning herself on, this was new. Tina had watched her examining herself in the mirror with wry amusement. After some five minutes Gwen put the mirror down and smiled.

"Happy?" Asked Tina.

"Perfectly happy." Replied Gwen with a contented sigh.

"You see why Bimbo is the perfect name for you now?"

"Of course. Gwen is dead."

"That's an amusing way of looking at it. Now Bimbo it's really time you went to sleep, you'll need a goodnights rest because you have your examination with Doctor Krauss tomorrow. Then, all being well, your Mr. Finn will be here to pick you up. Won't that be nice? He can see where all that money went." And with that she turned and left only the sound of her increasingly faint footsteps for company. Gwen laid back down and thought over the nurse's words. Tom, his name didn't quite bring his image to her mind. She saw his coat, his shiny loafers, his car keys with the Bentley keyring, the smell of his aftershave (juniper and cedarwood), but his face reminded a blur, a pinkish shape obscured by black burning smoke. She still felt some unease about him. Yes, she wasn't angry anymore but he still had plenty of explaining to do. Still, she was excited to see him and for him to see her. And of course, who on earth was this Matthias guy? She closed her eyes and tried to roll on her side but her breasts were a little sore so she returned to lying on her front. Dreams came upon her and she dreamt she was the centre of the universe. People came from all over he world to look at her. She stood in a very tight t-shirt, and tiny grey pleated skirt and see through glass heels on a small plinth made of sandstone, and just let herself be watched, filmed, photographed, touched, poked, stroked, as thousands, maybe millions passed by her. Their faces masks of adoration or disgust. In her sleep her pussy juices dripped onto the sheets as her finger lazily stroked her clit.


There was no need for the wheelchair that afternoon. Gwen felt little to no pain as she placed her feet on the ground slipped off the bed and pulled the curtains closed. Nurse Amanda had given her a robe to wear of a very thin white material that made her feel quite naked. She was astonished at how fast she had seemed to have healed. Her lips felt soft and plump, the swelling on her nose had almost completely gone and the pressure and weight of her chest gave her not the slightest bit of discomfort. Nurse Amanda returned to collect her.

"Ok, Miss. Winters, it's time to go see the Doctor. I think you're gonna have fuuuun!" Her sentence extended into a spluttering laugh. Gwen turned to her, tying her hair into a ponytail.

"Please Nurse, call me Bimbo, I don't like being called Gwen."

"Oooh, I heard about that. Those sessions worked a treat then?"

"I don't know about that, but I like Bimbo so please address me with that name."

"Ok Bimbo." She sniggered.

"Why do you laugh at me so much?" Gwen asked.

"I can't help it. You just look so..."

"Like a bimbo?"

"Yeah. I mean I've never seen a BD1A before. I mean we get bum lifts, bum implants, nose jobs, lipo, brow lifts, face lifts, tummy tucks, you name it. I mean we do also get a lot of boob jobs in here but never anything like those. Plastic surgery I thought was about subtlety y'know? You're anything but."

"I understand. But yet you still do make bimbos here."

"Well Doctor Krauss was the expert but it's a look that's fallen out of fashion. You're a bit of a throwback."

"But there are porn stars that look like bimbos?"

"Yeah but that's America, that's different."

"Do you not like how I look?"

Amanda thought for a while. "I love how you look." She said quietly, staring at Gwen's huge chest, so different from her deflated one.

"Why don't you go for a BD treatment then if you like the look?"

"I don't have the money and my mother would kill me." They reached Doctor Krauss's office.

"You need to get yourself a rich boyfriend like me then." Gwen quipped and smiled down at her. For the first time she felt another woman's envy at her appearance. It was quite the delicious feeling. Nurse Amanda knocked on the door and heard Doctor Krauss's command to come in. As she held the door open for her Amanda's arm brushed against Gwen's breast. She might have imagined it but she was sure she had seen a flash in Amanda's eyes of deep arousal. Interesting she thought.

Five minutes later, stood with a harsh light above her, she was completely naked except for the bandages Doctor Krauss was carefully unwinding from around her chest. Excitement was flooding her body as another of the cotton bandages was balled up in the Doctor's hands. Finally he had unwrapped them all. He put them in a small bin by the bed and stood back to examine her.

"Raise your left arm please Miss. Gwen."

"Please Doctor not Gwen..."

"Oh yes, apologies, you wish to be called Bimbo now is that correct?"

"Yes." She raised her arm and his fingers felt the skin at the side of her breast. Tracing his fingers along the very edges of her huge spherical breast. He poked her, pressed her skin, the sensation was deeply arousing to her.

"Raise your right arm now please Bimbo."

She did so. He repeated his examination and then took a step back.

