A Good Wife: Kinky Christmas


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I gave him a big kiss and said "Good, I don't want to stop."


It was later in the evening before we decided to open the final presents. With the fireplace on and tree lit up, with decorations twinkling gently away and our nicely polished latex outfits glinting away from all the various little light sources, we sat down with warm drinks to open the last of our gifts.

There were only a few presents remaining under the tree but it seemed that we both anticipated a good or fun reaction for those that remained. The two presents I had reserved for his last were admittedly both a little selfish in that I would easily enjoy them as much as him. As Hubby had been learning though, my enjoyment of a thing could likely lead to my mouth on his dick, so he tended to be pretty happy about it.

Opening the first box and parting the tissue paper revealed five new pairs of latex undergarments. I had actually purchased them for him over a several month period when I saw good deals, and thought it would be funny and fun to provide him with a bunch of new options so that he had some choices. I had been exceedingly happy with the frequency of which he wore the latex underwear that we had already gotten him and wanted him to have choices for any mood. Therefore these were a mix from boxers to briefs to thongs, in red, blue, pewter and a couple in black. Hubby laughed as he saw what it was and joked "Looks like someone would prefer all my underwear be latex."

Yea, I would be good with that. Rather than say as much out loud I instead said "I thought you might like some choices."

The next gift would be for me. Both of the packages he had saved as my last were on the bigger side. He purposefully selected one and set it on my lap to open. Torn wrapping paper was soon at my feet as I opened the box to a new pair of tall rain boots in a lovely glossy black. My old boots had seen more than their values worth of wear over the years, Hubby knew that these ones would as well. I hugged the glossy new boots to my chest first, and hugged Hubby right after.

Having said he wanted me to open the last present I got up and handed Hubby his final gift. In short order the box was open and he was unfolding a pair of black latex chaps. They were made of a thicker gauge latex than most of my clothes were and had a wide waistband with multiple pairs of snaps to adjust the fit in front, as well as a tie in back to even more finely adjust the fit of the waist. I was fairly certain they would fit him snugly from the waist down to at least passed the knee, but not be tight around the ankles. A zipper went up the entirety of the inside of each leg from the bottom hem to upper thigh where it would, like proper chaps, provide no coverage to his bum or privates. Yes, I recognize that it was essentially another selfish gift. I also recognized that I would do anything he wanted any time he wore them.

Hubby stood to hold them in front of his legs and model them a bit for me. "I think I'll try them on a bit later."

"I would love that." I replied with a grin.

It was, at last, time for the last gift. As he handed me the gift it's weight caught me by surprise. I gave him a curious look and thoughtful "Hmm..." as I pulled off the bow and started to unwrap it. I pulled off the top of the box and removed some tissue. Inside there were several individually wrapped packaged masses of what appeared to be carefully folded latex. It looked mostly to be black, but the largest of them looked to be both black and red. All were lightly powered to keep them from sticking to packaging.

Hubby was smiling broadly. I was a mixture of very interested and a little confused, not being able to tell what any of them were.

"Here, open one of the smaller ones." He said handing me one of the items.

I did so, removing it from the plastic wrapping and unfolding it to reveal what was basically a rectangle. And then I noticed that it had an opening on one end, and started to realize what it might be.

"Wait, is this a pillow case?" I asked.

"Yep." He replied. The, picking up another of the smaller items he said "So is this one."

"Does that mean..." I trailed off a little as I picked up one of the larger black items.

"Yep, I think that's one of the bed sheets." Hubby reached over and put a hand on the largest item in the box and said, "So I think that one must be the comforter cover."

"Did you really??" I was in some amount of disbelief. "You bought us a full set?"

"Go big or go home!" He said, still grinning. "Do you like it?"

I laughed out loud. "If I wasn't already married to you, this would probably make me say yes."

I started pulling each of the individual pieces out of their bags and checking them all out. As I looked everything over I was sure even just the duvet cover must have cost several hundred dollars on it's own, specially for something that would fit our king size bed. The latex felt like good quality material, and seams were neatly glued. There were three pillow cases, two black and one red, a bottom sheet and a top sheet in black, and the duvet cover which was all black on one side and made up of large squares of red and black on the other. I could hardly wait to see what the bed looked like all decked out and shined up.

"You are too good to me, babe." I told him as I wrapped him in a big hug. "This, on top of everything else? We spent way too much this year!"

"Don't expect this every time!" He hugged me back tight. "Besides, your the one who'll be cleaning those sheets when we use them." He laughed as I slugged him in the shoulder.

"Let's see what it looks like!" I said excitedly. I took up the two large black sheets in my arms and headed for the bedroom.

Clearing off all of the blankets and pillows, everything other than the current bottom sheet, I unfurled one of the sheets across the mattress for the first time. Hubby went to the other side of the bed and we worked together to fit it to the mattress and smooth it out.

"Do we even have enough shiner to make this whole sheet shiny?" I asked. The thought hadn't occurred to me until just then.

Hubby spoke up. "So, I actually may have bought a great big multi-pack thing and hid it in the garage." He was headed out of the bedroom door to retrieve it as he finished the sentence.

