A Date to Remember


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"You know, this is a family restaurant so I don't see why whores like you feel they have to dress like that when you come here. What's the matter, forget to bring your pole?"

Whew, what a bitch! My first inclination was to simply ignore her and get myself back to my dinner date without making a scene. Then I thought about it and it sort of peeved me off that she had to be so nosy and stick her self-righteous nose where it didn't belong. And as for calling me a whore... that REALLY pissed me off. I'll proudly take the label "slut" but I am NOT a whore! Apparently she thought I was going to be embarrassed by her comments but if anything it had just the opposite effect.

"So why blame me when your husband clearly prefers looking at MY ass than yours? Seems to me it's more YOUR problem than his or mine."

It was almost like I'd punched her and had the circumstances been different I might have even laughed at the shocked look on her face.

"Well at least I'm not half MY husband's age," she countered and then came back with, "At least MY husband's doesn't have to pay for me to go to dinner with him."

"I'm not a whore," I protested, turning to her with my hands on my hips. Then I flashed her my wedding ring. She didn't need to know it wasn't given to me by him.

"So just a gold digger then," she replied contemptuously, "Like that's any different?"

Then a naughty thought came to mind and before I really thought it through I reached under my hemline and swiftly pulled down my thong and slipped it over my heels and off.

"Here, I bet your husband would like to take this home with him," I teased her, reaching out to her to offer it to her. She waved it off like I was handing her a dead skunk which didn't surprise me in the least.

Holding it up to my nose, I took in a deep breath and before I go on, just to be clear... sniffing panties is NOT my thing. Yes, I love eating a pussy but that's entirely different than dirty panty crotches. While I've done my part to encourage it, I've never really understand why men get off from having them in their mouth and over noses.

"Oh come on, I have to wonder... would you like to smell these?"

That was more than enough for her and so she just huffed and stormed out of the restroom, no doubt to complain to management that a now bottomless woman was fooling around in the restroom making the other guests feel uncomfortable. Probably better to get going then so I returned to the table but kept my thong covered in my fist.

"That was quick," he noted, "I thought the rule was that women weren't allowed to spend less than 30 minutes in the restroom."

Ignoring him, I reached over and took his hand and pulled it towards me, placing my other hand over his. Opening my other hand I allowed my thong to drop into his hand and then closed his fingers over it.

"I didn't think I needed this anymore, don't you agree?"

He opened his hand as if he couldn't believe what I'd placed there. And then, almost like he'd been listening to my earlier thoughts, he pulled his hand up to his face and sniffed, almost like he had a handkerchief and was suffering from a cold.

"Not bad," was all he said as he stuffed the thong into his pants pocket, "So then I assume that means something's no longer in the way."

"You'll just have to find out for yourself I guess."

It certainly didn't take long for him to confirm it. His hand started mid-thigh again but quickly worked its way up under the hem of my dress - what little there was to get out of the way, and I shuddered uncontrollably as I felt his finger pressing against my exposed pussy.

Wouldn't you know it... right then our dinner arrived! I expected him to pull his hand back to himself for at least the few minutes while our waiter was placing our dishes but no, he kept his hand right on the upper part of my bare thigh with his two fingers wedged firmly against my horny bare pussy. OK, so granted there WAS a little coverage from my dress but it had to be pretty obvious he wasn't searching for a dropped spoon. I was beginning to think the guy was either blind or clueless when I caught him giving my date quick wink. OK, maybe not so clueless after all!

Each of us had ordered a seafood dish which worked in his favor. Maybe Emily Post would object but he managed to use just one hand to start eating, using the edge of his fork to cut when needed. It was like now that he had his hand against my pussy he wasn't about to move it away any time soon - which by the way, was perfectly fine with me! It was REALLY hard to concentrate on eating, not to mention the occasional couple or family passing by, as his finger worked its way just a little into my pussy. I was so wet by now he could have probably put his whole hand in me if he worked hard enough!

