A Dream Come True


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"Easy, girl," Amy sweetly told Bell, gently holding a handful of oats to her mouth, as Bell ate it, "You're such a sweet girl, yes you are."

"So are you," I smiled, "The sweetest girl I've ever known."

"You say that because you love me," she softly said, "Don't you?"

"Not really," I teased, "I say that because it's one of the many reasons why I love you."

"I've never known anyone like you, Michael," Amy tenderly replied, "Not ever."

"Then that's a good thing," I smiled, "Yes?"

"Of course," she giggled, gently kissing me, "It's a very good thing."


After we finished brushing the horses down, and after I'd put the saddles back in the tackle room, Amy and I sat together in the swing that was out in the gazebo, which itself, was in the middle of Mom and Dad's very spacious back yard, between the barn and the house.

"I love it this place," Amy smiled, holding my hand, practically sitting in my lap, "It must've been wonderful growing up out here."

"It was," I smiled, remembering my childhood, as well as the days when my grandmother was still alive, "The only thing I regret is the fact that my Granny is not here to meet you. She died when I was sixteen."

"I'm sorry, baby," Amy told me, again tenderly kissing my lips, "It sounds like you loved her very much."

"I really did," I said, and then I proceeded to tell her about how my Aunt and cousins had treated her, and how, although I knew she loved my Aunt, her daughter, Granny wasn't going to give her anything, because she felt she didn't deserve it.

"Oh, my God," Amy disgustedly replied, "I would much rather have my grandmother here as opposed to anything she owned."

"I feel the same way," I replied in total agreement, "But some people are just bad seeds to begin with, and the only thing I know to do is to pray for them."

"I love you, Michael," Amy softly told me, "I'll always love you."

"I love you, too," I said, "And now that we're together, I can't even begin to imagine my life without you, and I sure as hell don't want to either."


Little did either of us realize that Mom and Dad were looking out of the kitchen window, sweetly watching us sitting together, holding hands as we kissed and talked?

"Look at him, honey," Mom smiled, gently wiping the happy tears from her eyes as she and Dad talked, "Do you think we might be looking at our future daughter-in-law?"

"I think so," Dad grinned, "I mean, look at the way Michael is with her."

"I know, and I think it's so beautiful," Mom sniffled, "He reminds me of someone I met two years before he was born."

"Oh really," Dad teased, his arms around Mom's waist, tenderly holding her against him, "I wonder who that would be?"

"Smart ass," Mom giggled, "You know damn good and well who I'm talking about, Thomas Lee Masterson."

"Yeah, those were some really great times," Dad smiled, nuzzling Mom's neck, "But they've only gotten better over time, baby."

"I love you, Tom," Mom softly replied, "And I love our son."

"I love you, too, Jenny," Dad replied, holding Mom tightly against him, "You and Michael are, and will always be my whole world; I want you to know that."

"I know," Mom purred, leaning her head against Dad's chest, "I've always known it."


After an hour or so had passed, I was getting hungry and I'm sure that Amy was, too, even though she hadn't said a word. Standing up, I looked at her and held my hand out to her and said, "Come with me, baby, I'll bet Mom has something really good cooking for us."

"Okay, sweetheart, "she gently replied, "Now that you mention it, I could probably eat something."

Amy and I began walking toward the house, and the nearer we drew, the more the aromas coming from the kitchen's exhaust stack, which was sticking out of the roof of Mom and Dad's house, began assaulting our noses with an aroma I would know anywhere, southern fried pork chops, with mashed potatoes and gravy."

"Yum," I grinned, "You're going to love what Mom is cooking, baby."

"I don't know what it is," she giggled, "But it smells very good and my stomach is beginning to growl."


"Hi, babies," Mom happily smiled, as we walked into the kitchen from the back door, then out of the utility room, "Michael, honey, go wash your hands and help your father set the table while me and Amy finish getting supper ready."

"Oh, that sounds good," Amy beamed, "What can I do to help, Jenny?"

"Not a thing, baby," Mom giggled," But you and I can have a little girl talk while the men around here are earning their keep."


"Oh, my God," Amy grinned, after we finished eating, "Everything was so delicious. I've never had pork chops that tasted like that before."

"See," I grinned, "I told my Mom was the best cook in the world, didn't I?"

