A Cinderella Story Ch. 01

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A naughty fairy tale.
1.2k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 04/11/2009
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In a land far, far away there once lived a happy, although homely, little girl. Her name was Cinderella. She lived with her mother and father in a small village. Although they did not have much they were content and wanted for nothing. But one day when Cinderella was 7 her father became ill and passed away. Although her mother and she grieved they still had one another. Until one day her mother remarried and the man and his two sons came to live at their house. Everything changed after they moved in, Cinderella hardly ever saw her mother and she always had chores to do.

Years went by and when Cinderella was 16 her mother too passed away and she was left in the care of her stepfather and stepbrothers. As before they ridiculed her about her homely appearance but it grew worse as her mother was not around. Always shy and introverted she became even more so. She was very happy when she learned that her stepfather and stepbrothers were leaving on a trip for an entire year.

The year went quickly by with many changed and by Cinderella's 18th birthday she grew into her once awkward body and filled out. So much so that she was a beauty. Her long hair was the color of a raven's wing, her eyes sparkled like the ocean, her mouth was a pink and soft as a rose petal. The men around coveted her body, but she did not realize.

One day when she was in town a man in town cornered her behind a building, pulled her into an alley and began to kiss her. She tried to push him away but he only grabbed her wrists and held them above her head.

"You are so beautiful." He whispered, trailing his mouth down her neck.

Cinderella struggled, but did not scream as she did not want the attention. "Please." She whispered, pushing against his hold.

"You do please me." He said running his hands over her curvy body. His thick, rough hands ran over her full tits and stopped to flick a thumb over her nipple. She gasped at the feeling and he did it again. "I think you like that, little one." He pinched her nipple and she moaned. She was no longer fighting his hold, confused about the feelings.

He pulled his hand away from her nipple and moved down past her flat stomach to between her legs. He yanked her skirts up and touched between her thighs. "Now I know you liked it." He chuckled, moving his fingers through her wetness. "Look at me."

Cinderella did not obey and the man let go of her wrists to yank on her hair, bringing her eyes to his. Her eyes, watering from the harsh hold on her hair, became unfocused when he slipped a large finger inside her. She gasped, trying to back up but couldn't because the wall behind her.

"Shh...let me feel that hot pussy." Before he could get any further a voice was calling his name just outside the alley. He cursed and pushed her away, promising to finish later.

Cinderella stayed in that alley for a while trying to understand what had happened. After that time she stayed away from town and stayed at her home.


A week after the man accosted her in the alley her stepfather and stepbrothers came back. They were loud and obnoxious as always. Her father looked the same, a huge dangerous looking man. Her stepbrothers had grown just as tall and muscular and were as handsome as always. Taking a deep breath she went downstairs to greet them, hoping the days of her torment were a thing of the past.

"Hello, Stepfather. Hello, Tyler and Rob. How was your trip?" The men looked up but did not answer. They continued to stare at her, their eyes running over her face and body. She shivered at their constant gaze. "Um, dinner has past but there is some left in the kitchen. The cook will heat it up. I am not feeling so well so I am heading to bed. Goodnight." With that she ran upstairs.

The next morning she was in the barn tending the horses when Rob came up behind her. His hand brushed her hair away from her neck and lingered. "Hello, Cinderella. The past year has been good to you. You have filled out very nicely."

"Thank you, Rob." She said softly, not turning.

Rob slowly turned her around and brushed the hair off her face. His hand slowly slid down her face and traced her soft lips. "So beautiful."

"I have to go." She tried to push by but he stopped her, grabbing a wrist and backing her into an empty stall.

"There is so much that I wish to do to you right now, so you are not going anywhere. I have time and so do you." With that he shoved her down into the hay and straddled her body. His hands went directly to her tits that were straining against her plain white dress.

Stunned she lay there for a moment before yelling, "No, Rob! You cannot, I am your stepsister!" Cinderella struggled to sit up but he held her down.

"No, you are not my blood. I have not spent time with you. You are here because of my father's good will. You will do as I say or be tossed into the street." He took in her face below him and knew he had her. He grinned when he saw her eyes began to water and her full lips trembled as he knew she was worried she would have no where to go. Her glossy black hair was spread out under her, framing her perfect face. Her tits were spilling out of her tight bodice, the mounds heaving with her labored breath. He could no longer resist, his cock was aching so much. "You will do as I wish, won't you? You would not survive out on the street."

Cinderella slowly nodded, knowing his threat was very real. With that he put both hands on the bodice of her dress and ripped. She cried out in surprise. "Very nice." Rob traced Cinderella's naked tits, admiring the full roundness.

Cinderella whimpered, but her pretty pink nipples pebbled at his touch. She remembered the man in the alley and shivered. Rob moved off of her to rip her dress totally off. She flinched but allowed it. "Good, my pet. Your tits are perfect. Your pussy will be tight as well, I hope."

"Please, Rob. I'm a virgin. Don't make me do this." Cinderella sobbed, trying to cover herself.

"Oh, shut up and spread your legs." He watched as she slowly obeyed and knelt down. He put a finger to her pussy and grinned. "You slut, you are wet." With that he crawled back on top of her. He pulled his cock out. Cinderella gasped, "Please!"

He ignored her and pushed his cock in her. He felt some pressure and than pushed hard. She cried out and he took that as his cue to fuck her hard and deep. He had to hold her down as she was bucking him. He finished and rolled off her.

"Very nice, pet. You will be allowed to stay as long as that pussy is open." He smirked before dressing and left, leaving her laying there naked.

Cinderella laid there until the sun went down.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

More detail. Describe the entire encounter. Every feeling, every detail, ever thrust. The pain, her pleasure, all of it. This was good but moved too fast..

muffincakehammymuffincakehammyabout 10 years ago
Write more

You should continue with this story, it is very arousing and entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

who was the guy in the alley?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

nice you should do more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

I loved it :-) Hmmm maybe all three brothers will take turns on her in the next chapter :-) Lucky girl

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Perfect, but should be more degrading!!!! Deep Throat, Anal, ATM, Swallowing......

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