A Drow's Dilemma Ep. 50: Rest


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"Probably..." Then she seemed to pause. "I'm not sick." She observed with a vaguely pleased expression. The pregnant drow rubbed her stomach. "Hungry though..."

"I would certainly hope that you do not feel sick. We went to a lot of trouble to insure that you would not. Hungry, however, is beyond my power to permanently fix. Well, not without doing something that I am afraid neither of us would like."

Selene scoffed. It might have been an amused noise. It could have just as easily been annoyed. It was too early in the morning for even Selene to tell. "I think I have some rations in my bag." She said as she reached over the edge of the bed where her magical components pouches lie. The drow produced a wrapped package of drow rations - mostly meat, fat, and mushroom all dried and packed into a vague bar shape. Not the best tasting, but it was something.

"I hope she brings better food when she gets back." Selene wished aloud before she took a couple bites of her rations. Her cousin usually came back with food after she was done doing whatever the hell she did out in the wilderness. The food seemed to work well to wake up the sleepy dark elf. She took a quick swig of water, then set everything back where it had been before. None of it was offered to the male; he could get his own damned food.

"I am assuming that she will." Caleldir agreed with Selene. He gave her rations a sidelong look, decided that they did not seem all that appealing, and looked away. Selene was not the sharing type, he had noticed. Besides, he had his own food in the form of unlimited supplies of thick, hearty bread, preserved cheeses, various types of jerkies, and a whole lot of wine, beer, and cordials. He could eat quite well, if he had the mind. Certainly better than Selene was now. If Ashyr did not bring fresher, less preservable breakfast with her, he would eat some and offer Selene some as well. He was not a vindictive elf, after all. Unlike the mother of his unborn child, apparently.

The two in the bedroom had to sit in silence for only a little while. Selene didn't mind the quiet; she wasn't fully awake enough for intelligent conversation anyway. The pregnant drow sat very near the sire of her unborn with an almost studied casual indifference - as if the fact that she sat next to him was mere coincidence and had nothing to do with her enjoying his unique warmth and presence. The truth of the matter was up for debate.

The ranger poked her head into the room. "Oh good, you're both awake." Ashyr observed with a happy grin that was only slightly mischievous.

Caleldir lit up with happiness. He had been quietly happy just sitting near Selene, but the grouchily taciturn and stand-offness of the younger drow prevented him from more overt displays of joy. "Good morning, Ashyr." He said in a pleased tone. "I see you have brought some food!" He eyed it for a moment. "That looks like what Cieraela would make." He observed. "Where did you get it?" Caleldir had not been there for the reveal that R.I.S.A. could cook, come to think of it.

She placed the food she had brought on the table and promptly sat down in front of it to start eating. Ashyr had more than enough time to work up an appetite after running around with her animal companion. "Come and eat."

She didn't have to tell Selene twice.

"There's something I wanted to talk to you about once we stopped being so busy trying not to die." Ashyr said casually between bites. "It's about R.I.S.A. and how she works; it's different from how you first made her. It's nothing bad, just something you need to understand before it catches you off guard." She signed something to Selene: an order for her to not just blurt it out. While out on her run, Ashyr had the chance to think about how she was going to break it to Caleldir so that he didn't get mad at or disappointed with the hyper-dependent A.I. She didn't need her cousin to ruin the process.

"What about R.I.S.A.?" Caleldir asked half-interested as he tucked into the small but hearty spread with a will. "And I did not make her. Not exclusively. I contributed maybe 5%"

"Fine, she's not the same as she was when you had a hand in making her." Ashyr corrected herself with obvious amusement. She knew what she meant, but it seemed that Caleldir wanted to make it absolutely clear that he only had a small part in making her. "Anyway, what I'm going to tell you may be somewhat shocking, but it's important that you do not treat R.I.S.A. poorly for what she had to do to survive without, you know, going all 'Incomplete.' So she made herself almost absurdly loyal to anyone who had helped make her to the point where she'd be devastated if she thought you were disappointed or disgusted. I guess it gave her something to fight for."

