A Box Of Rocks, Pt. 02

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Things develop beyond anything she could imagine.
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Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/09/2024
Created 04/07/2024
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Box Of Rocks 2

Note: There is no underage sex in this story.


Chapter 14

I was back, but I found out I really wasn't back. Mason had issues with trust, and viewed what happened in LA as a violation. He did talk to me about it a couple of weeks later, asking my feelings about what happened.

Over the weeks I had thought about it a lot. "Basically, I was raped. The saving grace is I don't remember any of it, so I don't have the trauma associated with such a violation of my body or mind. Still creeps me out, and I wish I could do something to pay them back."

Mason got an enigmatic look on his face and said he was glad I wasn't traumatized by the experience. Al filled me in later when I brought it up. "What's the expression I'm looking for from those old movies? Ah, right. 'You have been avenged.'"

"What does that mean?"

"It means the players in your little drama got payback. Everyone invovled, from the drug dealer to the lowlife who set you up. Bad things happened to them, things that in no way can be traced back to you. The drug dealer got caught holding, and it violated his probation, so he's back in jail and won't see the light of day for four more years. Slimeball got blacklisted, so he'll have a hard time finding gainful employment in his chosen profession. The woman got popped for solicitation and it's on her record now. Interestingly enough, they all claim they were set up."


"Wow is right. The moral of the story? Don't piss Mason off, or harm anybody close to him. He doesn't react well."

In the weeks afterward, I found myself being very careful around him, trying not to piss him off. Which, of course, pissed him off. "What the fuck are you doing with the Little Miss Goody Two Shoes act? I miss the Bitch, bitch."

Then he told me being naked would go a long way towards calming him down. I smarted off and refused, and the next thing I know my ass was in the air. He 'only' gave me twenty swats, and they weren't really hard, but they got my attention. After that, I would carry what I wanted to wear that day to him for approval. If he nodded yes I put it on, if he shook his head no I was naked the rest of the day. It didn't bother me much at all.

Chapter 15

I still went to the farmers market and he came along about every third time. I went one day and there was a young girl, busking on the little stage they provided. It was just her and an old beatup acoustic, but she had a really good voice, sweet and pure, and sang mostly love songs. I always put a five in her tip jar, and she got to me with one particular song, so I gave her a twenty. It was the biggest tip she'd ever got.

It shocked her no end and she thanked me about a dozen times. I just smiled and patted her arm. "Put it towards a new guitar."

She had a look of sadness on her face. "It's just me and my mom, and she's having a hard time making ends meet. Most of the vendors give me produce to take home, and I use the money to buy school clothes. it's one expense she won't have to bear."

"How old are you?"


I thought about that for a while. Now that I had money, I resolved to give her a twenty every time I came, but the season was winding down. I wondered what she would do when it was over. Then I came up with a plan.

I asked Mason to go with me the next week, telling him about the girl and how I'd like him to listen to her. He shrugged, but he was in the car with me Saturday. The little stage was right in the center of the market, and when we came up she waved at me and broke into my favorite song. Mason just stopped and listened with a look of pleasure on his face. I knew he wouldn't move for a while, so I picked up a few more veggies. When I got back he was gone.

I was wondering where he went when he appeared out of the crowd with a guitar in his hand. He hadn't brought one with him, and I wondered where it came from. He walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder. She looked up at this huge man who dwarfed her, taking in the hair, the goatee, and the handlebar mustache, and shrank back a little.

Mason gave her a gentle smile and held up the guitar. "Mind if I play a few with you?"

She stuttered through a yes, and they spent a couple of minutes syncing their instruments. She sang mostly standards, songs most everybody knew, and he had no problem playing along, adding a little fill in now and then. Then she started a song and Mason almost faltered. It was one of his, from the first Gutwrench album, the only ballad on the album. He played while she sang, and then joined her on the chorus, keeping his voice muted so he wouldn't overpower her. She jumped a little when she heard his voice, then sang even more powerfully.

By then a good crowd had gathered and she was glowing with the attention. About twenty people applauded while the last chords lingered, and one woman asked if Mason was her father. "No, he's..."

