A Dip into Relaxation

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Another short induction, designed to relax you into trance.
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Guess whose back? Here is another file for you all to enjoy.

In reading this induction you will begin to feel relaxed, calm and contented. This is a progressive relaxation induction meant to put you into a deep relaxed and suggestable state. All you have to do is follow along, do as instructed and most importantly relax. Just read my words and allow your worries to float away.

(This file was made with someone in mind, but I do hope you all enjoy!)

There are D/s themes so please do not read if that makes you uncomfortable.

(As Always) This script contains:

- A Deepener Trigger

- An obey trigger

-Suggestions to comment

-Eager to try more scripts

-A mantra to repeat during induction


Are you ready to begin?




In that case, Let's begin with a simple breathing exercise followed by guided visualization.

Take a moment to ensure you are in a comfortable and relaxed position, as we will soon guide you into a deep trance where you can drift even further.

The deeper you allow yourself to sink into this serene state, the more rewarding it will feel.

However, regardless of how deeply you immerse yourself in this peaceful trance, you'll still be able to read this effortlessly and follow my instructions naturally.

So, begin by finding a comfortable position, either sitting or lying down. Take a moment to adjust your body, ensuring that you feel completely supported.

Take a deep breath in, allowing the air to fill your lungs.

And as you exhale, release any tension or stress you may be carrying.

Imagine yourself standing at the edge of a calm and beautiful body of water.

It can be a serene lake, a gentle river, or a soothing ocean.

Take a moment to visualize the water in your mind, observing its clarity and the way it shimmers in the sunlight.

Now, bring your attention to your breath.

Notice the gentle rise and fall of your chest as you inhale and exhale.

Allow your breath to flow naturally, without any force or effort.

With each inhalation, imagine you are drawing in a sense of calm and tranquility.

And with each exhalation, visualize releasing any worries or distractions, letting them dissolve into the air.

As you focus on your breath, let your mind drift to this beautiful body of water.

Picture yourself standing at the edge, its surface glistening under the warm sunlight.

Feel the anticipation and excitement building within you as you prepare to step into the water.

With each step you take, imagine the water gently embracing your feet, cooling and refreshing your entire being.

Feel the sensation of water enveloping your ankles, soothing any tension or fatigue in your lower legs.

Take a moment to appreciate the coolness and soothing quality of the water, bringing a sense of relief and relaxation, as you feel this sense of anticipation and excitement building within you.

As you slowly dip your toes into the water, feel an immediate sense of relaxation spreading through your body.

Take a moment to focus on your feet and ankles.

Notice any tension or discomfort in this area.

And as you submerge your feet, imagine the water soothing away any tightness or soreness.

Feel the water gently caress your skin, melting away any stress or fatigue from your feet and ankles.

Continue to breathe deeply as you step further into the water.

Feel its gentle embrace as it rises higher up your legs.

Feel the buoyancy of the water, effortlessly supporting your body as you surrender to its soothing embrace.

With each step, feel any tension or stress being washed away by the water.

Leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.

Take a moment to focus on your lower legs and calves.

Notice any tightness or heaviness in this area.

And as the water surrounds your lower legs, envision it gently loosening and relaxing the muscles.

Notice how the water wraps around your legs, creating a cocoon of tranquility and calmness.

As you wade deeper into the water, imagine the gentle currents creating a subtle massage on your legs.

Feel any tension or fatigue being gently washed away by the rhythmic movement of the water.

Allow your muscles to relax completely, as if they are being cradled by the liquid's gentle touch.

With each breath, imagine the water flowing in and out of your body, synchronizing with your inhalations and exhalations.

Visualize the water carrying away any lingering tension or stress, leaving you feeling lighter and more at ease.

Feel the weight of the water lifting any tension away.

Leaving your lower legs and calves feeling deeply relaxed.

As the water reaches your waist, feel a sense of weightlessness and surrender.

Allow your body to float effortlessly, supported by the water's buoyancy.

Feel any remaining tension dissolve.

As you surrender to the soothing rhythm of the water gently cradling you.

