A Daughter's Revenge


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The following day I decided to let the old guy sweat for a while before I called him back. At 4:47 I finally called his office and I recognized the voice on the other end of the line immediately. It was the young busty red-haired hottie who worked at the receptionist's desk. I sensed a slight stirring in my groin when I heard her soft voice again and I knew I was going to have to try to ask her out sometime when I was through with this little charade of mine.

"Good afternoon, Dr. Zachary Preston's office; this is Cory -- how can I assist you today?"

That was the first time I had heard her on the phone. She must have been away from her desk when I called the first time to make my appointment, because I would easily have remembered that kind of greeting.

"Good afternoon, Cory. This is Nikki Miller; you may remember me from being in the office yesterday right after lunch -- the tall blond with the long hair."

There was a slight pause on the other end of the line as I imagined that she was trying to recall who I was. I was suddenly shocked that I didn't make more of an impression on her.

I continued. "I was wearing a white top and white skirt."

Then she came back on the line. "Please forgive me Ms. Miller, a patient was standing here asking me a question. Oh you don't have to worry, I DEFINITELY remember you."

I smiled and almost felt relieved. "Well, I have to say that I certainly remember you very well too."

I let that comment hang there and I guessed that she was applying a multitude of interpretations to it during the dead silence that went on for a couple seconds.

"I guess I should have mentioned it yesterday, but I think you're an incredibly beautiful woman." I added several moments later.

I felt emboldened now and thought -- what the heck, it wouldn't hurt to plant a seed now and see what happens. Another moment went by and she responded.

"Why thank you Ms. Miller . . . "

I interrupted, altering my tone slightly to sound somewhat more breathy. "I really wish that you would call me Nikki."

There was another brief pause on the line before she replied. "Okay . . . Nikki. Thank you for the compliment. I have to say that I thought you looked pretty incredible yourself yesterday."

I smiled at hearing that from her. "Thank you, Cory. I needed to leave a short message for Dr. Preston, but maybe we could go out to lunch together sometime soon."

There was another short pause on her end of the phone. I imagined from her hesitation that the woman was clearly heterosexual. I knew if she had never entertained notions about intimacy with women that this conversation would be over by now. So I suspected that it was something that she thought about every now and then and probably had convinced herself that if the right woman ever came along that she might like to experiment. Now she was sitting there really wondering if what she thought was happening, was really happening, and if it was -- would she actually have the courage to go through with it. At least that's what I was guessing.

"Ah, lunch . . . that would be nice." She said slowly, as if she was still somewhat unsure of my motives or her response.

"Excellent, then I'll call you sometime soon; and would you mind just giving Dr. Preston my cell number. He's expecting me to call and just ask him to telephone me anytime today between 5:30 and 6:30." I said, as I reeled off my number for her.

"That was between 5:30 and 6:30 today, I'll make sure he gets it. Is there anything else?"

I considered her open question for a long moment and wondered what other sort of meaning it might hold. I was wondering whether she wanted me to get back to the matter of our own date. I finally decided to take the bait.

"In fact there is, Cory. Why don't you make a note of that cell number and use it whenever you like." I added.

I could almost hear her thinking about the unsaid words surrounding my comment. I had hinted around about what I wanted from our meeting and that would have to do for now. If she wanted more she would have to commit now or wait until then. I suspected that since she was at work she would prefer to play it safe.

"Okay, I'll do that Nikki." She said slowly, but I detected a slight difference in her tone this time. It almost seemed as if she was smiling as she spoke, as if she might have made up her mind.

"You know Cory, on second thought, why don't we just go to lunch tomorrow? How about if I pick you up in the parking lot a little after 11:15. I understand the office is closed between 11:15 and 12:45?" I said, wondering how she would respond. I didn't have to wait long.

"Tomorrow . . . ah, sure that would be good." She said, with a trace of hesitation suddenly creeping back into her voice.

"Wonderful. Why don't you come out and look for me at the front of your building; I drive a late model white Mercedes SL500 convertible."

