A Dilemma - Love or Lust? Pt. 05

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Julian's Boys' Trip to Mallorca. Gorgeous sexy women on tap!
21.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/17/2024
Created 02/08/2024
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This is the fifth, and penultimate chapter of an erotic love story which contains bad language, hard core and sometimes kinky sex - and lots of cheating. So please do not read any further if this is not your kind of read!

Julian was deeply in love with Kara, his girlfriend of almost two years, but eventually led into temptation with the voluptuous Claire. Then during his holiday work at Beardsworths, he meets Emma who he also persuades to sleep with him.

His trip to France with Kara was not overly successful and he is now enjoying 'boys time' in Mallorca meeting numerous other women, whilst Kara has returned home.

The article in Z Magazine appears to confirm Claire has been sleeping with Julian. Kara needs to verify this before finally dealing with him. Will Rob discover the confirmation she requires or will Julian be able to maintain his innocence?

Will Kara ever discover the painful truth?

Which will win the day, Julian's love for Kara or his lust for Claire and Emma?

My following story is purely a work of sexual fantasy and is complete fiction. The names of my characters are all fictitious and do not represent anyone living or deceased.


Rob waited at Arrivals for Kara. He felt excited she was back at last, he'd really missed her. He couldn't wait to see her and hopefully build a proper relationship with her.

He had done a bit of digging while she was away but had been unable to come up with anything on Julian. If he was seeing someone he was being careful. But given his reputation when he was younger, he felt sure he was probably up to something. Rob would continue to 'investigate.'

And then he saw her. She didn't look well. What was wrong? She was wheeling her case which he immediately took from her.

"It's so good to see you Kara." He said as he cuddled her. "Are you ok?"

"Oh no Rob, I'm not." She said as she started to cry. He held her tightly.

"Oh baby what's wrong?"

"It's J. I'm now pretty certain he's cheating on me."

He kissed her head. "Oh baby let's get you to the car. You can tell me all about it while I drive you home." He told her.


Kara was blowing into her tissue and wiping her tears as she told Rob about the magazine article.

"And so it seems he went to the sex club with her and spent the night with her after. It also mentions another girl he screwed at the club. For God's sake, just how many has he slept with behind my back?"

"But she didn't name him did she?"

"No but her description matched, and also his initials. JC. Big coincidence huh?"

"Well don't bury him just yet. I'll ask around for you. Don't worry about it baby. If he's done this to you, then he's not worth upsetting yourself over."

"Also, I think the weekend she's talking about is when he finished his exams. He went awol and when I finally tracked him down he told me he was with Dave. He's his oldest friend and would no doubt cover for him."

This sounded promising. So it seemed he was likely screwing Claire. And how many others he wondered? This was going to be his opportunity to sink him then take over with Kara.


Claire was back at work after her exhausting weekend with Brian. She was currently working on 'Celebrity Sex'. Who was dating who. Hot married couples. Those who had casual sex and those who cheated. Many sports personalities featured, particularly footballers and influencers. It was an interesting topic. And the pshyche behind them.

"How's it going?" Asked Zofia.

"Yeah good. A nice subject to get my teeth into." She said.

"How did your weekend go? Hot sex with 'daddy' again?"

"Very. Thankfully his wife is away for a bit longer so he and I can continue to have fun. Just hoping he'll still see me when she's back. But then of course the hot son will be back too. I wish I could get them both to fuck me at once, but I don't think he wants me to tell his son we're screwing."

"Wow sounds good. Richard, my husband, is becoming so boring these days. Maybe I should look for a side interest." She said.

"Hmmm you need to be careful."

Claire's phone pinged. She looked at the message.

"Aahh another of my admirers!" She giggled." It's Marty, wanting to see me next week. A friend too apparently."

She read it out loud. "Hi baby, hope you're good. I've been talking about you to an acquaintance of mine, giving you a glowing report, and now he wants to meet you. How do you feel about seeing the two of us?"

Looks like an interesting threesome!" She said.

"Lucky girl. I'll leave you to get on. Let me know how it goes."

Claire picked up her phone and replied.

'Who is this guy? Is he good looking. What does he want exactly?'

'I can't tell you who he is until you meet him. He is very good looking. Take it from me you'll like him. He's extremely hot, and from what I've told him about you, he's very keen to fuck you. A threesome with me. What do you think?'

