A Dragon's Tale Ch. 04


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"No, I don't think anyone would."

"Good. As requested, you'll start as a night guard in the vault. Eventually, you'll need to learn the other positions if you are to manage The Bank effectively. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

"Good, then follow me." Lord Borden stood. Ethan and Beth followed the older man out of the dining room through the house and into the night air. The town was mostly silent apart from the sounds of drinking and singing coming from the pubs.

To his left, Ethan saw the mast of a sailing ship poking up in the distance. He thought that was strange as there weren't any large bodies of water nearby.

"What's that?"

"That's daddy's new airship." Beth replied. "I can show you in the morning, if you'd like."

"An airship? Yes please."

Lord Borden led the way up the long flight of steps to The Bank. The stairs had no railings and were only six feet across. They were wide enough to be comfortable but narrow enough to prevent a lot of men from attacking at once. The stairs ended and leveled out to a wooden drawbridge.

Up close, the defenses were quite impressive.

Spread atop the impressive wall were several sets of small ballistae that could probably mow down half a dozen people on the narrow walk at once. The drawbridge -- when raised -- would form part of the wall, which was crenelated for archers. If attackers managed to survive all that, there would be a few dozen pike men ready to skewer any invaders.

Behind the outer fortifications was a solid steel door set into the side of the mountain. The door was open and Ethan could see a long stone hallway beyond it. Lord Borden walked past the impressive defenses with barely a glance. The guards nodded respectfully as he and Beth passed. They mostly just gave Ethan a curious look.

Beyond the massive steel door was a long corridor six feet wide and seven feet tall. Lining the wall were torch sconces cut out of the stone itself. Once they were through the massive steel door, Lord Borden turned into a small office hollowed out of the rock.

Inside was a young man who seemed quite surly despite his obvious high position, or perhaps because of it.

He looked to be in his mid-twenties, although he was sporting a full beard. A sword was fastened at his side and he wore chainmail from head to toe, partially concealed by a surcoat which carried the emblem of a gold coin. He was also huge at over six feet and -- even taking into account the extra bulk added by the chainmail -- it looked like he could wrestle an ox and win.

"Heinrich." Lord Borden said with a respectful nod.

"Lord Borden." The armored man stood and gave a bow. There was obviously a great deal of trust between the two men.

"This is the dragon then?" Heinrich asked. Ethan noticed he glanced at Beth and then clenched his fists.

"He is. I put his equipping and training in your hands." Lord Borden turned to Ethan. "Heinrich is true as dragon steel and the best man I know. Trust him. He won't let you down."

"I will."

"One more thing." Lord Borden said. "Pay very close attention while in the vault. Because of thieves, it's rigged with several lethal traps. There are none on the main pathway, so that is safe. Please, don't venture off that pathway if you value your life. I spared no expense on them, so pay attention when Heinrich shows them to you."

"I definitely will."

"Then good evening." And with that, Lord Borden strode out of the room leaving Beth, Ethan, and Heinrich standing there.

"Come with me." Heinrich said without preamble.

He led Ethan and Beth down the hall a short way and then turned into what was clearly an armory. In one half of the room, weapons were neatly arranged on racks. On the other half, there was a large collection of various kinds of armor. Ethan noticed there was plenty of chainmail, but almost no plate armor.

"Use the gem to make it appear you're wearing armor." Heinrich ordered none-too-politely.

"Do you have a problem with me?" Ethan asked.

"Yes." Heinrich replied curtly. "Now do as you're told or I'll find another job for you that won't be as pleasant."

Ethan briefly considered arguing, but a look from Beth dissuaded him of that notion. He pushed a little mana into the disguise gem and the transparent outline around him changed. It now looked like he was dressed like the other guards.

"What weapon are you most proficient with?" Heinrich asked.

"Glock 19." Ethan replied without thinking.

The guard captain was not amused.

"A spear, I guess."

Heinrich grabbed a seven-foot short spear and handed it to him. "Come with me."

Heinrich started walking down the stone hall and that's when the feeling truly hit Ethan.


Lots of gold.

He opened up his dragon senses and his jaw dropped. He could feel the power of the gold. It was lifeless now, but it had potential... so much potential. He could actually feel his mouth watering at the thought of being near all of it.

