A Girl in Need Ch. 06

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Pat says Yes, Bernard sees what he faces.
8.8k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 10/13/2022
Created 01/03/2011
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I include the customary warning that this story won't make much sense unless you start at Part 1 and include the others. All characters are figments of the imagination and do not reflect any person living or dead. Some places are given their real names because it just makes sense. While the story may be based in some part on factual events, they have been changed greatly to ensure they cannot be identified. I must thank Yellow Peril as usual for his efforts in making the story work, a good part of the credit for this story belongs to him.


What was I thinking of, inviting Jake over for supper? Now I was going to have to cook! I opened the fridge to see what we had to work with. Looks like it will be chicken breasts, salad and garlic bread.

"Sean, what kind of chicken do you want?"

"Shake and Bake."

Let's see, do we have any Shake and Bake left? Somehow it all came together, and as Jake pulled in to the driveway, I was finishing setting the table. When he rapped on the door, Sean raced to open it. He let Jake in just as I was getting rid of the apron.

Jake smiled and then laughed. "Aren't you just a picture of domesticity! Whatever happened to the cool, capable social worker I have come to know? Something sure smells good around here."

"She got left behind at the office, and you're getting shake and bake chicken, salad, baked potato and garlic bread." I pointed at Sean, "His idea, not mine, and anyway, I didn't have all afternoon to do chores like somebody I could mention."

Jake laughed again, "Shake and bake, my old staple! The kids love it almost as much as KD. Great when the weather is against a barbecue. Unlike some, I have never developed a tolerance for barbecuing in the snow. Call me a wimp if you want, I do like the warmth."

We sat, and Sean said Grace. It was just like a family dinner, and I could just imagine us sitting at a table for meals. The only ones missing were Tommy and Anne. I thought out loud, "Jake, it would have been so nice if Tommy and Anne could have been with us."

He smiled and said, "It would have been just like one big family, wouldn't it."

My heart just soared to hear that. Then he grinned again.

"Right now the two little terrors will be demolishing Grandma's house. When the two Grans are there, anything can happen and probably will."

We finished supper, comfortably chattering away about this and that like a real couple, and Jake even helped with the dishes.

"Pat, do you have anything planned tonight?"

"No, not particularly - just a bath for my boy and get him to bed, why?"

"I was going to visit Grandma Rogers tonight. She is in a senior care apartment. Would you like to come along? She would love to meet Sean, and I'm sure that she would love to meet you, too." With a little trepidation I answered, "Yes, but just a short visit, please. I'm sure that Sean can be a little wearing."

All Jake said was, "Wait and see. Don't forget, she can put up with Tommy and Anne."

After we finished up in the kitchen, Jake drove us up to his Grandma's apartment building. There was a desk in the entrance hall and a cheery nurse was sitting behind the desk. When Jake asked the nurse if his grandmother were in, the nurse told him that she was and told us we could go on down to her apartment, which was at the end of a short corridor. Jake gently knocked on the door, and a short, slim woman who seemed to be in her late eighties opened it. She just reached forward, hugged Jake and ushered us in.

"Pat, I'd like you to meet my grandmother, Norma Rogers. Gran, this is Pat, and the short guy here is her son, Sean."

Norma smiled at us, and in a quiet voice she said, "Welcome! I've heard lots about you already from Jake's mother."

Her accent seemed to be English. She picked up on my smile and continued, "Yes, you are right, I'm English through and through. My husband Jim and I came to Canada right after World War Two. Jim served in the Army as an engineer, and when he was demobilized after the war, we married and emigrated. We had met during the war. I was in the ambulance service then, and we met in London. Unfortunately, Jim was sent to India right after we met, so I didn't get to see him again until after the war ended. We depended on letters to each other to keep us going. After he came home we started dating again, and when we got some money together we decided it was time to get married and move to Canada. We never regretted waiting for each other, or anything else we did together after that. Now that you know a little about me, won't you please come and sit with me and let's find out more about each other."

Sean must have been enthralled with her accent, he was so quiet. She had led a fascinating life. What we think of as history, she lived. We chatted mainly about ourselves and about Jake when he was young. When Sean finally started yawning, I told Jake that it was time to get him home so he could go to bed. Norma asked Jake to go into the other room with her for a moment. A few minutes later they came out, and we all left so Jake could take us home.