Shit! This sounded hot.

'Sounds very interesting. Let me know where and when.' She wrote back.

God she just loved sex so much and being screwed by two guys at the same time was always so hot.


The crossing to Mallorca hadn't been too bad. Thankfully, fairly smooth. Julian was now arriving at his Aunt & Uncle's villa in Andratx. It was perched on one of the cliffs overlooking the entrance to the harbour. A beautiful large white modern building with huge pool and absolutely stunning views of the bay. Probably worth millions. But not surprising as his Uncle was an extremely wealthy man. A self made multi millionaire

He never really questioned how he had earned his wealth. It all seemed a bit shady. He had married his mother's sister, Jane, ten years ago and they had two kids between them. On the whole a happy marriage, though it seemed he had partaken in the odd affair. But his aunt was practical. She wanted to keep her lavish lifestyle so chose to turn a blind eye to his dalliances.

The two young kids ran out to him as he parked the car on their drive.

"JJ, we're so excited you're here." They screamed at him, the little girl cuddling him tightly.

The au pair appeared to remove them.

"Nina, Daryl. Come here. Let poor Julian come in." She told them, smiling sexily at Julian.

She was German and hot! Natural long blonde hair. Largish tits and nice legs. Yes, she would be a good fuck. Hopefully his first of many in Mallorca, he thought to himself.

"Hi er..."

"Nikola." She told him. "Come on in. Your Auntie Jane is by the pool waiting for you."

He followed her through the large, cool, echoing hallway, dumping his bags by the stairs. He watched her gorgeous ass swaying in her tight sun dress as she led him out to the pool.

His Aunt lay on a lounger in her bikini and wide brimmed hat. She was a gorgeous sexy woman and very classy.

"Auntie it's lovely to see you."

"And you J. You're so grown up now. Come here and give me a hug." She told him.

He felt her breasts rub against him as he kissed her cheeks and gently hugged her.

"It's so beautiful here. Thank you so much for letting me stay."

He walked over to the railings and looked at the sea below. It all seemed so quiet as he watched the tiny white boats entering the large mouth of the bay. An eerie vacuum feel, being so high up.

"You're most welcome. I really hope you enjoy it here. So what are your plans? A week here, a week in the apartment in Palma and a week on the yacht?"

"Yes that's right, if that's ok with you?"

"Yes of course. Your mother told me your friend arrives next weekend when you go to Palma?"

"Yes, he's coming to the apartment with me."

"Great. You may even see your mother. She's arriving next weekend with her friend Mandy."

"Oh. Is she staying with you?"

"Yes, don't worry. I won't let her cramp your style in Palma! I know she's already got you married off to your current girlfriend, but you're too young to be thinking about that yet, in my opinion. You need some fun first.

Don't you think Nikola?" She said pointedly at her gorgeous nineteen year old au pair.

"Definitely Jane."

She turned towards Julian. "I can show you all the sights, bars, places to go." She told him. "Now let me show you your room."

He wandered off with Nikola, hoping he'd see a lot more than just the local sights. Sights of that gorgeous body naked would be good too he thought to himself.


Rory McGregor was a towering gorgeous hunk of a man. 6ft 6ins of tattooed and pierced rippling muscle. Stunningly good looking. Long dark hair and blue eyes and a very, very large cock. A professional wrestler, known as The Scots Reaper, and a well known celebrity. It was common knowledge that Rory had a massive libido and loved all women and all types of sex.

His wife of ten years had agreed to his open lifestyle before and after they married. It was now a well publicised fact that Rory was free to fuck any woman he wanted even though he was a married man. And he did fuck many.

Countless women, young and old. Thin, fat. Small tits, large tits. He just adored and lusted after all forms of delicious female flesh. He was quite simply addicted. And as a handsome celebrity he never struggled to find a woman willing to open her legs for his beautiful large cock.

His financial adviser and good friend, Martin Jackson had told him of his recent sexual experiences with Claire. Huge tits, gorgeous pussy and very talented at sex. He wanted to meet her. He wanted to fuck her. She sounded perfect for his games. He and Martin would have fun fucking her together.

"So have you been in touch with the horny bitch yet? Is she up for sex with the both of us?" Rory questioned Martin.

"Yes and she's very keen. I haven't told her who you are. She'll get quite a surprise when she meets you."

