A Date Night Gone Right

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A couple has a wonderful night after a dinner date.
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I meet Alex for dinner three weeks after we officially started dating. It's the evening before I have to head back to school.

After our meal, I walk back to Alex's house, hand-in-hand with him. We walk slowly, savoring every step. It's our last night together for awhile.

"Is Jack home?" I ask. Jack is Alex's friend and roommate.

"Shouldn't be," he replies, unlocking the door. My hand is cold after he lets go on this chilly London night. "Jack?" he calls out as he steps inside. We are met with silence. "Guess not," he declares, kissing me on the cheek.

I take off my coat and drape it over one of Alex's kitchen chairs.

When I turn around, he's standing right there and pulls me in for a hug. "I had fun tonight," he smiles.

"Me too," I say into his shoulder.

"You want to stay a little longer? We could watch a movie or something," his voice trails off.

"Or," I propose, "We could just go upstairs."

"I like the way you think, Ella," he grins and takes me by the hand.

"Can I kiss you?" I ask Alex, looking up at him. It's a few minutes later and we are sitting together on his bed. He nods and my lips are on his. I kick off my shoes and he puts his arms around me.

All of a sudden we're going down, down, down. He rests my head on his pillow, so softly, and kisses the corner of my mouth. He's not putting any weight on top of me--he's propping himself up with both arms while our legs are tangled together. I want way more contact than what he's giving me.

He lowers his face closer to mine and leans in to kiss the corner of my mouth again, the tease. At the last second, I shift my head and his lips crash onto mine.

In his moment of weakness, I pull him down on top of me. He comes tumbling down from his push up position, but finally our bodies are touching. I can feel him smile as he kisses me.

It causes me to smile back. I have this huge grin on my face and I can't help but start laughing.

"What?" Alex smiles back, propping himself back up. He shifts all of his weight to his left arm, and uses his right to tuck my mussed-up hair behind my ear and I melt.

"I'm just really glad it's you," I say, looking into his deep brown eyes, "This is just one of those perfect moments."

Alex lies down next to me and pulls me into another kiss. This one is slow and lingering and lasts both an eternity and three seconds. We kiss and kiss until I forget what he even tastes like because he is me and I am him and then he kisses me again.

I'm the one who finally breaks our kiss, as I unfortunately need this thing called oxygen. Lame. I sit up against his bed frame and take a few deep breaths. Alex, meanwhile, has gotten out of bed to bring me his water bottle.

I gratefully take a few sips and allow my breathing to return to normal. "Thanks, Alex."

"Of course," he smiles, taking a sip from the bottle once I finish. We're both silent for a moment, but it's not awkward. We're both just really happy to have each others' company. "Ella," Alex says, finally breaking the silence, "I think we should have sex tonight."

"That might just be the best idea I've ever heard. You got tested, right?"

"Yep, negatives across the board. You?"

"Same here," I reply. Alex puts down the water bottle and lies down next to me. I turn onto my side to face him and kiss his nose. He pulls me in close and brings his lips to mine. It's messy and my hands are in his hair and one of his is up my shirt but the other is wrapped around me, keeping me close.

I roll him onto his back without breaking our kiss and now I'm on top. I straddle his waist, enjoying the friction, and I can tell that he likes it too. I sit straight up and reach for the bottom of his shirt. I take it off, needing to feel his warm skin.

He takes mine off too and tosses it on top of his on the floor, leaving me in jeans and my nude sports bra. I will not be caught dead in anything resembling underwire.

"I like this," he grins, pausing to take in my chest. They're B cups on a good day but Alex doesn't mind. I lean over his face, attempting to brush an eyelash off of his cheek.

Seeing me move closer, Alex props himself up with his arm. He lifts his head up and in one motion puts his mouth over my clothed nipple. I inhale sharply. "Don't stop," I groan.

