Another Demonic Party


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Phil watched the exchange with the pleasure of a connoisseur. The speed at which the two had been affected by the incense didn't surprise him; with their religion, they had no resistance to mind-altering substances. But the speed at which Mark reacted to the temptation was well worth observing. The most devout were often the fastest to fall. Though, it was still possible that he would remain in the 'look but don't touch' category, Phil reminded himself.

The woman's sexual excitement was plainly visible. Though it appeared that the husband had missed all the signs of it. Oh, well. There'd be a point later in the evening to see if that remained true.

"Nadia, why don't we retire to the kitchen?" Phil said, taking her by the elbow. "Mark, I'll meet you upstairs. I'm sure you can find the way."

Mark didn't even spare a glance at his wife as he headed towards the stairs, which was, conveniently, the direction the gossamer clad girl had gone. In fact, she seemed to be waiting on the stairs for him to catch up!

Nadia watched her husband trail along behind the teenage sexpot and gave a small sigh. She wanted her husband's fat penis inside her right now, punishing her for all the sins of womankind, if that's what it took to make him excited enough to keep going all night. She even wanted him in her dirty hole. Then she turned to follow Phil as he led her through velvet-covered rooms to the rear of the house.

She was a bit surprised when Phil led her through the kitchen into another room. "The women are actually hanging out in the exercise room," he explained, as they passed by another of the thinly clad young girls. Nadia pretended not to notice when the girl languidly ran her hand over Phil's butt as they squeezed past her. Phil did have a good looking butt. The idea that she shouldn't be looking at another man's butt didn't even cross her mind.

The exercise room turned out to be large enough to comfortably hold the dozen women already there, plus a set of intricate looking exercise equipment pushed together in the corner. Two of the walls were covered in mirrors floor to ceiling, as was another section of the ceiling. The women, dressed in multi-colored, flowing robes, crowded in a circle near one of the corners, staring intently at something in the middle of their circle, with giggles and talking creating a loud din. A pounding music that Nadia couldn't identify filled the air. The scent of incense was heavy here, accompanying another scent that seemed familiar but she couldn't identify.

"Allison, I think you know Nadia," Phil said, lightly touching the shoulder of one of the women in the circle. Allison turned, and Nadia was shocked to find a face that didn't look like Allison's at all. In fact, it didn't look human at all. Upon further inspection, she realized that it was a flesh-colored mask, molded to fit her friend's face but making her entirely unrecognizable. She looked around. All of the women were wearing similar masks, though some were bright silver, others bright gold, and still others were multi-colored, like clown faces where the makeup had been applied in the dark.

The voice that came from the mask sounded like Allison's. "Of course, Phil. Nadia and I are old friends. Our kids go to school together. And of course, she's joined us at so many PTA meetings." What she left unsaid was that Nadia had usually attended to complain about the reading material assigned during that semester.

"I have to attend to some things upstairs," Phil explained. "Can you look after our new guest?" If her head hadn't been throbbing from the incense and the music, Nadia might've caught the meaningful undertone to his voice.

"Absolutely!" Allison exclaimed, taking Nadia by the shoulder. "And before you leave, Phil, I wanted to thank you for the party games you've set up. They're all very enjoyable."

Nadia turned to watch Phil walk away, wondering a bit about his butt, only to see him met at the doorway by a thin, pale, redhead nymph. She watched without any consternation or embarrassment as Phil pushed his hand inside the girl's robe to caress her pert ass, before the two of them disappeared around the corner. Allison followed her gaze. "I don't go that way, but if I did, I'd love to feel that smooth body sliding between my legs," she confided in a whisper. Nadia nodded, and this time didn't even blush.

"This way," Allison said, taking her by the hand and leading her through a doorway. They emerged in a small locker room, featuring white tile floors with a single bench down the center and cupboards along the walls. There was a small, open shower in one corner, currently unoccupied, but the water droplets on the walls indicated that it had been used recently. Allison pulled a bundle of clothing out of one of the cupboards and handed it to Nadia. "Phil wants his guests to feel comfortable, so he's supplied us with these robes to wear instead of our constricting clothes. Between you and me, I left my bra and panties on at first, but ended up coming back and taking them off." She pulled open the top of her robe so Nadia could see her bare cleavage. "Of course," she continued, "it's entirely up to you how much you take off or leave on. But it's a lot more comfortable going commando."

