A-Cup Angst Ch. 06


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The girl leaned over to him again and touched her bare shoulder to his. He could feel her hot breath against his cheek as she whispered into his ear, "The strong, silent type, eh? I like that. Especially in a library." His nose was assaulted by the smell of lilac in her hair, before she straightened back up. Jamie flashed her a tight grin. She laughed, loud enough to be shushed by someone else at the table. She turned away from Jamie and mouthed a silent apology, before cracking open her book and twirling her pencil.

Jamie pulled his phone out of his pocket and began initializing the surveillance programs. He was going to install some spy shit on Mara's laptop to get an idea of who she was and what she wanted with him. He was almost done when she leaned over and whispered in his ear, "You know there are no cell phones allowed in the library?" He turned his screen away and looked her in the eyes, busted.

She was smiling a winning smile that was making her blue eyes light up. He concentrated on her mind and could feel that she didn't see what he was doing with his phone, just that she saw him fiddling with it. He also perceived an image of a naked Mara on her hands and knees. He was standing behind her, thrusting with one hand in her hair and the other on her hip. A tightness was developing in his pants. Her intentions seemed pretty blatant to him. Yet, he sensed something else about her intentions, something hidden.

"Don't worry," she winked, "I won't tell on you."

Jamie's throat dried up and his palms started sweating. He felt heat creep across his cheeks and he cleared his throat quietly. He looked deep into the brunette's eyes and was assaulted by an image of her on her knees in front of him, worshipping his cock. "Uh," he said. His phone vibrated once and he looked down. The software was discreetly installed on Mara's laptop. "Gotta go, bye!" He stuffed his phone in his jacket pocket, grabbed his laptop and got up to run away from the barrage of shushes following him and the bright, blue orbs of the girl with the unique aura that seemed to desire his hot cum, fresh from the tap.

Mara smiled after his retreating form and then wilted at the table. She sighed and picked up her book. She tried to concentrate on the assigned reading, but her thoughts kept coming back to Jamie Jacobs. He was practically famous on campus. He drove cool cars, wore flashy suits and was always in the presence of four really hot girls. And he was tall and lean, yet a bit muscular, as well. He had a handsome face. He wasn't boyishly cute, nor was he a gruff looking caveman, but rather somewhere in the middle. Mara was sure he would be the best possible choice to deflower her. She had checked him out with the registrar's office and even talked to his roommate. No red flags anywhere. She had half expected the young man to throw her down on the table and take her right here in the library. Instead, he ran off without a word. Maybe she was too forward? Guys liked passive girls, right?

After a few minutes of consideration, she decided she wasn't ready to skip over her first choice, especially as the rest of the males on campus fell so far short of him. Sure, there were equally rich kids, but they were spoiled, entitled, little assholes. And there were cute and well built guys, but they went from girl to girl like bees with flowers. Most of the males on campus either came in with their high school sweetheart, or found a girlfriend in the first month of college, while Mara was too busy adapting to living in the same place, without having to be ready to leave at a moment's notice.

This guy stayed faithful to his four hotties and that intrigued Mara. Not a single one of the girls ever exhibited any jealousy to one another. From what she saw and heard of them, they were even attracted to one another as much as to Jamie. No, she was definitely not ready to give up on Jamie. Any guy that would be included into a lesbian foursome as an equal, love making partner, was well worth the effort needed to get him to deflower her. She was sure he'd make it special for her. She grinned, closed her book and gathered her things. The chase was afoot.

Mara didn't keep a whole mess of revealing things on her laptop, but even so, Jamie was able to piece together her life story by expanding on what leads he found. The girls came home, one by one, and he had to tell the story of his little encounter four times over, because each girl would embellish the wrong part of the story when the next one asked. All four of them were quite excited by the story. It seemed to him that Helena was hell bent on him having sex with someone out of their group and the other three wouldn't really mind it, if he did.