I glanced over at him and if I wasn't feeling him fingering me, from his expression I would never have thought he was doing anything other than enjoying his meal. I kept waiting for him to make SOME comment about me. I mean like a girl likes to have her body complimented when a guy's feeling her up. But instead he just asked me more about teaching and how it was to teach in a public school as compared to a private Christian school. It was tempting to try and reach over to grab his dick but the way we were positioned it would've been difficult to reach and awkward in any case. It was like he didn't even want me to try as he certainly wasn't making himself any more accessible, that's for sure. The more he touched me the hungrier I was getting - and not for the incredible meal in front of me either. It was a shame in a way. The meal cost a small fortune and was really quite good but I could've had a Happy Meal and it wouldn't have been any different. While I ate it was more mechanical than enjoying the meal. Heck, I'd like to see anyone concentrate on food when the guy next to you has his hand between your legs and rubbing your clit.

"Oh gawd!"

I couldn't help myself. His finger was rubbing my clit in small circles and I felt like I must be soaking the seat beneath me the way my pussy was craving even more.

"Shhhhhh!" he hissed under his breath. That was all - nothing more. Damn, I really was hoping he'd say SOMETHING. Yes, I loved him feeling me up in the middle of a busy restaurant but it would have made it even hotter if he talked naughty to me, at least a few words about how my pussy felt.

I tried... I really did try. I could feel my face turning red as my breath turned ragged and short. Dang it felt so good the way he as touching me. I couldn't eat... heck I could barely hold a fork. I wanted to scream out, at the very least a loud moan to release some of the sexual tension building inside of me.

"Do it."

Just two words was all he said but we both knew what he was referring to - my impending orgasm. God I was soooooo close... it felt so damn good!

"Oh!" I briefly choked out. It seemed the more I tried to restrain myself the less I was able to control it until I finally reached that point where I simply couldn't hold back anymore.

Of course that's exactly when our waiter stopped by to check on us.

"Excuse me for asking... is everything OK? Is there something I can get you? Some water perhaps?"

His words didn't register as I just stared down at my plate as my pussy felt like it was on fire. In the midst of my orgasm the man with his finger in my pussy answered, "It's OK, everything's perfect," and then to my amazement he removed his hand and put his finger in his mouth, sucking off the wetness form my pussy. "Yep... finger licking good as they say."

I looked up just in time to catch another wink from our waiter. Someone was due for the largest tip of the evening I figured. Dang, had what I thought just happened really happened? The first thing that came to my mind was, "Steve is never going to believe me when I tell him!"

"Ready for some dessert?"

Like, I'd barely caught my breath and he expected me to be thinking about a cheesecake selection? As much as I should've been enjoying the meal, frankly I had much more important things on my mind at the moment.

"Would you mind if we just finished up and left?" I asked tentatively. I didn't want to offend him as this meal must be setting him back quite a bit, at least by my economic standards.

"So does that mean you want to go back to my place and have me fuck your brains out?"

Wow! Talk about out of the blue! Where the heck did THAT come from? Like one minute we're talking parent-teacher conferences (albeit while he was fingering my pussy) and then wham, a crude sexual overture. For a second he caught me off balance which clearly amused him.

"Weren't expecting THAT one, were you?" he practically taunted me, "Well, I don't want you to get any wrong impressions."

Yeah, like fingering me to an orgasm in the middle of a high class restaurant with the waiter right in front of us was giving me any wrong impressions!

"And by the way," he added, patting his pocket, "I'm keeping the panties."

Not like I expected to get them back. Giving a man your panties is one sure way of kissing them goodbye. I've often thought about how much money I could make selling my panties - certainly had enough offers!

Catching the waiter's attention, my dad asked for the check.

"Dessert for home sir?" he said, somehow managing to keep a straight face. It was the first time he did more than just wink and I couldn't help but notice he was staring at me when he said it.

It was more a rhetorical question and when my dad didn't answer the waiter handed him the little book with our bill inside. I couldn't help but grin - he seemed to have anticipated everything quite well.

Rather than pay by credit card, the bill was quickly returned with several large bills. Either someone was in a hurry to leave or he didn't want a record of the evening. I preferred the former reason but it could have been either - or both for that matter.

