A Job in Lima

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Working on construction gets sexy.
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When you worked out of a Union Hall you had to have a referral to go on a Job. As a Boilermaker I got a referral from the business agent in Toledo, Ohio to go to a repair job at a refinery in Lima, Ohio. The job should last six weeks or less. Repair jobs pay good money and a fellow can get well on a couple of them. I had hit about six in a row.

I drove to Lima that same day and luckily I had found a good room from the want ads in the newspaper. After a brief interview with the owners I rented the room. A nice sized bedroom over looking the backyard. The people were very nice, they gave me freedom of the house. With kitchen privileges, I could also go into the living room and watch Television when I liked.

He was a Business Consultant and she owned a small gift shop. Davis was their last name. They liked to be called by their first names, "Bruce and May."

About one week after I was there, Bruce had left early that morning for a flight to Chicago, to attend several meetings for a company he represented and would be gone for several days; That evening May had gone to a meeting of her Women's club. I was looking forward to a quite evening of watching my favorite Football team on television. A cold hard rain was pelting the kitchen windows as I finished a cup of Coffee, standing at the sink rinsing my cup and preparing to go to the Living room to watch a game on the television.

Suddenly the back door burst open and May came hurriedly into the kitchen. Her car had stopped on her about two blocks away and she walked home in the cold rain. She was soaked to the skin and shaking with the cold. I hurriedly got a couple of bath towels from the linen closet and dried her face and hair with one. She was blue from the cold and could not stop shaking. I said, " May, if you would slip off your wet blouse, I could dry your arms and shoulders. You would have your Bra on, then you could get warm."

I unbuttoned her wet blouse and slipped it off, then dried her arms and back. While drying her front shoulders and chest I touched her breast a couple of times and I heard her catch her breath when I done that.

I also felt an erection coming on and making a bulge in my pants, which I tried to hide. I stepped behind her and put my arms around her, when she didn't seem to object to that, I cupped one of her breasts in my hand and I knew she could feel my pecker brushing against her rear end; she still did not try to move away.

I then eased my hand under her Bra and held her breast in my hand. The nipple was very hard. I sat down in a chair and with one arm around her waist, set her on my lap. I rested my head against her breasts. I could hear her heart pounding through her Bra.

I pushed her Bra up until her breasts were free. I took one of her breasts in my hand and was gently squeezing it, her other nipple in my mouth, when I started sucking on it; she started shuddering and shaking again. " This can't be happening" She said, " It isn't right" " Don't worry about it May," I assured her, "No one will ever know anything but you and me.."

I went to her closet and got one of her robes, I returned to the kitchen and told her to put the robe on and get the rest of her wet clothes off so I could put them in the dryer. I then led her to her bedroom and turned down the bed for her. She sat on the edge of the bed and took my hand. She pulled me to her. Her other hand she placed on the bulge in my pants. The robe fell open and I could see all of her. She had a gorgeous body

"Lie down with me until I get warm," she said. I responded by walking around to the other side of the bed, slipped off my pants and Tee shirt, crawled in with my jockey shorts on. She had her back to me as I pressed tight against her and put my arm around her, I again placed one of her breasts in my hand, pushed as hard as I could against her ass with my rock hard dick. I could feel her pushing back.

I turned her head until I could kiss her. She turned on her side and returned my kisses our tongues meeting many times. Each time we kissed a thrill would go through me all the way to my toes.

Her hand found it's way under my shorts, touching my dick, and then holding it in a tight grip. She was working to get my shorts off with one hand while holding on to my dick with the other and I was trying to help her. When they were off she slid down in the bed and taken my dick in her mouth and was sucking so hard on it. I could not help but cum and when I started I thought I would never stop. She was loving every second of it and swallowing every drop of cum. She never stopped sucking until I was dry as a bone. My dick was still hard as a piece of steel.

I crawled on top of her and stuffed my dick in her pussy; it was soft and moist with precum. I could feel her tighten her cunt around my dick. I started stroking back and forth and she moved with me I again felt the urge to cum and I wanted to hold it until we could do it at the same time. I tightened the muscles in my ass like you do when you think you might shit yourself and that seemed to work.

