A 'Bold Local Flavor

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Arryn the half-elf bard shares a bath with two lusty kobolds.
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Main Pairing: M Half-elf x Two F Kobolds

Main Kinks/TWs: Interspecies, casual sex, threesome, scaly, vaginal, oral, anal, anal creampie, bathhouse scene

Funny that I literally have Kobold in my name but it's taken me this long to write a story prominently featuring them.

There can be some different ideas over what exactly a "kobold" even looks like depending on what fantasy media you're familiar with, so to be entirely clear, the kobolds in my setting are of the small, yippy lizard people variety. Also important to note that female kobolds in this setting do not have breasts.


"...Oh, even the stars would envy the shimmer of your scales~"

"...With every dance, your body tells a thousand tales~"

Rays of rippling sunlight bathed the town of Aridale, located deep in the Southern Sands.

It was a quaint, peaceful little land, and a popular destination for travelers and tourists. The population consisted largely of kobolds that thrived in the desert heat. They weren't unwelcoming towards the other races of Amouria however -- rather the opposite, as kobolds tended to be naturally curious, and always eager to trade wares and customs with other folks.

It was around one such newcomer that a crowd of kobolds were gathered around.

Sitting atop a makeshift stage of crates and barrels, Arryn the half-elf bard plucked the strings on his lute with all the ease and precision that came with years spent honing his craft. His song was a tender, romantic ballad, detailing an encounter with a beautiful halfling dancer -- although he'd adjusted some lyrics on the fly to change the subject to a kobold. It proved to be a popular choice. A few kobold women in the crowd swooned with the closing lines of his song, touched by the sensuality and longing expressed in every syllable. At least, he was pretty sure they were women... It could be hard to tell with kobolds sometimes.

Finally, Arryn ended the serenade with one last flourish of notes and bowed at the waist, swiping back a lock of dark brown hair that had come undone from his ponytail.

The crowd broke into a flurry of cheers, claps, and excited yipping.

"Thank you! Thank you all so much! Such a welcoming people -- I shall write a song of your hospitality!" Arryn laughed and winked at the crowd. Taking off his wide-brimmed, feathered hat, he held it upside-down to the audience. Many tossed in coins, shiny stones, or small gems as appreciation for his performance. Anything that sparkled, shimmered, or shined was treasured by the small, scaly folks.

As the crowd began to dissipate, Arryn sighed and stuffed away his earnings in a coinsack. He wiped the sweat from his forehead. The locals favored the heat, but even just an hour or two in the sun had Arryn feeling like he needed a bath and a drink. At the same time, preferably.

Kobolds didn't put the same emphasis on clothing as humans or elves. The wear of choice around these parts were simple loin coverings that functioned to hide away their sensitive bits, leaving their slender bodies, wide hips, and smooth, flat chests out in the open.

Truthfully, the thought of showing off his svelte, delicate half-elven frame did appeal to him... But ultimately, he decided on a flowing half-shirt that kept his midriff exposed, and some matching short slacks.

Arryn slid his hat back on and stood. The crowd had been generous with their tips, and there was much to see and do. Aridale was renowned for its lavish bathhouses, luxurious spas, and lively bars. Bathing and relaxation were held in great importance by the local culture, about on the same level as food, drink, and work.

Frankly, his own people back home at Belanore could learn a thing or two.

There were surely some brothels in town where one could... Sample the local flavor, so to speak. Arryn had no need for such establishments however. Why waste the coin when his charm and wits were enough to bring a lady into his bed?

Arryn had finished packing up his lute, preparing to explore the town some more when he heard the soft pattering of kobold footsteps approaching him. He smirked. Pretending not to notice, he hummed and waited for the strangers to greet him first.

"Mister! Mister elf!" A chirpy voice called out to him, sounding nearly out of breath. "My friend over here reaaaaally liked your show and she wanted to talk to you!"

"T-Tagga, stoooooppp! We're just gonna bother him!" Another voice whined.

Arryn chuckled and turned to the pair of scaly strangers. Standing before him were two kobold girls, one pulling the other over by her wrist. He figured this one must've been Tagga. She was as short and slender as one would expect, with scarlet red outer scales that shimmered in the sun, and soft tan inner scales. Her eyes were a striking shade of turquoise, with two dark horns curving outwards from her head.

Her friend, the shy one, contrasted Tagga's red with outer scales that were as blue as the ocean shoreline, complimented with the light grey of her underbelly. Two horns curled around her head, not unlike those of a ram or sheep. She was also a tad more curvacious, with a noticeable plumpness to her hips and thighs that jiggled with each step.