He ignored their plans for a date with Mara and focused on the free clinic on the west side of town that Mara was investigating. Or was trying to investigate. She was a fellow magician and Jamie wanted to see what got her all riled up about this place. He sicced Nova on the place's servers and began to tap all the phones listed for the clinic. He checked their listed business hours. "Ok, girls, we've got an op in the works," he said and gave the girls orders to stake the place out in shifts, the next day. He wanted to know who was going in and out of the place and he gave them the equipment needed to catch the phone numbers of everyone going in and out.

The girls acknowledged his orders and then turned back to discussing his hypothetical date with Mara. He tuned them out and listened in on her cell phone as she ordered a pizza. Nova's scripts hadn't penetrated the servers' firewalls yet, so he busied himself with following Mara online and watching her inept attempts to investigate the clinic. Jamie already found out the clinic was owned by a few companies that were all owned by the same offshore firm. It was nothing terribly suspicious. Lots of companies set up their ownership like that, in order to exploit tax legislature loopholes and the like, but he suspected this one might be a front for some kind of organized crime, simply because it could be and Mara was investigating it.

Helena was talking to the girls about how Jamie should go out on a date with a "civilian" girl and how it would boost his confidence or some such and Jamie didn't want to overhear any more on the subject.

"This girl, Mara," he said, "has a hidden agenda regarding me. I don't know what it is, but I sensed that there was something she was keeping burried and it was connected to me, somehow. I have no intention of dashing headlong into a situation in which I don't know all the answers. Ok? I suggest you stop planning to pimp me out to this secretive girl and warm up your thumbs!"

He challenged the girls to game night. They planted themselves in one of the large entertainment areas, turned on the consoles, and played various games for half the night. Losers paid a forfeit of oral sex to the winners and the teams kept changing, every game. Jamie was always on the winning team, due to being an experienced player.

In the morning, they descended to find that Nova had prepared a full english breakfast for them all. As they ate, it summarized the contents of the clinic's computers, supplemented by the email accounts it hacked. Jamie's appetite was ruined by what he heard.

The clinic gave free checkups to poor people and then kept double records of the healthiest of people. One set of records was sent overseas for revision and approval and the other set was, after receiving approval, altered to indicate the healthy person was suffering from terminal cancer. The clinic would then offer that person free, experimental treatment that consisted of removing the diseased organ and administering an experimental drug that always worked and cured the patient of any metastases. The organ was then implanted into some rich person, for a hefty fee.

When Nova offered an interpretation of the very euphemistic and coded emails that said that people, who went elsewhere for second opinions and then returned to alert the clinic staff of a misdiagnosis, were being disposed of, Jamie's blood boiled. When he was informed of how people who refused the treatment, equating it to chemotherapy, were then assassinated and the lack of evidence of cancer covered up with simple bribes, he fucking lost it.

He grabbed a sword, the gun and enchanted ammo, ordered Nova to isolate the building and all its telecommunications and alarms, and got in the Cayenne. The girls followed him in the Ferrari and Subaru in the grips of panic. The girls had managed to overtake him and Sonya boxed him in and forced him to pull over.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at," he shrieked at them, causing all but Helena to instantly deflate.

"Jamie, you ordered them to guard you and keep you safe, above all else, that's all they're doing now," she said. "Please, let us back you up, please!"

Jamie cooled down some and nodded. He was still pissed off at the clinic, at Section, at the vampire and at the world in general. Today, he was going to take his frustrations out on someone. And the lying, thieving murderers at the clinic just fucking volunteered.

"Alright," he said, "I go in and do what must be done, you girls back me up," he tossed the gun and spare mag to Sonya, "and you," he pointed at Helena, "stay with the cars! I mean it! If you're not behind the wheel of the Cayenne when we come out, I'll fucking send you away from me for good! You got it!?" Helena nodded, her flippant nature stymied by his threat. "Let's go!!"

The cars pulled up and parked across the street from the clinic. Jamie jogged over, carrying a sheathed sword. As soon as he entered the place, he unleashed one of his spirits and it instantly wove a spell that made everyone who wasn't employed by the clinic get up and leave as quick as they could, remembering nothing of their visit.

