A Cuckold Story Ch. 38-41


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The next day, however, things began to unravel. Over breakfast, John told Cheryl that he and Nate were going to spend several hours in the hotel fitness center, lifting weights and working out and then maybe grab lunch somewhere. Cheryl was fine with that as she'd hoped to do some shopping as well as fit in a massage at some point later in the day. And so, after breakfast, the two guys headed out to work out while Cheryl first called me to gloat about the previous evening, before arranging a massage for that afternoon and then heading out to do some shopping.

My wife said she was really looked forward to strolling through the various stores and boutiques. However, after spending a couple of hours sorting through clothes and shoes, Cheryl began to feel somewhat out of place. It seemed that the clientele at many of the boutiques that my wife favored were all sexy, younger women who, like Cheryl, had no reservations about flaunting their charms. Perhaps it was because my wife would be turning fifty later that year, but as she observed these other women, she began to develop concerns that maybe she was getting too old to be strutting around in skintight dresses or sky-high heels.

Cheryl was able to temporarily dismiss her doubts as she recalled that the previous night she had fucked and sucked not one, but two, hot studs ten years her junior. They obviously didn't think she was too old, and it was with these thoughts that my wife tried to put any self-doubts out of her mind. John had earlier mentioned that he thought it would be fun to go clubbing that night and so my wife decided to find herself a sexy new dress that would show everyone that she still had it going on, even at almost fifty years of age. Cheryl spent a good couple of hours sorting through clothing racks and trying on dresses until she found the perfect dress, a black skintight mini-dress that hugged her body like a glove and showed more than a little skin. And as she was buying the dress, Cheryl mused that nobody would think she was too old dressed in this skimpy dress, and escorted by her two younger lovers, she'd be the envy of women half her age.

By the time Cheryl bought her dress, it was almost time for her massage and so she hurried back to the hotel, changing into casual clothes and then heading down to the spa. There, my wife enjoyed a relaxing hour-long massage, soaking in the soothing sounds of the water fountain and generally putting herself in a positive frame of mind.

It was a good thing that Cheryl was so relaxed after receiving her massage because when she eventually made her way back to the hotel room, John and Nate were still nowhere to be seen. Although somewhat perturbed by their absence and the lack of any communication, Cheryl took this as an opportunity to get dressed up in something enticing to greet her two lovers when they returned. My wife then donned a miniskirt, low-cut top and high heels to await her lovers, but when first one, then two hours, passed she began to get pissed off. Cheryl even tried to call me, but when she'd told me that morning that I wouldn't be hearing from her, I'd turned off the ringer to my phone, only seeing her calls later. Eventually, Cheryl decided to call John and when he answered, he said they were just on their way back to the hotel.

Some thirty minutes later the two guys came bounding into the room. Both John and Nate seemed to be overly excited about something, but when Cheryl asked what they'd done all day, she was told that they had just worked out for a bit, had a leisurely lunch and then spent several hours gambling. Although she knew they were planning on going out for dinner and then to a club that evening, Cheryl thought it might be fun to enjoy a preliminary romp in the sack and so she sidled up to John and began to rub up against him in an obvious come-on. To her great dismay, however, John rebuffed my wife's advances, telling Cheryl that he was kind of tired right then. And when she turned her attention to Nate, he, too, rejected Cheryl's flirtatious overture even when she went so far as to drop to her knees in front of him and attempt to unzip his pants!

This rejection was new to Cheryl and she wasn't prepared for how it made her feel. And when my wife later told me this story, she sympathetically remarked, "I don't know how you handle it Mike. When I turn you down, you must feel so awful?" Despite having her propositions turned down, however, Cheryl was resilient enough to bounce back quickly and when after resting for several hours, the guys suggested they head out for drinks and then dinner, she was ready to party.

Dressing to go out was relatively easy for Cheryl as she merely pulled on her new dress and paired it with a pair of platform sandals she had brought along on the trip. And that was it, no panties, no bra, nothing else. Both guys seemed impressed with my wife's outfit and when John teasingly lifted the hem of her dress, ostensibly checking for panties, Cheryl suggested that maybe they should just stay in tonight and have their own party right there in the room. Alas, both John and Nate seemed determined to have a night out on the town and after probing a finger into my wife's already slippery opening, he exclaimed, "Okay, let's get going!"