He continues the pressure, even adding in teeth and it's almost too much for me to handle. "Time to switch," he says, eventually taking his mouth off of me. My nipple is immediately cold and I hate it.

"Wait one second," I say, patting his chest. I scoot down, resting on his legs. I take off the bra, wet spot and all, and toss it off the bed, "I want to feel you on my skin."

Alex nods and sits up straight. He leans in and hugs me. For the first time it's only skin. Wonderful skin!

He lies down on his side and motions for me to do the same. I lie next to him, resting my head on his pillow. He rests his right arm underneath my neck and pulls me in impossibly close. I love the feeling of skin on skin and denim on denim, though if we stay half-clothed for much longer I just might die.

He finally puts mouth on my other nipple and it's even better than before. He expertly uses tongue and teeth to drive me wild. In a second, his left leg is between both of mine and I'm holding him closer and closer.

He releases my right nipple and moves on to my left. Before he makes the switch, he blows cool air onto my wet right nipple. "Fuck me," I groan.

"That's the goal," he smirks before going back for seconds on my left nipple. After a few minutes the sensation is too much for me and both nipples are way too sensitive. I move his mouth onto mine and press my body into his.

"Alex, realistically, how long are you going to last this first time," I say after a few moments, breaking our kiss.

"Excuse me?" he chuckles, "You don't think I can last long?"

"I'm just being practical," I remark, sneaking in another kiss, "We've been at this for nearly an hour and you're as hard as ever. I would really like our first time together to last as long as we can. If you're up for it, then let's get on with it already"

I sit up for a moment, catching my breath again. Then, I turn to Alex with a game plan in mind. I unzip his pants and they join his shirt on the floor. I trace his hard abs with my finger down to his waist. I hesitate for a second before pulling down his underwear.

"Scared?" Alex smirks.

"I was just going to double check that you were absolutely sure about this, but you seem to be just fine," I roll my eyes. I pull down his underwear and toss them off the bed. I take a good look at his fully-naked body before I get down to business.

"Like what you see?" Alex asks and I laugh. I crawl up next to him and kiss him again. It's wet and toothy and perfect. He moves on to kissing my neck, and before I know it, Alex has pulled off my jeans as well, adding them to the pile.

"Objection, your honor! I was distracted," I say, just in my underwear now. Alex just responds to this by tweaking my (still sensitive) nipple. "Hey! Oh, you're really going to get it now," I promise.

He rolls back on top of me and kisses me deeply. His tongue brushes my top gums and his hands are on my nipples and I wrap my arms around his head, wanting to feel like this for the rest of my time on Earth.

I feel his penis rubbing the outside of my thigh. He is clearly trying to keep it away from all of the action for now. It's time to change that. I remove one of my hands from his hair and stick a finger in his mouth when he pauses for air. I bring my hand down and drag a singular wet finger across the length of his cock. He inhales sharply.

"Yeah, let's get on with this, then," he shivers, rolling off of me. I kiss him on the corner of the mouth. I grab his shoulders and lay him down, before climbing on top of his legs. I look over at him and he nods.

I grab his cock in my hand and plant a kiss right on its head. I have him exactly where I want him. I do this again, and then a third time before surprising him and taking the whole head into my mouth. He gasps and grabs his sheets with both hands. Despite my mouth being full, I grin.

I release his tip from my mouth and begin licking his shaft: bottom to top and very methodically. I do this until everything is wet and ready for me to really get things going.

I take his head into my mouth again but this time I take in even more of his length. I manage to get about 3 inches into my mouth and cover the rest with my hands.

I close my mouth around his cock and use my tongue to slowly trace his length until I reach the head. Alex moans and his whole body shudders.

I take the opportunity to start using my hands. I make sure to share the love with the base of his shaft too. I continue taking his penis into my mouth, before tracing back up his length with my tongue and flicking the head. I do this two more times before his body tenses up and he mumbles "Point of no return."