There was another brief moment of hesitation before she responded. "Okay, I'll be looking for you out there at about 11:18. I gotta go now, though."

We said our goodbyes and I sat around the house waiting for my cell phone to jump to life. I knew my father would be anxious to call, but he would try not to appear too anxious, so I didn't expect his call right at 5:30. He wasn't going to be able to use too much gamesmanship with me, but I knew he'd probably try and seize every advantage he could.

At eight minutes before six the cell phone rang -- nothing fancy, just a normal ring tone for this girl. The caller I.D. indicated that the number was private. Maybe it was that innate father and daughter thing we now had going for us, but I knew right away it was him. I picked it up on the third ring.

"This is Nikki." I replied. I'm glad I don't do this deception thing full time, I thought; I'd never be able to keep all the names and identities straight.

"Nikki, it's Zachary Preston; I just got your message." He said in a somewhat hushed voice, as if he was fearful he might be overheard.

"Hi Zach, I almost thought I was going to have to cancel on you tonight, but then my schedule seemed to clear up at the last minute. So how about if we meet for dinner this evening at 8:00 p.m. at Don Ricardo's, do you know the place?"

"Yes I do, it's a great choice." He said immediately.

I knew that he'd love the place. It was a solid five star eatery that defied the old adage that in addition to outstanding food, a good restaurant needed a great location to be successful. My mother took me there when I graduated from the University of Houston more than a year ago and our dinner, with a bottle of wine and the gratuity, cost her nearly four hundred dollars.

If you didn't know where the place was, you'd never stumble upon it. Ricardo's was one of those restaurants that didn't list prices next to their entrees and they catered exclusively to Houston's upper class. Since discretion was always important to that group, the restaurant was known for its low lighting and absolute privacy. I know it's a cliché now, but trust me - what happens at Ricardo's definitely stays at Ricardo's. I knew he'd be delighted that we could spend hours there and probably never be seen by anyone but the wait staff.

We ended the call and I started upstairs to bathe and get ready. I wanted to look my best for my only night out ever in my adult life with my father.

After a warm bath and shaving all those important places one more time, I sat down at my make-up table and blow-dried my hair and started to work my magic. I've been pretty lucky in that I can usually get by with just mascara and a touch of lip gloss and still look presentable, but I needed much more than presentable tonight. Tonight I was going to pull out all the stops, since it would serve as the prelude to the big finale that I hoped would come together tomorrow night or the night after.

At about seven I was sitting there putting the finishing touches on my hair and I heard my mother calling me from the entry way.

"I'm up here." I replied in a subdued yell.

I still had not mentioned a word to her about my little scheme. I didn't know whether she would approve or not, but I just didn't want to go there with her and find out how she would feel regarding the brief intimacy I'd be sharing with my father. I think after more than twenty years my mother was certainly past any feelings she ever had for him, but I was fearful that she might become jealous over the feelings she had for me. You see, for the past five years my mother and I had grown extremely intimate and had become lovers.

She walked into my room babbling on about her day and I made the kind of cursory responses that were usually expected. Then she walked up behind me and put her arms around me and cupped my breasts in her hands as she started to kiss and bite me softly on the neck. I closed my eyes and put my hands on hers, as she massaged my nipples. It felt really wonderful and on any other night, or with any other date, I would have simply canceled my plans and just stayed home with her and played.

"Oh rats, you're going out. I was so hoping we could have a quick dinner together and watch a movie lying in bed. I've been feeling rather amorous all day." She whispered in my ear.

My mother and I became involved sexually when I was a senior in high school. Before you think badly of her for violating that taboo, you should know that I was the one who planned and carried out the entire seduction. I think I had been attracted to her for years and I just finally couldn't stand not touching her in a sexual way any longer. The fact that she was receptive at all simply brought tears to my eyes at the time.