Nadia didn't know what "going commando" meant, but surmised that it had something to do with being naked. She looked around the locker room. There was no place private to change. She'd always felt uncomfortable undressing in a locker room, even if surrounded just by women. She'd often thought to ask her husband about the sinfulness of it, but never did, perhaps realizing that it would be just another reason to punish her for the weaknesses of women.

"I'll turn around," Allison offered, a gesture for which Nadia was immediately grateful. The robe turned out to be not a single one, but a series of three layers, each sheer in its own right, but adequately opaque when worn together. It occurred to her that the teen girls were probably only wearing one layer. She wasn't sure what to do with her own underwear. In the end, the decided to leave her panties on but go without her bra. It didn't matter if her husband saw her like this or not. She was going to be punished for all the sin here anyway.

Cinching the robe around her waist, she looked for a mirror to inspect herself. Horny as she felt, it still wouldn't be right to leave a large amount of skin immodestly showing. That's when she noticed that Allison could've been observing her in the mirror the whole time that she changed. But had she? Strangely, the thought didn't fill her with embarrassment as much as a strange kind of warmth. She wondered distractedly if Allison had liked what she'd seen.

They returned to the exercise room just as a woman's voice rose above the din, yelping and gasping. Along with it, rising in pitch, was a strange buzzing sound. The circle parted to let Nadia and Allison join them. At first, Nadia couldn't fathom what was actually happening.

Inside the circle, a woman in an elaborate mask sat astride what looked like a half barrel. Her robe was undone, leaving her bare breasts and flat stomach out where everyone could see. With one hand on the floor to keep her steady, she used the other to pinch and pull at her nipples, sometimes with hard concentration, and sometimes almost absent-mindedly. Sweat streaked her face and trickled down the valley between her breasts. And always, in varying intensity, she gasped, whimpered and even howled, her body writhing violently upon the barrel.

Nadia felt her juices begin to flow, though she didn't understand why. Looking at another woman nude should be evil, one part of her brain was telling her. Look away, it said. But the rest of her was entranced. Why was this woman so excited? And what was going to happen next? Was this what women in the neighborhood did in their spare time?

The woman lifted herself off the barrel momentarily and Nadia spotted what was causing so much excitement. There was a plastic penis attached to the barrel! And the woman was sitting astride it! But she still didn't understand why the woman was in such throes of ecstasy. Her husband had toyed her before. And made her toy herself. But it had been mostly frantic action, pumping and thrusting and such. This woman was just sitting there, occasionally grinding her vagina against the barrel.

The buzzing increased in pitch, and so did the woman's moans. All around her, the other women had ceased their talking and were staring almost mesmerized at the scene before them. Nadia felt some fingers lightly caressing her ass, but was too captivated to make it stop. Besides, it felt kind of good. She was wet between her legs, and though she didn't know why, that felt good too. All she could wonder was what was going to happen next.

The buzzing lowered in intensity, and there was a collective groan of disappointment from the circle of women. But then the woman on the barrel began to squeal in delight, possibly in response to something new that was going on between her legs. She bucked up and down, abandoning her breasts to put both hands on the floor. As she raised and lowered her body onto the barrel, Nadia could clearly see the plastic penis appearing and disappearing back into the woman's vagina, rotating round and round while vibrating almost too fast to see.

"Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" the woman blasphemed in a screeching cry, her body shuddering and quaking as an enormous orgasm thundered through it. "Oh god, oh god, oh god," she whimpered over and over, finally lifting her vagina off the slowly rotating penis, leaving it slick and wet with her juices. She collapsed on her side onto the floor, her butt and red vagina naked and displayed for all to see, breasts still spilling out of her robe. Silently, one of the sheer-robed teen girls approached her, helped her to her knees. Shakily, trembling, she staggered out of the circle and headed into another room, her thighs wet and her breasts red and scored from the violent attention she'd applied to herself.