Cheryl told me that dinner and drinks were fun, and they ate at one of the top restaurants in Las Vegas. Nate and John had flirted with my wife non-stop and by the time they'd finished dinner, Cheryl was in a great mood and she even picked up the tab as a thank you gesture to her two lovers. After dinner the plan was to head to the club, but it wasn't quite eleven by that time and so the three of them headed to a bar in the same casino where they then ordered a drink. The bar was packed with revelers and Cheryl couldn't help but notice that the guys kept looking around at all the pretty young girls, checking them out despite having a sexy, albeit older, woman sitting with them at their table. My wife was somewhat rankled by this lack of attention, but nothing prepared her for what happened next.

"Hey John, Nate!" called out this sexy twenty something woman from across the bar. Cheryl then watched as two young women came strutting across the bar to greet John and Nate. After hugging both girls, John then introduced them to Cheryl as Stacey and Jill. Of course, the guys immediately made space for them at their table and then ordered another round of drinks. And over the course of sipping her second drink, Cheryl learned that John and Nate had met these girls that morning while working out. While that didn't bother her too much, what did rile her was that the four of them had had lunch together and then spent the afternoon gambling. It seems they'd also planned to meet at this bar and were intending to join the three of them at the club! Cheryl couldn't believe that neither John nor Nate had mentioned this little tidbit of information. And as she sat there watching the two girls flirting with John and Nate, she began to get truly annoyed.

Cheryl's anger only intensified when after they all entered the club, John paired off with Stacey and Jill with Nate as she was left holding down the table they'd scored near the dance floor while the rest of their party danced. And as she watched John and Stacey together, Cheryl became keenly aware of an intense wave of jealousy washing over her. It didn't help that Stacey was gorgeous, taller than Cheryl at around 5'8", long blond hair, legs that seemed to go on forever, and breasts that threatened to pop out of her low-cut dress at any moment. Cheryl sat there at the table seething with jealousy for some time until Stacey had to head to the restroom and when she did so, John returned to the table and sat down next to Cheryl. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd mind," was all he said as he sensed Cheryl's anger.

"You didn't think I'd mind?" snapped Cheryl as she couldn't help but raise her voice.

"No, I didn't think you'd mind. What's it to you? You're married, we've swapped with other couples, you fuck Nate whenever you want. Hell, you're probably fucking a bunch of other guys that I don't even know about," retorted John in statement that was true, but nonetheless hurtful.

Just then Stacey returned from the restroom. She was all smiles as she sat next to John, reaching over to touch his arm while cooing, "That was really fun dancing."

When John didn't respond, Stacey turned her attention to Cheryl. "Hey, I hope you don't mind me dancing with John. He told me how you and he sometimes hook up. I can't believe your husband doesn't mind. That's really cool." As Stacey spoke, she glanced at Cheryl's wedding ring, a ring that graced a hand that had been wrapped around countless cocks, but which nonetheless signified Cheryl's and my eternal bond.

By this time, Nate and Jill had returned to the table and as they sat back down, Cheryl spoke up in response to Stacey. "No, it's fine if you dance with John. Or anything else if you want. We're just friends," stated my wife as she stood up from the table and announced, "I need to go to the restroom."

Taking her leave, Cheryl hurried to the restroom where she secluded herself in a stall for almost ten minutes. She could feel her emotions overwhelming her and she even shed several tears as she processed what was happening. This was rejection on a grand scale, and she realized she was not prepared for it in the slightest. And with her fiftieth birthday looming, having both John's and Nate's attention drawn to these two young hotties was more than she could take.

Eventually Cheryl steadied herself and after emerging from the stall, she touched up her makeup and headed back to their table. But on the way to the table she spotted John and Stacey out on the dance floor, passionately kissing during a relatively slow number. And not only that, when she looked to the table, Nate and Jill were locked in intense conversation, their faces no more than ten inches apart and it seemed inevitable that they, too, would soon be kissing.

