A Fantasy about Love Pt. 05


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"That's life, Mr. Winter. Whining will not help. You wanted the position and now you pay for it. Remember the phrase that one should be careful about what one was wishing for? That one would eventually pay for it? But I tried to help. This is the really important part that you should handle preferably this morning; the last part you can just glance through it to stay informed. Am I not a nice person?"

Seeing that the first part was small, I agreed with her that she was a nice person. Perhaps the next time she could be even nicer and already suggest an answer so that I would only have to sign the document? Or even better get a stamp?

"Mr. Winter, you surprise me. You were such a workaholic in your early days and now you want to delegate? Shame on you!"

We both started to laugh out loud and people looked at us. I pointed to Mary Ann and said that this was an evil lady, and everyone should be very careful around her if they didn't want to be overloaded with work. She handed me the smallest part and told me to go to my office and start working, but she said it with a nice, warm smile.

The day went fast, and Mary Ann had arranged my agenda so that I could leave early, knowing about Maureen's arrival in the afternoon. She had told me that the guy had vanished and that she had found that she had friends she did not know about, and so her life had become much better.

I thanked her when I left. "Everything for my boss. I watch your back! "

I smiled and her answering smile was completely different from Monday's disaster. "Enjoy yourself tonight, James."

When I entered the elevator to my flat, I felt that Maureen was already home. The ability to feel her presence had not vanished; it seemed that it had even increased a bit. When I opened the door, she was standing there already, since to a lesser degree she could feel me, too. She was dressed in a long, slinky red dress, with a very significant décolleté, that showed her body in every detail. Her hair was curling down over her shoulders, my pendant hung between her lovely breasts, and her smile illuminated the room.

"James, my love, I missed you so much!" and she flung herself into my arms, kissing me all over. I embraced her tightly and responded with enthusiasm to her caresses and it took some time to let her go. She looked at me and said that I appeared tired. "I may be tired, but never when you are around. You give me life and energy, and you give me love."

She took my arm and said to have a shower whilst she was finishing dinner. I asked her how she knew I was coming home early, but she told me that Mary Ann had given her my agenda and called her when I left.

"She seems to care about you. I'll find out what her intentions are; I really don't want another woman in our life, but let's talk about us. How was your week?"

She went to the kitchen as I showered and changed, and when I came back, she pointed me to the dining room. The table was set with plates I had not seen before, the cutlery was silver and impressive, and a red wine was waiting for us. She had prepared a light chicory and pear salad to go with a white Sauvignon Blanc, and a thin veal cutlet to go with a Pinot Noir. It was wonderful to sit in front of Maureen and see her finally, and I could not stop smiling. She caught me looking at her décolleté and grinning, pushed the dress down to expose her areolae and already stiff nipples.

"This is what you want to eat, right? But you have to wait."

She had prepared a light dessert and when we finished, I helped her clean up the mess. It was fun to walk past her and touch her ass or cup her breast. Finally, everything was put away and we went to the sitting room. I sat on the couch and she sat on my lap, allowing me to hold her closely and kiss her. She smiled, saying that she knew that I would not be rational before I had my chance to satisfy my first desire and feast on her breasts, and she offered them to my hands and lips. She did not mind my endeavors at all and contributed with her kisses, pushing her breasts forward for better access. Finally, she pulled away and said that she wanted to talk about us: us meaning Mom, her and me.

"James, Mom and I talked for a long time and we've come to an agreement and a proposal to you; if you agree, we would be extremely pleased. Mom accepts that I'm your other half and that will never change. She believes that you've given her a part of yourself and that she is now part of us, and she hopes that this will stay this way forever. You allowed her to call you 'my love' (and without asking for my permission!) and the way you made love on Saturday and especially on Sunday night gives her hope that we'll stay together. ¨

She was very serious.

