A Cuckold Story Ch. 52-55


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As it turned out I didn't hear about my wife's New Year's Day session with Dan for almost a week. This was not because Cheryl was suddenly secretive about what she'd done, but it seems that I became fixated on my wife's bathroom encounter and for the next several days, I'd come home from work and literally beg my wife to retell her story while I masturbated.

Maybe because it reminded me of the first time I'd been cuckolded, with Dan fucking Paula at our graduation party, but I couldn't get enough of hearing how my wife had fucked Dan while I waited downstairs. And as Cheryl retold the story, she included additional details such the fact that when she and Dan eventually exited the bathroom, they'd bumped into Johnny and his wife who were waiting to use the toilet. My wife said she just gave the two of them a knowing smile as she and Dan headed back downstairs to the party.

After hearing that, at a minimum, Johnny and his wife along with Sandra and Jim knew about Cheryl and Dan's encounter, I guess I shouldn't have been too surprised when on Thursday evening Cheryl told me that Dan had called and told her that their tryst had become the talk of the party after we'd left. It seems that not only the guy that Dan had yelled at, but one other person who'd attempted to use the bathroom had put two and two together and almost immediately after we'd left, the gossip mill began working overtime.

I'd already sworn not to see any of these people ever again and so rather than feeling upset by this turn of events, instead my dick was immediately standing at attention. I guess it's a testament to how I've evolved over the years, but unlike my intense feelings of humiliation and embarrassment when I'd been cuckolded back in high school, now those emotions, though still very much present, were overshadowed by feelings of intense arousal and almost a sense of pride in my wife's infidelity. But when I unzipped my pants and began fondling my stiff penis, Cheryl scolded, "C'mon Mike, you've had enough of that this week. I'm going over to Dan's tomorrow night so why don't you get your chastity thingee and lock up your little dickie. It'll be good for you to take a little break."

I probably looked like a kid who'd just had his ice cream taken away. But Cheryl was right, I did need to take some time between my masturbation sessions. And after having to splash cold water on my dick to get it to soften, I slipped my chastity device on to my penis, locking it securely before sheepishly handing the key to Cheryl.

That weekend, my wife ended up spending both Friday and Saturday nights with Dan and when she returned home on Sunday afternoon, I'd gotten over my fixation with hearing about her New Year's Eve encounter. Fortunately, with having just spent two nights with Dan and still not having told me of her New Year's Day, Cheryl had plenty of naughty tales to tell, providing me endless fodder for my masturbation sessions.

Chapter 55

Over the first two months of the New Year, Dan and Cheryl continued to get together regularly. It was kind of surreal in that it was obvious that my wife and Dan were involved in a sexual relationship, but I never acknowledged that I was aware of it when in Dan's presence.

Dan, however, had no reservations about flaunting the fact that he was seeing my wife and although he never came out and explicitly made it clear he was fucking Cheryl, he had no qualms about frequently picking Cheryl up at our house for dates or even overnights. Of course, I'd fall back on my gullible husband routine, pretending that this was completely normal, just my wife spending time with a good friend, even though that friend was male and had cuckolded me once before.

Whenever I was present when Dan picked my wife up at our house, he would oftentimes make suggestive remarks, almost daring me to confront him about his relationship with Cheryl. But I was always able to keep my cool, my face impassive as I'd ignore his little jabs and merely tell Dan and my wife that I hoped they'd have a good time out. However, one evening Dan went a little too far, telling Cheryl right in front of me that he'd cancelled their dinner reservations since they hadn't seen each other in over a week and he wanted some "private time together" over at his place. Dan then looked directly at me and said, "We'll probably be up late. So, I'll drop Cheryl off in the morning, okay Mikey?"

Dan was clearly goading me, and I saw Cheryl glare at him and then look to me to seem my reaction. But I kept the same passive expression on my face that I'd had when Dan first arrived as I stammered, "Uh, yeah, uh, that sounds fine."

Dan couldn't suppress a chuckle at my inability to challenge his obvious intention to sleep with my wife. And I could feel my face turn bright red in embarrassment as I remained standing in the entry watching Dan and my wife ready themselves to leave. But as embarrassed and humiliated as I felt, my penis was already stirring in my pants, and I thanked my lucky stars that Cheryl had opted to let me masturbate that evening, telling me earlier, "You can play with yourself tonight if you want."