She turned around, and Mason was gone. What was still there was the guitar, lying on it's case. Madison looked at me with something like panic. "Do you know who that was?"

I shrugged. "Just a guy who liked your music, I guess. You two looked really good together."

"He left his guitar. What should I do?"

"Take it home and keep it safe. He'll probably be around next week to get it."

The whole thing had her shaken. "You know what this is? It's a Taylor. They're like two grand minimum. I can't keep this!"

"You're not keeping it for you. Watch over it, play it while you have it. He'll be along one of these days to take it back."

She walked with me to my car, pointing across the street. There was a music store right across from the market. "See that red guitar? I'm going to own it, someday." I walked over after she left and snapped a picture of it, so Mason could tell me what it was.

Mason was sitting in the car, the black out windows hiding him from view. I shocked the shit out of him by kissing his cheek. "You're a big softie, Mase."

"Shut the fuck up and drive."

Chapter 16

I showed the video I'd made to Al, and she insisted I link it to his monster television, then brought their friends in to look at it. Mason and Al had been working on some songs, and they brought in two players that finished the band. Titi, pronouced Teetee, was a tiny blond, when it wasn't dyed some exotic color. Right now it was purple in the back, fading into a vibrant pink in the front. She was almost flatchested, and never wore a bra. Her old band made a joke out of it, calling her Titty instead of Titi, and she ran with it. It was all she'd respond to now.

Al told me she was one of the best drummers around. Her old band had broken up, much like Al's. Al had wanted her when she put together her old band, but she was on contract for another eighteen months to the band she was with, and the window closed. Now she mostly did session work, doing an odd tour or two for other musicians. Her anger sometimes showed in her playing. She had also been in a long term relationship with another woman and a man, and after two years they decided they wanted to be exclusive, and forced Titty out.

Jon-Luc was Morrocan, almost as tall as Mason, jet black, and he didn't have a hair on his body. He was primarily a keyboardist, but could play anything with strings as well, and had played with a jazz-fusion outfit based in France for four years, until they broke up. It was also a bitter dissolution, when the saxophonist left he took Jon's boyfriend of six years with him. He'd come to America to shed the past, and like Titty had been doing session work to make ends meet.

Al and Mason brought them in as just that, session players, but as they gelled Mason got with Al, and they offered them a full partnership. They could all sing, and when they sat around harmonizing on a song they were writing it sent chills up your spine. They both agreed instantly, recognizing the potential in the partnership.

They were all there, and Al got them to watch. They grinned, all lost in memories of when they were young and aspiring. Titty laughed. "Know what she needs? A backup band."

It snowballed from there. In the end they decided to do it, to see how people reacted to them live. I had Maddie on Twitter, and contacted her, telling her a half truth. "The old guy (what she called Mason, which bothered him. But when you're sixteen, 33 looks pretty old) got in touch with me. He wants to play with you again. This Saturday good?"

She immediately replied, excited. Then sad. She'd gotten used to the Taylor, and the old beat up Harmony she owned was a good guitar, but nowhere near the quality of the Taylor.

We showed up two hours before the market opened. Titty had a stripped down kit, three cymbals, snare, one tom tom, and a bass. Usually her kit were so elaborate they reminded me of Neil Perth, the deceased drummer from Rush. I'd look at the videos and wonder how he managed to get into his setup.

Mason showed up with his Schecter five string and a Gibson EBO. Al carried her vintage SG, and a newer Les Paul. Jon had two keyboards, and all their amps were 30 watts or less. I showed Mason the guitar Maddy wanted, and he grinned. "A Fender Telecaster. Excellent guitar for a young girl." Somehow I wasn't surprised to see a red Tele hooked up to a 20 watt amp, right in the middle of the stage.

Maddie came early, all excited to see Mason again. She nearly fainted when she saw the set up, and all the people that were going to play with her. Mason took advantage of the time to get her familiar with her instrument, running through a couple of songs with the volume turned way down. At nine o'clock, they started playing. Maddie was shaky through the first two songs, then hit her stride. Everyone had on black tee shirts the said UBB in small letters on the front, and Unknown Backup Band across the back. It drew a crowd almost instantly, and as the morning wore on the middle of the market was blocked, but no one complained. I could hear some of the comments, and laughed.

