A Breastfeeding Mother

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Nursed by daughter, fucked by her son.
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Mom's Perspective: The Experiment

It was decided that Elizabeth should continue the experiment from home to gather more data on real world usage. She milked herself twice a day in her bedroom, having been supplied with breast pumps, small sealable bags, and a cooling container for transport. Each sample of her milk was invaluable as it represented gradual changes in her body.

There was just one problem; her milk supply seemed to be associated with heightened sexual activity. Technicians in the labs typically helped her navigate that blunder. Now that she worked alone, it was more of a challenge.

Left without a proper outlet, Elizabeth's hormones were teetering on the brink. She was in constant communication with the team who devised a personalized masturbation routine for her. But eventually, even that wasn't enough.

A new plan was created for Elizabeth which shocked her to the core. At first, she refused to comply with the outrageous regimen. Any mother would. But hormones of this magnitude cannot be ignored forever.

The lead researcher wrote, "You have two, well-educated helpers at home. My professional recommendation is that you train them to provide quality assistance. Remember, this situation is temporary."

Of course, that message was in reference to her adult offspring who lived at home while attending college. Correspondence with the lead researcher had gone on for nearly a week before Elizabeth's estrogen had taken over her decision making abilities.

Getting naked in her bedroom, she put on a silk robe, then walked barefoot down the stairs and towards the living room. She had already told Abby and Ray to meet her there, where they would soon receive the shock of their lives.

Elizabeth struggled with her decision as she approached the living room and saw her beloved adult children. They were a study in contrasts... so adult, yet innocent in many ways. Her robe was more appropriate to wear in front of lovers, not offspring. Having always been a traditional mother, she preferred looking respectable at all times.

Nudging between them, Elizabeth sat in the middle of the couch. Leading with small talk, she tried to put them at ease. They commented on her robe and she said there was a reasonable explanation.

"I should have been open from the start," Elizabeth confessed. "But the truth is, I tried to keep it a secret. I've volunteered as a test subject for a medical experiment and the results have been spectacular. When my employer offered $50,000 to join this study, I jumped at the chance."

Ray nodded in appreciation. "Nice, that's some serious money."

"What kind of experiment?" Abby asked, wide-eyed.

Elizabeth was about to answer, but decided to respond by untying her silk robe and opening it. She pulled her arms from the sleeves, exposing her voluptuous, firm breasts to Abby and Ray. Even without looking, she knew the siblings were captivated by her enormous tits. And she was certain her big brown nipples had become erect. These days, her nipples hardened at even the slightest provocation.

"I'm lactating again," Elizabeth said. "I take pills in the morning and night. Thanks to modern science, I feel twenty years younger."

She managed to find the courage to look at her adult children. Abby was in awe; Elizabeth knew it was the academic aspect that captivated her oldest child. Ray didn't know how to process the information, being enamored by those magnificent tits.

"Are they painful?" Abby inquired, thinking clinically.

Ray, looking as if he might drool, asked, "Is there a reason you're showing us?"

"In the lab I was getting my breasts drained by industrial strength milking machines. Now they want me to continue this experiment from home. Without access to the lab, I'm ready to explode."

"In what way?" Abby questioned.

Elizabeth took a steadying breath. "My hormones are raging and I can't relieve myself properly. Having to drain my breasts every day is exhausting. And my libido has never been this powerful."

"You mean..." Ray's voice trailed off.

Elizabeth cupped her round globes with petite hands. "If you're interested -- and believe me, I'm not trying to twist your arms -- both of you can help me. Think of this as a job. The lab has already agreed to pay each of you $10,000 for services rendered. They'll also count this as job experience, so you can both put 'research assistants' on your resumes. What do you think?"

"What will we have to do?" Abby asked.

"I think it's obvious," Elizabeth said, feeling her pussy burn.

Not wanting to speak further, she kept rubbing the undersides of her swollen breasts as the siblings watched the salacious show. They were mesmerized by the sight. At this point, her aching tits were swollen and small droplets of milk appeared at the tips of her nipples.