As soon as Dan and Cheryl left, I rushed to the bedroom and immediately stripped down. Taking my dick in my hand I began to masturbate. For whatever reason, Dan's causal indifference as to whether I knew, or didn't know, that he was going to be fucking my wife had hit a nerve. A nerve that seemed directly connected to my penis as I pulled my dick for no more than a minute before coming in a tremendous orgasm!

Later, I felt bad that I was turned on by being treated so disrespectfully by my wife's lover, but that didn't stop me from jacking off twice more that night. Each time, I'd replay my earlier interaction with Dan, and I'd marvel at his unbelievable self-assurance and take-charge attitude. What sort of man is so confident in himself that he could know that I wouldn't, or couldn't, stop him from fucking my wife? It was something to behold and it only pointed out why my wife would be welcoming Dan's cock into her sweet pussy and not mine.

The next day when Cheryl returned home, she immediately apologized for Dan's behavior and promised that she'd try and get him to tone down his comments. But I assured my wife that I was okay and then sheepishly admitted that I'd masturbated three times just replaying the conversation over in my head.

When Cheryl heard this she giggled, "Really? You played with yourself thinking about how Dan basically told you he was going to fuck me?"

"Yeah," I confessed., my face turning bright red at the shamefaced admission.

A big smile lit up Cheryl's face as she told me she'd been worried all night that Dan might have pushed me too far. And my wife and I then began giggling and laughing about all the times Dan had previously hinted about his relationship with Cheryl and how I'd try to look completely oblivious to his innuendos. Cheryl said that I was quite the actor but reminded me that Dan had told her that he believed I knew all about their affair but was just too "pussy-whipped" to make a scene.

"He thinks you play with yourself all the time when he and I go out,", giggled Cheryl before adding, "I guess he's right about that."

I laughed along with Cheryl, before taking a more serious tone and telling her that I still didn't want to totally acknowledge to Dan that I knew he was having an affair with her. And that day, my wife and I agreed to continue with our little charade, we'd act as co-conspirators in pretending that I was the most incredibly naïve husband ever, never suspecting that my wife and Dan were anything more than close friends.

Of course, now that Cheryl learned that I got off on my interactions with Dan, she played along too, blatantly flirting with her lover in my presence. And my wife now made certain to elaborately describe the tasks she wanted me to complete while she was out, making it abundantly clear to Dan that she was in charge and that I was not to question her authority.

As hurtful and mean-spirited as this all sounds, when my wife would return home from her dates, she and I would snicker at how Dan really thought I might be as oblivious as I acted in front of him. We'd laugh at Dan's suggestive comments and my timid responses, and more than once, Cheryl would have me masturbate as I described the thoughts running through my head as I conversed with her lover.

I still vividly remember one evening when Dan arrived to pick up Chery, the two of them planning to bar hop in San Francisco before spending the night at one of the boutique hotels surrounding Union Square. Cheryl had been primping when Dan arrived, and I'd greeted him and told him my wife would be ready in a couple of minutes.

For several minutes I made nervous conversation with my wife's lover, asking how work was going and even whether he'd gone sailing again since his time on the Bay with Cheryl. As always, the conversation was stilted and when my wife made her appearance, Dan dropped any pretense of listening to me as he exclaimed, "Wow! You look great Babe!"

Cheryl was wearing a sexy black stretch miniskirt that she and I'd picked out a couple of days earlier and she'd coupled it with a low-cut shimmery top and a pair of high heel booties. Dan was right, my wife did look fantastic and I must admit to a sense of pride as Cheryl twirled around in appreciation of Dan's compliment, giving him a 360-degree glimpse of her charms.

Having helped her dress for her date, I also knew that underneath her clothes, Cheryl had on a lacy half shelf bra, a pair of skimpy black panties covering her freshly shaved pussy and sheer black thigh high stockings, the lacy tops barely covered by the hem of my wife's skirt. And as Cheryl greeted Dan with a kiss, she asked me to fetch her suitcase from the bedroom.

Anxious to make myself useful, I scampered upstairs while Cheryl began telling Dan about several of the swankier bars she hoped to visit over the course of the evening. Cheryl and Dan were still conversing when I returned with my wife's bag, thinking I should carry it out to Dan's car, when he reached down and ran his hand sensuously over my wife's ass, her tight black miniskirt clinging to her bottom like a second skin. "Hey Babe, very nice! No panties tonight, huh?", exclaimed Dan as he looked at me to see my reaction.