"Man, that bass player looks a lot like Mason Eldridge."

"Yeah, and that guitar player bears a strong resemblance to Alison Sanchez."

"That drummer looks a lot like the woman that played drums for Bad Hair Day. "

"Yeah, must be deliberate, no way in hell does the girl know stars like that."

No one really placed Jon, he was more famous in France and Europe. His old band had been based in Paris.

They played until the market closed, and half hour beyond before winding it down. Maddie was walking on air, and I do believe she would have fainted if I hadn't been holding her when Al told her the guitar and amp were hers, along with the small sound system, payment for letting them play with her. Every one of them got huge hugs and kisses, and she didn't want to let Mason go. There was no sexual element inolved, she was just a happy little girl expressing gratitude. Her Mom showed up after someone called, and saw the last few songs, tears streaming as she heard her baby sing. I had run it by Mason, and we had three videographers in the crowd, using cameras not much bigger than a tablet. The sound was piped into a van in the parking lot and recorded by two engineers, for mixing.

Then I fell back on my training and started a viral campaign on social media, dropping hints and eventually naming names. Her hits exploded, and when she went on You Tube the sponsors couldn't line up fast enough. She made enough off the ads and the number of hits to pay for her clothes and a small van, to haul her equipment. She also got requests to play at outdoor festivals coming up, and she recruited a bass player and drummer, school friends. She had to buy her friend a bass and amp, but the drummer already had a good kit. They practiced relentlesly, until their sets were tight and spot on. Every once in a while. Mason or Al would show up, and she would explode on social media again.

Mason had her and her mother over for a cookout, and after they ate he took them into his office and offered a contract to Maddie, for one album. If it was successful, there would be a multi record deal. She fainted. Her mother fainted. Mason looked at me and grinned. "I'll leave you to pick up the pieces."

"What?! Why me?"

"Because I won't sign her unless she agrees to let you manage her."

"I don't know anything about that."

"But you do, my sweet little bitch. You found her, promoted her, got her name out in public. And don't worry, between me and Al, we'll keep you from fucking up." I patted them with cool towels until they came around, then I had to wait until they cried themselves out before going over the plan. She would record on Mason's label. I would manage her career, along with the lawyers and accountants she would have to hire.

Then I laid down the ground rules. "The contract becomes null and void if you quit school. Mason is not going to release anything until you have your diploma, and strongly suggests you enroll in college. If you do, we'll work around your classes to make sure you can concentrate. Now, here's the card of the best intellectual rights lawyer I know, and a really good accounting firm. I'll set up virtual meetings for the lawyer, she's in LA, and here's the number of the local accounting firm Al uses. She says it's one of the best and they'll treat you like a baby, and woe be to those that try to cheat you. I'll handle the retainer for the lawyer and any other expenses that may occur. When you become successful, you pay me back. My fees will be 18%, and the lawyer will tell you that's on the low side of average. If you don't listen to what I say, if you fight me, I'll let the one year contract run out and not renew. I don't want you to say you understand right now, because you don't. Once you understand and all the legal work is done, we'll start your career. Come back in two weeks and we'll finalize everything."

She floated out of the room.

Chapter 17

As the months passed Mason and I got comfortable with each other. I came in one day to find some packages on my bed. Three French Maid oufits, and a paddle. There was a note. "Choose, the outfits or a spanking. Or both."

I felt my panties dampen. I squeezed into one of the outfits, just to see how I looked, of course. What I looked was hot, sexy, and just a bit slutty. It took me a while to get the little lace cap at precisely the right angle, and adjust the skirt so that the tops of the stockings and the garters showed. I grinned at my image in the mirror. Yeah, I'd fuck me.

So would Mason, judging by the boner that popped out when he saw me. Some things are hard to hide when you're naked. He ran his hand up my leg, rubbed where my garter belt hit my hose, even rubbed my ass in those frilly panties. He had to smell my arousal, but he just patted my ass one more time and went off to his music room, calling out maybe I needed to take care of my problem. Did he just tell me to fuck myself?

