A Broken Woman Can Still Heal


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"Oh fuck, Shae," Greer moaned. Her hips were going faster as her excitement grew. Looking down on Shae, she was amazed once again at how stunning Shae was; beautiful and sexy. Right now she had a very erotic look on her face as she lifted her own hips to meet each of Greer's thrusts. Greer could tell that the grinding of their pussies was beginning to excite Shae as well. Her head rocked back and forth and she was moaning for Greer to fuck her. The more she talked dirty, the harder Greer wanted to fuck her. She ground her hips against Shae's as she bent backwards even further.

"Oh God, Greer. Right there. It feels so fucking good. Fuck me, Greer. Fuck me hard," Shae said as her voice grew louder. Shae could tell that Greer was close. There was a trembling in her body that hadn't been there before. Greer's fingers were curling tighter so that her nails were digging in a little to the backs of Shae's hands. Shae thrust upward with urgency, wanting to come with Greer. Her eyes were open, not wanting to miss any opportunity to see Greer. She was everything that Shae could have wanted.

Suddenly Shae felt her clitty rub right against Greer's a couple of times as they ground against each other. It was enough for Greer. She started a long scream. The sound combined with the feeling of Greer's body shuddering was enough to bring Shae off with her. It was slightly less intense than the last one so that Shae stayed aware of Greer as she felt her body let go. Shae watch Greer as her body shuddered with each wave of her orgasm. Shae's pussy felt her own spasms matching Greer's as they continued to grind their wet pussies together even as they came.

Shae's orgasm faded before Greer's but Shae kept in time with Greer. Softly whispering Shae told Greer, "That's it, Love. Let go! Just keep fucking me! I love how we feel together." Greer kept going but with less intensity. Rather than feeling frantic, it felt more like a caress. Shae blushed when she thought, "It feels like lovers!" It was a happy feeling but a little scary too. She had broken down the barriers behind which she had hid for so long.

Slowly Greer became aware of the moment again and she looked at Shae. Lowering herself down, she smiled tenderly at her. Greer stroked Shae's face. "I needed that, my beautiful little tease! You had me on edge for too long! Shae tried to put on her most innocent face, blinking her eyes slowly.

"Nope, not going to work Sweetie! You are way too sexy right now to pull off innocent!" Greer laughed even though Shae was actually doing a good job. It made her even sexier to Greer. Drawing Shae's head to her, Greer gave her a hard kiss. Her senses were full of Shae; touch, scent, and taste. Despite her caution, Greer knew that she was falling hard. At least she wasn't alone, she thought.

The two of them lay there slowly exploring each other while kissing. Greer ran her fingers over Shae's soft skin. Every once in a while, Greer touched a blemish where Bob had hurt Shae. Each time it sparked a little protective flame to spark up again and she would hug Shae tight.

Greer's attention to those spots didn't bother Shae, especially because of the reaction. In fact, Shae felt safer than she could remember. She basked in the protective cloak that Greer cast over her. For her part, she enjoyed seeing where she could provoke a reaction. Her hand drifted down Greer's back and she found that when she ran all four fingers across the small of the back, Greer would make little gasps even when kissing her. Shae was still slightly shy about initiating anything but she pushed herself. The farther down that her fingers went, the longer the gasps lasted.

When her fingers touched the rounded firm globes of Greer's ass, the gasps became little mews of passion. The kisses grew more passionate. Shae couldn't reach down any further so she continued to caress Greer's ass until her fingers ran along the crack. That caused more than a gasp; a shiver went visibly down Greer's spine. Shae loved that she could evoke such a response from Greer. Her hand moved down further between Greer's legs. They opened to give her more access. She felt the wet mess left from Greer's cum and ran her fingers along the edge of it. It didn't take long for them to become coated.

Giving Greer one last kiss, Shae twisted her body so that she wasn't stretching to reach. Greer sighed a little sadly as Shae moved away but then she felt Shae's fingers begin to play at her entrance. Her head fell forward against the pillow and she sighed again in an entirely different way. Greer raised up her hips so that it was clear to Shae what she wanted.

"Do you want to be fucked?" Shae asked in a voice that had lost all its shy qualities. She rarely swore so the way she asked surprised and excited Greer. The raw sexuality that Shae was showing was making Greer very hot.

"God yes! Fuck me, Shae! Fuck my pussy!" Greer pushed back with her hips as she cried out. She could feel the tips of Shae's fingers just barely enter into her. When they didn't push in further, she continued. "Fuck me; don't tease me, Shae! You got me so goddamn hot! I need to be fucked!" She moaned as Shae did what Greer wanted and started to push two fingers into her. Greer thrust her hips backward to meet them and help get them in as far as possible.

