A-Cup Angst Ch. 08


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But that would still not be enough if the coven files turned out to be genuine, M'bata suspected. He wanted to see a succession of assaults, using different spells and tactics, so he could see how the coven adapted to different threats. He also suspected that the true strength of the coven might lie in the four young Americans that had enlarged their breasts with magic. That made everyone else discount them and focus on the boy and the asian girl. M'bata did not intend to overlook them, just because they had increased their busts. He needed to know things in order to create his plan of attack.

"Those fucking twins," he muttered. He left money on the counter and stepped out into the night. With a final shake of his head, M'bata decided against going after the twins. Not only was he busy, he wasn't entirely sure he could take them on. Those two were plenty dangerous on their own.

Felicity McDonough sighed and started to disrobe. She was tired from a long day of snuffing out the competition and all she wanted was a hot bath. Unfortunately, the shabby motel room only came with a narrow shower stall. She stripped out of her winter clothing and stood in the motel room alone. Her brother Ray had gone to a convenience store, as Americans called shops, to get some snacks. She wore many bracelets, rings and necklaces, just like her brother did. Each piece of jewelry held within it a spell that protected and concealed them. She smiled as she held up her hand and examined one of the bracelets. It glimmered dully in the faint lamplight. It was proof that they were special. Every other caster had to cast and recast such spells over and over again, but not Ray and she. For them, the spells were permanent, so long as they cast them together.

Felicity removed her bra and stepped out of her knickers. She went over to the bathroom and caught her reflection in the mirror. She was wearing only her jewelry and it glowed alluringly around her figure. She looked like a harem slave and she pouted and posed invitingly. She smiled and hopped under the shower. After she washed off the grime of the day, she was going to get her brother to fuck her brains out.

She had a quick and functional shower, forgoing any opportunity to fiddle with herself. She wanted to leave that to her brother. Just as she got out of the stall and started to pat herself dry, she felt her brother becoming aroused. She stood still and concentrated on the feel of his mind and quickly confirmed that he was very aroused. She got very angry and jealous that he was getting a stiffy, while she wasn't with him. If there was some chesty, blonde bimbo draping herself over Ray, Felicity was going to cut her tits off and ram them down her throat. She stomped out of the bathroom and saw Ray sitting on the bed, watching some lesbian porno on the tube.

"Tha fook are ye de'en," she asked.

"I'm doing research," Ray said, distractedly.

"Aye, rehsehrch," Felicity said, anger in her voice, "Is tha' wha' they're callin' it nuadaze when yer gettin' arused buy sum fookin' bitches tha cannae even feyk an orgasm. Shame on ye, Rae McDonough! Shame on ye fer watchin' tha' when ye could be havin' this!" She dropped the towel and stood beside her brother in all her naked glory.

Ray's eyes turned away from the screen and roamed over her tight body. They especially lingered on her firm breasts that were heaving in anger. He glanced to the remote control in his hand and stopped the film. "First of all," he said, with long suffering patience in his voice, "speak with an american accent! We cannae be yellin' at each ootha' in Scots! It's unprofessional. Anyone could overhear us and pass the information that we're Scots on to the police. We're professionals. We're the best, precisely because we pay attention to that kind of detail."

"Fine," she conceded his point. She put her fists against her hips and cocked her head. "I suppose that watching lesbian pornos is another part of your guise as an average, ordinary, everyday Joe? Why'd you call it research, then?"

Ray held up the DVD boxes that were on the bed. "Don't you recognize these girls?"

Felicity rolled her eyes and sighed. She flopped down on the bed to sit next to Ray. "I've never spent more than an hour away from you, since the day we were born, Ray. When and where would I meet these porn stars, exactly?"

Ray smiled his self satisfied smirk, that he always wore when he figured out something Felicity hadn't. He tapped his finger against the photo on the cover and raised his eyebrows expectantly. When Felicity gave him an impatient look, he finally said, "It's the girls we're hunting! Four of them did lesbian pornos last year! Look!"

Felicity took the DVD boxes in hand and looked at all the covers. Sure enough, the four girls' faces were scattered amongst those portrayed on the covers. "How the hell did you find these?"

"I glanced at the boobs on the cover of one of them and saw the brunette's face attached to them," he said, prompting Felicity's disapproving scowl. "Afterwards, the night clerk helped me find the rest of them. He's a big fan of the 'fab four', as he's given to calling them. They only did a few pornos, and only one of them features all four of them, but it does have a scene in which they do an orgy." Ray smiled suggestively at Felicity. "I was just about to get to that."

Felicity smiled back at him and lay back on the bed. She wiggled her way to the headboard, drawing Ray's eyes to her boobs, propped up a pillow and sat up to comfortably look at the screen. "Well, go on," she said, gesturing at the TV, "let's do our due diligence and finish our research."

