A Favor from a Friend

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I ask my best friend to let me give him a blowjob.
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"Rob, I have a bit of an awkward question to ask you."

Rob looked over at me, surprised and intrigued. We'd been friends since high school, roommates in university, and now we'd moved to a new town together after doing a cross country road trip. It was safe to say we'd talked about most things.

Oh the things we hide.

"Sure dude," he replied, giving me his attention and permission to ask. Awkward or not. Would he regret that? My stomach was in knots. All the internal debate that had led me to actually doing this seemed stupid now. How in the hell did I decide that this was the best thing to do?

"I think I'm gay but I'm not sure!" I blurted out, feeling almost dizzy from the effort. There it was, the awkward truth. But my stomach still twisted because I hadn't asked what I really wanted.

"No worries, dude," Rob replied, seeing my distress and discomfort. "No judgement, bro." He had always been laid back and took news in stride.

"That's not my question," I said, building myself up to it.

He nodded, realizing that I hadn't actually asked a question. His eyes were lucid and blue, curious with a hint of defensive posture. There was nothing left but to ask.

"Can I try," I said, taking a deep breath and feeling like I was drowning. The air was thick. "Can I try giving you a blowjob?" I said the last words breathing deeply. I felt like I needed to sit down or I would pass out. Rob just looked at me, surprise and confusion on his face. "Just to try. You know. So I know if I'm gay." I added lamely.

Suddenly the world was spinning.

"Just relax, breathe." He said, placing me down on the couch. He took the spot next to me.

There was a moment of awkward silence. I looked at the ceiling. At my feet. Anywhere but him.

"So you want to give me a blowjob. To figure out if you're gay?" He asked, breaking the silence. It sounded so stupid now. I felt the tears coming and put my head in my hands.

"I'm so sorry I should never have asked it's something I need to figure out myself I'm sorry I don't want to ruin our friendship." I said it all at breakneck speed, my face in my palms.

"Don't worry, don't worry," Rob said, patting me gingerly on the back. "We're still friends dude, come on. We've known each other forever."

I felt at least one knot in my belly untie itself. At least I didn't ruin the friendship. "For your...request," Rob spoke carefully, "just let me think about it. Okay?"

I nodded. "It was stupid of me to ask. Just forget about it." I said.

"No I get it," he said, comforting. "I'm safe. We both know neither of us is getting laid." He said with a chuckle and I met his eyes with a wry grin.

"Yeah. Okay. Just let me know. Or don't, and I'll forget about it." I said, returning to my room with a face burning red from embarrassment. I'd just asked to suck my best friend's dick, after all. The best I could hope for now was some semblance of an intact friendship.

And the answer had been a definitive...nothing. Wait. He's probably just being nice. Letting me down easy, I told myself. Safely in my room I took off my athletic shorts. Underneath, as there almost always are these days, was a pair of red panties. I took those off too, examining the smooth skin underneath. It had taken a while to get the shaving routine down. I did it every other morning now to keep myself smooth and silky down there. This winter I'd started on my legs too, shaving off every piece of hair to make them nice and smooth. I was careful to always wear long pants around the house to avoid any suspicion. I twirled in front of the mirror. Everything below my eyebrows was smooth and hairless.

My little cock was standing erect. I hadn't even noticed when that happened. The source of so much locker room embarrassment. I'd wished it was bigger back then. Now, I kind of liked it small. It stuck out only a few inches fully erect and was quite thin. I hadn't noticed getting hard, but clearly it had happened at some point during the conversation.

The conversation. My stomach went into knots again. I laid down on the bed. Who was I kidding. How could I ever look my best friend in the eye again after offering, practically begging, to suck his cock. The shame made my erection twitch and, with a sigh, I began rubbing the head.

I needed a temporary distraction.

Suddenly the door opened. Rob, wide-eyed, staring at my hairless crotch. I sat up and his gaze swept to the floor, where my red panties lay near his feet.

"I'll come back another time," he muttered and shut the door.

I groaned, every knot in my belly back and twisting at once. This was bad. I heard the shower turn on outside. He probably wanted to wash off the sight of me.