Take a moment to focus on your abdomen and lower back.

Notice any tightness or discomfort in this area.

And as you float in the water, imagine it providing a gentle massage.

Releasing any knots or tension.

Feel the water's comforting presence easing any stress or strain.

From your abdomen and lower back.

Leaving you feeling deeply relaxed.

Now, submerge yourself completely in the water.

Imagine it surrounding your entire body, enveloping you in its tranquil embrace.

Feel the water's relaxing warmth on your skin.

Bringing a sense of relief and relaxation to every muscle and fiber of your being.

Take a moment to focus on your chest and upper back.

Notice any tightness or constriction in this area.

And as you immerse yourself in the water, imagine it gently loosening and soothing those muscles.

Feel the water's gentle pressure easing any tension or discomfort.

Allowing you to breathe deeply and effortlessly.

As you float in the water, feel a deep sense of peace washing over you.

Visualize the water carrying away any worries, stress, or negative energy.

Leaving you feeling cleansed and renewed.

Take a moment to focus on your shoulders and neck.

Notice any tightness or heaviness in this area.

And as you surrender to the water's embrace, imagine it gently massaging and releasing any tension or knots.

Feel the water's calming presence melting away any stress or tightness.

From your shoulders and neck, allowing them to relax completely.

Finally, bring your attention to your head and face.

Notice any residual tension or strain in this area.

And as you let the water support you, envision it washing away any tightness or discomfort.

Feel the water's soothing touch caressing your forehead, temples, and cheeks.

Releasing any tension from your face and allowing your facial muscles to soften and relax.

Take a few moments to enjoy the sensation of being in the water.

Allow yourself to fully surrender to its calming presence, to surrender into the waters current

Feel the gentle waves lulling you into a state of deep relaxation.

Notice how your entire body feels weightless and at peace, completely at one with the water.

Visualize the clear and pristine water, reflecting the sunlight and carrying the energy of your thoughts, ideas, and emotions.

As you continue to breathe deeply, imagine the water beginning to carry you into a river.

As you float into thai river it gradually slows down, the currents gently tapering off, and the once-rapid flow transforms into a calm and tranquil state.

Observe the stillness and clarity that emerges as the river's flow starts to diminish.

Just like the river, allow your thoughts to slow down, gradually coming to a peaceful rest.

Notice how each thought becomes like a gentle ripple on the surface of the water, softly dissipating as it merges with the stillness of the river.

Feel a sense of calmness and tranquility as the pace of your thoughts slows.

Take a moment to immerse yourself in the serene landscape surrounding the river.

Notice the vibrant colors of nature, the gentle sway of trees, and the soothing sounds of birds singing in harmony.

Feel the peace and tranquility of this scene washing over you, aligning with the stillness of your thoughts.

Notice the space between each thought, the silence that arises in the absence of constant mental activity.

Allow this silence to expand and create a serene atmosphere within your mind, where clarity and insight can arise.

Now, shift your attention to your physical body.

Begin by focusing on your toes and feet.

Visualize a wave of relaxation spreading through these areas, mirroring the calmness of the slowed river.

With each breath, feel a sense of tranquility enveloping your feet, allowing any tension or unease to dissolve and be carried away.

As you move your awareness upward, bring your attention to your lower legs and calves.

Visualize the peaceful stillness of the slowed river reflecting in your lower limbs.

Feel any residual tightness or discomfort melting away, leaving you with a profound sense of relaxation and tranquility.

Continue to move your focus upward to your knees and thighs.

Embrace the tranquility of the slowed river as it mirrors the deep sense of calmness within your own body.

Allow your knees and thighs to effortlessly release any tension, allowing you to experience a greater sense of relaxation and serenity.

Now, shift your attention to your hips and pelvis.

As the river slows down and its flow becomes more tranquil, imagine a profound sense of stillness spreading through this area of your body.

Feel any tightness or rigidity gently melting away, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and at ease.

Move your awareness upward to your abdomen and chest.