I told Jake that I had to get Sean ready for bed, so he said he would see me at my office next morning to take me to the Crown's office. We were just kissing goodnight when my Aunt drove in. Her only comment was, "Get a room, you two!"

Jake just laughed. "We're planning on it next week. Can you look after Sean for a couple of days?"

"Anytime! But, you had better check with your Mom about your other two in case she has plans."

- - - - - - - - - -


When I got home, I called the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. After I gave them the Rogers Construction Company room number, I booked the suite for the following Monday and Tuesday. Taking a leaf from Aunt Chrissie's book, I called Mom. Her first question was, "Well, have you taken that poor girl to bed yet?"

"No, Mom, not yet. It isn't the right time or place, but I'm working on it. Will you be around next week to look after Tommy and Anne? I have to take some evidence to Toronto, so I am going to take Pat with me if she can get the time off."

"Now that sounds better! I'll be happy to have the kids, and maybe I'll get your Dad to take us all up to the cottage. We haven't been there for a while, and it's about time we made sure everything is ok there."

"That's fine with me, Mom. When will you be going up? Sunday?"

"More than likely we will fly up right after church so we can get some fishing in during the afternoon. Will you be at the Royal York in the Company room, as usual?"

'Yes, I didn't think Dad would have any business there next week."

Then it was off to bed after, if not a cold shower, a rather lukewarm one. If my plans worked out like I hoped, then there wouldn't be too many more sleepless nights in my future.

Next morning I went in to the office early and went over all the paperwork and the interview tapes that I would be taking to the Crown so that the Prosecuting Attorney could go over them. After getting everything in order, I took an unmarked car and headed over to the Children's Services office. My first port of call was Helen, Pat's boss.

"Helen, can I bother you for a minute?"

Helen smiled at me, "Sure, Jake. Do I need to put on my 'Helen's advice to the lovelorn' hat?"

I laughed, "No, all I want to know is, would you be able to spare Pat for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday? I want to take her to Toronto to talk to the Crown Attorney with me. Oh, and also, this afternoon I have something I want to do and need her with me."

She looked at me keenly, "Something is telling me that I better get used to doing without Pat! Anyway, Pat had already told me about the trip to Toronto, and I got a call from your Mom last night asking me to give Pat the time as well. Sounds like your Mom wants another daughter."

I breathed a sigh of relief and headed for Pat's office.

I was grinning like an idiot as I closed her office door behind me and went round behind her desk. She stood up and came into my arms with her lips searching for mine. The warmth of her lips thrilled me so much that I had a hard time thinking of work.

"Are you ready to meet the Crown Attorney, ma'am?"

"Everything I need is here in my briefcase, sir, including a tape deck, so let's go. I'm ready for anything."

I know it sounds like there are an unusually large number of powerful women around here, but Sheila Lawson was the Crown Attorney. She had started out in the area as a new criminal lawyer with a local firm, and soon established a reputation for her knowledge and ability. Somebody up in the judicial world must have been thinking straight for a change, as she was asked to serve as the Crown Attorney for the district. She had to have taken a pay cut, but she obviously wanted the job. She now commanded a lot of respect, not only in the local area, but elsewhere as well.

After the round of introductions, Pat and I went through the brief with Sheila for Jacobs' upcoming Friday Court appearance, and she listened to the interview tapes. She asked me if there were anything she had to beware of, so I told her about our last interview with Laura when we found out about the money that she had put aside to get away from Jacobs. I also told her that I had told Laura to get herself a good lawyer.

At that point, Sheila interjected, "I have already been contacted by David Kelly, who is acting for Jacobs. He is coming over later this afternoon for disclosure, so would you please leave the copies of the photos that were taken of the family, and the photos of Laura that were taken during the investigation? I want him to see those, just to see what he is up against in this case. It may shorten things a lot and make it a whole lot easier on the family." By the time we were finished, it was close to lunch so we headed for Oliver's once again.

Brenda grinned as we walked through the door. "This is getting serious - three times in a week! Pat, you have him on the ropes; I don't believe it!"