Cheryl just giggled, "No, I decided to go without. This skirt is so tight you could see my panty lines."

Dan had a broad smile on his lips as he turned to me and addressed me directly, chuckling, "Oh man, that's pretty risky, eh Mikey? No panties, a short skirt? Your wife could get into trouble dressed like that."

"Uh, yeah," I croaked before Dan said they'd better get going, instructing me to put Cheryl's bag in his trunk as he escorted my wife out to his car. And as I placed my wife's suitcase in Dan's trunk, Cheryl listed off several chores she wanted completed while she was gone.

Dan had become accustomed to hearing my wife catalogue those tasks she wanted me to do, but he still couldn't stifle a chuckle when Cheryl told me she needed me to go pick up some more thigh-high stockings, scolding me that the pair she had on were her last pair. My wife then looked to Dan, teasing, "I guess with all these dinner dates and whatnot, I've been going through stockings the last couple of months."

When Dan and my wife drove off, I cursed the fact that I was wearing my chastity device that night. The knowledge that my wife had opted to remove her panties after I'd helped her dress, had my penis vainly trying to become erect, the humiliation and arousal of my situation coursing through my brain.

But the next day, my frustration of the night before was quickly forgotten. Dan dropped Cheryl off at our house at around noon and I immediately rushed to my wife, holding her in my arms as I kissed her passionately. My first words, however, were related to the subject I'd ruminated on all night as I exclaimed, "You didn't wear panties last night?"

Cheryl smiled wickedly as she replied, "Nope! They'd have just gotten in the way."

My penis was twitching helplessly in my chastity cage as my wife then told me to bring her suitcase up to our room and she'd then let me have my key. I essentially ran upstairs with Cheryl's suitcase and once there, I tore off my clothes until I was stark naked. My wife then handed me my key as she looked on with a sexy smile, watching mischievously as I unlocked my chastity device and began to fondle my penis.

"Dan thought you'd be doing that all night," giggled Cheryl. She then added, "He doesn't know that sometimes I like you to have to wait."

I just continued to fondle my dick, stroking it as I took in the sight of my beautiful wife, still fully dressed, but oh so delicious. Cheryl then continued as she asked, "Did you like how I decided not to wear panties? Dan thought it was hot, didn't he?"

All I could do is moan unintelligibly. It was incredibly hot! Hearing from my wife's boyfriend that she wasn't wearing panties when I'd seen her put them on earlier had been both shocking and erotic. And all night long, I'd fantasized about Dan had done with this easy access to my wife's juicy pussy!

"You're such a dirty little husband. Look at how you're playing with your little dickie," giggled Cheryl as she then said, "Dan fingered me before we even left the driveway. Isn't that sexy?"

Cheryl was playing me like a violin as she watched me pick up the pace after her comment. She then cooed, "All night long he couldn't stop sticking his fingers in my pussy. I think two couples saw him do it at one bar."

I couldn't take any more as I pulled my dick faster and was soon coming in an incredible climax. Picturing Dan brazenly fingering my wife in a bar with others watching put me over the top and I continued milking every drop of come from my penis as Cheryl watched amusedly. When I eventually headed to the bathroom to clean myself off, my wife giggled, "I love how excited you get when you hear about me being dirty."

In hindsight, I suppose that my wife's regular dates with Dan and my seeming acceptance of his role in her life led him to believe that Cheryl was interested in more than just a no-strings, casual, relationship. And so, when Dan asked my wife whether she wanted to join him on a week-long trip to Puerto Vallarta and she said yes, he took this to mean that Cheryl was falling for him.

Now, I, too, was becoming concerned that Cheryl was spending too much time with Dan but having been through this so many times before I knew that my wife was just caught up in the excitement of a new relationship and would eventually tire of her new lover.

The day Cheryl told me of her plans to accompany Dan to Mexico, she'd just returned from spending Saturday night at his place. I took the news in stride even offering to accompany my wife to the mall later that day to shop for a new bikini. To be honest, I couldn't blame Cheryl for wanting to get away. That winter was particularly cold and rainy and a week in the Mexican sun sounded pretty good to me too.