"Absurdly loyal..." Caleldir frowned a bit. Loyal, she had of course been made. Because at least a little loyalty was essential so that the A.I. did not immediately try to kill them. So, she had maintained that loyalty over twelve centuries. What did Ashyr mean when she added the word 'absurdly'? The A.I. had been given a soul, and with that soul, free will. Ultimately, she could choose to follow or deny their instructions, but that was the risk of creating sapient programs. If R.I.S.A.- no, at the time she would have been Storehouse One - had decided to cling to the memories of her creators and focused on her mission rather than abandoning it, well, that just meant that the fact that every single one of her programmers was either Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral had rubbed off on her. Although, the being devastated about his disapproval was new. Fedwyn Birchborn was the chief programmer, followed by Animaneus Clockwork. Surely she should hold the two of them in higher esteem! Then again, she might consider that they were, for all practical purposes, dead now. So, that made sense.

"The second part of her change is the source of all her power. At some point, a couple hundred years ago, she decided she wanted to travel, for which she needed more magic or energy or whatever it is she uses. As she saw it, the best way was summoning a couple succubi. She was probably pretty desperate. When they were too unruly, she had to banish them again and absorb their power... so now she's pretty much a succubus herself - without all the evil demony-ness."

"Evil demony-ness." Selene said in a flat tone, questioning Ashyr's choice of words.

"Yes. So now she uses the power of bringing people pleasure, and she's very polite about it - unlike most of the females we've met recently. She has the most lovely solid form. And the way she can vibrate..." Just thinking about it was getting Ashyr worked up again. That encounter was the last time she'd had sex (she wasn't counting her and her cousin's brief distraction in the bath nor her encounter with Slas that was cut too short.) It had only been a couple days ago, but those days had been action-packed enough for a week's worth of events. "But, as I see it, she was only doing what she had to to survive and stay sane. It isn't like she's hurting anyone. Worst that happens is you get really sleepy but really satisfied until you can rest."

"Wait," he said in confusion. "You had sex with an Animating Intellect? How is that even possible..." The physics of it boggled the mind. They had not given her a sex drive. Certainly, she was created with the ability to fall in love, but that was a purely mental love, not physical lust... oh. Succubi. "Well, Okay then." He shrugged. "I... I do not know what to think, to be honest. Well, I will not judge her anymore than I will you or Althaia. I am not in the place to judge others for such matters. But I will state that Succubi are not all that evil or demony. Just... very perverse and rather alien."

"Yeah, okay, they aren't too bad as a race, really." Ashyr conceded. "The one I knew didn't seem malevolent to me. Anyway, like I said, R.I.S.A. isn't just a voice anymore. She has a humanoid form. That I had sex with. Or, more accurately, she had sex with me. Wasn't much I could do but lie there and be overwhelmed." Ashyr grinned broadly at the memory. "We needed to power her up to make her portable when you and Selene were doing ritual stuff. It was amazing; I strongly recommend it." The last part was directed at both Caleldir and Selene.

"I'll pass." Selene said firmly. Her plate was already clean, and she was pretty satisfied. The pregnant drow was already feeling like she never quite had enough food even this early. "I have more important things to use my energy for." The younger drow explained primly.

While Caleldir was not completely put out, he did seem rather disturbed. So it was likely for the best that R.I.S.A. was not here right now, or the delicate nerve that was her feelings towards her last living programmer would likely be exposed something fierce right now. "I knew that she could manifest a hologram, a lovely, purple figure, as I recall. Artfully sensual. But said hologram was non interactive, at least in a physical sense. And five inches tall." He sighed. "I think I am with Selene on this one, although for different reasons. I could spare the energy, but I really do not want to go around banging every woman I know."

Selene waited in passive contemplation for the other two to finish eating. There was still quite a bit on her mind, judging by the far-away look in her crimson eyes. She had materialized clothing before she came over to eat. It was similar to the outfit she wore while on the Gene Forge table: far more exposed skin than strictly necessary. The mage didn't even realize she'd done it. At least her subconscious knew what her cousin was going to pursue unless something very distracting happened.

It was clear where that subject had put Ashyr's mind. Under the table her foot came up to brush against Caleldir's. It did not remain there, of course. Slowly it began a caressing journey up his leg. The ranger wasn't quite done with her food, however. The explanation forced her to not eat as quickly as she would have liked. So she finished the rest of her plate as if absolutely nothing was happening under the table - though there may have been a mischievous glint in her eyes as she did so.