I collapsed into the bed again, face first, cursing my horniness. What would he think of me? Asking to give him a blowjob and then going into my room to masturbate? I was a pervert and I groaned in despair again. I lay there until I heard the shower go off and, to my shock and horror, my door opened again.

Rob. Wearing just a towel. God, I thought, he was hot. He was bigger than me and he always had been. Where I had a skinny frame, he was solid. Not fat, but solid. His chest had a light fuzz of hair on it that I suddenly wanted to touch.

Instead I gathered a blanket around my naked body and started apologizing.

"I'm so sorry," I said for the umpteenth time that day. "I didn't mean for you to see that."

"Rubbing one out, dude? Not a problem. We all do it. I know we usually knock, but well, after what you asked me that question, I guess I forgot." Rob said. After I asked him to let me lick his cock it didn't seem like knocking was necessary anymore, I translated.

I didn't say anything, and Rob stepped over my red panties to sit down on the bed, still glistening with water drops from the shower.

"Didn't know you were into all of this," he laughed, picking up the panties with his toe and dropping them. I thought I might literally set the bed on fire with how much my face burned red in embarrassment. "I'm just kidding. No judgement, remember?" He continued, seeing my face.

"I thought about what you asked." The knots in my stomach twisted again. Here it was. I'm moving out. Changing my name and disappearing to be a hermit in the woods. I can't deal with this. "Okay."

"Okay?" I whispered.

"Yeah. What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help you out. And I get it. Who wants to get STD's or some shit just from messing around trying something new. And besides, I haven't gotten a proper blowjob since highschool!" He said, adding the last part with a grin.

Now the knots turned into butterflies and all tried to fly away at once. I thought for a second I might be sick but the feeling passed. I looked at the towel covering his crotch. Just one piece of fabric between me and discovering my sexuality. One piece of fabric between me and knowing the truth. One piece of fabric between me and his cock.

I sat up and put my hand on his leg. "Whoa! Right now?" He asked, surprised

"I mean, later is okay too," I mumbled, "later is fine." I pulled my hand back and pulled the blanket higher.

"No no, it's okay, I was just surprised. You really want to do this, huh?"

I nodded, feeling my face flush again.

"Okay, let me just get comfortable." He said, pulling himself up to sit next to me, his towel still on. There I was, crosslegged and naked on my own bed with Rob sitting with his legs out next to me. My knee touched his thigh.

"If you want me to stop, just tell me." I said, and shifted myself down so that I could move my head closer to his crotch. I started by slowly rubbing his calf muscles and letting my hand stray underneath the towel a little bit.

Rob sighed and put both his hands behind his head, letting his eyes close with a satisfied look on his face. Somehow, I felt bolder that he wasn't watching me. I let the blanket fall off me as I shifted to get more comfortable myself and noticed that my own penis was sticking straight towards heaven. I didn't even consider touching myself, though. There was a cock, a real manly one, right in front of me underneath that towel and I wasn't going to let this opportunity slip away.

I continued my massage, letting my hands go further up the towel each time until they were almost at his crotch, but I still hadn't touched it.

"Does this feel good?" I asked.

"Oh yeah," he murmured back at me, nodding his head. I could see the outline of his hard member underneath the towel.

The moment of truth. I let my hands run all the way up his thighs until I felt his balls with the tips of my fingers of both hands. I involuntarily whimpered. I don't think I'd ever been this turned on in my life. Using that as a guidepost, I slowly crept my hands up his balls and onto his shaft. It felt warm and soft, but with an iron hardness underneath. Most of all, it felt so big!

Once I had it in my hands, I clung to his shaft like a drowning man clings to wood, no pun intended. I wanted to see it but I didn't want to let go, so I leaned forward and used my teeth to bite the corner of the towel and swing it to the side.

And there it was. In all its glory. It looked to be at least double the size of mine. Maybe triple. It was like a thick tree branch and grew from a nest of curly black hair. The foreskin still covered the head but I could see the purple tip poking out. I let one hand drift down to his balls while I rubbed up and down his shaft with the other hand.

"It's so big," I murmured, not even realizing I was speaking out loud.