I stood a little taller, put on a fake tone of condescension, and said, "We are still working together. That's my excuse, and I'm sticking to it." Of course, my stupid grin didn't help.

When I asked Pat what she would like, her quick answer was, "Oliver's Supreme, what else? I love it." So, pizza it was, plus some Caesar Salad and a few wings.

"Are we celebrating?" Pat asked.

"That depends on later. I want to show you something."

She smiled, "Do I take that as an indecent proposition?"

"That could depend," was my leering answer.

As we were finishing our Oliver's Supreme et al, Pat asked, "What is David Kelly like as a Lawyer? I've never had to deal with him."

"Pretty sharp. That's why he is one of the busiest lawyers around here, and, unlike some, he is also pretty fair. He doesn't believe in stretching things out to make more money. If he sees good evidence against a client, then he will tell the client so. I have seen him ask a judge to be replaced as counsel if his client doesn't accept his advice."

"That sounds really different for a lawyer. I wonder how Mr. Jacobs will fare?"

"We won't find that out until Friday, but it shouldn't take more than half an hour."



After a great lunch and coffee, we left Oliver's and Jake drove us down to the lake. This time, instead of driving to the water, he stopped by the redwood home. I looked at him with a question in my eyes. He got a funny grin and said he just wanted to show me what kind of work the company could do. He took out some keys while we walked up onto the entrance deck where he opened the door and motioned me in. I walked in to find a wide entrance hall with polished maple stairs going down to the basement and up to the second floor. He gave me a guided tour, room by room. The whole house was gorgeous and was almost completely finished. All that was missing were the final fittings, final painting and flooring.

"It's a beautiful house, Jake, but what about the finishing touches?"

"Well, we left them to be chosen by the owners, and they haven't done that yet."

The last rooms we went into were on the second floor where there was a beautiful large master suite with fitted closets and a superb ensuite bathroom with a large shower and a large Jacuzzi tub. Just off the main bedroom was another, smaller room, and that had me curious.

"Jake, this is too big for a dressing room, isn't it?"

He laughed and answered, "It's a great size for a nursery, though."

I know I blushed, and I could feel my face was as hot as could be.

On one wall was a set of sliding glass patio doors. Jake slid them open and we walked out. The view of the lake was fantastic, and straight across the lake was Jake's parent's home. Jake went back into the master bedroom and brought out a set of binoculars. I looked through them and across the lake I could see May, Ella and Chris. Tommy, Anne, Sean and Tammy were all happily playing on the beach.

I couldn't speak in much more than a whisper. "Jake, can you tell me, please, just who is going to live in this beautiful home?"

Jake put his hand in his pocket and took out a key ring with a large tag attached. "Well, if you want it, it's yours! The only catch is that the people on the picture come with it."

He handed the key ring to me, and in the key tag I found a picture of Jake with Tommy and Anne. I couldn't believe what Jake was saying. I felt I should pinch myself to wake myself up. This was just like a dream come true. I could barely speak.

"Jake, if this is your idea of a proposal, it is the strangest I have ever heard of! What does it take for a girl to get a nice romantic proposal around here?"

He grinned at me, went down on one knee, took hold of my hand and said, "Pat, just over a week ago, I would never have dreamt that I would be doing this, but when you came into my life you turned it upside down and opened doors in me that I didn't dream existed. I love you more than words can say! Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

I started to cry, I was so happy.

"Oh, Jake! Like you, two weeks ago I would not have believed this could happen, but having met you, worked with you, kissed you and loved you, I just can't imagine being with anyone else. Yes! I will gladly marry you!"

Just then an impish thought crossed my mind. I laughed and said, "Does a ring come along with this offer?"

Jake gave me that grin of his that makes me go weak at the knees. (If he could patent it, he would be rich!)

"Well, you have two choices: we can head downtown to the jeweler's right now to pick out something that you like, or ..... " His hand came up from his pocket with a ring box that looked quite old, "You can make an old lady happy by wearing this. It is Grandma Rogers' engagement ring that my grandfather brought back from India for the girl he loved. She passed it on to me when we went to see her, and she wants you to have it."