"That's good, and provided she signs all my paperwork, there shouldn't be an issue."

Rory had been taught a hard lesson regarding privacy some years back. A young woman of only 18 had gone straight to the papers with her kiss and tell story even though it was completely mutually consensual. Thinking it would come as a shock to his wife, she was sadly deluded. But her revelations caused quite a furore at the time.

"Is she clean and taking contraception?"

"Yep of course. You can ride her completely bareback. No need to use a sheath."

"Great. I love to feel a nice tight wet cunt around my cock, and I'm looking forward to seeing those incredible tits you've told me all about.

See if you can arrange it for next weekend. Myra is away on a spa weekend with her girlfriends. It will be the perfect time."


It was Tuesday morning when Claire received Martin's message.

'My friend is very keen to meet you this weekend babe. Are you free Saturday?'

Hmmm she was supposed to be meeting with Brian. She would have to go to his place on the Sunday. She was intrigued to meet this 'friend' of Marty's and to be honest she wanted to be fucked by Marty again. It sounded like it was shaping up for an extremely active and fun weekend!

'Yeah sure. Where and what time?'

'He lives in the Hampstead area. I'll collect you in my car around 5pm and we'll drive up together.'

'Can't wait. Looking forward to meeting him - and seeing you of course! Hot sex, yum yum!'

'Definitely yum yum, especially those tits in my mouth! I will warn you though, my friend is a big man and quite an animal when it comes to sex. But he'll definitely give you a hot time and I'm sure you're really gonna enjoy it!'

Oh wow, thought Claire. An animal! Fuck he sounded really hot. She felt really excited by the prospect of being fucked by both of them.


Emma was so bored at work as usual. She had arranged to meet a friend afterwards for a drink in Harrow and was now clock watching. Half an hour to go.

The door opened. Oh no! It was Simon. She had managed to avoid him since their 'date.'

"Hiya Ems, where've you been, I haven't seen you around and every time I've come to see you, you haven't been at your desk. Mind you, I've been out a lot too I guess."

As usual he was babbling on.

Oh fuck she looked good he thought to himself. He could see her nipples poking through her top. He definitely wouldn't give up. He was determined to get hold of those tits and pussy somehow before that posh cunt got back.

"I've been here. Just busy." She said

She started to pack her things away, trying to ignore him.

"D'ya want to go for a drink tonight?"

"Sorry I can't. I'm seeing a friend."

"Male or female?"

"Not that it's your business, but it's a girlfriend actually."

Good he thought. He didn't want more complications to interfere with his plans.

"Well what about this weekend then?"

"I'm out."

"Ok well the following weekend. I won't take no for an answer. I'll take you to Antonio's for dinner. On me!" He said.

Oh fuck! He just wouldn't give up.

"Ok then. But just as friends. All very platonic Simon." She said, wanting to make it clear to him.

"Sure." He said.

He had to agree to it, but that was most definitely not his intention. One way or another he would take her back to his place and get her into bed. He aimed to fuck her for sure.


It was a stunning Thursday morning in Andratx. Julian was swimming in the pool when Nikola appeared.

She looked appreciatively at his tanned muscular body. He was gorgeous. She really fancied him.

"It's my day off today." She told him. "Do you want to do something?"

"Yeah sure. Let's go down to the town. Maybe we could swim in the sea and get lunch. I'll treat you!" He told her.

His Aunt had taken the kids out for the day and wouldn't be returning until 6 or 7 she'd told them.

They were wandering through the narrow streets popping in out of artesan shops and boutiques. It was a gorgeous little town, and soon they found a really nice fish restaurant that Nicole recommended.

"Oh yes they do a really good paella here." She said.

"Paella and rose wine. What could be better." He said.

They asked a waiter for a table, then sat down together and watched as it soon filled up with visitors.

"So how long have you worked for Auntie Jane?" He asked.

"Just six months. Jane and Roberto are great. And of course the kids are lovely too." She said.

"So do you think you'll stay awhile?"

"I'm hoping to. I'm studying in Palma so it works well for me." She told him.

"And do you have a boyfriend?"

"Not at the moment. How about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

The waiter brought the wine and glasses and poured a taster. Julian nodded.

"Er not really." He lied. "No, well that's not quite true, I do have a girlfriend, but I'm not sure about things with her at the moment. I'm keen to meet others and see where it takes me."