"You've seen it before. In the locker room and stuff."

"Not like this," I replied, looking up at him. His eyes were open now, looking down at me holding his cock like I got an early Christmas present.

"Fair enough." He chuckled. "So, do you still want to do this?"

The moment of truth, but I didn't need to think at all. It would have been hard to stop me. "Yes, but can you close your eyes again?" I asked, letting my hands run up and down his length.

He shrugged and returned to his earlier relaxed position. I waited a moment to make sure his eyes were really closed and then moved my head down. I started with kisses around his belly and thighs while my hands moved rhythmically up and down his hard shaft.

He moaned and I smiled as I kissed. My first time and my man was already moaning.

Then I kissed the side of the shaft near the base with my lips. First one side and then the other. I couldn't believe it. Another man's penis had officially touched my mouth. There was still time to stop before I did the act, but stopping was the last thing I wanted to do. Instead I licked it all the way from the base to the head, and when I got to that glorious head I wrapped my lips around it and gently sucked like it was a lollipop.

"Ohhhh God," Rob groaned, and I reluctantly let the head fall out of my lips.

"Too much?" I asked.

His eyes were open again. "That felt so good. So much better than I remember." I flushed with pride that I could make him feel so good. "Are you sure you want to keep going?"

I paused. His cock was still in one hand and my hand seemed to be moving up and down, gently rubbing his manhood, almost of its own volition. I nodded. "Yeah," I confirmed, "I want to keep going."

"Okay, because, you know if you keep going like that I'm going to, you know..." Rob said, sounding concerned.

"I know what happens at the end," I said with a smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

"Okay, because honestly I'm already close. It felt so good. And, uhh, well can I put my hands on your head?"

I nodded and returned my attention to the cock in front of me and soon felt Rob's hand gently rub the back of my head, stroking through the long hair. He was moaning softly as I licked around the head of his cock. He was already close? I'd barely started touching him. The idea made me happy and nervous at the same time. I did know what happened 'at the end'. And what would I do? Swallow or let him cum on my face? Or point it away from me? I definitely didn't want to do the last one, but I didn't want him to think I was too much of a pervert.

Instead, I focused on the beautiful cock in front of me and the magic of the moment. Rob was uncircumcised, just like me, and my next move was one that I'd read about on some dirty website. I gently worked my tongue under his foreskin and licked in circles around his swollen cock head. As soon as I did, I felt his hand clench a handful of my hair and gently push my head a little bit farther down his cock.

"Oh fuck!" He moaned. "That feels so good."

I felt a flush of pride and embarrassment. Should I let him cum in my mouth? I wanted to, but I didn't want him to think that I was too much of a freak. Luckily his hand solved the dilemma for me. With iron strength, his hand held my head in place and he started slowly thrusting his hips, essentially fucking my mouth.

I felt like I might see stars. His cock in my mouth felt impossibly big and I did my best to lick around the head and make sure it didn't bump into my teeth. I opened my eyes and saw his legs spread out and gently thrusting as they pushed his cock in and out of my mouth. My hands were free at this point, no longer needed so I put one on his thigh where I could play with his balls with my fingertips and the other found my own hard penis, so different from the one in my mouth.

I had hardly touched my own penis when I felt a wave of pleasure rising from my groin. I stopped immediately but it was too late. My orgasm was like a pool of gasoline and all it needed was the tiniest match to be set ablaze. I involuntarily squealed, which came out muffle due to the cock in my mouth, as my little penis shot my cum all over my hand.

"Oh fuck did you just cum?" I heard Rob say. I nodded as best I could around his cock still thrusting in and out of my mouth. "Fuck that's hot. I'm gonna cum too."

The response surprised me. Did he like it, too? I felt fearful and excited for what was about to come. The hand on my head tensed again and I felt his balls begin to tighten. His thrusts started to become erratic. This was it.

"I'm cumming, oh fuck baby I'm cumming!"

The first spurt of cum hit the back of my throat, causing me to choke a little bit. The second sprayed right into my front teeth and splashed over my lips, and then his cock slipped out of my mouth for the third shot to spray my nose and cheek. With a mouth and face full of cum, I used both my hands to stroke him through his orgasm, my own cum mixing with his.