"Well it's all good news. You have healed very well. As I mentioned we have special methods of accelerating the healing of damaged and bruised tissue as well as nerve damage. You still have some small yellow bruising under your left arm, but the stitches have already faded significantly and will be almost invisible in a week or two. The nose..." He leaned close to her. The material of his jacket brushed against her nipples which instantly hardened. "Is fine. All good." He took a step back and polished his glasses with a cloth from the breast pocket of his jacket.

"Well Miss... Bimbo, you are looking quite perfect. I heard the sessions with the hypnotherapist went well?"

"I don't really remember."

"Well, how do you feel?"

"Amazing, happy, amazing, just... sorry I can't stop saying amazing."

"Come, sit."

He sat on the bed and patted the space beside him.

Girlishly she half ran and propped herself up beside him.

"Haha, maybe no running with those things ok." He pointed to her chest.

"Whatever you say Doctor."

"Now, the bimbo process is almost complete. Once I am satisfied, I will send for your boyfriend to come pick you up. But first."

He stood up, opened his jacket and unbuckled his belt, pulled his fly down and pulled out his shirt. He turned to her expectantly.

"Now Bimbo suck my cock."

Gwen was startled. She stared uncomprehendingly at him.

"What?" she stammered.

"Suck my cock. You are a bimbo are you not?" He said matter-of-factly.

Something clicked in her head. Gwen, was gone, the girl who would have been horrified to be propositioned like this. But Bimbo was different. Bimbo was a blonde plastic barbie wasn't she, isn't this what bimbo's are meant to do?

"I am waiting Bimbo. Maybe you are not yet a bimbo after all. A pity." He went to zip up his fly.

His words cut through her. I'll show him she thought. She slipped off the bed and taking two steps faced him. She was slightly taller than him and he raised his chin to look her in the eyes. He placed his hand on her head and gently pushed her down to her knees. Settling herself, she straightened her back, her huge boobs pressed against his trouser legs, as she leaned forward and reached up and tugged his trousers down. His cock sprang out of his pants, caught on the thick fabric band of his boxers and slapped her lips. She could already see it was wet. She touched it with her left hand, it felt hard and sticky, and she began to stroke it. For a man of sixty or so, his public hair was still mostly black with silver curls mostly at the edges. His cock wasn't the biggest she had seen, it was at best average, about five inches, but at least it was thick, and she didn't want anything too big just yet. Five inches would be ideal for getting used to giving head with her new lips. She jerked him off hard and slow, his cock glistening at the tip and Krauss looking down at her through his glasses. She then brought his cock to the very tip of her bottom lip and started to kiss his cock. His cock jerked with the tantalising press of her kisses but just as she was about to give his cock it's first lick, she felt a hand grasp a fist of her blonde hair and suddenly Krauss was slamming his cock into her mouth. His strength surprised her and she surrendered to it immediately as he began to face-fuck her. Holding her head tight and brutally slamming his cock into her mouth. After thirty seconds he let go and she fell back onto her knees. She gasped for air and wiped a strand of precum from her lips. She smiled up at Krauss who looked sternly at her. She knew he'd be repeating himself any second. It was then she noticed that there was a full-length mirror on the side of the examination room. Gwen could see herself in profile. She saw herself on her knees, slim, her legs smooth, her long blonde hair falling down her back and her huge perfectly round boobs. She looked like a porn star, and the thought was a delicious one. If someone were to come in now and witness this scene, they wouldn't see a college lecturer, who'd had the highest average in the politics department throughout university, they' d see a blonde bimbo with ridiculous fake boobs, sucking cock, and think her a brainless slut. This thought, following on from the previous one was making her incredibly wet. Catching glimpses at her reflection she noticed something new. Despite Krauss's making her whole body shake with his continuing pummelling of her mouth, the violent movements didn't make the slightest impact to her breasts which didn't seem to move at all. These two massive fake breasts, packed with 2,000 cc implants (god knows what bra size she was now), were so hard, stiff, and fake, they seemed impervious to all that was happening.

Krauss's stopped, and she fell back panting.

"My, I want to cum in your mouth so much right now you bimbo." Krauss's said between gasps.

"Why don't you?" Asked Gwen cheerfully.

"Because I want to fuck you stupid girl." She stuck her tongue out at his insult. "But what if I want to suck cock some more, I'm not finished yet."

"What does it matter what you want? You're a bimbo. It matters what I want. And I want to fuck you."

Sucking cock to Bimbo's mind (Gwen would most definitely not have agreed), wasn't cheating, swallowing Krauss's cum would not have been cheating. But actual fucking? She looked up at Krauss, with big eyes and asked in her little girl voice.

"What about Tom?"

"Bimbo you have just had my cock in your mouth."

"But fucking is different."

"Look Bimbo, trust me, Tom will have to get used to you being passed around from time to time. You're a bimbo aren't you?"


"Well then, you can expect to spend a lot of time on your knees and on your back and being bent over and tied up and whatever else."