I quickly release his cock from my mouth and grab a tissue from his nightstand. I cover his tip with the tissue just in time for him to cum, filling it up. I drop it into the trash can beside his bed and finally meet his eyes. "Told you that you wouldn't last long," I smirk.

Alex sits up after a second and pulls me in close. He kisses me deeply. "Well I didn't realize that's what I was up against," he exhales. "Now I'm going to need a few minutes to recover from all of that, which means it's your turn. Lie down on your back," he instructs me.

I maintain eye contact. "Make me," I whisper. His eyes light up with surprise for just a second. Then, he grabs me, turns me around, and pins me onto the bed by my shoulders.

Alex takes a second to drink in my body. All that's left is my underwear, which are completely soaked through. His eyes are hungry and I want him to touch every inch of me.

"Like what you see?" I tease him.

"Almost," he replies. He leaves his left hand on my stomach as if to keep me in place, and uses his teeth to pull down my underwear. It's one of the hottest things I've ever experienced.

"That's better," he grins, tossing them out of the way. "God, you're so beautiful. Where do I even start?"

"How about with a kiss," I say cheekily and he does just that. He then moves down to kissing my neck, which has always been one of my most sensitive points. I moan as soon as his lips make contact with my skin. He continues kissing my neck for a few more minutes and it's so fucking hot that my face is buried in his pillow and my hands are full of his sheets.

"Enough of that," he decides, rolling me over to my back. He spends a little more time on my nipples, caressing them each between his teeth. Then, he moves downwards still, kissing a trail from my tits to my waist.

He plants a kiss of each of my hip bones and looks up at me. "All good?" he asks.

"All great," I smile.

He takes his index finger and brushes around my opening. "Ella, you're so wet," he groans.

"All for you," I reply, trying to sound just one percent casual. I need his fingers inside of me immediately.

He shifts again and all of a sudden I feel his mouth on me. He plants a kiss on top of my labia and it's like I've died and gone to heaven. He explores my vulva with his tongue: teasing around my vagina and lapping up my juices. At one point, his nose nudges my clitoris and I moan again. Alex lifts his head up for a second. "Quiet up there," he jokes, "I'm taking my time down here." I lift up my legs and rest them on his shoulders, crossing my ankles behind his head. He winks at me before lowering his head once again.

He licks around my vulva again, but this time he flicks my clit with his tongue every few seconds. I hiss the first time before getting caught up in his rhythm. I tighten the grip of his head between my thighs involuntarily and he laughs. It's a wonderful sound.

After a few more minutes of this, he decides to focus all of his attention on my sensitive bud. He puts his lips around my clitoris and starts sucking on it and I know I'm not going to last much longer. He keeps this up for a few more seconds before plunging two fingers into me. I feel my orgasm explode and Alex keeps sucking my clitoris and pumping his fingers into me until I am absolutely spent.

I release his head and lie back, drenched in sweat and panting. It takes me a few moments to normalize my breathing and once I do, Alex is lying next to me again.

"You're beautiful," he says at the same time I say, "That was incredible."

Alex chuckles and kisses me softly. It's much appreciated since the rest of my body is still on overdrive. "You need a few minutes?" he asks and I nod. He grabs the water bottle again and helps me drink from it. After the water is gone, he holds me in his arms and we stay there cuddling for a little while.

Eventually, I have gained my strength back and I can feel Alex's erection on my thigh. "I'm ready," I declare.

Alex grins. "Any position you'd like to try?" I think for a second before nodding.

I grab a blanket from his bed and drape it over his desk chair. I position the back of the chair so that it rests against his desk. "Sit down," I instruct. He listens. "You have a condom around here?" I ask.

"Nightstand drawer," he points, sitting on the blanket-covered chair at about half-mast. I open the drawer and locate the box. I discreetly check the expiration date and am relieved that it's nearly a year from now. If they were no good, I totally would have made him run to the pharmacy to buy more.