"Who's next?" the teen girl asked the circle of women.

* * * * *

Phil paused in the hallway, letting his awareness flow down corridors, through doorways and into rooms. The whole house pulsated with sexual energy. Not the pristine energy of lovemaking in progress that clung thickly in the throat, threatening to strangle him from the inside. No, it was rather the thin, tangy, yet ultimately more filling taste of lust unleashed, of forbidden barriers breached and promises broken. Phil sucked it in, let it stir through him, tasted it and let it envelop his senses. His sexual organs throbbed, straining for satisfaction and release. He could deny himself a while longer. But, perhaps he might sample a bit of human flesh in the meantime? As an appetizer. For the main meal would prove to be oh, so satisfying.

* * * * *

Mark followed the gossamer-clad girl up the stairs, watching her ass sway back and forth as she ascended slowly in front of him. She stayed three steps ahead, so that her butt was level with his eyes, and he could see the bare folds of her pussy writhing between her legs.

At the top of the stairs, she turned right, heading down a hallway filled with open doorways. Men and women loitered in the openings, some speaking softly, others softly caressing their partner's bodies, either through their clothes or with their hands indiscreetly slipped inside pants or skirts or blouses. Mark barely noticed their wickedness, so focused was he on following the temptress ahead of him.

She paused at one of the doors, smiled back at him, then nodded as if he should follow her into the room. In three strides he was there, forced to wait while his eyes adjusted to the dim lights, then found her at the end of a line of party goers, all watching something with stark intensity.

He pushed himself insistently between her and another couple, the man with his hand inside his date's skirt, so that the hem was pushed up enough that anyone who cared to look could see her panties and his fingers stroking the slit beneath them. Nobody was paying attention to that, nor to the fact that he had his other hand inside her bra, rhythmically thumbing her nipple. Instead, everyone's attention was on the bed before them, where a scene right out of hell was being enacted before them.

A man, dressed like a demon and acting just as ferociously, was violently fucking a naked, big breasted woman with an intensity that was frightening to behold. Mounted behind her, he sodomized her, his powerful strokes causing her to grunt with the effort of keeping herself on the bed, her ass in the air and her tits scraping the sheets on the bed. Raw, red scratches criss-crossed her back, presumably caused by the clawed gloves worn by the man. Mark gasped then, as he realized that the demon wasn't just fucking the woman's ass, he was simultaneously fucking her cunt, thanks to a strap-on dick he wore just below his natural one. The woman was being double fucked in front of all these people, and she seemed only to care about the fuck sticks in her rectum and cunt!

Mark felt the young girl sidle up behind him, resting her head against his arm as she took in the depraved scene. He didn't move when her arms came around his waist, and he only pressed back when her fingers began stroking his cock through his jeans. He looked around, suddenly worried that someone might see, but all eyes were on the degenerate tableau before them. Slowly, like a nervous shoplifter, he let one of his arms slide back between them, and by touch alone found the soft slit between her legs. She shifted slightly, and suddenly he was able to tenderly stroke her pussy slit, luxuriating in the feel of her warm, silky skin under his rough fingertips.

Slowly, with no more motion than it took to breathe, they silently stroked each other, their mutual movements paling against the blatant hedonism playing out on the bed before them. As they watched, the demon/man savagely pulled out from the woman's ass and cunt and with a brutal slap on the ass, made her flip over and spread her legs so all could see her ravaged, gaping cunt. Mark could actually see down into her fuck hole, the pink of her pussy giving way to red and a darkness that hid any wonders that lay within. Then, rolling off the bed, the demon strode to the end, and pulling heartlessly on her tits, dragged her until her head flopped down off the mattress. Positioning himself above her, he ruthlessly jammed his cock into her mouth, slamming himself deep in her throat until she gagged in pain. Without seeming to notice her distress, he began fucking her open mouth and throat, pleasuring himself in her mouth hole, while her legs remained spread and strangers took pictures of her gleaming red gash.

