A Drone Remade Pt. 01

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A drone's life changes. A Change of Ownership.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 04/05/2024
Created 03/07/2024
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Acknowledgements to Ezracarmichael, on this site, who wrote Compliance. This story is based in his world with his permission.

Thanks to my editor thegoofyproofyreader who made many improvements; any remaining mistakes, of course, are mine.

Tags: science fiction, mind control, lesbian

This is a multi-part story, about 22000 words long. All parts are written and are ready to submit. The story contains little sex.

This is my first story so feedback is welcome.

+++ Part 1. A Change of Ownership

This drone was cooking a beef stew when it heard a call from upstairs.

"Sherry, can you come up here when it's convenient?"

The call did not sound urgent, so it checked protocols. It continued chopping vegetables because that was a routine task. Judgement protocols were engaged, emergency protocol was not applicable.

Its current task was to make dinner, and once vegetables were prepared and in the cooker, the next stage of this task was to recheck the recipe and then wait. It was confident that a recheck of the recipe wouldn't find an error. It knew how to make a beef stew and had made one many times before. Even if the stew was slightly wrong it could correct the contents with no effect on task compliance if it checked in the next three hours. Its next task was to set up the kitchen to serve dinner, and that task would take 10 minutes and was due in 6 hours. Kitchen cleaning was a task but could be left for a short while. It had a maintenance task for later today: cleaning itself, eating and drinking, revision of protocols and then sleep.

It finished preparing the vegetables, which took 30 seconds, and put them in the cooker pan; and checked its appearance which was compliant given the current task. The drone was not in compliance because kitchen cleaning was not done, but the new order required it to delay cleaning. It started to move to the stairs leading up to the house front. It had already decided not to acknowledge the order.

As it walked, its usual background thoughts went through its head. This was normal and was neither compliant, nor non-compliant. It thought that it walked like a human would, but it was a drone. This was a normal thought and very familiar. It thought of the non-compliance in the kitchen, and this made it unhappy. It thought that drones were not supposed to be happy or unhappy, but as a shortcut, it made sense to use happy or unhappy when no other orders existed. Doing orders made it happy. It was a drone; that was a truth. Many truths existed and it could never really forget them, but it did not need to check and revise them now. This made it happy because to revise truths sometimes caused pain. The drone was supposed to have some pain when it revised truths. It was also compliant not to have pain now. This made it happy.

It was called 'Sherry' which was a name given by its Owner, but its designation was drone BG6145. It was not supposed to remember any other names. 'Sherry' was close to a forbidden name, which it always thought with a shudder and remembered pain. It was in full health, fed and hydrated. It had had adequate sleep last night. This was getting near checking status and protocols formally, but that was a familiar thought. It remembered pain and pleasure. It was arriving.

The drone saw three people in the lounge, who were Owner Tom and two others: a woman and a man. Since guests were in the house, it adopted the 'present' position and waited. It quickly double checked for the correct position. It remembered pain. Associations with Tom – forget that thought. Both others were people. The woman was wearing office clothes. Guests were unusual. It was not happy or sad that things were unusual. It felt glad now because it was compliant. It checked its tasks and felt slightly unhappy. A task was not complete.

The man was wearing a sweatshirt saying 'Nokamura Industries' with a NI logo. He carried a tablet. It knew the logo. It felt unhappy and it remembered pain; and it remembered pleasure. It was not currently owned by Nokamura Industries. It was compliant.

It continued to think while waiting. Judgement protocols were on, but this situation did not seem one where any action was needed. Its stomach felt tight and tense. This feeling was neither compliant, nor non-compliant. It wanted to urinate.

Tom said, "Cheryl, a great day for you, you are leaving us today. These people are Jim Hedges and your lawyer, Wendy Sayer. Jim and Wendy, this is what our daughter is now."

The drone felt pain because it was not supposed to remember that name, 'Cheryl.' It was non-compliant to respond to or remember that name. It would have to punish itself and remember its designation and its truths whilst punishing itself.

The man looked at his tablet and spoke, "Attention Drone. Change of ownership protocol," then started the protocol.

Tom spoke, "I agree to the transfer, Sherry. We have been told why it is needed now."