Caleldir looked over at Ashyr, his expression deadpan. "Why, Ms. Duskhaven, I believe you are trying to seduce me."

Ashyr blinked up at Caleldir, an artfully innocent look on her face. "One of us is trying to seduce you? Strange. I don't see anything." She shifted back in her seat just enough for her foot to move just a couple inches higher on his leg. Aside from that, she still played at eating the crumbs on her plate.

The younger drow did not have to play at confusion - at least not for the brief moment where she took in her surroundings. She hadn't been paying attention enough to notice where her cousin's leg was going. A look of understanding crossed her face when she looked over toward Ashyr to see her leg surreptitiously extended. That look of understanding quickly melted into a slow, expectant grin. Her consciousness quickly caught up to feelings and desires of the rest of the room. She stood, and walked the couple of steps it took to stand behind Caleldir's chair.

If Caleldir had had a slightly more bubbly personality, he would have giggled at the way that Ashyr pretended to be soooo interested in the last remains of food on her plate. As it was, he managed to keep a serious face. Barely managed, but managed. "I do not see anything either." He agreed with her. "Perhaps I was mistaken."

"I don't see either of us trying to seduce him either." Selene lied. She wrapped her arms around the male's shoulder, one hand slipping under his robe to feel the pale skin of his upper chest beneath. "I think it's just wishful thinking, dearest. He's really become quite the sex addict."

Caleldir felt rather on the lazy, relaxed side after all that had happened over the last few days, and so, he closed his eyes and leaned back into her touch, his hand going up to stroke the line of her cheek.

The ranger did look up then. She couldn't resist appreciating the sight of one lover caressing the other. "I think you're right, dearest. Should we encourage that type of behavior?" She asked with a wicked grin.

"If I ever become a sex addict, it would definitely be because you two encouraged that type of behavior." He observed. "So, I am definitely blaming you two for all the weird fetishes I have. If I had any. Which I do not." There was a smile on his face, although he managed to keep his tone gravely serious.

"Nope. No strange fetishes at all." Ashyr agreed. She couldn't quite manage to match the serious tone in Caleldir's voice. There was too much playful mischief in her voice. The older drow at least could appreciate how strange some of their sexual activities seemed to him.

Selene, however, could only scoff at the two of them. "You haven't seen strange fetishes." Selene informed him in a low, purposefully threatening tone. Caleldir could see her face, his hand brushed against her lips to feel the smile spread across her face. Speaking of that hand on the line of her cheek, the mage near imperceptibly pressed her face into that caressing touch. His hand felt nice against her flesh for strangely un-sexual reasons. It was an action she wouldn't admit to any time soon.

The way that Selene darkly hinted at the fact that he could barely even imagine the sort of kinkiness that she was familiar with caused a sort of shiver to writhe through Caleldir's spine. He did feel the way that her cheek wrinkled when she smiled, but somehow the smile did not make him less certain that the drow wanted to be a bit more 'experimental' in the future. Which was fine with him. Probably. Maybe. Hopefully. The way that she leaned into his touch told him that was not likely to be too cruel, at least. "Then I suppose you may have to show me." He said in a low tone.

Ashyr could clearly see her cousin's wicked expression. Goddess, she loved it when her cousin had that look on her face. It made her foot leave Caleldir's leg entirely, and caused her teeth to catch on the lower corner of her lip. That was just about the edge of her tolerance for slow teasing at that moment. She rose to her feet and moved over to Selene's side. The older drow pulled the younger off of Caleldir and into a deep kiss. The moved together over to the bed they'd used the night before and fell upon it. As soon as they hit the soft surface their clothes popped off entirely. Selene quickly took the dominant position on top of the chuckling Ashyr.

"You going to join us, love?" The ranger invited when she managed to dislodge her lips from her cousin.

"I do not know." He said solemnly. "After all, I apparently have this sex addiction I am trying to overcome, so perhaps I should not indulge in threesomes with hot bisexual drow." A smile cracked at the corner of his lips. "Oh, who am I kidding!" His clothing vanished as he just about leaped over to the bed.

Both drow were amused by Caleldir's response. Ashyr's show of amusement was dangerously close to a giggle, while her younger cousin's was a more dignified dark chuckle. How far he had come from the standoffish prude who didn't quite know what to do with himself!