They walked for about a minute before they came to what looked like a primitive elevator. There was a stone counterweight next to the elevator cage and a large spoked wheel -- like on an old sailing ship -- connected to a crank.

Heinrich led the way into the elevator cage. It seemed stable when he and Ethan stepped in, but the moment Beth stepped in the cage began to slowly sink. The guard at the crank spun the ship's wheel hastening their descent. The elevator cage dropped for twenty feet before bottoming out.

At the bottom, a short hallway ended at yet another large steel door. Ethan could feel the gold beyond. It was dead -- lifeless -- but he could feel it. As he got closer it started responding to his presence, as if to its master. Very slowly, it was starting to come alive. Well, not really alive, but Ethan couldn't think of another way to describe it.

Strangely, it reminded him of how it felt to be near Alana.

Heinrich produced a key and unlocked the large steel door. When it swung open, the contents within took Ethan's breath away.

It was the vault and it was filled with gold.

Straight ahead were large stacks of gold bars and mountains of gold coins all neatly arranged. To one side was a large collection of silver and to the other side more precious gems than Ethan had ever seen. A steel chandelier hanging from the center of the ceiling provided flickering light to the entire room. The ceiling was also almost twenty feet; much higher than the adjoining passages and rooms. The vault was perhaps fifty feet square, though most of that was taken up with gold, silver, and precious stones.

"I think I'm in love." He murmured aloud.

Beth sighed and Heinrich scowled. It occurred to Ethan that saying that in front of his betrothed and the man who was in love with her was probably a bad idea.

"I just mean..." Ethan started to say, and then realized there was no way he could pull his foot out of his mouth.

"I know exactly what you meant, dragon." The other man snapped. "Now, notice the floor."

Ethan looked down. There was a clearly defined, ten-foot-wide central walkway down the center of the vault. It was decorated with a mosaic of tiles while the rest of the floor was completely unadorned.

"Stay on the pathway if you value your life." Heinrich indicated the walls

Ethan could see what looked like small cutouts -- about the size of a man's hand -- opening into blackness. His dragon eyes could just see the tip of a crossbow bolt in the darkness.

"They are activated by stepping off the main walkway, unless you know how to avoid them." Heinrich explained gruffly.

"But why traps in here with all the security outside?" Ethan asked.

Heinrich gestured to the ceiling. There were several round holes in the ceiling that looked just barely large enough for someone of Alana's size to fit through. Or at least, she could've fit if they weren't blocked by iron bars. He could feel a very slight breeze coming from them, and realized they must be how they changed the air in the vault.

"Every year someone gets the idea to go through the damn vents." Heinrich said. "They use magic or acid to cut through the bars and try to rob the vault. They don't live long so watch your step; I'm tired of ordering the cleaners down here to wipe blood off the gold."

"I'll be careful."

Heinrich muttered something before saying "Your shift ends at dawn. I would leave when asked, or I might get in some dragon hunting practice."

"Hermy!" Beth exclaimed. It was funny to see a 300lb plus man rebuked by a woman perhaps a third of his size. Heinrich grunted, virtually ignoring her rebuke, and then left the vault.

The blonde girl turned to Ethan. "Sorry about him, He's very protective of The Bank because of my father, but he's a good man when you get to know him."

"I'm sure." Ethan replied, realizing that she must be ignorant of Heinrich's obvious attraction to her. Then he turned his eyes back to the gold. The sight was captivating in a way he had never felt before. Nothing had ever captured his attention like this before.

Well, not quite nothing.

There was a wood elf with rich chocolate brown hair and the world's greatest smile that not only compared, but handily beat the sight before him.

"Lady Borden." Heinrich called from the elevator.

"I'm coming, give me a minute." Beth replied, then turned to Ethan. "We didn't get a chance to talk earlier, but Alana came to my chambers and talked to me earlier today."

"She did?" Ethan tore his eyes from the gold to look at her.

"Yes. I know you two are... I mean you both..."

Beth seemed to struggle for a moment to find the right words. "I know how much you both gave up for me and my family. I realize I'm probably not your first choice for a wife."

"Well, I wasn't exactly looking to get married."