"Ah, you two caught me by surprise! To what do I owe the pleasure of speaking to you lovely ladies?" The half-elf laughed and put on a smile that was equal parts friendly and flirtatious, his gaze flicking between the two similar, yet starkly different reptilian women.

Tagga pushed the other kobold forward. "This is my friend, Ehli! She really really liked your song! Right Ehli?"

Ehli tapped the ends of her claws together nervously. Managing to lift her gaze from the ground, she looked at the taller half-elf with big, quivering violet eyes.

If kobolds were capable of blushing, her face would've surely been beet red.

"Uhm... I-I thought your song was really pretty. We um, didn't think an elf would sing about a kobold like that... I mean, not that all elves are -- " she stammered.

Arryn dismissed her with a casual wave. "Oh, you need not explain yourself. I understand completely. My people can have such closed-minded views on what is beautiful. It's part of why I began traveling -- to see all the beauty this world has to offer, and record it in song. And I have seen much beauty to sing about, I assure you." He winked at her.

"Dragons above, that's so... Well, beautiful," Ehli said, her thick tail swishing back and forth in the sand. "We've never met an elf before."

"Half-elf. I hope that doesn't diminish your excitement." He laughed and pointed at his ears. It wouldn't be noticeable to someone who'd never seen an elf, but they were shorter than a full-blooded elf's ears.

Ehli blinked. "Oh, not at all, mister! I've never met one of those either."

Before the shy little kobold could look at the ground again, Arryn placed a gentle hand beneath her chin and lifted her so their eyes could meet. Ehli wobbled, looking as though she might melt then and there.

"Please, call me Arryn~"

"Guh... Y-yes mis -- I mean Arryn."

Tagga watched the encounter play out with a big, pleased grin. "Soooo Arryn, what brings you to our little town?"

"Aah, what a question! Tis' the song of the wind that guides my heart, the allure of adventure and discovery... I'm here simply because I am. Although... Hearing of this land's wonderful bathhouses might've played a part! I may see to experiencing that myself soon -- Gah, you kobolds are lucky you don't sweat!" Arryn laughed and tugged on his collar.

Suddenly, Tagga's eyes sparkled. "What a coincidence! Me and Ehli were going to visit the Azure Oasis! It's just a short walk east of here, and it's one of the best baths in town," she said.

"Wha? No we weren't, I thought -- "

Before she could continue, Tagga grinned and pulled the other kobold tight against her waist. "Haha, of course we were! We're just soooo smelly, right Ehli? And what better way to give our new friend a proper Aridale welcome than one of our finest baths! If you're interested, of course."

Arryn raised an eyebrow. Tagga was looking at him with a hopeful smile, while Ehli was covering her face in embarrassment.

Goddess, how adorable! He'd quickly taken a liking to the two scaly women, but it was Ehli who piqued his curiosity the most... In his experience, the shy ones always ended up surprising him. "Oho, how could I resist an offer like that! A relaxing bath with two lovely ladies sounds perfect -- I fear I may pass from the heat otherwise!" He fanned himself theatrically.

"Uh oh, can't be letting our new friend die on us! Come on, right this way, you two!" Tagga laughed, grabbing Arryn's hand and guiding him across the town streets with Elhi timidly trailing behind them. The trio moved through the busy market districts of Aridale. Plenty of curious looks and stares fell upon them, both at the unfamiliar half-elf and the two kobolds in his company.

Eventually, they emerged in front of the Azure Oasis. It wasn't an actual oasis, like the kind someone might find in the middle of the desert, but rather a building made from tan brick and clay. Given how small the visible section was, he figured that must've just been the lobby, while the actual bathing areas were built underground.

They were greeted by a male kobold running the front desk. "Ah, welcome traveler! Come to experience our world-renowned bathing halls?" he asked.

Above the desk was a board with symbols and drawings, presumably displaying the different accommodations they could purchase. There was an endearingly simple drawing with a bunch of kobolds in one big shared tub, and then another drawing that showed two kobolds relaxing in a much smaller tub.

"We have the communal bathing hall for the lowest price, always open to all, and then we have the private bathing halls for those looking for a more... intimate session," the clerk explained, waggling his brow at the trio. "Admission to the communal hall will run you twenty shinies per participant, while the private hall will be two hundred for any group size."

Shinies? Is that what they called money around here?

Arryn took out his coinsack and looked through the assortment of coins, gems, and stones. "I see..."