Rather than return to the table, Cheryl immediately changed direction and headed to the bar. Once there she tried vainly to get the bartender's attention until a guy of about fifty-five years old intervened and flagged him down. "Will you let me buy you a drink," asked this guy as he looked my wife up and down, obviously impressed with what he saw.

Cheryl was feeling vulnerable at the time and so she said, "Sure," and so this guy, who she learned was named Bill, ordered a glass of Chardonnay for Cheryl and a Scotch for himself.

My wife and Bill sipped their drinks in silence for a minute or so when Bill suddenly blurted out, "You seem upset, what's wrong?"

At first Cheryl tried to insist that she was fine, but eventually she couldn't hold back and was soon confessing everything. She told Bill all about her relationship with John, about our unusual marriage arrangement, her fear of growing old, pretty much everything. The only thing that Cheryl omitted was the fact that she was also fucking Nate and that I was routinely locked in chastity. She reasoned that this might be a bit much to tell a stranger but other than those small pieces of information, Bill was now privy to all my wife's thoughts. Bill listened closely, not uttering anything judgmental whatsoever, as Cheryl confessed every sordid detail.

Amazingly enough, my wife said that telling this stranger all about her relationship with John was cathartic in a way she hadn't expected. And when she'd said her piece, Bill merely asked, "So, do you love your husband?"

"Oh my God, yes!" gushed Cheryl as the question caught her somewhat by surprise.

"Then what's the problem? So, this affair with your boy-toy isn't working out. What's the big deal? You get to go home to the man you love, who you say loves you too. Sounds to me, things aren't all that bad," stated Bill while giving Cheryl an understanding smile.

My wife didn't say anything for a bit as she processed what Bill had just said, but suddenly she threw her arms around him and gave him a big sloppy kiss on the lips. "Oh my God, you're so right!" exclaimed Cheryl before adding, "Thank you so much for listening to my problems and setting me straight. I really appreciate it."

"Any time," laughed Bill as he then added, "And if you need a place to sleep tonight, I've got a room upstairs. There's two beds, so don't feel like I'm trying to hit on you."

Cheryl just laughed off Bill's offer as the two of them enjoyed another drink. As they talked, Cheryl learned that Bill was in town on business and had flown in a day early to watch the Super Bowl the next day. He had been widowed about nine months earlier when his wife succumbed to breast cancer and had been slowly trying to get back into the dating scene. "I think I'm a bit too old for clubbing though," he joked as looked around at all the younger patrons at the bar. He then told Cheryl about several of the internet dates that he'd had and how each of them felt awkward and somewhat forced.

As they talked, Cheryl began to look at Bill more closely. He wasn't bad looking, maybe a little overweight, but at one time he was probably something of an athlete. His hair was receding and much of it was tinged with gray, but all in all he was an attractive man. But what really struck my wife was that Bill was a truly nice guy and she felt totally at ease in his presence. And when Cheryl later told me all of this, she said that Bill reminded her of me, a nice guy who treated her with respect and kindness.

Bill and Cheryl talked for at least an hour before Cheryl excused herself to go to the restroom. On her way to the restroom, however, Cheryl spied Nate and John still sitting at their table with the two younger girls. There was a bottle of Champagne in the middle of the table, but what caught my wife's attention was the fact that Stacey was practically sitting in John's lap. Her chair was right next to John's and he had his arm casually draped over her shoulder. Rather than be angry, however, after her talk with Bill, Cheryl was at peace with the situation. My wife decided then and there that she wasn't going back to the hotel room. If John wanted to take this girl back to the room, it was fine with Cheryl.

Returning to the bar and taking her seat next to Bill, Cheryl asked, "Did you mean it earlier when you said I could sleep in your room?"

"Yes, of course," replied John while giving Cheryl a questioning look.

"Okay, thanks. Maybe we should get out of here then and have another drink where we don't have to shout," declared Cheryl as she stood up from her seat and started for the exit. Bill followed close behind and as they exited the club, Cheryl exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's nice to get away from that music!" My wife has never been a fan of the techno or house music played at most clubs and she and Bill headed out to find another bar, commiserating about having to listen to that "horrible" music.