Anyway, Sam and I have grown extremely close since then and we usually sleep together in her bed five or six times a week when I'm not in school. She has not tried to monopolize my time in any way and has never gotten jealous when I occasionally go out on a date. She never asks who I'm dating, what sex they are or even where we went. I think we're both very comfortable with our relationship, although I think we both realize that like all things, it may end one day - if I ever find someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

I glanced over at my nightstand and saw that it was 7:10. I slowly stood up holding onto her hands as I turned to face her. Even after working a twelve hour day I could just eat her up. I've never seen any women in my entire life that I feel as attracted to as I do my mother. To me she just radiates sex appeal in every fiber of her body and I love touching and kissing her and her natural scent always gets me wet.

"Feeling amorous, are we?" I asked with a sly smile.

"Uh-huh," she said in a near whisper, feigning embarrassment.

I moved my head closer to kiss her on her beautiful lips, but then she surprised me and moved her head back slightly.

"Oh baby, I want to kiss you so much, but I don't want to mess your make-up, you look so perfect," she said, with a look of sincere concern on her face.

"Let me worry about that," I said, just before I placed my lips on hers and we shared our first kiss of the night.

Interestingly, I think I had to re-teach my mother how to kiss when we first became involved. Her social life had died on the vine by her choice and mine was in overdrive and I remember before we did anything else as lovers we spent hours lying together just kissing and caressing each other. After a full weekend of that, our lips were sore as hell, but we had effectively raised the art of kissing to a real science.

I continued to kiss her softly and use my teeth to bite the edges of her mouth in the most playful way. Without exception it always got her motor running. There was no passionate tongue action, only soft sensual kisses and playful bites, as I backed her up towards my bed.

When her legs hit the bed she fell backwards, uttering a mock shriek as she went. When she tried to get up I used my hand to keep her right where she was and she didn't object. I went to my knees and pushed her skirt up to her waist and when I grabbed the waistband of her panties she instinctively raised her butt to assist my efforts. Then I slowly moved them down her long, lean legs and over her short two inch heels.

Sam was now fully exposed to me and her sexual center glistened under the overhead light. I was so glad I was able to convince her to keep that area shaved. Not only did the appearance drive me a little crazy, it just made oral sex so much easier.

I moved my face over her pussy and I started to shower her with soft, gentle kisses and little love bites. Sam is always very responsive to oral stimulation and I began to hear her little moans almost as soon as I began.

I used my fingers to pull her hood up and I worked my tongue into the narrow ridge so that I could apply all of my effort on her clit. When I felt her hands on the back of my head I knew that she was already immersed in the pleasure of what I was doing to her.

Sam was generating a tremendous volume of lubrication and I always enjoyed lapping every bit of it up. When her low groans became louder I knew it was time to move my fingers inside to her g-spot. I knew she'd cum if I just played with her clit, but her orgasm would be a more intense with my fingers inside her.

As I applied pressure on that special place inside her pussy I could feel her body begin to tremble and I suspected she was probably getting pretty close. I moved my other hand across her pussy, coating it with her lubrication. Then I pulled her gently towards her side, so that my left hand could find her ass. Sam loved it when I used my fingers to fuck her ass.

I slowly worked my first finger inside her and then the second one and as her butt began to move backwards to meet the intrusion I could feel my other hand through the thin membrane wall. When both fingers were firmly inside her I slowly coordinated the in-and-out rhythm in her ass and pussy and I could see her enjoyment was being magnified. One day I'd have to get a video of me doing this to my mother, but until that time I'd have to be content just to hear the sounds of pleasure coming from her lips.

Several minutes later my mother's entire body began to convulse and I heard her yell.

"Oh my god, I'm cumming baby."

I increased the pace of both hands and then she yelled out once more and then she fell silent. A moment later the trembling stopped and I felt her hand begin to stroke my hair. I moved my fingers from inside her and I looked up at her contented smile. If only everything in life was that simple.

"I love you Tracy," she said in a whisper.

"I love you too, Sam," I replied softly.

Then I leaned over and kissed her. I slowly rose to my feet and sat back down at the make-up table and made a few repairs to my make-up and lipstick, as my exhausted mother lay motionless on my bed with her gorgeous pussy fully exposed. She had fallen into a restful sleep and since I knew how wonderful it was to fall asleep after an orgasm it was my intention to leave her right where she was.