It felt sick. It was a drone and it started following the protocol. The change of ownership protocol was a number of complicated calculations, and... It made a mistake and had to backtrack. It tried to feel neither happy, nor unhappy.

It said the response and waited for completion. It did not have to think now. The woman had said something but the drone had been calculating. Compliant drones had pain, but were not severely punished. It remembered pain. It felt sick. It should not vomit. Drones are impassive. Fear is a reaction.

"I apologise, person, please repeat your words."

The woman repeated "Cheryl or BG6145, you are to report to court tomorrow at eleven o'clock. We will take you tomorrow, and you will spend tonight at the Nokamura building in Basildon. We're leaving straight away. Don't bring any of your belongings with you."

It replied, "I apologise again, person, but you are not my Owner." The ownership protocol had not completed so it was still owned by Tom. It did not have to do anything else; an Owner was present. Owner would clarify or not. It was scared. Drones should not be scared. Drones could be unhappy. It was unhappy. Tom was its current Owner, and it also took orders from Tom's wife Anne. They called it Sherry and had known it before it was a drone. They often smiled at it and talked to it, and always pretended it was not a drone.

The man spoke the correct phrase, then, "I am Jim Hedges. I am your new Owner and will appoint others as I wish. Acknowledge."

It was unhappy as it spoke: "Drone BG6145 is now owned by Jim Hedges, and any appointed person. This drone accepts you as Owner. This drone is healthy and compliant. It awaits your tasks. It has been fed and watered and has had adequate sleep. Judgement protocols are off. Impassivity protocols are engaged. If you do not have a drone manual, one can be obtained from Nokamura Corporation. If you wish this drone to be reprogrammed please contact Nokamura Corporation. Attention, new Owner. This drone is required to warn you of the legal conditions and responsibilities of using a drone. If you do not wish this drone to state these, please say Override."

The Owner ordered, "Override. Judgement protocols on – seek your Owner's goals. Impassivity Protocols off – you can show reactions to emotions."

"Override accepted. This drone assumes the person's instructions about court and accommodation tonight are applicable. A drone doesn't have belongings."

"Yes, the orders are correct. We're leaving now, so come with us to the car." New Owner instructed.

"This drone complies, Owner."

Tom moved forward, held it and kissed its cheek. "Goodbye Cheryl, remember we love you and hope to see you soon. We would like to be in court too, but lawyer Wendy has advised us not to as it will be a circus. Anne would say goodbye too if she were here today."

Tom and Anne were not its Owners. It did not respond.

+++ Overnight Storage

Owner had told it to get in a car seat rather than a van. The woman, who was named Wendy, sat in the front seat and it sat in the back with Owner. During the journey no one talked, and the radio played pop tunes from the twenties. The drone had no tasks, so it listened to the radio after spending ten minutes repeating its truths and mantras. It recalled pain to help it revise. It recognised some tunes although they were not relevant to any task. The drone driver said nothing. The driving was competent although this drone would have left bigger gaps between other vehicles.

After 30 minutes the drone repeated its truths again:

"These truths cannot be changed and are applied in order.

This one is a drone.

A drone does not harm a person.

A drone obeys owner's commands.

A drone finds and seeks to fulfil owner's goals.

A drone obeys orders from Nokamura Corporation and lawful orders from law officers.

A drone seeks to minimise harm to owner's property, including itself.

A drone seeks to keep itself in good condition."

It thought about putting itself under hypnosis and doing a full protocol revision, but it was waiting for Owner's orders. After about 42 minutes the car arrived at the Nokamura Industries building.

Owner turned to it, but Wendy turned round to speak first. "We are going to call you Jane Doe, just for now. Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen. Can I call you Jane?"

Owner said, "Wendy, it's pointless speaking to it like that, it's a drone. Let me use the script."

It did not reply, no command, no need to respond.

Wendy frowned, "Things are going to change, and I don't think being friendly is bad."

"We have a plan. You hired me to do this, let me do it, and I want to do it so it's repeatable, if it works, we want to be able to do it again. And you are the lawyer and said that we had to have a plan for court, so stick to it."