It didn't really worry Nikola if he was seeing someone or not. She just wanted sex with him while he was in Mallorca. A holiday fling really.

Their paella arrived and they sat talking and eating. They got on well together.

"Are you staying on the yacht?" She asked.

"For a week. I can't wait."

"It's very beautiful. We went to Ibiza on it. Jane and Roberto had a wonderful time with their friends. Your Aunt is so glamourous."

Julian smiled. It was true. She had film star beauty.

"Well that was probably one of the best paellas I've ever had." Julian told her.

"Do you want to go to the pontoon and sunbathe then maybe have a swim when our food goes down?" He asked her.

"Yes sure."

Julian paid the bill then the two of them walked along by the sea until they came to the very end of the concrete walkway. They spread out their towels then coated themselves in suntan cream. But now Nikola was removing her bikini top. He watched as her nice tanned tits fell out. And now she was rubbing them sensuously with cream. Fuuck! It was making him feel hot!

He tried not to stare, but she did have a nice pair. Probably a C or D cup and nice small areolas but large nipples.

"I hope you're not embarrassed." she said. "I hate having tan lines on my breasts."

"No of course I'm not embarrassed. They're certainly not the first pair I've seen. They are very nice though." He told her.

"Oh you like them do you?" She stared deeply into his eyes.

His cock was hardening.

"Kiss me Julian." She said.

He leant over and gently kissed her lips at first, but now she opened her mouth inviting his tongue inside. They kissed harder and harder. Snogging deeply. And now he laid his chest on her soft breasts. Mmmm she felt hot and sticky as he rubbed against her.

They kissed for ages before finally coming up for breath.

"You know you're very sexy Nikola."

"So are you Julian. I really like you. Do you want to fuck me?"

Yay! Only three days since he had arrived, and he'd just got lucky!

"Of course I want to fuck you. Who wouldn't?" He said.

"Well let's have a swim first then we can walk back to the villa. They are all out this afternoon so we will have quite a few hours to fuck before they get back." She said, kissing him hard.


The previous evening Julian had been trying to get hold of Kara. He hadn't spoken with her since she'd left. She had messaged him to say she was back safely but clearly she was unhappy with him.

He knew she had wanted to stay on with him and go to Mallorca too but truthfully he hadn't actually wanted her with him. This was to be his 'last hoorah' before moving into the big world of work and commitment. His last boys holiday and last chance for a fling with girls before he finally settled with Kara.

But now she was clearly pissed off. She didn't return his messages nor answer her phone when he called. Perhaps it was best to leave her alone for a while. When she really missed him she would speak to him, he was sure. It was strange though, considering how good their trip had been.

Yet, was he missing her? Of course, in some respects, but once again he was excited about having sex with others. He hoped he would have a hot and randy few weeks before he went home.

Emma was obviously still missing him. And if he was honest with himself, he was missing her too. He imagined himself with her sunbathing, topless like Nikola. Her beautiful large breasts displayed, ready to be feasted on. Yes he was definitely missing her.

And quite possibly Claire too. But not really so much her as a person. Just the hot sex they had together. If she went topless they'd have a posse of males around them!

He had spoken to Emma the previous evening.

"Hiya baby how are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Just bored and missing you. Though I saw my friend Paula last night. We had a good old chat about you!"

"About me?"

"Yes I told her how gorgeous and sexy you are. She really wants to meet you when you're back."

"We'll see." He said.

"How about you? What are you up to?"

"Just chilling really. Hanging around my aunt's gorgeous villa."

"Met any gorgeous girls yet?"

"Nope. And how can anyone compare to you anyway!" He said

Emma giggled.

"Oh I forgot to tell you Simon asked me out again. I told him no, but then he insisted on me going out with him to Antonio's."

"What did you say. I hope you told the little creep where to get off."

"Actually I felt a bit sorry for him, so I agreed. But I told him strictly just as friends. Purely platonic."

"Oh God that guy's a weirdo. Be careful."

"Look he's pretty harmless. I can take care of myself." She said.

They chatted a while longer before ending the call.

He was worried about that creep. He didn't want him near her, but he guessed she would handle him in such a public place.

Time to call Claire, he thought.

"Yeah I'm really good babe. Missing you of course. How are you doing in Mallorca? Met any fit babes yet? I wanna hear all your stories of hot sex when you get back!" She giggled.