They made enough room for him to land between them without landing on top of them. There was only room between them once he landed from a brief second. The drow quickly closed in, their dark flesh entangling with each other's and Caledir's pale skin. Ashyr immediately captured the male's lips this time in a demanding kiss peppered with soft playful bites to his lower lip. Meanwhile, Selene's lips pressed against his upper body while both their hands roamed quite a bit lower. Even lower were their sexes grinding against him on either side.

Caleldir was definitely getting much more enthusiastic and less guilty about this sort of thing than once he had. Although his hands, flowing across their bodies, were not quite as demanding as the drows', it was a far cry from the hesitancy he used to have. He even got a handful of Ashyr's breast while he returned her kiss with a mouth that vaguely tasted of the mint tea he had been drinking during breakfast. As much of a return as he could manage, at least. While he tried not to be passive, Ashyr had a tendency to overwhelm him.

It was Ashyr who broke their current activities, and it was only after a half-minute of that treatment. The ranger was eager to have him inside her. She pushed her cousin off of Caleldir long enough to grab him and pull him on top of herself. The ranger wrapped her legs around his hips, letting their sexes line up, only needing him to make the final plunge. He let her pull him on top of her, and once they were lined up, he eased into her until just the tip was inside, and then thrust the rest of the way, slamming their hips together. One of his hands went down to her rear, lifting the smaller drow up a little so that he could get a better angle of penetration.

Apparently Ashyr felt that it was her turn to be the bottom of the love triangle.

Selene was not long left out long. Almost as soon as Ashyr's back hit the bed, the mage straddled the other drow's head facing Caleldir. Selene's fingers wove into his hair at the back of his neck and pulled his face into hers. Her kiss was just as dominant as her cousin's. Caleldir's free hand mirrored Selene's inasmuch as he wrapped his fingers lightly through the soft hair at the nape of her neck and held her close. His tongue snaked forward into her mouth, grappling with her own.

"Gods Caleldir..." Ashyr gasped loudly into her cousin's pussy. She was already more than wet enough for him to slide in with no problem. It made her go sort of limp with the pleasure of it, and there was nothing she could do for the swollen lavender pussy hovering above her no matter how inviting Selene was.

Selene's fingers gripped a little harder at the back of Caleldir's neck when she heard Ashyr gasp out with what much have been initial penetration. She didn't know for sure, of course, since her eyes were closed to entirely focus on the sensation of Caleldir's mouth against her, his slightly minty tasting tongue in her mouth. Selene reveled in the feeling of such a beautiful male in her grasp.

While they kissed, he began to pull back out of Ashyr until he was just about outside, then he thrust forward just as hard as the first time.

Ashyr could only groan in appreciation. After that, she gathered her wits enough to prop herself up on one elbow to get herself high enough to press her face into the other woman's waiting cunt.

The kiss Selene and Caleldir shared could only last for so long, unfortunately. The mage needed to breathe, and breathe she did in a tempo already quite labored with arousal. The way Ashyr could work with her tongue - darting and flicking against sensitive flesh - was almost as good as magic.

It never took Selene long to cum, and that moment was no exception. She did so quietly, and leaned forward to prop her head against Caleldir's shoulder for support. Other than that, the only indication of her climax was the slight quiver of her body and very soft gasp. It was the sort of orgasm that only left her wanting more. With these two in her bed, she had every confidence that her wish would be fulfilled. The hand on Selene's neck slipped to between her shoulders, cradling her as she leaned into him in the afterglow of orgasm. All the while, Caleldir continued with his measured, forceful pace, pulling out slowly then slamming back in quickly.

Ashyr found herself glad that Selene finished so quickly. It meant that she could back off for a little while to just enjoy the feel of her mate's manhood delving deep into her sex. Selene took a moment to just kneel there with Caleldir's arm around her, reveling in the feel of recent orgasm and her lovers writing around her and pleasuring each other. After a few seconds she was able to gather her wits enough to drop her hand to her cousin's body and rub soft but quick circles against Ashyr's clit even as Caleldir fucked her. That, combined with Caleldir's somewhat strange but not entirely unpleasant tempo thrusting inside her, rendered Ashyr unable to do much of anything other than let her body be pleasured.