¨I believe that she is now a part of us; remember that she gave herself to you and you accepted this; this implies that you accepted not only rights, but also obligations. I feel comfortable for her to stay with us, to be in our bed with us and for you to make love to her. I know that she is sexually more active than I'm and that would satisfy some desires you might have. I would learn from her and there might be more excitement in our life than you have imagined: think about two women making love to you at the same time! I've to admit that this makes me curious to experiment, but only as long as your priorities are in the right place -- namely me and that you agree."

She took a deep breath and got hold of my face to give me a loving kiss.

"So this is our proposal: We'll love each other and support each other without any limits; Mom will stay with us whenever she is in our flat or we in her house and we might or might not make love together -- this is not an invitation to a permanent orgy. We'll make love when we feel like it, not when it is expected. We'll support Mom in her professional position, and I'll be her office manager in Sydney until further notice. You'll be available for consultation and suggestions as far as your job allows. We will not hide anything from any of us and when something is wrong, we resolve it by talking it out. We'll be family (an unusual one I admit), but we'll look out for each other, support each other and protect each other."

She took my hands in hers and her eyes were pleading and trusting at the same time.

"We will love each other, and nothing has changed there. We belong to you and will do whatever you want, and we'll expect to be loved in all forms: physically and emotionally, tenderly, and occasionally a bit more aggressive. We'll be available to you whenever and however you like it, and we'll enjoy it tremendously. All we want back is your love, and that you never disappoint us. Is this acceptable to you?"

I could only nod and reminded her that I had already promised that I would never disappoint them, and that I would love them always: her as my better half, my soul mate, and Eileen as Eileen and part of me and us, and both as beautiful women, and I was proud to do this. Maureen kissed me deeply and got up. I wondered why, but she got her cellular and called her mother.

"Mom, James accepted our proposal. We're together now, and never will we part. We love you. "

I took the phone. "Eileen, I'm proud to love you and to care for you. I'm looking forward to saying this to you personally -- and prove it physically!"

Maureen said goodbye and asked me what I would expect now? Any special wishes? Grey Goose perhaps? I shook my head and said that the only thing I wanted was her in my bed and in my arms. She grinned. "And perhaps another part inside me?" I agreed and took her in my arms and carried her to our bedroom.

There she stood in front of me with her arms hanging down. I pushed the strap off her left shoulder, then the other one off the right one and the dress started to move downwards. It was stopped at her breasts with her stiff nipples holding it up. She moved her shoulders and the dress fell to her hips, exposing her firm breasts. This was the sign for me to advance, but she stopped me.

"Take it slowly, James. There is no hurry; you have me all the evening and all night."

I went on my knees and stroked the soft curves of her hips and the dress fell down completely. Her pussy was just in front of my face and it was wet already; the scent of her arousal was strong. She stepped out of her dress and lay on the bed, completely nude and at my disposal.

I rapidly took off my clothes and descended on her. Starting with her wonderful luscious red hair, I kissed my way down to her brilliant green eyes, her smiling lips, her thin neck with the opal pendant, her two impressive hills with the inviting puffy peaks (they invited sucking and gentle chewing and where I stayed for a while), her rigid belly, and her wide open valley with her tasty, dewy little creek that showed already the first signs of flooding. What a wonderful and exciting journey! I drank my fill and climbed up again and this time with no stops and when I arrived at her lips, I adjusted myself and with her help, entered her slowly. We made love; not an earth-shaking explosion, but a tender, soul-bonding act of love and mutual affection. This time I felt a smile surrounding us, as if something was very content with us: the blessing at work? Afterwards we looked at each other, happy and satisfied. She moved away from under me and adjusted herself so that her head was on my chest.

"I hear your heart beating, my love. You know that my heart will adjust its beating to yours? That makes me feel safe and protected, and very, very happy. This night I'll sleep deep and even if I were to wake up, I would feel the heat of your body at my side and your arms around me. What more could I want?"

She moved around like a little dog trying to find the perfect place and when she succeeded, she gave me my three kisses and said good night. Taking my hand, she put it on her face, kissed it and then placed it on her breast. "This is its place, and don't you dare take it away!"