I opened the box and inside I found a gold ring with a beautiful square cut ruby between two diamonds. "Jake, this ring has to be worth a fortune! It's absolutely beautiful! I would be honoured but scared to wear it." I held out my hand for Jake to slip it on my finger, and, to my surprise, it fitted perfectly.

"See, it fits just fine! You won't lose it, but if you want we can get another one for everyday wear and just use this one for special occasions. Whichever way you decide to go, Grandma wants you to have it"

Then he picked up a box from the deck. He took out a funny looking gun and pointed it out toward the lake. He pulled the trigger and a green flare arced out over the water. Then he took out the glasses and looked at his Mom's house.

"Here, take a look"

I looked and saw May, Ella and Aunt Chris waving like crazy to us. Obviously they knew something had been in the wind. Jake turned me around, pulled me in close to him with his hands on my butt so that I could feel him against me, and then he kissed me with a kiss that almost turned my knees into jelly.

He raised his head, "Well, Pat Williams, soon to be Mrs. Pat Rogers, what do you think of today so far?"

"What do I think! If that bedroom had a bed or a rug or even a pile of sacking, I'd have you naked on top of me right now. I don't have any more worries about Geoff or Jenny getting in the way. It feels to me like they wish us well in our lives, as if they know that their children will be a part of a happy family."

"Well, since we don't have a bed or suitable substitute, why don't we head over to see our folks? They are going to want to celebrate as much as we do. They are also going to want to help you finish off and furnish this place. You all will have much better ideas than I do. The finish work will be done by our Company workers, so we will have to fix up the final details. Why don't we stop for a cup of coffee with Brenda on the way over?"

With that decided, we left and drove to Oliver's restaurant. We sat down at one of the tables and Jake asked for coffee. When Brenda brought our coffee, Jake lifted my left hand and put it on the table, grinning at Brenda.

She looked at me in shock, and shrieked, "Oh my god! You two have done it! Congratulations to both of you!"

She dashed back into the kitchen, "Oliver! Jake has proposed to Pat! They are engaged! And she has the Rogers ruby ring! Norma must really love her!"

Oliver just stuck his head round the door frame, grinned and gave us the thumbs up.

When we finally managed to drag ourselves away, we went straight on to May's, where four women came dashing out and surrounded us.

Chris hugged me first, "Congratulations, you've found a great guy!"

Ella gave me a hug and just smiled at me through a few tears. Then she murmured, "Jenny can rest now. Welcome."

Joan grabbed me and exclaimed, "Thank heavens! Now there will finally be someone newer than me in the family!

May took me in her arms, kissed my cheek and said, "Welcome to the family Pat. Now we have a bunch of planning to do. But first, tell me, did you take my advice?"

I laughed, "No, but I plan to when we are away next week."

She laughed as well, "Did Jake tell you that we are taking Tommy and Anne up to our cottage on Sunday? Can we take Sean as well? Chris will come, I'm sure. We fly in - both John and I are pilots - and we will fish, swim and generally lounge around. There is lots of room for everyone. Wayne and Joan will be heading home on Saturday. I'm sure Sean will enjoy it; I know Chris does."

I wondered about it, and then I realized, If all your plans become real, this woman will become Sean's grandmother as well. Let them get to know each other. Chris will be there, anyway.

"That sound like a great idea to me. What do I need to pack for him?"

"Oh, just some tees, shorts, a swimsuit, a pair of jeans and a jacket. The weather should be good, but it can get a little nippy at night. We have lots of mosquito dope and a good first aid kit, and there is lots of food up there. Tommy has lots of clothes up there, anyway, so we can always make do. We could drive up, and there is a small store nearby, but we usually find it quicker and more convenient to fly in."

I thought to myself, I could really get used to this life in a hurry! But then I reminded myself of what May regarded as her responsibilities as a member of the community. Marrying Jake would mean that eventually some of that mantle would fall on my shoulders. I just hoped that by the time it did, I would be ready. At least I had somebody to learn from, things that I would have learnt from my mom if she hadn't been taken from me so early. At least I had a flying start with what I had learnt at work and at University, and I felt that I would always be able to rely on Jake to be by my side as we went through life.