"Shall we?" he asked motioning for me to take the lead out of the booth. I carefully scooted around the curved seating, trying to keep my dress from riding totally up in the process but not succeeded entirely. I quickly pulled it down as soon as I stood up but who knows, maybe someone got a quick peek at what was underneath - and what wasn't.

Our car was waiting for us - apparently the waiter had signaled for it. Soon we were seated and on our way. I turned and smiled once we'd maneuvered through traffic and were back on the Parkway.

"That was a lovely dinner... thank you so much."

Keeping his eyes on the heavy traffic, he grinned and replied, "Just so you know... I meant what I said this evening."

I didn't answer right away, not really sure what he was referring to, and so he reminded me saying, "You know... about fucking your brains out."

Ohhhhhh, THAT!

Like I was expecting anything less.


It was maybe a twenty minute ride at most to get back to his place during which neither of us said another word. Although I don't know for sure what was running through his mind, being a man I figured it was most likely limited to one of two subjects - sex and sports, and I didn't think sports was the topic of the night.

As for me, all I could think about was how he had fingered my pussy in the restaurant. Yeah, sometimes it's the little things that make the most impact. It wasn't like he'd done anything all that much but it just proved a point I always make in that sex, at least for a woman, is 80-90% mental. Yeah I know the percentages reverse for men but that just makes it easier for us women to rule the male population. True, I loved how he touched me and it was like he'd watched me masturbating in the past as he seemed to know exactly how to play with my clit to make me cum the fastest. But the physical contact wasn't what got me off the most. No, it was all about WHO was touching me, WHERE we were while he was touching me, and WHO was watching - or at least COULD have watched, that really turned me on. Maybe the only think that would've made it better would have been if that cold bitch in the restroom had been seated close enough to see me cumming!

It was tempting to lift my dress and play with myself as he drove. Like I've yet to meet a man yet who objected when I'd done it! Looking back maybe I should've but at the time it seemed a bit much although I was probably being a little overly conservative. Yikes, it's time like this when I really feel I'm getting old! Back when I was a horny teenager I would've done it without hardly a second thought but now that I'm officially middle-aged in my thirties I find myself thinking about things first. I was still debating with myself when he pulled into the driveway and into the two-car garage - although his was the only car in it. Well, we were here!

Allowing my date to take the lead, I followed him up the couple of steps from the garage into the house. This was one of those defining moments for any date, at least the ones I go out on - which room would we go to first? Sure it doesn't sound like anything all that much but it would set the tone for the rest of the evening. It was already close to 10:00PM so what would it be... small talk, some kissing and groping, or maybe just getting right down to it? It's one of those things that makes dating fun - something new and maybe even unexpected whereas had I been coming home with my husband it was almost always straight to the bedroom! Not that I'm complaining...

In this case we passed the living room which took out the middle ground option leaving the two opposite extremes. The kitchen/dining room option usually meant a slow building evening (unless he's really kinky) whereas the bedroom would usually signify more urgency. Well, unless he had an odd house with a kitchen on the second floor, it looked like urgency was winning out.

"Do you need to use the restroom?" he asked as we reached the top of the stairs. I shook my head so he pointed to the left saying, "OK then, I'll see you in a few minutes then... I could use it myself."

Although he hadn't drunk all that much wine during dinner I had noticed him putting away several glasses of water. At his age it didn't surprise me he needed to use the restroom. He closed the door behind him, leaving me standing alone in the hallway so I went into the bedroom and considered my options...

Option 1 - stand there and wait for him. Assuming he just had to pee then he wouldn't be long so why not let him resume the lead?

Option 2 - lay on the bed fully dressed and wait for him. I could strike a sexy pose and it seemed a little more appropriate than just standing around doing nothing.

Option 3 - lay on the bed without my dress in just my hose and heels (face it, nothing else would be left anyways once the dress was off). This option had the added benefit of sending a strong message that I was in a hurry to get things started!

Option 4 - I suppose you could call this the "pure slut option" as I could strip off my dress and lay on the bed, maybe even masturbating when he returned. This was one of my husband's favorites but I quickly trashed the idea - WAY over the top.