"She sure is," Amy proudly smiled, reaching across the table and gently squeezing Mom's hand, "Thank you, Jenny, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, baby," Mom giggled, "Now you've got another reason to come back here, huh?"

"You betcha," she smiled, "You all have been so nice to me, and I haven't felt this good since way before my father passed away."

"Aw, sweetheart, I'm so sorry," Mom suddenly said, "How did it happen, baby girl?"

"He was killed in Vietnam," Amy sadly replied, "I wasn't very old, and my younger sister was still a little girl."

All at once Dad stood up from where he sat, and then after coming around the table to where Amy was seated, he leaned down, and placing his arms around her, he softly told her, "You're always welcome in this house, baby girl; and any time you want to talk about it, I'm right here, okay sweetie?"

"Yes, sir," Amy began to cry, "Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I mean that," and then she quietly rose from her chair and cried into Dad's chest, while he stood there with his arms around her, letting her get it all out.

"Shh," Dad soothed her, while Mom placed her hand into mine, sadly looking into my face, "It's going to be alright, sweet girl...I promise you."

It took another five or six minutes until Amy had calmed down enough to return to her seat, but once she did, Dad looked at me and quietly said, "Come on, son; let's you and I get the table cleared and then we can do the dishes so that your mother and Miss Amy can have some time to talk, okay?"

I did exactly that, making sure that everything on the table had been cleared, while Mom took Amy into the living room where they could be alone for a little while. My heart was breaking for Amy, but I knew that if anyone could bring her back to normal, it was Mom.


Chapter Five

"This may be none of my business, son," Dad said, while we were washing the dishes, "But you're in love with that beautiful girl...aren't you?"

"Yes sir," I plainly told him, in no uncertain terms, "I know that we haven't known each other that long, but I just can't help how I feel."

"Don't worry about it, Mike," Dad smiled, gently patting me on the shoulder, "I fell in love with your mother the first time I ever laid eyes on her so; I fully understand, trust me."

"You're the best father a guy could ever have, Dad," I proudly told him, "I just wanted you to know that."

"Listen son," Dad said, stopping what he was doing and looking me in the eyes, "Your mother and I have loved you your whole life; and you've made us both very proud, Michael; and if Amy makes you happy, then that's all that matters to us, besides, she's the prettiest girl your Mom and I have ever seen."

"Thanks, Dad," I proudly replied, "I think she's the most beautiful girl that I've ever seen, too."

"Then do what ever it takes to make her happy, son," Dad kindly said, "But the most important advice I can ever offer you is, don't ever let the sun set on an argument. In other words, you two don't ever want to go to bed while you're still mad at each other...do you know what I mean?"

"Yes, sir," I honestly replied, "I know exactly what you mean."

"Good," Dad grinned, "Because I've got the strangest feeling that you two were meant for one another."


After my father and I finished doing the dishes, I went to the living room where I discovered Mom and Amy looking through a couple of old picture albums, making me immediately realize that Mom was showing Amy my old baby pictures.

"He was only eight months old in this one," Mom chuckled, neither of them aware that I was behind them and was now watching their every move, "Wasn't he a cutie pie back then?"

"What do you mean back then?" Amy conspiratorially giggled, "He's still a cutie pie, or at least I think so."

"You love him, don't you?" Mom sweetly asked, "I can tell by the way that the two of you act around one another."

"Oh, my God, Jenny," Amy sighed, leaning back with her hand against her chest and a far away look in her beautiful eyes, "It feels like my heart's going to burst just by him being in the same room with me."

"I know how you feel, sweetie," Mom tenderly smiled, "But don't ever let him know that, okay? We don't want to make his head any bigger that it already is."

"It's too late for that," I teased, suddenly making my presence known to them, "And just so you know, Mom, we haven't had sex yet, because we..."

"Has anyone ever told you that it's rude to eavesdrop on other people's conversation, boy? "Mom interrupted me, as she crossly admonished me, then she smiled and said, "But I'm glad to hear that you've decided to wait for a while before having sex. It tells me that you're both taking your time."

"Of course," I grinned, taking Amy's hand, "But do me a favor and please stop showing Amy my baby pictures, Mom, okay?"

"Awww, I think that you were a little sweetie," Amy giggled, making me blush, "Almost as cute as you are now."

"Come on, and take a ride into town with me," I chuckled, "I want to show you off to my old friends."

"Is that right?" Amy knowingly smiled, "Will I meet any of any of your old girl friends tonight?"