For two weeks prior to my wife's departure for Mexico she denied me sex of any kind. That wasn't entirely unusual given that since she'd started seeing Dan, sex between us was rare. However, Cheryl made it clear that she wanted both of us to savor this time apart and that meant she wanted me to be craving her return home. To assure this, my wife had me attach my chastity device a good week before she left telling me that I'd have to wait until she returned home before I could "play with myself."

Although sexually we weren't interacting, my wife did take time before her trip to make sure I knew she loved me. Cheryl was generous with her praise and she kept me involved in every detail of her preparations, from modeling all the outfits she was packing to showing me pictures of the condo Dan had rented.

By the time Cheryl drove off to meet Dan at his house before heading to the airport, I had a pretty good idea of what Cheryl and Dan would be doing each day of the trip and although I knew I'd be unable to masturbate, I'd have plenty of time to dwell on what the two lovers were up to.

I didn't hear a peep from Cheryl the entire time she was in Mexico. Frankly, I hadn't expected to, and so when on the following Saturday I heard her car in the driveway, I rushed out of the house greet my wife. But rather than the tanned and relaxed wife I expected to see, I found Cheryl exiting the car with a distinct frown on her face. "What's wrong?" I asked as I hurried to grab Cheryl's suitcase from the trunk.

My wife just replied, "I'll tell you inside," as she strutted up to the front door, her skimpy sundress and tall wedge heels looking decidedly out of place in rainy Northern California.

Once in the house, Cheryl and I sat on the couch as she told me that the previous night, Dan had taken her to a very nice restaurant and over dinner he had asked whether she would move in with him. "And we were having such a good time!" exclaimed Cheryl, her frown becoming even more pronounced.

This was not the first time that my wife had been surprised by a lover misinterpreting her sexual enthusiasm for a desire to leave me and to take things to a more serious level. And in some ways, I kind of felt sorry for Dan. He'd enjoyed a nearly six-month long affair with Cheryl, seeing her regularly, and of course he'd want to make it permanent. Hearing my wife bemoan the fact that Dan wasn't content to leave things "as is," I launched into my, now, tried, and true speech.

"Honey, I completely understand where Dan's coming from. You're so beautiful and so much fun to be with, of course, he'd want you all to himself. You can't really blame him for trying."

Cheryl cheered up a bit at my words as she said, "Yeah, I know. But now things will never be the same. When I said I wasn't going to leave you, he got kind of upset. We didn't even have sex that night. Why can't guys just be happy with being friends?"

That was the easiest question ever as I gushed, "They don't want to just be friends because you're so wonderful. You're sexy, beautiful, smart and most guys would do anything to be with you. That's why I'm the luckiest guy in the world cause you're my wife."

Cheryl smiled sweetly at my outpouring of love as she said, "Thanks Mike. You're so sweet."

Letting my wife vent had calmed her to some extent and when she said she was going upstairs to shower, I took her suitcase to the laundry room and sorted through her clothes. Cheryl came back downstairs about a half hour later. "Hey Mike, you probably want to take that chastity cage off, huh?" quipped Cheryl as she found me beginning to hand wash her bikinis.

"Uh, yeah," I murmured while continuing to knead Cheryl's skimpy little swimsuits in the soapy water.

"Okay, when you're done with that, I'll be in the living room. But I don't know if I'm going to want to have sex just yet. I'm still upset about yesterday," stated my wife before adding, "And thanks for everything you said earlier. You really are a sweetheart." Cheryl then gave me quick kiss on the cheek before making her way to the living room.

Hearing my wife refer to me as a "sweetheart" was like music to my ears and even her statement about not wanting sex didn't dampen my mood as I finished washing Cheryl's bikinis before starting in on all of the skimpy lingerie she had worn on her trip. I was at my task for almost an hour, before joining my wife in the living room where she immediately handed me the key to my chastity device and told me to take it off and put it away in her dresser. And before I headed upstairs to unlock my penis, Cheryl said, "And Mike, if you want to go play with yourself, go ahead. I know it's been a while."

As tempting as it was to masturbate at that moment, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to save that moment for when Cheryl was in the mood to watch me or perhaps even help. And despite having felt the almost overwhelming urge to take my dick in my hand after seeing the dried remnants of Dan's come on several of my wife's sexy underthings, I was resolute. And after quickly pulling off my chastity cage, I immediately headed back downstairs where I announced to Cheryl that I'd wait until she was in the mood before I "played with myself."