"Personally, I think we should spring for the private baths! I know it's a little pricey, but we can chip in," Tagga said.

"Ehm... Yeah, I-I have some shinies to spare. I guess we can do that," Ehli nodded.

Arryn smiled and shook his head. "Please, I'm a gentleman. I simply couldn't let it rest on my conscious if you were to spend your coin in my company. I'm sure I have enough, um, shinies for the exclusive bath."

Apparently, their whole system of currency was based on trading objects that were shiny, sparkly, or just unique. There was a bit of back-and-forth as Arryn showed him the coins and gems in his possession. The clerk was especially interested in some of the coins Arryn carried from foreign lands, accepting a selection of those and a handful of gemstones and bits of shimmering ore.

"Thank you for your patronage!" The kobold grinned, tossing an elven coin up and down in his palm. "Just head downstairs. Your bath is number five, to the right. Remember -- limit of one hour per session, then the water shuts off. If you want more time, just tap the clock rune on the tub, but it's fifty more shinies per half-hour," he said, tossing them a key to their bath.

With the matter of payment settled, Arryn bid the clerk farewell and headed downstairs with his scaly new companions, where the actual baths were. Green glowstones affixed to the walls kept the underground hallways well-lit, and compared to the searing heat outside, it was pleasantly cool.

They arrived in front of their designated room before long. Unlocking the door, Arryn stepped aside to let them in before entering.

The private bathing hall was an open, impressively spacious chamber with stone walls and a grand tub sitting right in the middle. Without a doubt, it was more than wide enough to accommodate the trio. Numerous runes were etched across the rim of the tub. The spout was shaped in the visage of a water dragon, with bright blue gemstones slotted into the eyesockets, and an open maw for water to pour from. Around the tub, there were racks filled with a variety of soaps and oils.

"How luxurious! Makes me feel like royalty stepping in here~" Arryn chuckled and took off his hat. Locks of dark brown cascaded over the half-elf's shoulders as he undid his ponytail.

Tagga giggled, stepping up to the tub. "We take our bathing pretty seriously around here," she said. Her claws tapped against a few runes etched into the tub, which emitted a quiet hum and glowed with magical energy. The water dragon's gemstone eyes ignited cerulean blue as water began pouring from its jaws and into the tub, steam rising around the room. "There we go! The water should be nice and warm for us~"

Ehli nodded. Casting a shy glance over to Arryn, she unceremoniously tugged her loincloth down her pudgy thighs.

The other kobold was far less subtle. Tagga locked eyes with him, making sure she had the half-elf's attention as she bent forward and slowly slid it down her slender legs, never once breaking eye contact even when she kicked it aside. "Come on Arryn, you're gonna make us feel underdressed~" she purred.

Arryn rolled his eyes. "Patience, please! I have a bit more clothing to attend to than you ladies." He pulled off his top and hung it up on the nearby rack. The next to go was his short slacks and underwear, casually pulling both down without a hint of modesty and standing just as naked as his new kobold friends.

He had the sort of slender, graceful physique often associated with elvish heritage. Although not as tall as most full-blooded elves, Arryn did have hints of muscle visible on his stomach and limbs, developed from a life of traveling and adventure. His shaft hung between his thighs, not fully awakened yet, but pulsing with subtle twinges of life at the sight of two naked, attractive kobold girls beckoning him over.

Ehli awkwardly glanced between him and the tub, while Tagga openly oggled Arryn's bare figure.

The spout shut off automatically once the tub was full.

Tagga stepped in first. Her red scales rippled as they submerged in the pool, cooing as she lowered herself into a sitting position. Ehli gingerly tested the water with a clawtip before joining her friend.

Arryn needed no more encouragement to join the two scaled beauties. He sighed as the pleasantly warm water caressed his skin, perfectly tempered to grant reprieve from the heat outdoors, but still warm enough not to make him shiver. Once he was sitting down, the water reached just above his pecs. "Hhhaa... Divine...~" He smiled, resting his arms on the rim of the tub.

"Oh, I agree~" Tagga grinned, her eyes trained solely on him. She swam over and scooted up to him. Beneath the water, she brushed her swishing tail at his legs. "Soooo, you're a traveling bard, right? I bet you have so many stories to tell!"