The wanton display of Greer's desire thrilled Shae. She loved pleasing Greer and it was clear that she was now. Greer's pussy was gripping her fingers as she slid them in and out. With each thrust of her hand, Greer pushed back hard against her. Shae could feel her arm being forced back by Greer so she matched the force to ram her fingers in deep. Her hand was extremely wet and Shae loved the squishy sound Greer's pussy was making. With each thrust, she tried to get her fingers in just a little deeper. Greer made her appreciation known with her mounting moans and squeals. She was picking up speed with her thrusts backward. Her hips were brushing against Shae's body with each thrust going back and forth.

"Uhhhhhhh, oh fuck yes Shae!" Greer screamed. She was almost there. "I love how you hard you are fucking me!" It felt like Shae was grinding her fist into her at the deepest point. It touched her clit and sent a wave of pleasure each time it happened. And it seemed higher with each thrust. Finally Greer's body tensed and she felt Shae's hand thrust hard against her just at that moment. Her orgasm started and she was screaming out loud without even being aware of it. Her body bucked and spasmed.

With her fingers deep inside Greer, Shae could feel the pussy walls gripping and releasing her fingers while Greer's body thrashed. It was hard to even keep her fingers inside Greer, let alone continue to pump them in and out. Instead Shae just pressed them in as hard as she could and let Greer's hips take control. For Greer it felt like Shae was still fucking her and as one wave ended, another would begin.

Remember how her dirty talk had excited Greer, Shae did it again. "That's it, Love! Keep fucking my hand. Slide your pussy up and down on my fingers and fuck them! Do you like it? Do you like how I am fucking you, Love?" It was clear from the way that Greer bucked harder that the words were having their desired impact.

Finally Greer let out one long "Oh myyyyyyyyyyy Godddddddd!" and collapsed. Shae felt Greer's whole body go limp even though her hips were still raised up with Shae's fingers embedded in them. If it wasn't for the heavy panting breath, Shae might have worried. Still Greer seemed to have passed out. Even her pussy had stopped its violent spasms, although Shae could feel little tremors running up and down the soft membranes. With just a little regret, Shae slipped her fingers out from Greer's moist hole.

Even with the sound of Greer's breaths, Shae was a little worried and turned so that she could lie down beside her. She put her arms around Greer and snuggled up to her where she could look at Greer's face. Shae was delighted to see that Greer had a smile on her face. She hugged Greer a little tighter and was rewarded with a little flicker of her eyelids.

"Oh God, Shae," Greer spoke with a voice that seemed drained of energy. "You made me cum more than I think I have ever cum." Her hips were slowly sinking down so that she could lay flat. She didn't have the strength to turn over and hug Shae back. "Thank you so much, Sweetie!"

Seeing how well she had satisfied Greer put a huge grin on Shae's face. She leaned over and kissed Greer and tried to snuggle in closer. Finally she just pushed on one shoulder so that Greer could at least roll over on her side. After a little effort, Greer put her own hand over Shae's waist. Their faces were right next to each other now.

"I'm glad, Love. I have never done this before and I wanted to do it well for you!" Shae's voice had a note of pride in it.

"Mmmm! You did!" Greer let out a very contented sigh. They kissed again. This time the kiss was very soft and tender. The feelings that they had so long suppressed were shown. Slowly Greer regained a little of her strength. She reached up and stroked Shae's face. It felt so loving to Shae. After all this time, she was with the one person that she wanted. She couldn't imagine being any happier. Even though it embarrassed her a little, she felt a few tears of happiness roll down her face.

Greer smiled as she saw them. With the joy shining in Shae's face, there was no mistaking them for anything but what they were. She felt almost the same way. Even if she was perhaps wiser from experience than Shae, she would take a chance. Now she completely accepted that. She wasn't going to worry about what might happen down the road. They were both happy and it was more than enough.

"I love you too, Shae," Greer said softly. The way Shae hugged her right then was almost the best part of the night. The feelings just came through as their bodies pressed together. But despite how much she wanted to prolong the moment, Shae had taken a lot out of her. Greer could feel the edges of sleep intruding. "I don't want to sleep, Sweetie but I don't know if I can stop it," Greer said as she struggled to rouse herself.

"It is okay, Greer. We made wonderful love today. We can make love tomorrow, and the day after, and the days that follow. We are together. We can sleep now." Shae helped Greer get under the covers and then joined her. They cuddled together facing each other.

Shae couldn't remember being this content. She watched as Greer's eyelids began to blink. For a while, Greer tried to avoid the inevitable but eventually they closed and didn't open. Shae continued watching Greer's face. The sound of her even breaths was the most peaceful and reassuring thing that Shae could imagine. Soon the rhythm was lulling Shae to sleep as well. She leaned forward one last time and brushed her lips against Greer's. Greer made a little happy sound. Shae smiled and lay her head down. The last thought that she had before sleep completely found her was what a wonderful feeling it would be to wake up with Greer like that.