Meanwhile, I filled the three latex pillow cases with pillows from the top of the linen closet and placed them on the bed so that they alternated black, red, black, and selected a clean comforter to use.

With a couple of large containers in his hands Hubby came back to the bedroom. noticing that I was just beginning to see how best to go about putting the latex duvet cover over the comforter he put them down and came over to help. This was the single largest piece of latex sheeting I'd ever seen in person! It took some teamwork but we got the comforter properly situated inside of the new latex cover and zipped it closed along the bottom.

It was incredibly hard to resist the urge to give it a great big hug. To that point, I didn't manage to resist, and I gave it said great big hug with hubby chuckling in the background as he went to open one of the large bottles of latex polish.

He was about to pour some of the freshly opened polish onto the latex sheet but paused, and then looked at me.

"I have a better idea for this." He said.

"Like what?"

"Time to get naked, Honey. Trust me, you'll like what I'm thinking." His smile was growing.

I started to form a pretty good guess at what at least part of his idea was, but decided to just follow instructions and let him take the reins. I began taking off the latex outfit all day, since first thing this morning. Piece by piece i removed each thing and laid it out flat, and then last the leather collar from my neck. The air felt cool on the parts of me that had been covered up, it felt refreshing but chilly.

"Alright, now put this on." I turned to face Hubby and he was holding a latex hood extended out to me. I also noticed that he'd made no move to change his outfit.

"Yes Sir." I replied in a joking tone. I smoothed my hair back and started to gathered it into a low pony.

"Can you put it in like a flat bun or something, so that it's all inside the hood?" Hubby asked, seeing what I was doing.

"I can do that." I re-smoothed my hair back into a higher pony than before and twisted it into a bun at the back of my head, and then took the hood that Hubby was again offering up to me. I hooked the hood under my chin and pulled it up and over trying to get my eyes, nose and mouth lined up from the start. With some practice I had gotten pretty good at it but there was always straightening that needed to happen. In short order I was snugly hooded without a wisp of hair showing.

I had barely finished when Hubby had his hands at my neck buckling my leather collar back on. When it was secured he put his hands on both sides of my newly shiny face and pulled me in for a kiss.

"So, what did you have in mind?" I asked him between kisses.

"Something that I'll enjoy watching, I think." And he took my hand and lead me to the bed. "Lay down in the middle."

I did as told and climbed onto the brand new latex sheet for the first time, laying in the very center. Hubby then picked up the bottle of polish he had been holding before and leaned over with outstretched arm to drizzle it in zigzags back and forth across my body and the latex sheet.

"Make sure you get every little spot, Honey." He said as he continued to slowly drizzle the lubricating latex polish over me.

A cooling sensation accompanied the polish wherever it hit my body. I slowly ran my hands up along my naked body spreading out the slick lubricating polish. As I wriggled my body a bit I could feel the polish work it's way little by little between myself and the latex. The slicker sensation drew me to roll over and the sheet immediately became much more slick and slippery in the best way. Contact of my skin with the buttery smooth latex felt soo good and I wanted to just feel all of it. I couldn't tell you if it looked sexy or not but it felt wonderful.

With my concentration focused on just taking in the tactile sensations I barely noticed Hubby reaching over me again as I writhed around to drizzle more of the slippery liquid over me and the sheet from head to toes. My hands roamed everywhere; my body, my latex hooded face, the expanse of glossy black latex beneath me, and the more I moved and squirmed the the shinier everything became. Hubby's comment popped back into my mind 'Make sure you get every little spot, Honey' he'd said, and so I began to turn and roll and sweep my arms and legs out to spread the polish around more broadly. I had become a human polishing rag and loving every moment of it. Every little spot? I can do that.

I slithered my way all over the king sized bed until I could find no tiny spot remaining that hadn't been polished up. Both the latex sheet and my body were nicely and completely covered in lubricating polish.

Hubby acted as though he was inspecting my work before nodding in satisfaction. "I suppose that will do." he said, trying to be a little sly. He then produced my leash and clipped it to my collar after looping it around a couple bars of the bed frame. Enough lead that I could move around but not enough to get off of the bed. Well, I could always unhook the leash, but I would only consider that if there was a dire emergency.

Moments later that option was taken away from me. Hubby knelt up on the bed and taking one wrist at a time he buckled on a leather cuff and then clipped each to the bed frame above my head. He said nothing as he acted, and I lay there silently as he bound me to the bed, naked accept for the hood, collar and bindings.

The next time he approached the bed he was holding one of my vibrators, testing if the batteries were okay. They were, the smooth classic looking silver vibe buzzed when he twisted the bottom to the 'on' position. I was thoroughly turned on from rubbing my body all over the slick latex while polishing the bed and there was no resistance as he slid the toy in and out of me to make sure I was ready to receive it. Still I said nothing, though I did make some soft sounds as he prodded me with the vibrator, and again when he pressed it in deeper and turned it on.

Hubby pressed my legs together before getting up. "Don't let it come out."

I squeezed my thighs together as told, trapping the vibrator inside of me and squirming a little bit as I adjusted to how the buzzing toy felt.

