A Bridge Between Worlds Ch. 09


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"That's it?! That's all you got? Pitiful!" he gloated.

Floating up to meet Farzan and Nadir, he happened to pass through the area directly above the weapon. Though Edward was now confident of his success, he immediately began to notice that something was not right; he had to rely on his powers to keep from suffocating in this area. Immediately exiting, he racked his brain to try and figure out what had happened.

"What is wrong, Baldwin?" Farzan asked. "Is your feeble mind unable to comprehend how we have shut down your efforts?"

"It really is rather simple," Nadir agreed. "First, Farzan lowered the strength of your machine's sonic blasts by forcing them to travel through an area of dense water, reducing the amount of damage they were capable of. In their weakened state, it was child's play for me to stop them completely, merely by turning the space they traveled through into a complete vacuum."

"Fucking arsehole..." Edward seethed.

"Oh, don't forget!" Mike called from the ground. "You know that sword of yours, currently locked with mine? Well, it's about to win its fight."

Snapping his fingers, Mike's sword instantly disappeared, reappearing in its scabbard on his back. Edward's katana, on the other hand, continued on its original trajectory, thrusting itself nearly straight down. Before Edward could stop it, the sword had already landed on the cavern floor, stabbing itself directly through the sonic agitator in the process and rendering it completely inoperable. The sonic blasts came to a complete stop, and the tremors in San Francisco above finally ceased their destruction.

"No..." Edward whispered in disbelief.

The King Jinn quickly gathered together once more, joining Mike and Melody on the ground and expecting Edward's eventual retaliation. Though the four rulers were apprehensive and anticipating the worst, Mike's quiet confidence seemed to radiate from his very being, quieting their minds and preparing them for anything.

"You do realize how much I hate having my carefully laid plans disrupted," Edward said quietly, landing on the ground.

"Still as cocky as ever," Mike mused. "Yeah, you had every reason to be cocky at our first meeting; you were clearly out of our league. But now, I think you know you've met your better. I can take anything you can throw at me, and dish it right back, and I think that scares you. For the first time in your miserable life, you, Edward Baldwin, are genuinely afraid."

Picking up his sword, Edward was about to charge forward and take them out before they could do any more damage to his plans. However, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps coming from the passage to his left. As he turned his eyes, he saw Selena emerge from the passage, Hiro and Kimiko in tow. Seeing his prisoners freed was the last straw; Edward was now pissed beyond belief.

"Such an inconsiderate girl," he growled at Selena. "You took something that belongs to me. I'll have you know that I was very much looking forward to spending some quality time with that girl you have there. Looks like I should teach you a lesson... in RESPECT!"

In the blink of an eye, Edward hurled his katana directly at Selena, intending to stab her in the chest with it. His throw was so fast and powerful that Mike could not react to it in time, even with the assistance of the Armor of God. Farzan, however, had anticipated Edward's actions from the moment Selena emerged with his prisoners. Mustering every last ounce of speed he had, it was all he could do to race to Selena's side and push her out of the way before the katana could harm her, face planting her on the ground.

"Gah! Holy shit!" she gasped, her body now trembling with adrenaline. "You are quite something else my... love?"

Looking up, Selena was horrified at the sight before her. Her beloved Farzan stood in stunned silence, Edward's katana having run him through directly in the heart. He struggled to speak, but as his mouth moved, only blood flowed from it. The sword instantly flew from his chest and back into Edward's hand, causing Farzan to hit the floor hard.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Selena cried, rushing to her husband's side.

"Baldwin! Get back here!" Mike screamed, charging straight for Edward.

Facing his adversary, Edward defended a furious onslaught from Mike, being forced to give ground, yet still deftly defending against his sword strikes. Laughing entire time, he finally somersaulted backwards, disappearing in a burst of flame. As he vanished from view, the only trace of him that remained was his sinister laugh, still echoing through the cavern.

"Farzan... oh my dear Farzan, please hold on," Selena pleaded, cradling his head in her lap. "We will get you out of here, the waters of our home will heal you. Just please... do not give up..."

Despite her reassurances, every effort she made to try and teleport them back to the Palace of the Water Jinn failed; the entire cavern still seemed to be protected by Edward's power. As she was about to scoop him into her arms and carry him to safety, Farzan stopped her, and placed a hand softly on her cheek. Feeling his life force fading quickly, she allowed him to draw her face close, kissing his lips with every ounce of love she had to give.