The pretty receptionist watched people file out, in confusion, before she noticed Jamie and his girls being ignored at the front door. Jamie could tell that she was pressing a panic button under her desk. He smiled at the fear in her eyes. Nova already presented him with the evidence that everyone who worked here was not only in on it, but rather happy to be in on the conspiracy. He unsheathed his sword and strode over to the receptionist. She drew a gun from a hidden holster, under her desk, and nervously aimed it at him. Jamie locked back the firing pin with a thought and brandished his sword.

The woman's fingers worked the trigger in vain until he stabbed her in the gut, making her gasp and squirm in pain. When he drew the blade out, she fell down and coughed up blood. Nurses and orderlies rushed into the lobby as the last of the patients left the clinic. They were surprised by everything that happened, but they immediately spotted Jamie and the girls. They backed away from the young man that started chasing them and stabbing them in the gut.

Orderlies ducked into exam rooms, only to duck back out of them with a gun in their hands in a matter of seconds. Jamie and the girls prevented the firing mechanisms from working and they all fell victim to Jamie's busy blade. He cleared the ground floor, leaving a dozen squirming people in agony on the floor. The casters were upstairs, Jamie could sense them. Two of them were shivering in fear, having seen him do his gruesome work on the internal security feeds. The other three were preparing for battle.

A few more orderlies were awaiting him upstairs, but Jamie dispatched them with ease. He felt the three casters bully the fourth into joining them and they spread out to come at Jamie from every direction. He smiled and signaled the girls, who were backing him up and gathering dropped weapons, to stay back. The four casters began casting and two of Jamie's powers possessed two of them, making them turn their power against their colleague and rendering the four of them disabled. Jamie had Rose and Sandra drag the unconscious foursome to the conference room. With their power enhancing their muscles, they had no trouble. He turned to the nearest camera and said, "You're isolated from the rest of the world. Come to the conference room, right now, answer my questions and I'll give you a clean death."

As the mundane organ thieves were slowly bleeding out in agony all over the clinic, a slip of a middle aged woman hesitantly entered the conference room. The girls left to go downstairs and guard the front door. Jamie sat down at the head of the table and slowly poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher that was there. He took a drink and gestured at a nearby chair. He found that slaughtering bad guys was exhausting work, even if magic gave you enhanced strength.

The woman shuddered and shivered as she walked up to the indicated seat with hesitant, mincing steps. Her eyes kept darting between her colleagues, unconscious, yet propped up to sit around the table. Finally, she sat down and turned her wide eyes to Jamie.

"What is this about," she said.

"Justice. Retribution. Good and evil. Right and wrong." Jamie shrugged. "Take your pick."

"We can pay you," she said. Jamie gestured with two fingers and his sword rose up in the air. He flicked his fingers towards one of the other casters and it sliced both of the man's cheeks.

The woman cringed but pressed on, "We can give you lots and lots of money, in exchange for your protection. Please, we can all work together! This violence is unnecessary!"

Jamie responded with another flick of his fingers and the blade sliced the unconscious man's belly wide open. He twitched and came to, but was still unable to do anything to help himself, because the incapacitation spell left him all but paralyzed, yet able to feel pain. He sat there, his guts spilling out, and cringed wordlessly as his life's blood was oozing out of the huge gash in his middle. The woman finally tried to cast a spell to aid the man, but Jamie saw her aura flash and put a stop to it.

"Take off your warded jewelry," he instructed as he poured another glass of water.

The woman stared at him hard and said, "If you let him die, you're dead, too."

Jamie flicked his fingers and the blade dipped down low into the man's crotch and came up filthy, trailing blood and tissue. "I doubt he'd want to live without a cock and balls, anyway."

The woman shook her head and said, "You have no idea who we are, do you? You have no idea who you're fucking with here."

Jamie responded by having his sword gut the redheaded woman that was sitting across from her. The younger woman started to twitch in agony and her eyes shot open to plead with the woman Jamie was interrogating. "Drop the attitude and tell me plainly who you are," he said.

The woman was staring into the redhead's eyes and shaking less and less with every minute. "No," she said. "Fuck you! Whatever you do to us here, today, will be done to you and everyone that ever met you, a thousand times over. Your suffering will know no bounds, you arrogant piece of shit!"