"I want to suck your cock," the girl whispered in his ear, even as she grabbed it through his pants. In response, he pushed his finger up into her fuck hole, hooking it there as if to keep her in place.

"Not here," he murmured, though he very much wanted to show these heathens how a real man fucks a virgin. Instead, he pushed his way out of the pressing crowd, and, pulling her along by the finger crooked in her cunt, led the way out of the room.

"This way," she nodded, as if to make her way down the hallway, now cleared of loiterers, all presumably watching the demon defile the maiden in the room they'd just left. When he hesitated, she leaned forward and placed a passionate kiss on his lips. Fire surged through his brain, and he pushed her head away. "I'll do the taking," he growled at her, pushing her robe off her shoulders and bending forward to take her pert tit into his mouth. Sucking savagely, he soon had her nipples as hard as rocks, and her gasps of pain and pleasure echoed in his ears. Then, hooking his finger in her pussy even more cruelly, he led the compliant girl down the hall and into the room she'd indicated.

To his dismay, that room was populated by six men, all gathered at one end, looking out a window, laughing uproariously and pointing emphatically. Momentarily distracted, Mark joined them, tugging his nubile guide along like a prized pet. Looking out the window, Mark saw that it overlooked another room in the house on the ground floor. Down there, the room was completely populated with women, all wearing extravagant masks and white robes, not as sheer as the one his guide wore, but opalescent enough to leave very little to the imagination. Big women, little women, fat women, curvy women. It was clear that these were the wives of men from the neighborhood. They were all gathered around a single woman dressed in an extremely extravagant mask, with feathers and baubles adorning it. The masked woman appeared to be squatting upon something, and even from this vantage point Mark could see that it was very pleasurable for her.

The girl in the gossamer robe gently unhooked his finger from her pussy, then pushed her way through the group of men. Mark saw several of them caress the firm flesh of her ass and waist, an act that filled him with a seething rage. This was his bitch to punish! Let the others find their own!

Suddenly, the unmistakable sound of a woman nearing orgasm filled the room, the gasps and pleading mewls coming from a speaker in the corner. His guide returned to him, taking her rightful place behind him and reaching around to caress his cock from behind. Together they listened, along with the other men in the room, to the urgent and desperate cries of the woman below as she writhed upon and humped the mechanical cock beneath her.

"This is great!" one of the men exclaimed. "We should go down there. All those bitches are probably horny as hell!"

"You cannot," his guide replied, her hands continuing to rub Mark's crotch even as the other men turned to face her. "They are getting their 'Just Desserts,' as Mr. Diamond likes to call it. It is for women only." She waited a beat until the disappointment registered on their faces. "You can, however, make use of them before they get their dessert. The women are serving a special dinner in the room just off the one below. If you like, I can lead you down there," she said, then adding in a whisper that only Mark could hear, "And I can personally attend to you down there." The squeeze to his erection told him everything he needed to know.

Next, unfortunately, did not apply to any of the women surrounding the barrel with the mechanical barrel with the penis protruding from it. The next woman to appear came from a door opposite them. She appeared to be hot and sweaty, her hair in wild disarray and her mask askew, as if it had been placed on her face in a hurry. Her robes were undone, and as she strode into the room everyone could see her pubic patch. Her robes clung to her breasts and chest like glue, however, held in place by a splotchy wetness. One of the barely clad girls offered her a bottle of water, which she chugged down until nearly half was gone. Then she somewhat unsteadily walked over and took her place atop the barrel, sitting just behind the large, plastic penis, which had apparently been scrubbed and cleaned of the last occupant's copious juices.

"Why does she get to go?" Nadia asked Allison, her voice sounding hollow from inside the mask. She's selected a gold colored one, which covered most of her head, keeping even her hair hidden within its luminescent confines. Allison turned to face her. "Would you like to go?"

Nadia could only nod. Of course she wanted to get on it. Her vagina was dripping with desire. And she could orgasm for once without her husband telling her she was a slut. Allison led her across the room and through the door that the woman had just come from. The found themselves in a corridor where the walls didn't stretch high enough to reach the ceiling. The walls were white, the lights low, but not so dark that they couldn't find their way.