I tear open the package carefully and hold the condom between my fingers. I pinch the tip and roll it over his penis. I also saw a small bottle of lube in there, so I squirt some on my hands. I rub up and down his penis, both making him harder and lubing him up so I'm more comfortable in T-30 seconds.

I then hover over his lap, facing him and begin to lower myself down onto his cock. He holds onto my waist to help guide me and we both groan as he finally enters me. I can feel my vaginal walls tight around his penis.

He's got to be around 6 inches long and he fills me up perfectly. "You know why I picked this position?" I ask him. My hands are playing with his hair and our stomachs are practically touching. I look at him in his beautiful brown eyes.

"Why's that?" he asks.

"Because of this," I say, kissing him deeply. At the same time I begin to rock my hips and move up and down his length.

"Fuck," he exclaims, accidentally biting my top lip in the process, "Oh, Ella, I'm so sorry."

"Kiss it better," I whisper, continuing to slide up and down his length slowly. He wraps his arms around my back, pulling me in even closer. He kisses my top lip deeply, atoning for his previous transgression.

After a few more strokes, his hands find their way back to my nipples, and he's pinching them while I ride him. We continue kissing for a few more minutes, taking everything as slow as possible. I continue sliding up and down his length, loving the sensation of him filling me up.

Alex finally breaks our kiss. "Ella, I'm having a lot of fun here, but I need a change of pace. Is that okay?"

I nod. "I want you to fuck me," I declare.

"Hold on tight," he says, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and manages to stand up, all while still inside me.

"That was really hot," I mumble as he sits me down on the edge of his desk. I wrap my legs around his thighs and somehow pull him even closer.

He tucks my hair behind my ears and puts his arms around my waist. He begins thrusting into me, slowly at first but steadily building a faster rhythm. I rest my head on this shoulder. He grunts with each thrust into me. Is it weird to say that I love the sound? Our breathing is in sync, I am so full and happy, and this is another one of those perfect moments.

Sweat breaks out on his forehead, as this is clearly quite a workout for him. "Maybe we should go back to bed?" I suggest. As much fun as I'm having, this isn't totally doing it for me. He nods and lifts me back up. He gets another thrust in while holding me, and it's exhilarating.

He slips out of me for a moment, and it's one of the worst things to ever happen to me. Seriously. He lays me on my back and crawls back on top of me. He kisses me quickly before re-entering me, and everything is right again.

He's on top of me and our legs are tangled together. His rhythm and breathing are getting faster, but I'm still not getting there. I reach a hand down to touch my clit, in hopes to get myself further along.

Alex sees what I'm doing and stops thrusting for a second. He removes my hand and replaces it with his own. "Your pleasure is my job right now, not yours," he says in a husky voice. I kiss him and it's so urgent and our tongues are practically down each others' throats.

He stays true to his word and begins rubbing my clit as he pounds into me. He keeps going for a couple more minutes, really focusing on my clitoris when suddenly I'm cumming again. I suck on his tongue and pull his head into mine and he keeps pounding and rubbing while I ride the wave of my second orgasm.

"Holy shit," I say as I let go of his head and tongue, falling back onto the pillow.

"Ella, that was the hottest thing I've ever seen, and I'm like ten seconds from joining you," he groans. Two more thrusts and he's panting through his second orgasm. I kiss him as he cums inside of me.

He slides off of me and rolls onto his back.

"Hey, we're pretty good at that," he jokes, completely spent. I roll over and kiss him again.

"Yeah, but still a lot of practicing to do until we're perfect," I wink.

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AnonymousAnonymous21 days ago
too brief

This could be the beginning of a great series. However, the introduction is far too short, especially as regards the characters. It would be better if there was a more extensive build-up with the restaurant scene. The subsequent romantic scene is likewise too brief. This story could be much better. A sequel could certainly help in that regard.

DenaliFXDenaliFX22 days ago

Fantastic start. You are a natural. Don't stop ever!

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