We did sleep well and woke up the next morning happy and smiling, but this stopped when I looked at my watch. It was late and I had to run. We had our kisses and I dressed rapidly, rushing off to the office. This time I was not the first to arrive, and when I entered my office, Mary Ann had a big leer on her face.

"Did you enjoy yourself last night, James? Do you need coffee to wake up? Sir Allan called, but I told him that you had to make some urgent phone calls and you would come to him as soon as possible. You better hurry!"

She placed a cup of coffee in my hand and said that she had heard from his secretary that he wanted to talk about the prospect I had visited. I spent five minutes going through my notes and when I left, I put my hand on Mary Ann's shoulder and thanked her for everything.

"I've realized during the last weeks that you are much more than a secretary -- you've become a friend and I appreciate this very much. If ever you want something from me or if there were anything I could help you with, just tell me. By the way, Maureen will call you this morning to see whether the two of you could meet: she is eager to get to know you because I will spend most of my time between the two of you!"

I realized what I had done and immediately took my hand off her shoulder.

"I also apologize touching you; I know that this could be misinterpreted, and I want to avoid this at all cost."

"James, do you forget that I kissed you already? Well, almost kissed you, but you can touch me anytime as long as we are alone, and I don't mind. Actually, I do mind because I like it."

I did not know how to interpret this, but hurried to see Sir Allan. He had seen some friends at the club who told him about my visit to Perth and commented that our prospect seemed to be very impressed with our offer and our professional approach. He looked at me and said since I had moved to my new job, things had changed in the company, and for the better. When I left, Irene also said: "Well done. Sir Allan is very satisfied."

When I was back at my office, I saw Mary Ann on the phone; she smiled at me and whispered: "Maureen " and then dove into my mail. It was surprising how much time one could spend just reading letters, comments and proposals without doing anything useful. I decided to change this. When Mary Ann had finished her conversation, I called her in.

"Mary Ann, I don't want to spend hours and hours sitting here reading mail that doesn't need my attention. You've been with me now for months, and you know what I want and what I need. You're more intelligent than you admit, and this nonsense has to stop. In the future, you'll read my mail, sort it according to priority and do the following: What you believe is really important, you give it me immediately. What you believe needs my attention, but is not urgent, you'll place in a folder on my desk and watch it and if it gets too thick, you go through it one more and put in front of me whatever has become important. The rest you either delegate with a comment to come back with a solution or delete. I trust your judgment."

She looked at me for a long time and then nodded. She took all the mail to her desk and came back with four letters and three emails "You better look at these; I'll handle the rest. And thank you, James. I will not disappoint you."

I had advised Maureen that we would have a brief lunch and then go to my bank. I had arranged for Maureen to have a local bank account for her and had put US$ 25,000 into it; I also got her a credit card issued with a very high credit limit. After she signed all the papers and received her card, she smiled mischievously and when we left, she gave me a kiss.

"This was not necessary, James. I've my own bank account and will get a salary from NT."

I told her that I wanted her to be independent of me in financial transactions and be able to spend money without having to ask for permission. She gave me another kiss and when we had an ice-cream soda on the way back, she paid with her new card and smiled. "You see, I'm now financially independent!"

The day went fast, and I had the impression that our work was now well ingrained. I had called two of my staff to prepare the visit of the Perth prospect, had prepared an agenda for the next week and was satisfied with the day. When I left at night, Mary Ann was still on her desk; I told her to go home, but she insisted to terminate her work. She smiled, got up and gave me a little hug.

"James, I'd like to thank you once more for the trust you've shown in me. You don't know how much this means to me as nobody has ever done this for me. Now go home and enjoy Maureen -- I will call her and tell her that you are on your way. We agreed to meet tomorrow before lunch, to go out and you better prepare yourself for a lonely lunch and an empty afternoon. I'm certain that Maureen will make it up to you in the evening and perhaps I might have a few ideas for her?"