Past the point of no return, there was nothing she could do to stop the milk as it trickled down. Elizabeth closed her eyes and prayed that neither of her adult children would walk out in disgust. However, if they did, she'd understand. This situation was bizarre by any standard. Asking them for this kind of help was engaging in a taboo that was several millennia old. She knew her status as a mother would never be the same, but she had no choice.

Suddenly, Elizabeth felt a warm and wet sensation on her right nipple. It was her daughter Abby who had gone first, which wasn't a surprise. Her daughter's strong sense of empathy and caring nature made her the obvious choice. Looking down, she saw Abby lick her leaking nipple.

Then licking became sucking, and soon, Elizabeth was being nursed by her own daughter. This was something she never could have foreseen a few weeks ago.

When Ray latched onto her left nipple, Elizabeth was nursing both siblings at the same time. Her clever son used the back of his throat to produce a powerful sucking force. If he continued, her breast would be drained fast.

She tried not to moan when Ray continued to deplete her milk with what appeared to be innate talent. His success caught the attention of Abby, who had her eyes fixed on him. They had always been competitive and Elizabeth was amused.

Her eyes rolled back as milk shot from her breasts. Instead of plastic containers collecting her nutritious fluid, she was glad to share it with Abby and Ray, who took the task with vigor. Over the years, she had raised them to work as a cohesive unit. For her, family always came first and they were instilled with that sentiment early on in their lives. Knowing they felt the same was life affirming.

Elizabeth moved both hands to cradle the back of their heads which made the connection complete. She comforted them as they provided her with an important service.

What was more difficult to reconcile was the imminent explosion building between her legs. Because this new drug had a profound impact on her hormones, it was common for her to orgasm in front of the research team. The magnitude of climaxes from the drug made all previous sexual encounters seem like small flickers, compared to a raging wildfire.

She grew conflicted and wondered if she should ask the siblings to stop. Unable to control her own body, her hips squirmed. For the next several minutes, her breasts were being drained and her pussy clenched, until finally she reached an epic orgasm which left her blushing and her adult children dazzled, with their mouths full of her breast milk.

Son's Perspective: The Education

It was their first time in the lab together and Dr. Kravchenko greeted them with an air of excitement. She was a middle-aged Ukrainian woman who looked professional and spoke with grace. The siblings were amazed by the building, while Elizabeth was nervous for what was to come.

Ray handed the doctor small storage bags full of chilled milk the family had collected together. The doctor had an assistant take them away, putting them into an industrial grade laboratory refrigeration unit.

"Thank you for the milk," Dr. Kravchenko said.

After spending a moment getting to know each other, they went inside the doctor's office and she closed the door for privacy. Plaques and awards decorated her wall, so she was clearly involved in important work. The siblings sat on the chairs, meanwhile their mother sat on the exam table while the doctor prepared to conduct a medical examination.

"You're very lucky having these helpers," Dr. Kravchenko smiled, washing her hands with soap, then drying them with a paper towel.

Mom returned the smile, "Well, I'm blessed in that regard."

The doctor stood in front of mom and stared deeply into her eyes. It looked oddly intimate.

"It's time for your exam, Elizabeth. Based on everything you've told me, I'm sure you must feel comfortable exposing your breasts in front of Ray and Abby. Do you mind if we begin?"

"Go right ahead," mom said.

"Excellent. Now, tell me how your breasts are feeling?"

As Dr. Kravchenko spoke, she unbuttoned mom's blouse without asking, as if open nudity was part of the deal. Mom's bra was exposed and she breathed a little faster.

"They're always swollen," mom admitted. "Your advice on having Ray and Abby become my assistants was extremely helpful. At-home breast pumps are practically useless, but their mouths are tailor-made."

The doctor nodded before removing mom's bra and revealing her milk-filled breasts. Dr. Kravchenko reached into her pocket and removed a small measuring tape.

"Let's see if there have been any changes in your dimensions."

Dr. Kravchenko held the free end of the tape to mom's left nipple and measured. She then repeated the process on the right.

"Hmm, your nipples have grown in size."

Then the tape was used to measure the size of mom's areolas.

"Oh my. This could be an interesting turn of events."

The excited doctor walked over to a storage cabinet and removed a device that looked like a typical kitchen scale. She went back to mom and lifted her right breast and put it on the scale. The weight was recorded on a ledger, then the left breast was weighed.