In the end - and I only had a brief moment to make a decision so it's not like I debated it forever, I chose Option 2. The king size bed was massive in comparison to the full size bed in our apartment back home so the hardest part was figuring out where to lay down - on the edge or more in the middle? I chose a position about two feet inside the edge of the mattress and lay there on my side with my legs curled behind me. Personally I thought it was a pretty sexy pose and I hoped he'd appreciate it was well.

Any questions along those lines were put to rest a few minutes later when I heard the bathroom door open. With a tingle of anticipation running through me I watched the open doorway and suddenly he appeared, dressed in just a robe. Now THAT surprised me!

"Thought I'd slip into something a bit more comfortable," he explained seeing me eying the robe. Then, as if he wanted to change the topic of discussion he said, "Wow, you are truly stunning in that dress."

Well, considering what I paid for the darn thing - and let's not even THINK about it in terms of cost per yard of material, it SHOULD have looked stunning but hopefully he was referring to what was under the dress as much as the dress itself. I stretched out my legs and received the response I was hoping for.

"I know I've said it before but you have the most incredible legs," he said softly as he approached the side of the bed and reached out to run his hand along the length of my upper leg.

Then he leaned over me and put his hand on the bed behind me to steady himself as he lowered his face to mine and kissed me. Mmmmmmm, I felt like I was glowing!

"Step back a little," I said to him after we'd kissed for a few minutes. He didn't debate and simply did as I asked, standing up straight with his hands to his side, waiting for me to make the next move. I twisted my legs to the side of the bed and stood up in front of him.

"Now THIS was totally unnecessary," I remarked pointing at his robe and then reaching for where he'd tied it in front of him.

"Well, I HAD thought about just walking in stark naked but I was afraid that it might be a little too forward."

We both laughed and I had to say it... "This from the same man who said he wanted to, mmmmmmm... how did you say it... fuck my brains out?"

More laughter as I loosened the belt and opened his robe. "Now why would you want to hide that wonderful sight from me?" I teased him although I pleased to see that he was already erect. Well, pleased in that I was happy to see his desire expressed in such a positive manner although I was just a little disappointed that I wouldn't get to watch him grow and feel it filling my mouth as it did. Erections have always fascinated me, especially the process of getting one, and to feel a guy growing inside of my mouth is incredibly erotic as I know it's me that's making it do that!

Slowly I reached up and pushed the robe off his shoulders, allowing it to fall in a heap to the floor leaving him standing there as naked as the day he was born. Extending my right hand, I carefully took his stiff dick and wrapped my fingers around it as best I could, pulling him gently but firmly towards me. As he got closer he put his arms around me and pulled me in tight to his hairy chest. I maintained my grip on his cock as it pressed into me.

"Damn it feels so good when you hold it like that," he whispered in a husky voice.

Again we kissed, our mouths together while his dick throbbed in my hand, feeling so hard yet warm and soft as well. His dark pubic hair was coarse and thick and I loved the way it felt running through my fingers. Mmmmmmm, I wanted him!

"I'm going to suck your dick," I informed him almost matter-of-factly, "I want you in my mouth."

Not surprisingly he didn't object so I backed away just a little without releasing my grip on him and carefully bent down, hitching up my tight dress up my butt to allow me to dip low enough to where my face was level with his crotch. With my nose just inches away now I could smell the heavy musky scent of his manhood and I licked my lips in anticipation.

"Suck it... suck my dick," he groaned, putting his hands on my head and pressing it into his crotch where his erection waited impatiently for me.

I was only too anxious to comply! Even so, I didn't just pull him into my mouth but rather lifted his erect dick so it was pointing straight up and ran my tongue from the very base all the way up the shaft to the very tip and then back down again.

"Oh fuck that feels so good Kelly," he groaned.

I kissed his cock, letting my lips wet his shaft as my tongues played skillfully along the length of him. Then I focused on the underside of the ridge around the base of the head, letting my tongue run along it and then up the center slot to the hole at the very top. Finally, after teasing him as long as either of us could stand it, I let the head poke between my lips and into my mouth where my tongue again fluttered over the end of his cock.