"Not likely," I said, "I never had any, or don't you remember what I told you earlier this week?"

"I'm sorry, baby," Amy sweetly replied, "But I'll bet we can still make some of your buddies envious. What do you think?"

"I think you're probably right," I laughed, smiling at Mom, "See, I told you she was smart, didn't I, Mom?"

"Yes, you did," Mom teased, smacking me on the butt, "Now get your cocky little ass out of here, boy," as Dad laughed in the other room.


Because the legal drinking age in the Texas was eighteen at that particular time (I turned 18 right before I started college), and the fact that it was Saturday night, I decided to take Amy to a local place called, "The Armadillo" if for anything, just to have a beer and dance a little bit.

We'd not been there for more than ten minutes when an old friend of mine from high school, Mark Locke, stopped where we were sitting, and smiling widely said, "Mike Masterson, how the hell are you doing, buddy, and why aren't you in Houston? Aren't you going to college at the U of H?"

"Yeah," I grinned, standing up to shake his hand, "I wanted to bring my girlfriend down here to meet Mom and Dad."

"Wow," he said, looking at Amy, "She gorgeous, bro; aren't you going to introduce us?"

"Sure," I chuckled, "Mark Locke, this is my girlfriend, Amy Ross; Amy, this is an old buddy of mine that I basically grew up with, Mark Locke."

"Hi, Mark," Amy cordially smiled, "It's nice to meet you."

"Holy shit," Mark chuckled, "It's really nice to meet you, Amy." Then he turned to me, and while good naturedly teasing me, said, "Damn, bro, she's beautiful, what the hell is she doing with the likes of your ass?"

"Because she has good taste, asshole," I laughed, pulling one of the two extra chairs out from the table, "Just like I do so; sit down and let me buy you a beer."

However, before Mark could take his seat, an old nemesis of mine, Perry Harang, one of the guys whose ass I'd kicked when we were fifth graders, brought his drunken ass to our table and immediately began to start talking shit.

"Masterson," he slurred, looking at Amy, "What're you doing with a woman that looks this fine sitting at your fucking table, dickhead?"

"You're drunk," I firmly told him, "And I'm only going to tell you once to get the hell out of here now; do you hear me?"

Paying me no attention, he went to take Amy's hand and said, "Come on, baby, I'll show you what it's like to be with a real man."

"Fuck off," she replied; rising from her seat and coming around the table to stand next to me, "I can't stand a redneck, much less a drunk redneck."

"Is that right," he laughed, "Well, you've got a smart mouth, bitch."

"Alright, that's it," I growled, "Get out of here before I kick your ass...again."

"Fuck off," Perry hissed, withdrawing a switchblade knife, "I'll cut your dick off, and then when I'm done, I'm gonna fuck this little cunt until she screams, you little motherfucker," and then he lunged toward me.

I had him disarmed in a matter of two seconds, but not before he cut the top of my right forearm as I deflected his parry with the knife. Of course it only cut the sleeve of my shirt, but I was angry now, and because of not only what he tried to do to me, but especially because of what he'd said to my precious Amy, I quickly bent his arm backwards at the elbow, breaking it and making him scream like a little bitch in the process.

The club owner, Tommy Alexander, who just happened to be good friends with my parents, saw the whole thing and was on his way to my table to throw Perry Harang's stupid, drunk ass out of the club, but couldn't get there before Harang pulled the knife, making me break his arm for it.

"I wanna file assault charges against this piece of shit, Tommy," Perry wailed, when Tommy arrived at our table, "He viciously attacked me for no reason."

"You're full of shit, Perry Harang," Tommy laughed, "I saw the whole thing, you dumb ass, but I'll tell what I'm gonna do."

""What's that?" Harang asked, still crying, "What're you gonna do?"

"I called the Sheriff's Department, and they're on their way here right now, "Tommy kept laughing, "And when they get here, I'm filing charges against you for not only bringing a weapon into my club, but I'm also going to press charges against you for being drunk and disorderly, as well as attempted assault with a deadly weapon so; how do you like that, you stupid ass?"

"They won't stick," Harang began to laugh, "My father's a lawyer and he'll get me out of it."

"Not this time, Mamma's boy," Tommy laughed, "You're still on probation for the last stunt you pulled in here, or have you forgotten?"