Jamie gestured around the conference room. "I think that a careful examination of the situation will reveal that only one of us isn't making idle threats," he said.

"There are thousands of us, all over the world," she said.

"There is only one of me," he said.

"You'll be hunted down and we will be avenged," she said. Her eyes darted back to the redhead and her green eyes, so wide, so scared.

"Your deaths will be run past a bean counter and you will be completely written off as an unavoidable business expense," he said. Jamie guessed his last sentence must have struck a chord with the slip of a woman, because her entire demeanor changed. She looked more shocked than petrified. Jamie knew all about the mundane side of their little enterprise, but he needed the blanks on the magical side filled in. "Take off your warded jewelry and I'll heal your colleague."

The woman pulled up her blouse and all but ripped out her navel ring. Jamie's eyebrows rose in wonder. He never would have pegged the middle aged, mousy looking woman for that. Her aura became instantly visible to Jamie, but it was of little use as it was completely dominated by fear and regret.

He dispatched a power spirit at the redhead to possess her. It stemmed the bleeding for a few moments. He waved his hand at her and the redhead's face showed relief. She smiled and winked at her colleague, before closing her eyes and relaxing in the leather chair.

The tiny woman said, "Is, is, is she going to be all right?"

"Yes," said Jamie. "I just healed her." It was a fairly blatant lie, but Jamie needed an in with this woman and he suspected that the redhead was it. Besides, seeing a spot of relief in the woman's aura, he knew she was buying it, hook, line and sinker. He saw a sense of wonder appear.

The tiny woman's jaw dropped. "You can do that?!"

"Yes," Jamie lied with a nod. "If you answer my questions truthfully, I'll even heal your colleague," he indicated the bleeding, quietly gasping man at the end of the table, "and I'll throw into the bargain any mundanes that haven't bled to death." He wagged a finger before her. "But you have to answer my questions, all of them. And no holding back," he held up her navel ring, "I can spot that, now!"

The woman nodded, eagerly and clasped her hands together, facing him. He had her full attention and he could see in her aura that hope was rising.

"Why are you taking people's organs?"

"To implant them into our clients," she said. Jamie gestured for her to continue. "Oh, um, we, uh, we take the organs from nobodies,"

"Skip to the implantation bit," Jamie said, darkly.

"We, um, we have a clinic in the Bahamas and our clients fly there and we replace their worn out organs with new, healthy ones. Lungs, liver sections, kidneys, you name it!"

"That's it," Jamie asked. He could see she wasn't lying. "That's it?!"

Her mouth worked, but no sound came out. Jamie twitched his hand and his blade lifted off again. This time it sliced open the belly of the fattest of the casters. The tiny woman squealed in horror. "Why does it take five casters to run a two bit operation like this," he said.

He could see her struggle to contain her dread as she was consumed with guilt that her colleague was sliced open. "We, we, we change the DNA of the organs to perfectly match the person receiving them," she said, after much effort and many guilty glances at the eyes of the dying man. "Then we fly them, quickly, to the Bahamas, for implantation."

Her answer caught all of Jamie's attention. He hoped she couldn't see that in his face. "How do you change the DNA?"

"We cast a spell! It's a simple ritual, takes only a few minutes!"

He could tell the woman wasn't lying. "Show me the spell," he said. The woman started the overhead projector and retrieved a tablet from a drawer. She began drawing and Jamie followed her work on the wall. The spell was almost identical to the one his girls had used to make their breasts grow. It was truly simple, it just had one hitch. The same hitch all spell concerned with living tissue had. It had to be powered by life force. "How much life force has to be drained to change one organ's DNA?"

"About one life's worth," she said. Jamie saw in her aura that she wasn't lying and was shocked that Nova had missed on them killing people for each organ they took. "We don't take it all from one person! That's why we have M.R.I.s. The ritual has an equivalent exchange clause. We cast the ritual over all the people we put in the machine during one day. They can't name a price or refuse participation while they are lying still and they don't even know that anything has happened."

"How do you transfer the life force?" Jamie was confused. When the girls drained him, they did it by having sex with him.

"The blood samples," she said.