"My... love," he choked out. "Our people... look... to you... now..."

Wearing his signature smile, Farzan finally exhaled his final breath, his arms falling limp to the ground. Finally still, the pendant he wore around his neck, bearing the symbol of the Water Jinn, began to glow with a faint blue light. It soon vanished, instantly reappearing around Selena's neck, symbolizing her new rank as ultimate ruler of the Water Jinn.

"No..." she whispered in disbelief. "You... cannot die. You cannot! I love you! You have done what no other was capable of and shown me the happiness I thought was gone from my life! Do not show me such love only to abandon me! Please!"


A strong hand held her on her shoulder as she wept on her husband's body, gripping him tightly with every muscle in her body. After several moments, the hand tried to help her stand, but she resisted, throwing herself back at Farzan and refusing to let him go. As the individual continued, she turned and attempted to punch the person, only to find herself locked in the arms of Mike Braxton, hugging her with everything he had.

"I'm sorry, Selena," he whispered to her. "He's gone."

Staring into his eyes, tears streamed down her cheeks as she spoke. "Please! God has clearly granted you ultimate power, so you must use it! Bring him back; do not allow this to happen! Mike, I beg of you!"

He brushed her hair out of her face, a sad look in his eyes. "I... can't. Selena, it's true that God has blessed me with incredible power with this armor, but no human has any power over death itself. If I could, believe me when I say that I would, no hesitation. I'm so sorry."

Selena's lips quivered in realization as it finally set in that Farzan could not be revived by any power or magic available to them. Collapsing to her knees, she wept for what felt like years, all while her friends gathered around her and laid their hands on her in support. Despite all the magic they possessed, it was all they could do...


You will explain how this happened!

"It is regrettable, Master, but-"

Not regrettable. PATHETIC! You had everything prepared, yet still managed to fail me in the most embarrassing way IMAGINABLE!

"That is not my fault! Neither of us could have foreseen that damned armor! This is clearly the work of Jesus!"

Of course it is the work of Jesus! What do you take him for? A FOOL?!

"No, never would I do such a thing. I realize that this is a setback, but I wish to impress upon you, Master, that the day was still not a complete waste."

Yes, yes, you managed to kill one of those magical creatures. I hardly think it will matter in the long run.

"Far more than that, mighty Lucifer, I followed one of your greatest commandments."

And that is?

"Strike for the heart."

Hmm... you have learned much since I first revealed myself to you.

"Indeed, Master. Though they have won a temporary victory, their spirit and faith is shattered. I doubt they will ever be able to fight as one again, certainly not like they did today."

I believe you still underestimate them... but we have more urgent matters. You are still short of the requirements to fully absorb my power.

"Quite true, but as I said previously, the day was not a complete waste. The weapon still managed to kill hundreds of humans. I am closer now than I ever have been before, and it would not take much to finally allow your full power to take hold."

What are you saying, Baldwin?

"The time is now. We must mount a full-scale attack on San Francisco. Most of its citizens that survived the earthquakes remain trapped in the center of the city, making them easy targets. In addition, the world leaders were also unable to escape. Do you not see, Master? Everything we hoped to accomplish with the weapon can still be achieved! All I need... is to command your army."

What?! You wish my forces to obey the command of a HUMAN?!

"Please, give me command of the terrible beasts. Their power will be more than enough to give rise to the Antichrist, as well as cause the world to cry out for a wise leader to help them rise from such a tragedy. It is perfect, do you not agree?"

Hmm... very well. Prepare a sacrifice with which to summon the beasts. I give you my elite battalion, and the armor to lead them with. Wear the helmet at all times, so that you may conceal your true identity. After all, the world would not accept the leader of this attack as their new ruler in its aftermath.

"Of course, Master. It will be done."

Be wary, Baldwin, for if you fail me again, I tell you truly that my patience will have run dry.

"Master, by this time tomorrow... all the Earth shall bow before Lucifer's power. This I swear."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
That was incredible

I truly felt moved by this chapter. Though I will admit that I am truly sorry for Selena. She has lost the love and happiness of the one she loves not once but twice. I'm truly hoping that you have an ace up your sleeve to fix that as a surprise. Even though it was sad that Farzan had died I still will give you two thumbs up for this. Please continue the great work.

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