Hubby came back after just a moment with a belt which was promptly wrapped around my legs just above the knee and cinched rather tightly. He then produced a ball-gag and held it in front of my face, "Open up." He said, smiling as big as ever. I did as told, opening my mouth to accept the gag and even lifting my head forward to make it easier for him to buckle it.

"Mmmmm" I mewled into the gag and closed my eyes. I loved it when Hubby took control. My eyes popped back open when I felt the cool sensation of more lubricating latex shiner being poured over my body.

Setting down the bottle he stooped to pick up the other bed sheet and orient it so that he was holding it by one side. He stepped up to the edge of the bed and unfurled the sheet out above me to the far side, pulling then on his end of the sheet to try and get it to settle down over me smoothly. The way the sheet gently clung to me wherever it landed felt amazing and I started to writhe my body around between the two sheets to feel it all over.

After going around to each side and straightening out the sheet a bit more Hubby climbed up onto the bed so that he was straddling my legs. He looked into my eyes while starting to pour yet more of the latex shiner over the sheet above me and started to rub and caress my body through the latex bed sheet. His slick hands moved fluidly all over me as I lay trapped between the two latex sheets, and all the while the vibrator buried in my kitty was unrelentingly driving me towards climax.

I kept my eyes locked on Hubby's, laying gagged and helpless, and embracing every sensation. It felt oddly freeing to be without any control of my situation at all. No choice to but to take what I was receiving, and I was loving every moment.

The vibrator was bringing me closer and closer to climax and my moans betrayed how close I was getting to my Hubby. He began to focus more on stimulating my clitty through the now thoroughly slick latex sheet, speeding me along to the inevitable and making me moan into my gag more and more. The more I moaned the more he worked to make me cum, until it was all too much and my body tensed with the first waves of my orgasm.

I had thought that when I began to cum Hubby would relent and let it take me. That was not to be. Instead he used captivity and the added sensitivity to drive me crazy and send me writhing and squealing for what seemed like an age. Even then the vibrator kept buzzing away inside me and I continued to have trouble catching my breath as little aftershock orgasms made me twitch.

As I was bordering on an exquisitely delirious state of being I gasped (as much as one can while ballgagged) as a rush of cooler air came sweeping over my body. Hubby had lifted the sheet up in a sweeping motion that released the warmth trapped under the latex and gave me goosebumps.

Hubby parted my legs and very slowly slid the still buzzing vibrator out of and away from me. Then, still wearing the entirety of his latex outfit with his erect cock sticking out of the fly of his glossy pants he climbed up over me holding the latex sheet he had swept off of me like a cap behind him so that it draped over the both of us.

His lips touched mine around the edges of the ball gag. His warm latex clad body pressed against my naked skin, I wearing only a hood and he wearing nearly everything except for a hood. My skin was more sensitive from having cum so hard and long before and I almost tingled at the touch of him.

When he entered me I moaned my approval. The amount of lube I'd been slathered with made it so he slid inside of me with ease and could start fucking without any of the normal warmup that might usually occur. The way he began thrusting hard straight away suggested he'd been wanting to for a long time and had been holding off as long as possible while toying with me. Having already cum and cum again my pussy was achingly sensitive and I came again as he fucked me, moaning and squealing from behind my ballgag like a proper bound slut should do.

Hubby worked himself to a right proper sweat before losing himself and shooting his cum deep inside of me. He promptly crumpled to the bed, still mostly on top of me, and tried feebly to catch his breath. We were both out of breath, and both enjoyed just letting the moment of quiet after the storm wash over us.

We layed there together, blissfully sweaty and covered in lubricated latex for several minutes without any other thoughts worming their way in. Finally Hubby reached up and caressed my latex cheek, then worked to undo the ballgag and give my jaw some welcome relief. I stretched my jaw for a few moments when the ball came out, but before I managed my first words Hubby pressed me with a long and tender kiss. Pressing his forehead to mine he looked into my eyes and said "Merry Christmas."

**This was a bit longer than my other stories have been, I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know if you did! I really do love to read your feedback.**

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Talon5KarrdeTalon5Karrde6 months ago

Hi, I really love you stories.

I just hope I am that lucky.

Are you planning more A Good Wife stories?

I know that she is a Rubberist and he is becoming a Rubberist.

Are you planning to host a party for friends or family? Maybe a Family Member needs to move into the guest room? Their Niece for college?

What about A Good Wife as a Rubberist Mom?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I've really enjoyed this series, and am a little sad that it hasn't continued... yet? I like the submissive play best and identify with the lovely good wife. It inspires me to be a good husband!

GentleManJim77GentleManJim77almost 4 years ago

Such a well written kinky story, loved every line!

Tommi19Tommi19about 4 years ago
A Christmas to remember

Well written,would love to be invited for Christmas.

MrHawgMrHawgabout 4 years ago
A Merry Christmas Indeed!

Another great addition to your series. I do hope the double dildo panties get worn in public. And there is a story to match!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Simple but very effective

Probably because I enjoy wearing and seeing my other half in shiny clothing I found this very stimulating.

It was literally a shopping list story but well described.

Thank you!

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