Ray laughed and resumed the film. He stood up and started to take off his clothes. Felicity's eyes bounced between watching the screen and her tall, powerfully built brother undressing next to her. Finally, he was naked and his cock stuck straight out from his body. It swayed wildly as Ray propped up another pillow and sat up against the headboard, next to Felicity. They watched Helena, Sonya, Sandra and Rose undress each other on the screen and begin to lave each other with their darting tongues. Soon, Felicity's arousal matched her brother's. They both sat back and leisurely enjoyed the sensation of arousal, without touching themselves, or each other. The foursome on the screen soon started to get into it in earnest and Felicity's heart raced. "Thar nay feykin' it," she whispered, astonished.

Ray nodded absently. He too had never before seen actual lesbians actually fucking one another in a porno. He now understood and shared the night clerk's obsession with them. "I'm almost sorry we have to kill them," he whispered.

"Yeah," Felicity said. "Fucking waste."

"We could have fun with them before we do," he said.

"Yeah," she said with a smile. "It's the boy and the Asian that are the real trouble, if what we've been told is to be believed." Ray grunted in agreement. They sat still and enjoyed watching the rest of the scene. Felicity felt her juices drip down the crack of her ass. She glanced over to Ray and saw a drop of precum glistening on the tip of his cock. "Ray, I want to fuck a girl."

"Well, it's about the right time of night to go out and find some drunk girl coming home from a party," he said.

"No," she said, "I want to fuck a girl, right now!"

Ray turned his head and gazed deep in his sister's eyes. He smiled and said, "Ok!" They got out of bed and knelt cross legged on the floor. They scooted closer until their knees touched and then pressed their fingertips against one another's. They stared deep into one another's eyes and quietly chanted a spell of their own making. They did this for a few minutes, getting more and more excited with each second that passed. Finally, they blinked at the same time and gasped in delight as they switched bodies.

Ray was now looking out of his sister's eyes and up at his face. Felicity curled his lips into a predatory grin and slowly started to stroke her swollen dick. Ray took a deep breath and enjoyed the sensation of such a sensitive weight on the front of his chest. His dainty hands crept up to heft and caress his breast. He gasped in delight as shivers ran down his spine. Felicity wasted no time. She got up, lifted him bodily and tossed him on the bed. She spread his thighs and took a deep whiff of the dew that was leaking from his pussy. She licked his slit from taint to clit and then penetrated him with her tongue.

Ray writhed in his sister's body, overwhelmed by the delightful sensations coming from his pussy. She put her hands on his tits and started to massage them gently and then pull on his nipples. Ray yelped in delight. He was getting so close to climax. When Felicity sucked his clit in her mouth and ran her raspy tongue over it, his body shuddered in orgasm for a full minute.

Before he was done with his pleasure, she loomed over him and aimed her cock into his gushing pussy. She hilted herself in him with one slow thrust, making him squirm. She propped herself up over him and they looked into each other's eyes. She looked down at her face and enjoyed seeing the post orgasmic flush on it. Ray heaved deep breaths as he looked up into his eyes, knowing his sister's malice when he saw it in them. It made him shudder in anticipation.

Felicity started to thrust in earnest, working Ray's pussy as only someone that owned it could. Soon, Ray came a second time. She suckled on his tits as he came and then pulled out and flipped him over. She lifted his hips and penetrated him from behind. She set a frantic pace as she slammed her meat into his pussy. Ray squealed and yelped from a combination of soreness and ecstasy. She let her body guide her as she kept increasing the pace of her frantic stabs. Her balls tightened and heat bloomed in her belly. She seized his smaller body with an arm around the breasts and sat him up to achieve maximum penetration. An explosion of pleasure ran up her spine from her dick as she spewed her seed into his pussy. Ray came again and she loved the shuddering of his soft body against hers.

She stayed hard and blinked in disbelief. They had both managed to hold on to the spell that swapped their bodies. Years of use made them able to hold on to it through an orgasm but it usually slipped from their grasp when they came together. She smiled a wicked smile and stood up. She pulled a heaving Ray from the bed and positioned him to kneel by the bed. She laid his upper body on the mattress and positioned her slimy cock into the crevice of his ass. "Hey, wait," Ray said. She stabbed into the asshole and it gave in almost immediately. Ray lifted his head and howled in protest.

"Shut up," she whispered into his ear, "you want this, or you'd let go of the spell."

"Yeah, but slow down, please," he said.

Felicity smiled her wicked smile and pulled out of his ass. Ray sighed in relief and she slammed into his ass with all of her might, making half the hard meat slide in. Ray's hold on his side of the spell slipped and she felt profoundly disoriented. In a heartbeat, she found herself kneeling under Ray with his cock painfully shoved up her ass. She let out a soft scream of protest and betrayal. "You let go on purpose," she said.

"Nay," was his reply. He pulled nearly all the way out of her and then slammed back in, insistently working the rest of his length into her. She snarled between her clenched teeth as her brother fucked her ass raw. He reached down and fingered her pussy until she came. Her sphincter tightened in orgasm so firmly that Ray couldn't move his dick anymore. Finally, her orgasm ended and Ray resumed his frantic thrusts, pushing the air out of her lungs with each ferocious thrust of his hips. When he felt the point of no return coming on, he pulled out of her ass, stood up and tugged on his dick a few times. He splashed his seed all over her back as he came.