"This might be a major breakthrough. Your breasts are heavier. Perhaps human saliva on the nipple augments the medication. The question is, does it need to be genetically compatible saliva?"

"I know it's plausible. Since I started breastfeeding, there have been slight changes in my body."

Dr. Kravchenko tapped her index finger against her chin while in deep thought. She seemed to settle on a new theory, which made everyone uncomfortable.

"How about sexually? Has breastfeeding helped with the increased sexual needs you experienced?"

Mom fidgeted before answering. "Nothing has changed in that regard. I still have these strong urges, but I've been able to keep everything under control for the sake of Ray and Abby."

"I disagree. It's fundamentally important to our research that your hormones lead the way, because we also need to understand your mental/physical connection. Now, tell me the truth, Elizabeth, did you climax while your son and daughter drank from your breasts?"

Mom's body clenched. "I think I was able to hide it. I doubt they noticed what I was doing at the time. But yes, it happened on several occasions."

At that moment, Ray wondered if mom was living in a hormonal fog to think that, because of course they knew. It wasn't just the smell of her needy pussy that caught their attention. Her body convulsed every time she came. Sometimes, she had two or three climaxes per breastfeeding session.

"Ray, it's your turn. Tell me, did you notice your mother having orgasms while you fed from her breasts?"

Feeling embarrassed, he mumbled, "Uh, no..?"

Dr. Kravchenko's face reflected skepticism and she continued to probe.

"I'll take that as a 'yes.' Now be honest, did you become aroused when breastfeeding from your mother?"

Ray could never admit that after sucking on mom's tits, he'd go back to his room and masturbate. He wasn't sure which was his favorite, the taste of mom's breast milk, watching her in sexual heat, or the aroma of her pussy juice. Either way, he jacked off thinking about all of the above.

"No, I've never done that," he fibbed. "It was always professional."

He glanced at mom and noticed she rolled her eyes. No one believed this.

"Ray, honey, it's important to be honest," mom said. "Scientific research depends on good data. Go ahead and tell Dr. Kravchenko that you masturbated after every session."

"Mom, that's private," he gasped.

She huffed, "You were almost bursting out of your pants every single time. That's hardly private. Plus you scurried to your room after feeding and closed the door. What else would you be doing?"

"Okay, fine... I got hard from drinking mom's breast milk. What else could I do? Mom's nipples are epic."

Dr. Kravchenko was busy recording the conversation in a notebook. Then the doctor turned her attention to Abby, who seemed more interested in the diplomas displayed on the wall during the interrogation.

"How about your daughter?" the doctor asked. "Does she get aroused during the feedings? Does she masturbate like her brother?"

"Yes, Abby also gets aroused," mom said. "She's just better at hiding it."

Abby winced. "Mom, how did you know?"

"Sweetie, you finger yourself every time your mouth latches onto my nipple. I'm your mother; I know these things. Don't be embarrassed by your sexual urges."

Dr. Kravchenko contemplated everything. "How interesting that you all were similarly affected in terms of sex drive. It sounds like none of you had control over your urges. I think we should explore this fascinating development. It could be fun... errr... educational for your family."

Mom nodded. "I brought Ray and Abby here so they could learn. What did you have in mind?"

"Elizabeth, you'll have to get naked."

The look on mom's face was priceless. She seemed dazed from the doctor wanting her nude in front of everyone. Just thinking about it made Ray's cock stir in anticipation, and at that point, they all knew there would be a major escalation.

Daughter's Perspective: The Breasts

During their 'sessions' at home, mom would only expose her breasts and usually placed a towel on her lap to avoid a mess. Abby wasn't sure why her arousal was so affected by feeding from her mother's breast. But the effects were undeniable. Her lactating mother had her pussy wetter than ever before.

Now, watching her mother's current state in the lab caused an even more dramatic reaction between her legs. She was drenched from watching her naked and barefoot mom being paraded through the research facility under a physician's guidance.

Several lab stations occupied the research facility. As a family, they made their way through the laboratory, past the desks littered with bunsen burners and glass beakers. It was clinical, yet sexual at the same time. In a way she felt sorry for her bare mother, who despite her stoic look, must have been humiliated. Any normal person would be.