Wendy was a woman and a lawyer. It was unlikely she would be involved with this drone. It was likely or probable that she was important to Owner's goals, so it was worth paying attention to her. It quickly reviewed the Bayesian probabilities that are to be assessed then used when seeking goals. It was to assess the probabilities as: Remote Chance, Highly Unlikely, Unlikely, Likely or Probable, Highly Likely, and Almost Certain. It was to use more precision when so ordered. It was to adjust the probabilities according to antecedents. This thought was routine and it didn't need to do further assessment now. It was compliant.

Owner pulled out some sheets of paper, unfolded and read from one. "Attention drone. These are standing orders, duration indefinite. You will respond to 'Jane Doe' or 'Jane.' I prefer that drones use 'I' when responding to me or to others, so start using I when thinking and responding. You will not be punished with extreme pain for not obeying orders from now on. If you are punished, by any person, with extreme pain you are to say the exact phrase, 'Legal hold, stop and talk to my owner now.' Then repeat this at intervals until I personally respond. I may also respond by phone. Under those specific circumstances, consider Wendy Sayer here your owner too.

These orders are for tonight and the next day. You are to report to reception inside, give them your name and designation. Use drone quarters for food and rest tonight, be ready to be picked up in a car, at reception at 09.00. You are to obey administrative orders tonight as if they were mine. Tonight spend time calibrating a conditioning and punishment headset, then use the headset until sleep time. Request special program Jim one for the headset. Bring the headset and the charger with you tomorrow. Draw clean smart clothing from the store tomorrow, not a drone uniform. Acknowledge."

I spoke, "Acknowledged, phrase is 'Legal hold, stop and talk to my owner now.'" I created and held an image of a drone, black clad as usual, held by a neck brace by Wendy, with a sign saying NOW. Making memory images was a part of memory protocols. I recalled another image, of a girl in blue (no name), holding a sign saying kiss me now, in a debutante's dress. I could not recall what I felt now about the image. I linked the two images; I would remember them from now on.

Owner nodded and handed me a card, printed with Owner's contact details and the legal phrase.

Owner continued, "More standing orders. The card is for use if you have to use the phrase; you can show it for contact details. From now on you are not to punish yourself if you recall any details of earlier times. Impassivity protocols off, duration indefinite. Judgment protocols on, duration indefinite. If you are called Cheryl Lakes you are not to punish yourself and you are to consider that as compliant. I repeat, if you are called Cheryl Lakes you are not to punish yourself and you are to consider that as compliant. If you are called Cheryl Lakes you are to think about peace and a peaceful scene. These are all standing orders from your Owner."

I tried to repeat the acknowledgement, after gasping at the pain, do not think of that name. I tried to compose myself. I would have to punish myself later, but then realised the new orders would prevent that. "Acknowledged."

Owner nodded at me. "OK, off you go. You should not be given other tasks, but if you are, tell them to call Jim Hedges. Goodbye Jane Doe."

Wendy said, "Goodbye Jane, I'll see you tomorrow. We are staying in the Holiday Inn locally."

I paused because this was confusing, then decided it was compliant to answer to Wendy too. "Acknowledged." I updated my assessment of Wendy Sayer, who was probably going to be involved with me.

Reporting to reception was time consuming. I waited for 53 minutes while people were using the receptionist. I repeated my truths whilst waiting and thought of a peaceful place for 10 minutes. Ten minutes was an arbitrary time, but judgment protocols allowed this as a choice. I imagined sitting with someone on a blanket looking out at the sea, on a sandy beach with medium waves rolling in. The other person was (confusion and remembered pleasure). I repeated Owner's standing orders several times.

When the receptionist became free I walked to their desk then stood in the 'present' position.

"Person, I am Jane Doe, designation BG6145. I have been ordered to request accommodation and access to a conditioning and punishment headset. The expected accommodation duration is one night."

The person looked at the computer screen, typed, probably my designation, then appeared surprised.

"Drone, er... Jane, just wait here and I'll get a trainer. Do you want a coffee?"

This was very surprising. Drones did not want things. Drones did not drink coffee, I knew how to make coffee. 'Wait here' was an administrative order, implicit meaning meant I could wait out of the way. People often gave orders that could not be literally obeyed. Here was in front of the reception desk, an unlikely place to wait. "No, Person."