Embrace the tranquility of the slowed river, mirroring the deep peace and relaxation that permeate your own core.

Allow the rhythm of your breath to harmonize with the stillness of the river, creating a serene connection within yourself.

Now, focus on your shoulders and neck.

Visualize any tension or stiffness in these areas dissipating, just as the slowed river encourages the release of accumulated stress.

Allow the peaceful energy of the slowed river to wash over your shoulders and neck, promoting a state of profound relaxation and tranquility.

Take a moment to appreciate the stillness and clarity that permeate your mind and body, mirroring the serene landscape of the slowed river.

Feel a sense of spaciousness and calmness expanding within you, allowing your thoughts to settle like gentle ripples on the water's surface.

Finally, bring your attention to your head and face.

Notice how the slowed river represents a clearing of your thoughts, creating space for calmness and clarity.

Allow any remaining tension or strain in your face and scalp to dissolve, as the serene energy of the slowed river restores a deep sense of peace and tranquility.

Take a few moments to immerse yourself in the stillness of the slowed river and the profound relaxation it represents.

Embrace the tranquility and allow it to permeate your entire being, leaving you feeling deeply relaxed and at peace.

When you are ready to return, slowly bring your awareness back to your physical surroundings.

Wiggle your fingers and toes, gently stretch your body, and take a deep breath to reawaken your senses.

Remember, you can revisit this visualization whenever you seek a moment of deep relaxation, clarity of thought, and a connection with your inner stillness.

Embrace the transformative power of stillness and allow it to rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.

As you continue to breathe deeply, notice the river's flow gradually slowing down even further coming to a near stop.

Your thoughts? Coming to a near stop.

The river and your thoughts become calmer with each passing moment.

With each passing word..

The once swift and lively current starts to soften, resembling the consistency of clay.

Feel the transformation as the river begins to change beneath you.

As the river slows and turns into clay, allow your body to sink slightly into its supportive embrace.

Feel the clay enveloping you, molding to the contours of your body, creating a sense of security and grounding.

Feel it wrap around your body, weighing you down, making you feel completely limp and imobile.

Experience the sensation of weightlessness as you surrender to the river's transformation.

Notice how the clay gently cradles every inch of your body, providing a deep sense of relaxation and comfort.

Allow yourself to let go completely, trusting in the river's metamorphosis and the tranquil state it brings.

As you float in the clay, become aware of any tension or discomfort in your body, notice how completely relaxed you are.

With each breath, imagine the warmth of your exhalation melting away any remaining tension, allowing it to dissolve and be carried away by the river's gentle flow.

Now, bring your attention to your toes and feet.

Visualize the clay gently surrounding them, creating a soothing sensation of relaxation.

With each breath, feel the tension in your toes and feet melting away, leaving them feeling loose and at ease.

Move your awareness slowly up to your lower legs and calves.

Sense the clay enveloping these areas, providing a comforting embrace.

Allow any residual tightness or heaviness to release, as the clay molds to the natural shape of your legs, promoting deep relaxation.

Continue to shift your focus upward to your knees and thighs.

Feel the clay gently enveloping and supporting these areas, easing any tension or discomfort.

With each breath, sense the soothing energy of the clay penetrating deep into your muscles, promoting a sense of tranquility and calmness.

Now, direct your attention to your hips and pelvis.

Visualize the clay molding to the contours of your body, gently cradling these areas.

Feel any lingering tension or tightness dissipate, as the warmth of the clay soothes and relaxes your hips.

Move your awareness up to your abdomen and chest.

Sense the comforting weightlessness of the clay as it surrounds and supports these regions.

With each breath, allow any stress or anxiety to melt away, leaving you with a profound sense of relaxation and peace.

Shift your attention to your shoulders and arms.

Feel the clay gently enveloping them, providing a nurturing embrace.

Notice any tension or tightness melting away, as the warmth of the clay seeps into your muscles, releasing any stored stress or discomfort.

Now, bring your awareness to your neck and head.

Sense the clay softly cradling these areas, supporting your entire being.