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UncertainTUncertainT5 days ago

I have loved reading this story several times and enjoy it more each time as it is so redeeming and comforting.

peled49peled4918 days ago

A tiring story. Tiring not because it is long, but because of the load of irrelevant details. Even when there is a section of sex in the story, the section is written without any eroticism or flair. Absolutely unnecessary story.

THBGatoTHBGato3 months ago

Fifth re-read? Sixth? Certainly won't be the last. A most richly rewarding slow burn for one of the sweetest couples in the canon. This is an inspiration for everyone: writers, survivors, lovers all.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Beautiful story!

FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissy6 months ago

Tears, many tears have been running down my face …. Violence, parental violence or partnership violence or bigoted violence or just WAR - i thought we are intelligent, no we are worst then any other being …. I felt for shae and her horror trip, the religious bible basher and the blindness about violence in marriages, god those bastards assholes of men, sorry but its just the truth, drunken assholes and the outcome for the children or girls or women and the society is still pointing at the victims ….. this is some so cruel

Back to your tale and the healing the trust the love the friendship - peaceful being …. Well done after the evil crash slowly the recovery and the sunshine is finally back ….. thank you for the happy end


ArkingArking7 months ago

Where do I start?

You have crafted a beautiful love story, one of desire but responsibility, then of trust and lust and you write a beautiful sex scene, I was there with them, a fly on the wall. I love how you have crafted each character, even Aunt Billie.

The issues you gave us to ponder, how some people raised in a certain way have no compassion, yet through their own strength love will find a way. I haven't deliberately read all of the comments, I am certain there will be many throwing stones at you, and I am drawn back to the beating that Penny received. But still to each their own.

I can only encourage you to continue, I loved this story, 5 stars doesn't seem anywhere near enough. I am definitely sending my friends here to read and enjoy what I just have. The short passage of time it took me to breeze through it will leave a lasting impression upon my soul.

Thank You.

imadronG0imadronG08 months ago

enjoyed it but found it to rather long winded

Roti8211Chanai643Roti8211Chanai643over 1 year ago

A really nice story! Is there more of their story to follow?

Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Thanks loved all of this almost couldn't put it down. Will read even more of your stories, they are really good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story is not bad but it should be placed somewhere else. The idea that this is an attempt to paint certain institutions and people as villains is not out of bounds.

Unfortunately, you can't use stories to overcome trauma. If you are using stories to heal wounds and in return find yourself anchored to the past get psychological help.

May you be happy and have a smile when you read this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

With the story plus the comments this is a long read. I understand bringing up these topics as it relates to religion, morality, acceptance and so on. The problem is that this story is preaching to the choir no pun intended. Someone mentioned that people in their region are some type of phobic and that may be true. The problem is that those individuals are probably not reading these stories. Hence, as a reader of these stories the main subject becomes predictable and to be honest boring.

In regards to Hollywood most of their stuff is lesploitation. Someone brought up the film Carol. Allegedly there is fear that Harvey Weinstein kept the spicy clips from this film. So even Hollywood which seems liberal will exploit people for profit.

Again write about whatever you want and in return commentators should be able to express their honest opinions; without being labeled trolls or some type phobic.

If you read this comment be happy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Very nice storey. Reminded me of the film Carol. Well written despite the Americanisms. Interesting comment from a reader about religion bashing, if religion did as it should and not be led by homophobic society it would not need bashing. Mankind has a lot to learn! Editing was not 100%. Did not detract too much from the storytelling.

123noproblem123noproblemalmost 2 years ago

I felt like I was climbing a mountain, and it is well worth the hike. A most enjoyable read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

OMG... Speechless... So beautifully written.... It's de first time I read one of your stories, so I don't know if your are a man or a woman. In any case, great development, well written and...

Well, I'm a lesbian, and I left home at 18 because I had a homophobic father who liked to speak with his fists, if you know what I mean. So... well, just, thank you for writting this and in such a delicate manner. @t.darklady

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Not religious, but this theme is over used. Similar to the (bad husband or bad boyfriend). With the infinite possibilities of imagination - other inceptions for sapphic love must exists.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

As white male living in "The South," okami1061, I can tell you we can only hope it someday actually will -be- a dead horse. The way it works down here is very much like the stories present it. Violence, abuse, racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and the biblical "justification" for all of that is very much a part of life--rural life in particular. It's all far too common to exclude "claptrap religion" from stories that go beyond a laundry list of descriptions of sexual encounters.

okami1061okami1061about 2 years ago

I could absolutely not stand it. I tried for page after page. But I found the story (not the writing) to be absolutely awful. I know that's the point? But can we please PLEASE stop beating the dead horse of claptrap religion. It's become a bullshit primise for hard luck stories. And they are all exactly the same.

Move the fuck on.

AquariusgirlAquariusgirlover 2 years ago


Thank you 😊 xx

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