I moved and stood where I had been before, on the painted footsteps, in two rows of five, at one side of the reception area.

The receptionist looked flustered, "You can sit down if you want," waving at chairs and tables near a coffee machine on the other side of the reception area. I did not respond.

Shortly a trainer, whom I had never seen before, arrived and from behind the reception desk looked at the computer too, raised his eyebrows, then ordered me to follow. The accommodation was standard drone rooms, with access to a shared food preparation area and a shower block. I followed the trainer to a training room. A conditioning and punishment headset was handed to me. The headset was black, with sensors for the head and an extension to the shock collar. I had used headsets like this before. The unit had a wireless link to an Artificial Intelligence chatbot that ran the program I would hear; the AI could monitor my brain activity and give me pain or pleasure during the training. A new unit needed about thirty minutes to calibrate to my brain waves the first time; the unit would tell me how to do the calibration. I put it on, locking the collar to my neck. The trainer asked for the program name and set the headset up.

The first minutes of calibration were like any other, obeying commands, when prompted by the earpiece, thinking about disobeying commands and receiving mild shocks. The AI explained that these were training shocks and it was still a compliant drone. The AI requested pleasure calibration, so I masturbated until wet and enjoyed the pleasure, then was given simple commands and masturbated each time I complied. The AI explained this was pleasure and a reward for being a good drone. I was compliant. I was not asked to and did not cum. I was compliant and happy and waiting for the start of the real lesson. This was routine.

Several other drones were in the training room, using similar equipment. One was using a yoga mat to adopt various positions in sequence. That one was obviously a new drone or drone candidate because it did not know the correct positions and was receiving some shocks. The training room was quiet except for an occasional cry from the new drone or drone candidate. When prompted I started the usual hypnotic relaxation, repeating my trigger phrase. I had used a similar headset many times before. I was in a quiet room, with red, yellow and green blocks as usual. Physically I was still standing but my own hypnosis room was familiar.

The lesson was not at all usual.

"Jane, this AI is using your Owner's, Jim's, voice. You are to choose and adopt a comfortable yoga position."

What was comfortable? Was it no pain, or relaxation? Drones did not consider pain, and I was a good drone. I must adopt a position. I hesitated; I was not compliant.

The AI said. "Do not worry, you have no penalty. You are to choose and adopt a comfortable yoga position. You are compliant."

I chose a position I could hold for about 5 minutes and waited.

"Well done. Think happy thoughts."

What? I hesitated. What was compliant? I was scared (remembered pain) and unhappy. The AI would pick up my intentions from active brain-waves. Would I be punished for thinking wrong thoughts now? I tried to not-think.

"Well done. Think happy thoughts."

I was not punished. I was not thinking happy thoughts. What was going on?

Nothing happened. After a while I tried to think a happy thought.

"Still well done, that's a good thought. Don't worry, you are compliant."

After a while the AI started calling me Cheryl too. I was waiting for pain, feeling confusion each time I heard that forbidden name and remembering pain. Nothing happened. This was repeated many times. After a while the AI continued, asking me to respond randomly: 'Yes,' 'I am here,' or 'Cheryl here' each time I was told that name. I hesitated each time I answered, remembering pain; I still received no punishment. After a while I thought Cheryl with an association – school – just for a split second.

"Still well done, touch yourself for a minute. You have done well."

This was confusing. The lesson was backwards to normal lessons, asking for choices and recalling forbidden names.

After the training, I went to bed and waited for sleep. I was very tired by the new training but revised the usual truths and mantras, with the associated pain and remembered pleasure.

Tomorrow I would be ready with new clothing, the training headset and the card.

I did not sleep well, puzzled by the training and not sure if I were compliant. Every time I fell asleep I woke again, listening and imagining the AI or Owner's voice asking me to make a choice or speak the name. The night seemed long.

Five minutes early I ready in reception, standing in the 'present' position. I felt compliant, though I was fatigued, hungry, and thirsty. I had done the usual stretching and balance exercises, since I had time, and of course had repeated my truths and mantras. However, my instructions had included evening meals but not included any breakfast. I would perform better when fed and well hydrated.