Bill and Cheryl eventually found themselves at a small bar tucked in the corner of the casino. And after plopping themselves down in a booth, they ordered a drink and then continued their conversation. Even though she was still angry with John, my wife did text him a short message, "See you tomorrow. Have fun with Stacey," so that he wouldn't be searching for her all night. And as she and Bill talked, Cheryl realized that she enjoyed conversing with a guy who had no ulterior motives. Unlike most of the guys she dated, Bill was a complete gentleman and never once tried to make a move on her. It was refreshing in an odd way and even when she crossed and uncrossed her legs, Bill would look away shyly not wanting to appear to be a lecher.

When they eventually headed up to Bill's room, he told Cheryl she could use one of the toothbrushes provided by the hotel and he gave my wife the pick of the two beds. Cheryl said that despite having told Bill all about her relationship with John, she felt oddly self-conscious of the fact that she wasn't wearing underwear. My wife didn't want Bill to think she was a slut and so she waited until he locked himself in the bathroom to brush his teeth before slipping out of her dress and getting into bed. Cheryl later described this night as surreal. She'd been in hundreds of hotel rooms over the years, sharing rooms with a variety of different men, but never had she been with a guy who was so chivalrous and non-threatening. And when he eventually exited the bathroom and turned out the light on his nightstand, he said, "Goodnight, Cheryl. Everything will be okay in the morning, you'll see."

Cheryl lay in bed for almost a half hour with her brain working overtime. She still couldn't believe what an ass John had been, but at the same time she was happy to have met Bill. He was sweet, compassionate and a great conversationalist, qualities that John and Nate sorely lacked. And as she thought about how Bill had lost his wife and how he had told her that she was the love of his life, my wife's kindness took hold of her. Without saying a word, Cheryl then slipped out of her bed and into Bill's as she cuddled up against him her naked body pressed against Bill in his boxers.

It was obvious that Bill hadn't been with a woman in some time as Cheryl told me he was trembling as she reached down and felt his cock through his boxers. Instantly, Bill was sporting an erection and when Cheryl pushed back the covers and began to pull his boxers down, he said, "You don't have to do this."

Cheryl merely replied, "I want to do this," as she pulled his underwear down his legs. My wife then took Bill's cock in her mouth and began to suck his rod while he groaned in appreciation. When my wife told me this story, I couldn't help but ask if Bill had a big cock and after rolling her eyes at this habitual question of mine, Cheryl said, "Yeah it was a decent size. Bigger than yours, but not like John's." This was good to hear. Cheryl has never made a secret of the fact that she enjoys large cocks and when she is with other men, I want them to be bigger, better, more handsome, what have you, so that she has the best experience possible.

Cheryl kept sucking Bill's cock for several minutes before he pulled her mouth off his member and then scooted down so that he could tongue my wife's juicy pussy. For a guy who hadn't been with another woman in quite a while, Cheryl said that Bill was an expert in cunnilingus, and he brought her to an incredible orgasm as his tongue danced around her clit.

When Bill was satisfied that Cheryl was ready, he then lifted his head from between her legs and moved up until his stiff cock was poised at the entrance to my wife's vagina. With one stroke he buried his shaft in my wife as she squealed in desire. Bill proved to be a skillful and considerate lover as he fucked my wife for almost an hour, varying positions throughout their session as he brought Cheryl to several incredible orgasms. Eventually, when he felt that Cheryl was completely and thoroughly satisfied, Bill rolled over on top of her, reinserted his cock in her pussy and then began fucking her with long, deep strokes. After first passionately French kissing my wife, Bill raised himself up on his forearms, looking down on Cheryl and gazing into her eyes as he pistoned in and out of her juicy opening. My wife urged Bill on, cooing, "Oh my God, you feel so good. Come for me, Baby," as he began to pick up the pace. And as Cheryl raised her legs and locked them around his back, Bill buried himself to the hilt in her pussy, groaning unintelligibly as he flooded my wife with his load.

Bill remained on top of Cheryl for several minutes, his penis slowly deflating inside my wife. All the while he kept his eyes locked on hers as Cheryl ran her hands over his biceps and back, murmuring, "Oh, Baby. That was so good."

Eventually, Bill rolled off my wife and as they lay side by side on the bed, he said, "You're a special woman, Cheryl. Your husband is a lucky man."