She took a deep breath. "I just wanted to say that she made me promise to be the best wife I possibly could be for your sake. I just wanted to let you know I intend to make good on that promise. I know you don't love me now, but I hope one day you'll learn to."

He smiled at her. "I could definitely learn to love you Beth. I'm sorry if I've been a little distant. I do really appreciate you doing so much and trying to cheer me up. You've been really great and it means a lot."

Beth's face could've illuminated all of New York City the way it shone. "Enjoy your night and may Illuminar keep watch over you."

She left the vault and took the elevator up with Heinrich, who shouted for the elevator to rise. Beth gave him a hopeful smile as they ascended out of sight

Ethan took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He hadn't considered what Beth must be going through, knowing that he was attracted to someone else but marrying her anyway. She seemed to take it well though, and her enthusiasm was just short of infectious.

He was glad she was happy.

He turned to look at the gold around him and the sight cheered him up immensely, though not completely. His dragon body might be responding to the gold with bliss but his mind was still mostly human. He missed Alana and he wanted to make Beth happy.

She was a wonderful girl. She was smart, inquisitive, and a joy to be around. She had an infectious exuberance that was almost like a balm to his dark mood. He could learn to love her; to be happy with her. In fact, he could only think of one true mark against her: she wasn't Alana.

Wonderful yes, but not Alana.

As he looked around the room, something welled up inside of him. He could feel a connection to the gold beginning to form. He could feel it start to resonate in his presence. Already he could feel a tiny trickle of mana begin to dribble toward him from the gold. Somehow, he knew that he would make the gold come fully alive over the next few days and when it did, a veritable floodgate of mana would open.

As he looked around the room, he thought only one thing was missing.

Alana's smile.

* * *

Alana couldn't decide whether she was having the saddest or happiest dream of her life. She was in bed, covered by blankets, and snuggled up against Ethan. His arms were around her and he was holding her like he never wanted to let her go. There was a fire crackling merrily somewhere in the room and the flames were casting a soft romantic glow.

She sighed contentedly as Ethan stroked her hair and told her all about the vault. He described the gold, silver, and precious stones in detail. She knew it was a dragon's love of gold talking, but she loved the longing in his voice when he wished she could to join him in the vault. That sounded more like her Ethan.

That's when she remembered he wasn't 'her Ethan' anymore.

Alana felt tears well up in her eyes and she forcibly yanked herself out of the dream, waking up in her new bed and covered in a cold sweat. She pulled the covers closer but there was no Ethan in bed with her to keep her warm and cozy.

She mentally kicked herself.

There was absolutely no reason at all that she should be this besotted with someone she had known for less than two weeks. She peeked at their bond and saw he was feeling disoriented and surprised. She could only guess that he had just woken up in the vault. The vault he had so lovingly described in her dream.

She finally decided that she needed to move on, not that she knew how. It was nearly dawn and she needed to get ready for her first day as an enchanter for Lord Borden.

She sighed.

She had just finished dressing when a massive tsunami of anger and rage flooded over her bond with Ethan. Fury didn't even begin to describe the ferocity of the wrath Ethan was currently experiencing. Every positive emotion she associated with their bond was instantly gone, completely replaced by this blind rage.

Moments later, Alana heard the unmistakable sound of a dragon's roar echoing from the direction of The Bank's vault. It was scary the first time she heard it, but Ethan had roared because she had been hurt. The second time was because Rachel attacked her. That time she had felt the rage, but it had been motivated by a protective urge for her, so she found it almost endearing rather than scary.

This time it was different.

Despite being quite far away, the sound plus the emotions surging over their bond made it truly terrifying. For the first time, Alana actually felt a little scared of Ethan.

Outside the window, the usual sounds of conversation and merriment had abruptly ceased. It seemed the whole town had stopped at the terrifying -- though distant -- sound of Ethan's roar. Moments later, the alarm bell began ringing. Alana looked out the window and saw dozens of bank guards rushing to the ballistae set around The Bank's vault entrance.

Alana was halfway to the door before she remembered that Ethan was probably in The Bank's vault and therefore she didn't have a prayer of reaching him. She took a deep breath and went back to getting ready for the day.

A couple minutes later there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Alana said.