She just lay there and cooed as she felt his hot essence splatter against her skin. He knelt back down and licked up all of his seed from her back, making her laugh as his tongue tickled her. He then rolled her over and pulled her head up by the hair. He slammed his semi-hard meat into her mouth and she immediately sucked on it. She licked it clean and gave it one final kiss. He lay down next to her and they french kissed for a few minutes, until sleep claimed him. Felicity spooned him and lay there, listening to his heartbeat. "I love you, brother," she said, before falling asleep herself.

Anne Grossman got off the phone. She turned around and looked at her stuffed panda bear. She hadn't played with stuffed animals in years, and the panda was nothing other than a decoration in her room, yet she suddenly felt the impulse to play with it. She rummaged through a drawer of her bedside table and found a pink bow. She put it on the panda and pretended it was a girl panda bear named Pam. She then gossiped with Pam about this and that, culminating with the juicy stuff she had just heard from her friend Suzie Jacobs.

Apparently, she was hidden in a safe location in a big city on the east coast and bad men were hunting for her to hurt her. Her brother got her a new pair of parents to take care of her and Anne confided to Pam that she was feeling a bit jealous at hearing Suzie was having so much adventure in her life. Just as suddenly as the impulse came, it passed. Anne realized she was talking to a stuffed animal and she took the bow off it and tossed it aside in disgust. She sighed and sat down at her desk. She turned her laptop on and went online.

M'bata pulled out of the bear and sighed in relief. "American girls are such a pain in the neck," he thought to himself. Back in his country, girls were women as soon as they got their first period and there was no more protection against magic for them. Here, in the States, M'bata couldn't use his fetishes to send a spirit to possess them until after they were eighteen. "Savages," he commented aloud at that state of affairs. These girls should be getting married, instead of keeping stuffed toys to play with. Unable to possess their minds directly, he had to expend a lot of his precious time and power on possessing their stuffed animals and gently nudging the girls to talk to the toys by masking his suggestions as child's play.

He shuddered and shivered in disgust at recalling some of the inane idiocy he had been exposed to in the past two days. He now knew way too much about boy bands. As far as he was concerned, all these "little girls" needed a firm, no nonsense, masculine hand in their lives, or they would never amount to anything but a waste of space. He hit the button on his speed dial. Sven answered. "I know where the little girl is," M'bata said.

In Bastion, Nova didn't stop or pause with cleaning and maintenance of the gang's firearms as it said, "Jamie, Anne Grossman just told a silent entity she called 'Pam' where Suzie is hiding."

Jamie sighed heavily. He had ordered Nova to keep a tight watch on all telecommunications going on in his home town and especially to listen in on all phones even remotely connected to Suzie's friends, whether they were on or not. He had been baffled when the A.I. reported all of Suzie's friends talking to imaginary friends late at night. Then he surmised that the Syndicate was somehow making them do that in order to learn about Suzie.

He had Suzie make the call that would lead the Syndicate into his trap and they took the bait. He stood up and ran his hands through his salt and pepper hair. He looked around himself. Rose, Sonya and Helena looked just about ready to kill. Their helplessness and anguish had been spent and they were left with nothing but a simmering, murderous rage. He nodded. He would need their inner killer to come out soon. Sandra was still a teary eyed mess. She'd pull through when she was needed, Jamie had faith in her. The gynoid was taking care of the guns and Jamie knew it would snuff the Syndicate's operatives by the dozens, like it already had. He attached two concealed holsters to his belt, loaded two .45 M1911A1 Colts and holstered them. He shook his arms loose, cleared his throat and cracked his knuckles.

"Game on," he said, darkly. "Game fucking on."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Jamie had put me off this series

Why is Jamie such as unlikable character? Is it because he is an arrogant, self-centered prick? Because he is physically and verbally abusive to his partners? Because he is irrational and unpredictably violent with no ability to control his temper?

No, I think the worst thing about Jamie is that, while all of the above are true of him, he either doesn't realise, or doesn't care enough to do anything about it. But when the main protagonist is throwing his girlfriend through a door and then the next day threatening to do it again if she isn't careful... well he may be the protagonist but he's not a hero. He's a violent, unstable vigilante who judges people for using their magic for personal gain as he sits in a private jet he bought with magic.

Marty99Marty99over 7 years ago
Enchated jewlelry

Jamie and the girls need to do aome jewelry lime felicity did to further expand their powers.

Great story, keep it up

sycksyckosycksyckoalmost 10 years agoAuthor
earlier chapters

His hair greyed prematurely as a side effect of watching the torture tape of his mother.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Jamie has salt and pepper hair...? He's 18 right? ... Right?

sycksyckosycksyckoalmost 10 years agoAuthor
chapter eleven

I've submitted chapter eleven which addresses and explains all of your concerns about this story. Even if you hate the story, read chapter eleven. It might redeem the main character in your eyes. If not, it'll at least give you an explanation for his actions.

Thank you for reading the story.

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