I put on a pair of dark thigh highs and slipped into a sleek black strapless cocktail dress which showed a lot of cleavage, that I knew would be absolutely perfect for Ricardo's. It wasn't at all cheap and it fit my body almost as if the designer had me in mind when she made it.

I slipped into a pair of black open back five inch platform heels and put on some large gold hoop earrings and a gold heart necklace that my father had sent me for Christmas years ago. Personally, I loved the irony of using that little accessory. Then I turned out the light on my way out the door.

I pulled up to a valet and he held the door for me as I got out of the car and tossed him the keys. "There's a twenty in it for you if you make sure that car is placed somewhere that it can't be dented or scratched." I said to him.

He smiled and then nodded at me. As I opened the door of the restaurant I turned and watched as he moved my car directly across the street, so that it would constantly remain in his line of sight. What a good boy, I thought smiling.

I entered Ricardo's at 8:30 and the maitre'd greeted me warmly. "Good evening, my name is Antonio. Welcome to Ricardo's."

"Good evening Antonio, I believe that Dr. Preston is already expecting me." I replied.

He nodded indicating that he understood and then he turned and headed back through an open doorway into the restaurant. I stopped for a moment and looked inside before proceeding. It looked like an endless abyss from where I was standing. I knew I was supposed to follow him and I also suspected that if he got too far ahead of me I might lose him entirely, but my eyes needed to adjust to the dim lighting.

He must have sensed that I wasn't behind him when he didn't hear my heels clicking on the tile floor. He stopped and waited for me until I finally caught up. Then he turned and I continued to follow him through the maze, until he stopped at a table that was located off by itself and away from any prying eyes.

Antonio smiled at me and nodded towards the table and then he disappeared. Zachary Preston was sitting there with a drink and immediately stood up when he saw me arrive. He was wearing a dark suit, white shirt and a fashionable dark blue tie.

"I was beginning to suspect that you might have changed your mind," he said, as he pulled me towards him and kissed me hard on the lips. Not only did I kiss him back, I opened my mouth wide to welcome him.

As we parted I could not help but wonder whether he smelled or tasted my mother during the kiss and what Dr. Freud would have done with that thought. I smiled as he held the chair for me and I sat down.

"Would a woman be worth having if she didn't keep her date waiting?" I said, brandishing a sly smile.

He returned the smile. "I suspect you're right."

If you've ever been in a restaurant like this, what I'm about to say might amaze you, but I am in awe of those waiters. You never see them around the table at all, but they seem to sense when you need a drink or you're ready to order. Within minutes after I sat down, a short balding man in his forties who identified himself as Mario was standing there ready to take our drink order.

"Would you care for a drink?" Zach asked me.

I bit my lip, as I considered the question. "What is your finest white wine?"

I'm no drinker, so when Mario rattled off two names I didn't recognize either one. I looked across the table at dear old daddy.

"Men always know better about such things, please chose for me."

He did and the waiter promptly disappeared. We chatted for a while, as Zach wanted to know everything about Nikki and my imagination was more than happy to oblige. In fact, I was actually enjoying playing the role I had created.

About five minutes later Mario returned with a bottle and a little stand holding a bucket full of ice. He opened the cork at the table and gave Zach the customary first taste. When my father approved, Mario filled both glasses.

If it didn't come out of that clear bottle I would have sworn it tasted like urine. I guess I'll never be a wine connoisseur. I took one sip and never touched it the rest of the night.

We talked for a while longer and then Mario came by and my father suggested that we order. I remembered the menu from when I was here before, it was so nicely bound that it almost appeared to be a first edition novel. I pretended to go through each entrée carefully. Then I was sure I must have surprised Zach when I ordered two dinners, a steak and a lobster.

When Mario left I slipped my shoe off and raised my foot so that it was now in my father's lap. I slowly began to massage him through the pants and in record time I could feel my father was rising to the occasion.

He was sitting there watching me as I played with his cock from the outside of his pants. Then he closed his eyes and I continued to rub on him for several more minutes, until I whispered across the table.