"Fuck you," Harang growled, then looked at me and said, "This ain't over with, Masterson. You' better start growing eyes in the back of your fucking head, motherfucker."

And once again, making sure that he understood me in no uncertain terms, I leaned down so that only he could hear me, and plainly told him, "The next time you come around me, they' re going to take you away in a fucking body bag so; you'd damn well better leave me alone, This is your last warning...asshole."

Then I stood up and took Amy's hand and said, "I don't know, sweetheart, but I've had about all the fun I can stand for one night; how about you?"

"Me, too," she softly replied, kissing me on the lips, "Would you take me away from here, baby?"

"Come with me, beautiful" I smiled, as we walked out to the parking lot.


"What the hell was his problem?" Amy asked, as we made our way across the parking lot to my truck, "Jeez, what an asshole."

Suddenly I heard a female voice behind us yell, MICHAEL MASTERSON, WAIT A MINUTE BEFORE YOU LEAVE...PLEASE?

I turned around to see who it was that was calling my name, and lo and behold if it wasn't one of the three girls whom I'd had a date with when I was a senior in high school.

Her name was Renee Sanderson, and while I'd always thought she was a very pretty girl, she, too, had treated me like a pariah back then, just because I didn't look a certain way. However, once I met my beautiful Amy, I laughed, knowing that none of them could, nor would ever be able to hold a candle to her.

"Hello, Renee," I pleasantly said, once she'd caught up to Amy and I, "What can I do for you?"

It was apparent that she didn't know that Amy and I were together, because you could tell by the look on her face that she might've had other plans. However, when she saw that Amy and I were holding hands, she looked at me and sadly said, "I guess you two are together, huh?"

"That's right," Amy almost jealously barked, "What do you want?"

"I was wondering if I could have a few moments to talk with Michael alone," Renee hopefully asked, "I mean, if it's alright with you."

"Michael and I are together now," Amy politely said, but the venom in her voice was still noticeably present, "Besides, he told me how shitty all of you bitches treated him when he went to high school here; and like I've already said, we're together now so; no, it's not alright with me for you to talk to him alone...right now, or ever, for that matter."

Renee began to say something, but Amy stood on her toes planting a very hot kiss on my lips, and then cutting her off in mid sentence, looked back at Renee and said, "If you'll excuse us, we're going back home to make love," and then took my hand and led us away, but not before looking back at Renee, quietly telling her, "Oh, and by the way, Michael has ten inches of the fattest, most beautiful cock that you'll never see," laughing as she turned back around as we quickly made our way to my truck; and Renee turned around to go back inside.


"Damn, Amy," I chuckled, driving back to Mom and Dad's house, "That was kind of mean, don't you think?"

"Not at all," she bluntly replied, and then began to quietly sniffle, "I almost lost you once, Michael; and I will not allow it to happen again...okay, baby."

"I love you," I softly told her, "I love you with all my heart, baby."

"You better," she began to giggle, "Or I'll kick your ass."

"Oh, and one more thing," I teased, "I hope you're not too disappointed, but I don't have a ten inch cock."

"Good Lord, I hope not," she groaned, "You'd kill me if you did," making me laugh.

We rode in silence for a few minutes longer, until she began to squirm in her seat, letting me know that something was on her mind. I knew what it was, but I wanted her to think that she was not that easy to be able to read so; I simply asked her, "I can tell something's bothering you, Amy, so; tell me, what it is, baby?"

"Well, um, I uh, I was... I was wondering about something now that it's been mentioned;" she uneasily replied, but then just blurted it out and asked, "How big is your cock when it's hard?"

"It's just a little over eight inches long," I quietly replied, "And almost three and a half inches around."

"HOLY SHIT," she said, then suddenly catching herself, "I mean, um, well, that's nice baby," and then scooted up next to me, closely riding beside me in silence as she turned the radio on to cover the nervous discomfort I knew that she was feeling. I said nothing and simply placed my arm around her to reassure her that everything was alright as we drove the rest of the way home in companionable silence.

Still though, I could tell that she was thinking about it the whole way home, and I knew that she was worried, but then again, I also knew that everything would be just fine, and that God would find a way for us to be able to make love with no fear, and very little, if any, pain, or discomfort for Amy when the time came.


My parents were asleep when we got back to the house, but Mom, God love her, had left a note on the kitchen counter indicating that there were two covered plates in the refrigerator which only required reheating in the microwave in the event that we might be hungry.