Dr. Kravchenko led them to the back where another exam table was located. This particular device was equipped with stirrups, like those found in ob-gyn offices. After covering the table with a clean sheet, the doctor asked mom to lay down and put her feet up.

As instructed, mom hopped on the table and laid back. The doctor prompted mom to lift her legs and place her heels in the stirrups, which were off to each side of the table. Mom did as she was asked, and as a result, her pussy was on full display for anyone to see.

"Ray, please stand over here," the doctor said, gesturing towards a view typically reserved for a medical professional. "Do you like what you see? Be honest."

Abby watched her brother squirm, looking at the pussy of their embarrassed mother. The doctor displayed genuine curiosity, but this seemed a bit over the top for normal research.

"Mom's beautiful. I've always thought that."

"Do you want to fuck her?"

Ray's jaw dropped and mom had the same reaction. Nobody was prepared for the doctor to use that kind of coarse language, given the professional setting.

"I'd... I... if it's necessary," Ray said.

The doctor nodded. "But it is. We know that your mother's sex drive has increased from this study drug. Now it seems that you and your sister are experiencing the same reaction. It would help to document the extent to which you have been affected. So the question is; has the drug impacted your mother's milk, or have you always been attracted to your mother?"

Ray wasn't even looking at Dr. Kravchenko. His eyes were riveted on mom as she lay on display. Like a man on the prowl, he gazed at the exposed pussy with lustful intent.

"I... I..." He could barely say the words.

"Don't forget, we're paying a lot of money for this research. You and your mother have an ethical obligation to fulfill the agreement. Remember, it's for the good of society."

He took a deep breath. "Maybe it's both. I've always, you know, been attracted to her. And since I started sucking on her breasts... it's all I could think about."

"Do you want to fuck?"

"Yes, I do."

The doctor smiled. "Well then, don't tell me. Tell your mother."

Turning to look mom in the eyes, Ray whispered, "Mom, I want to fuck you so bad."

Mom didn't look upset or nervous. Actually, she looked at him with understanding, as if she was experiencing the same level of deviant desire. At that moment, Abby knew their family was entering forbidden territory.

"Go on. Remember your obligations to this study."

Hesitantly dropping his pants, Ray didn't even bother to remove them completely, letting them pool at his ankles. He stepped forward and used both hands to caress mom's crotch and thighs. Surprisingly -- or not -- mom didn't resist.

Abby noticed her brother deciding their mom was ready for action, because he lined his cock with mom's open pussy and lurched forward, impaling her roughly. Both mom and Ray groaned in unison when deep penetration had been achieved. They sounded relieved, yet anxious for more.

She had expected Ray to go easy on mom, since mom hadn't dated in a while. But no... he pounded her pussy with vigor, as if mom was a seasoned porn star and could handle rough sex on short notice. It looked like he wasn't holding back in the least. For better traction, he clenched mom's hips and pulled her with every thrust.

Mom's arms started above her head, but grabbed onto the table for support and she encouraged Ray to keep fucking her pussy. Neither of them cared about being closely observed. Watching her younger brother -- who always felt more like a twin -- fuck their mother was startling. Abby tried to look away, but mom's groans, grunts and shouts of "Oh YES!" brought her attention back to the obscene display. She was particularly struck by the force of her brother's lovemaking, causing mom's big breasts to rock back and forth.

"Abby, your assistance is needed," Dr. Kravchenko said while taking notes.

She gulped, still looking on. "Me? I don't think I'm needed. Ray is... ummm... has everything under control."

"Your mother's breasts are ripe. She needs to be drained, especially now that your brother is pushing her to the brink. Go and relieve her plump, swollen mammary glands. Don't forget about your obligations."

Looking down at her mom's tits, Abby had never felt so torn. She wished she could blame her feelings on the study drug, but that would be a lie. Down deep, she knew the truth. She'd been secretly attracted to both her mother and brother long before this study began. With every fiber of her being, Abby wanted to suckle on mom while her brother continued to ravage her pussy. And while she drained those tits, Abby planned to finger herself.