Thast's precisely who was fucking me now. Since LA, I had trust issues concerning men. Before it was nothing. I used the 3F method. Find "em, fuck 'em, forget 'em." Now it seemed I couldn't pull the trigger. I still went out with my friends occasionally, and they noticed the change. Jelly laughed. "You must be getting enough at home. Before, there was no way that man candy would have gotten away from you. He that good in the sack?"

"If I ever find out, you'll be the first to know." In retrospect, I shouldn't have said that. The next weekend, I had the girls out for a hot tub experience. Just the six of them, and I did ask permission first. Mason grinned. "They break it, you buy it."

Mason wasn't home when they arrived. I made a point to keep them out of the house as much as possible, and of course, it didn't take long for us to lose the suits. We were having a great time, talking trash and telling wild stories, when Mason walked out.

"Honey, I'm home!"

The girls squealed and sank under the water, all but me, and Jelly. She sat up straighter and stuck her chest out. Her well formed, large chest, replete with some of the longest nipples I'd ever seen. Not that I spent a lot of time looking at nipples mind you, but still, when they're right in front of you they're hard to miss. I didn't like that much and gave her a little glare. She just smirked. I introduced everyone and Mason put on his charming rock star persona, which practically had them drooling.

He graciously offered to fetch us a round of drinks, and the girls couldn't tell him what they wanted fast enough. They invited him into the tub, which had me glowing, knowing they were just doing it to fuck with me. Well, all except Jelly. If he would have let her, she'd have mounted him right there. "I don't think so, girls. Too much temptation, and I'm trying to be true to Sash."

Dids he really just say that? The girls looked at me in envy, and Jelly looked pissed. "Ask her, she may share. We have in the past."

That little statement assured Jelly would not be invited back. "No. Absolutely not. True, I used to share my toys, but not this one. So hands off girls, or I'll hold you under until you learn to breathe water."

The girls had never seen this side of me, and it broke them up, all except Jelly. She shoved her tits out even harder. "Maybe, but he may like other toys. Let's ask him."

"Let's not, and pretend we did and he said no. Mason honey, don't you have somewhere you have to be?" It was all he could do to hold in the laughter, both at the situation and my jealous reaction. Instead he just nodded. "Yes dear. You girls have fun now."

Jelly watched his ass all the way back to the house., then looked at me and grinned. "Can't blame a girl for trying. I've never fucked a rock star."

"I'll introduce you to some." I said it lightly, but the message was clear, and she got it.

Chapter 18

After a couple of hours we got out, sitting in the party room and cooling down. The girls wandered around admiring things. Jelly wanted to go into the music room, which got an almost violent reaction from me. "He won't even let me in there alone. So it's off limits."

She grinned. "I mean it Jelly. Don't go there! You won't like what happens if you do." Sadly, she took it as a challenge, and when she said she had to go to the bathroom and went missing, I knew instantly where she was. I texted Mason as I headed in that direction. He beat me to the room, and I could hear the loud voices as I got to the door. Mason was basically screaming at her, telling her to get out of his house, now! He didn't chase her out the door, but it was close.

That cut the visit short. Mason was gracious to the rest of them, telling them to come back anytime I invited them, but Jelly was banned. They picked her up on the way out, and I learned later they bitched her out the whole way back to her house for screwing up a good thing. It took me a year just to be civil to her, and only after she apologized to all of us and sent Mason a registered letter begging him not to be angry at me. I asked him about it.

"If you have guests here, they're your responsibilty. You did the right thing when she went missing and you texted me, but from now on be damn careful who you let into this house. Another incident and you may find yourself with a new address and a sore ass, understand?"

I did.

Then he grinned. "Sore ass and a new address. There's a song lyric you've never heard before."

Chapter 19

He and the band went into the studio, taking me with them. I ran errands, organized the food, and made sure they were all taken care of. I didn't have to worry about booze and drugs, both Jon and Titty were recovering addicts, and the hardest thing they drank was a craft root beer Mason had found. They went through cases of that while they made the album. They had four songs in the can, and still hadn't come up with a name. I was with them in the lounge while they ate, and snorted at some of the names bandied around. "You can't possibly be considering that. It'll make you sound like you're all dumb as a box of rocks. Think of something else."