The door opened and Lord Borden walked through. "We seem to be having some trouble with our young dragon."

"What's wrong?" Alana asked.

"He won't leave the vault and won't let anyone near it either." He replied. "I suspected this might happen, and believe you are the only one who can convince him to leave peacefully."

"Why me?"

"Your bond." He said. "Unless I'm much mistaken, he will treat you as he would treat the gold, so you should be safe."

Alana hovered indecisively for a few moments, not sure of how to respond. "What makes you think I can do anything?"

Lord Borden continued. "I know of your parentageLady Alana; your true parentage."

She covered her mouth. "How could you possibly...?"

"I own The Bank." He said simply. "One does not achieve such a position by being uninformed. I assume your birth parents ensured you were trained for diplomacy?"

She nodded.

"Then please use that training to help Ethan. If he can't be convinced to leave the vault, I will have to send guards in to force him out. I would prefer to avoid harm coming to either side, and I think you are the best chance to avoid bloodshed."

She wanted to see Ethan so much and he needed her help. How could she say no?

"Okay, lead on."

On the way, Lord Borden told her of the traps in the vault. He also impressed upon her the importance of staying in the main walkway to avoid them. She promised she would be careful.

Five minutes later, she found herself descending the elevator into the vault. As the cage bottomed out, she saw Ethan. His disguise gem was still activated, but she could see right through it. He was in a low crouch in the vault holding a spear with murder in his eyes. Gone were the kind and friendly eyes of her Ethan--

No, he wasn't 'her Ethan' anymore she reminded herself.

When he saw her he relaxed, smiled, and lowered his spear. "Alana. You're here."

"You needed help, so..." Alana trailed off as she noticed the vault. Its resemblance to his description was uncanny. After a second look, she realized it looked exactly as Ethan described it in her dream. Exactly, without even a single discrepancy.

"Help?" Ethan said. "What kind of help?"

Alana took a step out of the elevator and Ethan tensed up again and half raised his spear.

"Ethan, I'm not going to hurt you." She sighed. "So, would you please lower the spear?"

Ethan considered for a moment before lowering the spear. There was definitely something wrong with him. His eyes -- so full of kindness and caring before -- had become pools of jealousy and anger. She took a few steps closer. With every step, she saw Ethan grip his spear tighter. However, he didn't raise it again, which was a good sign.

"Ethan, what's made you so tense?" she asked. She had reached the entrance to the vault but didn't think going further was wise just yet.

"They wanted to take my gold." Ethan said it as if that was the worst crime imaginable... except it didn't sound like Ethan at all. It sounded more like Drousin -- more like a dragon.

His eyes gleamed like a madman. "Just look at it. Can you feel the power? Can you feel the magic flowing off it? It's mine. It belongs to me and I'll slaughter every godless son of a bitch who tries to take it from me!"

He looked at her as if in accusation, then raised his spear slightly to emphasize that she was included in those he might slaughter if she tried to take the gold away. The primal gleam in his eyes was as far from his usual kindness as possible.

"May I come closer?"

Then the dragon took over again and his face was very suspicious. "Why?"

"Please?" Alana asked.

It was a simple request without deception or ulterior motive. She missed him and wanted to be near him again. Even him marrying Beth bothered her less than him leaving. He seemed taken aback for a moment. For one brief second, her Ethan was back. He narrowed his eyes. Alana smiled at him and his suspicion faltered for a moment.

"Do you remember that ride you gave me on your back? The one where we stopped and looked at the stars?"

He nodded.

Alana took a step forward. "I told you how I felt, but do you know why I felt that way?"

Ethan shook his head.

She took another step. "It's because you help people Ethan. It's what you do. You risked your life to save me several times. You rescued Beth and Charles because you wanted to help them. I liked that guy-- Ilike that guy."

Ethan opened his mouth to respond and then closed it. He seemed to be fighting an internal war with himself.

Alana took another step forward. She was only a few feet from him now. "Remember that person Ethan. That's who you really are."

"I..." Ethan started to say, but didn't seem to be able to form coherent words.

"I know you Ethan." Alana said. "You took this job to save me just as much as to save yourself, if not more. You just wanted to be near Lord Borden's gold and--"