Arryn lowered an arm around the kobold's shoulders. "I would be a rather poor excuse for a bard if I didn't!" he laughed. "Tell me -- what manner of tales shall I regale you two with? Stories of adventure and bravery? Wits triumphing over brawn? Or perhaps... More intimate tales would be to your pleasure? Trysts of romantic passion?~"

"That last one!" Tagga cuddled up to his side. "You've met so many women, haven't you?" she said, eyes falling half-lidded, tracing her clawtips gently across his thigh, then up along his slender belly and chest. "Ever been with a kobold?" A devilish smile crept onto her face as she glanced to Ehli. "...Or two?~"

"T-Tagga!" Ehli stammered. "What are you saying?"

Arryn laughed. "Oh, I've had some memorable encounters with the kobolds of other lands. Your kind never fails to surprise me... Such fiery passion to be found in such small bodies!" He grinned and placed his arm around her waist, pulling her in just close enough that bare skin and scales could meet.

"Teehee! Welllll... Me and Ehli haven't been with an elf before -- or a human, for that matter...~" Tagga slowly traced her finger back down his body, inching ever closer down his waist.

His fair cheeks reddened with both the warm, steamy bath and the kobold girl so clearly advancing upon him. His member stirred beneath the water. "I suppose a half-elf would technically be checking both of those, wouldn't it?" He asked.

"Mhmm!" she chirped. "I've always had a thing for the bigger folk. I like the idea of being with someone who can lift me and carry me like I'm theirs! And skin is just... So soft compared to scales..." Nuzzling the bottom of his chin, she traced lower and lower towards his crotch. Her scaly hand brushed the shaft of his cock. A hearthy throb met her touch, along with a feint sigh from Arryn. Grinning wide, Tagga wrapped her fingers around his hardening girth and began to steadily stroke him. "And so warm too...~"

Arryn tilted his head back and groaned.

Of course, it was exactly what the half-elf expected. It'd been obvious with the lust-filled looks Tagga would openly shoot at him, or the way Ehli shyly admired him when she thought he wasn't looking. It was getting harder to stay a gentleman, now that the humid haze of steamy water blanketed their senses, or now that a lusty kobold was stroking his cock.

Speaking of harder, it was mere moments until Arryn was fully aroused in her palm.

"Goddess, I adore you kobolds. Always so eager~" Arryn sighed.

"And I know we're gonna adore you too. Come on Ehli, don't be shy!" She turned towards Ehli. "I know you want him too -- we can share~"

So far, Ehli had only been watching the scene play out with wide eyes. The shock was clear on her face, but so was an undeniable longing. "I... O-okay..." she muttered. Swimming to his other side, she placed her hand on his chest -- only to gasp when Tagga grabbed her wrist and pulled it down to his cock. Gingerly, she stroked him as well.

"It's... So warm..." Ehli whispered, feeling the firm, yet soft maleness in her fingers.

Tagga giggled and nuzzled her friend's cheek. "And he feels so big, doesn't he? I wanna see...~" she cooed.

Arryn nodded and stood. "Very well -- I hope my spear isn't too much for you delicate ladies to handle~" he teased.

Rising from the water, his "spear" stood stiff and rigid as dwarven steel, shimmering with a fresh coating of bathwater and throbbing with the half-elf's beating heart. His endowment had never failed in leaving a woman satisfied, and thus, he displayed himself with the utmost confidence. From base to tip his member reached about seven inches. Although not as girthy as the males of some other races, it was enough that the kobold's dainty hands barely enclosed him.

Tagga licked her chops. Her eyes sparkled with the same adoration that a kobold usually reserved for a shiny coin or gemstone. "Teehee... You should know by now -- we kobolds are very adaptive! And hardy~" she purred. Nuzzling just below Arryn's meaty cocktip, she took a whiff of his scent and flicked her tongue at him.

"S-so Big..." Ehli marveled.

Soft kisses trailed down his cock as Tagga explored him. She had a look of reverence on her face, inching lower until she nosed into the spot where the base of his shaft met his hanging sack. Her snout dipped lower. Nuzzling into those balls, she dragged her thick reptilian tongue across the taut flesh, feeling their weight and give. "Hehe... These are fun!~"

Ehli shyly leaned in. With the other kobold occupied on his balls, that left nothing in the way between her and that throbbing pillar of flesh. She pressed her snout into the base and licked, working her tongue across inches of veiny cockmeat, licking the bathwater off of him.

"Aaahhn... That's it... Ooh, you girls are just so appreciative...~" Arryn said, whipping back a lock of wet hair to better admire the two smitten kobolds worshipping his dick. He rested his hands atop their heads -- not pushing, but gently urging them to continue.