I laughed and returning her little hug, left for home.

Maureen was waiting for me at the door: she knew exactly when I was in front of it. Dressed again in a slinky dress that showed everything and she had even pushed the top down to expose her puffy nipples, it was also short enough to give me glimpses of her pussy when she came forward and lifted her head for my kiss.

"You know how much I love to see you this way, but what have I done to deserve this?"

"Your secretary called me twice today and we agreed to meet tomorrow to have lunch and if I like her, we might go shopping. She seems to be a nice girl, but you better be careful: I'm your wife and I might accept that other women like you, but there are limits, and I intend to set them tomorrow!"

I was surprised, but took her in my arms. "My love, there is no competition for my love: it is all yours and other women may try, but they'll never be successful. In any case, Mary Ann is a nice person and if produced better might even be pretty, but first of all, she is my secretary and if anything dubious were to happen, I transfer her to another job."

She returned my kiss, but had that look on her face that showed that she was not completely convinced. Then she took a deep breath and seriously started kissing me. Finally, she stopped and leaning back, said: "This was just to show you who do you belong to; now have a shower, change and let's have dinner."

Which I did and coming back, I saw the table set again with candles, a bottle of wine, and the beautiful Maureen waiting for me. Another kiss, and we sat down. I looked at her and suggested that she was too far away, but she did not want to be diverted. She knew what would happen if she sat down on my lap.

"James, you mentioned to Mom that you did not really like the idea of a big wedding? May I ask you to change your mind? We want one and for several reasons you probably will not understand. Let me just say this: Mom wants it for her and for me, and I want it for me and Mom. You are an important part of the ceremony, but what matters more is the time before and after the wedding. Before: we'll be the talk of the town and Mom needs it; afterwards we'll still be the talk of the town and Mom can rub it into all the people who ignored her when she needed help. Mom told you that if you wanted to escape, she would make your life miserable and let me add that I'll hold you down as she hits you -- several times and with the intent to hurt. Is this understood?"

"Ma'am, YES, Ma'am! Understood! No escape, Ma'am!"

"I knew that you would understand us. You will be rewarded prettily, but during that period you will obey. All you have to do is appear sober in a proper suit, say the right words, kiss me and smile all the time. The rest we'll handle. Afterwards we promise that everything will go back to our normal life: we hear and obey, our Lord and Master!"

I wondered about the 'Lord and Master', since how often had I wanted something and they decided differently? And unfortunately, I seemed to like it! Considering, however, the benefits I had already received and would receive for all my life, I accepted it.

The conversation turned back to business: on Monday she would visit the sites Eileen had suggested and talk to two real estate brokers. Then she would put a proposal together and I would help her, and then she'd go back to Eileen with a plan. This meant that she would travel a lot in the next five weeks until our wedding, but this could not be avoided. I should also start to think about our honeymoon trip -- she wanted sun, sea, champagne and lots of love.

I had some news, too. The colleague I had rented the flat from had contacted me and advised that he would stay in the States far longer than planned and wanted to sell the apartment. Would I or better we, be interested in the purchase? The price was fine, actually low, but he wanted the money fast to close a deal in NY. I asked Maureen whether she wanted to stay here after our wedding, or would she prefer to search for another place?

She smiled. "James, here we made love for the first time, and here I want to stay. I had already planned to ask you whether we could buy it. Mom said she would give us the money because she also has good memories here. This way she would have a reason to visit us often!"

I told her that this was not necessary because my assets would easily cover the purchase; I was grateful for the offer, though, and Eileen did not need a reason to come and stay with us. She would be welcome all the time and I would actually be looking forward seeing her in our flat; at least as long as she continued to compete with her daughter who would wear the most revealing and transparent gowns.

"James, all you're interested in is sex and you'll see that you have your hands full with poor little me, since I need a lot of tender loving care, but I admit that having Mom here occasionally would increase the fun a lot!"