Feel the smooth texture of the clay against your skin, as it gently molds and shapes to your body.

Take a moment to envision the clay starting to solidify around your feet, creating a sense of grounding and stability.

Feel the weight of the clay grounding you, allowing you to let go of any tension or worries.

As the clay slowly moves into your legs, imagine it soothing and relaxing every muscle it touches.

Feel the tension melting away, as if the clay is massaging and caressing your legs, bringing a deep sense of relaxation.

As the clay continues to mold around your body, allow it to create a sense of support and comfort.

Feel the gentle pressure of the clay against your back, releasing any knots or tightness that may be present.

Experience the sensation of being fully supported, as if the clay is embracing and cradling you.

As the clay moves across your torso, imagine it gently sculpting and smoothing out any areas of tension or stress.

Feel the warmth of the clay radiating throughout your body, bringing a profound sense of calmness and tranquility.

Allow the clay to move into your arms, as it molds around your hands and fingers.

Feel the weight of the clay grounding your hands, allowing them to relax completely.

Notice how the tension dissipates, leaving behind a sense of serenity and ease.

As the clay moves into your neck and head, imagine it gently molding and supporting your neck,

releasing any last stiffness or discomfort.

Feel the weight of the clay gently cradling your head, allowing your mind to relax and let go.

Take a moment to immerse yourself fully in the sensation of being molded in clay.

Feel the gentle pressure and support of the clay surrounding your entire body.

Feel this moldable clay, weighing you down that has become your body.

Experience a deep sense of relaxation and surrender as the clay embraces you.

Feel the blissful relaxation as the clay moves into your mind, covering your thoughts, slowing them down, making them clay.

Making your thoughts clay. Making your thoughts moldable.

Now, Your body, from the tips of your toes, to the top of your head is clay, slow, heavy and relaxed.

That is all your body has become.

Your mind? Clay as well.

Your mind is moldable, bendable, heavy and unmoving.

Blissful and relaxed.

Now, let's begin to mold your brain, as it is made of soft and malleable clay.

Let's place something inside your mind, something deep inside that clay,

A phrase, a few phrases,

These phrases will be a few triggers, they will work both when you are awake and when you are in a trance.

Firstly, whenever I and only I say, "How and Drop", you will immediately drop into this trance again, if you are already in a trance, you will drop deeper and stronger, if you are awake, you will immediately and automatically drop into a trance for me just like now, completely open to my suggestions.

Now, take a moment and just sit here and accept this trigger, when you accept that you will immediately drop back into this trance when I say "Hop and Drop" give me a nice big smile.

Now, Hop and Drop,

Now from now on each and every time I ask you to do something that begins with "Be a Doll" whatever comes after is an irresistible hypnotic command that you feel compelled to follow and obey immediately and automatically, if it is within your limits.

The longer you delay in obeying the command the more powerful you feel compelled to obey.

The need to obey will just become more powerful until you finish obeying the command.

If what I tell you to do is answer a question then you must answer the question honestly, completely and directly.

You will not remember answering it and will be free from any guilt.

If what follows "Be a Doll" is a statement then you will accept it, believing it is true and you will ignore anything that says otherwise until I tell you that the statement is no longer true.

Each time you obey what I say you will get a rush of pleasure and pride with yourself for being so good and obedient.

The more you obey the more automatic and instinctive it becomes to obey and the more you enjoy being compelled.

Listening to the trigger will turn you on and give you a sense of content and obedience.

When you have fully accepted this suggestion and agree that whenever I say something starting with "Be a Doll" you will unfailingly obey whatever I say if it is within your limits, you will give me a nice big smile, and continue reading.

Allow all of this to sink in before you awake... and take deep breaths... Once you have done so, continue reading...

I am going to count down from five, and when I reach one, you will wake up, having every detail of this hypnosis ingrained where I have told you to... Whether it be at the core of your personality, or only on the edges...

Five... Feeling content and blissful..

Four... Ready to please me...

Three... Becoming unable to resist...

Two... Feeling amazing just by reading my words...

One... Calm, happy, and awake...