"Oh baby that's it," Rob groaned as his orgasm subsided. I giggled. I was literally covered with cum. In my mouth. My hands. My face. The taste was salty and a bit bitter. It didn't taste good exactly, but it was hot. I swallowed what was in my mouth and licked my lips.

I turned around towards Rob, letting his swollen and wet penis flop onto his belly.

"I guess you liked it?" He said, looking at me with a grin.

"Yeah, I liked it. A lot." I admitted.

"Enough to do it again?" He asked, and I nodded without hesitating.

"Good because that was insane! What you did with your tongue!"

"Anytime." I said, feeling the post-orgasm glow begin to subside. "Do you want me to do it again?"

"Are you kidding? Fuck yeah I want you to do it again." He said enthusiastically, and then glanced down at my own little penis, which was starting to deflate after ejaculating. "And, uh, if you need help with yours, I guess I can, you know."

He was rambling and I stopped him by raising my hand to his lips. I wanted to kiss him, but I lost my nerve. "I liked what we did right now. Just like we did it. I don't need you to, you know, put mine in your mouth."

He looked a bit relieved but also a bit...disappointed?

"You came too, right?"

"Uh yeah," I said, feeling my face burn with embarrassment again. "I mean I didn't mean to, but, it just happened." My face was scarlet now. I literally had his cum on my face and I was embarrassed to say that I came. What is wrong with me, I wondered.

"Yeah you barely even touched yourself. You must have been really horny!" He exclaimed, and I thought I might die from embarrassment.

I meekly nodded.

"Hey, uhh, next time. If you want to, that is, can you wear those panties for me?"

I had just sucked my best friends cock and let him cum on my face and in my mouth. And now he wanted me to wear panties. Would our relationship ever be the same?

Honestly, I hoped not.

-----like and comment if you'd like to read what happens next in their relationship----

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footslave1footslave13 months ago

Great story I like how turned on he was and his little cock spurted it Cummins

ShortyMacShortyMacabout 2 years ago

Oh wow that was so HOT! It got me nice and hard. I really hope that you continue with this awesome storyline please. It has such potential for 4-5 chapters at least. I agree with L O Reins your a romantic.

I have to give this story 10 stars.


L O ReinsL O Reinsover 2 years ago

I like your writing. I think you’re a romantic. Nice.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please write a part 2 that was so hot, I've been with femboys, and sissies/cds, and cis men (not my favorite that's just me I'm not attracted to masculinity at all) before but never gave them their first cock, I get so hard imagining letting some cute guy in panties and a skirt test out his curiosity and or "turn them out" making them my sexy little cock worshipping slut, fuck I need a cute curious roommate, anyone wanna rp? 😜

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I luv wearing crotchless panties when I suck my man, I like for him to pick the color and luv getting a weeks load out of him every Saturday morning !

He is married and I luv to do what ever he wants ! slow suck,face fucked, deep throat, 69 me on bottom, in public,roadhead, ect.

I wish he would bring a friend !


ChloecrossedChloecrossedover 2 years ago

That was one hot start, to what I hope will be an even hotter series!

sissyjolie4usissyjolie4uover 2 years ago

What a nice start, can't wait to read more

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Time to fess up and dress up. Make him your lover.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A good first chapter! Chapter two should bring the girl out of the dude and Rob should encourage him. Each chapter should bring the dude along since you haven’t given him a girls name. Good good story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

liked it, not to long . please write more

Michell408Michell408over 2 years ago

Can’t wait for more ,thank you for a great beginning

Riki1942Riki1942over 2 years ago

Yes, I liked it a lot and would love to hear what they do next! I shave my body, crossdress and I want to hear if they do what my boyfriend and I do after I suck his cock.

shawnaminxxshawnaminxxover 2 years ago

Beautifully written and amazingly hot! I love the tension breaking and leading to some great chemistry. That took a lot of courage and I'm glad that it worked out.

robertw61robertw61over 2 years ago

i like to read what happens next in their relationship

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

So fucking hot. Keep them coming! (Pun intended)

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