After a few more strokes, she started moving faster and faster and I knew she was on the verge of cumming big time. Both of us came several times after that. As for me, it felt like a dam had burst in my balls or a covey of Quail flew out my ass. I couldn't believe I had cum that much. She was on top of me when I felt something different. She had my dick in her ass. It felt like my dick was in a vice. I felt like I was hurting her so I ask her if that didn't hurt. She said it did a t first, and then it started feeling good. I have no idea how many times we fucked that night, but several times she ask me to put it in her ass and I did. After it got wet, it felt as good as her pussy. .

After we finished we lay with her head on my arm and we held each other close and talked far into the night. She and her husband had been lovers since school days and got married as soon as he graduated from college. He was the only man she had ever been with,

She told me she had read about anal sex in a book. That she always wanted to try it, but her husband would not do it with her because he thought it was wrong There were no kids as yet as he wanted to make good in business before they started a family. She knew he was a good man and only wanted the best for them. But she felt time was running out for them as she was close to forty.

When her husband came home from a trip. He wanted a piece of ass with no frills and no foreplay. Just zip, zam, thank you ma'am. He did not seem to care whether she got any pleasure out of it or not. No matter how many ways she tried to please or how she dressed to please him. He all ways seemed to have his mind somewhere else He was then on the phone the rest of his time home talking to Clients.

Her little gift shop was the only thing that she could cling too and submerge herself in to hang on to her sanity

I could feel her wet tears on my arm as she was telling me this. I knew that no wrong had been committed that evening. This had been a release for her that had been buried a long time and I was very glad to have been a part of it. We never got the opportunity again. Her husband never got another out of town assignment while I lived there. We had to be content with glances.

After a few weeks the job was completed and I moved to another project in another state and never heard from her again. But I remember!


You never know where you will end up on the next job when you are a union boilermaker. I had called the union hall in Hammond, Ind. And was sent to a job at a refinery in Whiting, Ind.

I had decided to get a room in East Chicago Ind. as I had lived there before and it was only a few miles from the refinery in Whiting. I arrived in East Chicago around two in the afternoon and went to a small restaurant for a bite to eat before I started looking for a place to stay. When I entered the restaurant I noticed a bulletin board with a lot of business cards on it plus a large piece of paper that said there was a room for rent close to the refinery where I was going to work. When the waitress came to the booth to take my order I had to do a double take. She was a Latino girl and she was drop dead, absolutely beautiful. About five seven and one hundred sixty pounds. Everything packed in the right places too. What this woman didn't have, she didn't need.

After I regained my composure I ordered a Cheeseburger, Fries and a Beer. When she brought my order to the table I ask her about the sign on the board. She and her husband had decided to rent out an extra bedroom that they had. He worked for a landscape company and only made a small pay, so they could use the extra money.

Another guy had turned it down earlier because it was in a trailer and the room was small. I told her I would like to look at it and the smallness would not matter as long as it was close to a shower. I drank a Beer and hung around until she finished her shift. She got off at three o'clock, I followed her and she led me to a trailer park and parked her car in front of a pretty shabby looking trailer.

I was beginning to have deep reservations about renting the room, I believe she had some doubts that I would take it. I followed her inside and seen it was clean as could be The room was indeed small, but there was a nice bed, a dresser and a small closet. My job was working twelve hours a day seven days a week, so I thought I would only be there to bathe and sleep.

The bathroom was right next to it. When I ask her how much the rent would be, she hesitated as though she was afraid she would ask too much and I would not take it. She finally blurted out twenty dollars a week and when I said that would be fine. A look of relief showed on her face. She gave me a key to the front door. They must have needed money bad.

I unloaded my suitcases from the car and got them unpacked by that time her husband had come home from work and I was introduced to him He sure did not seem to enthused over his new guest though. He seemed to perk up after I paid for two weeks up front. I guess renting the room was her idea.

After going out to have supper I went straight to my room and went to bed early, as I was pretty tired after an all day drive from Ohio. The next morning I went to the restaurant for breakfast and to get my lunch packed. She was all ready there and waited on me. When asked if I had slept well, I said that I had been worn out from the drive and was out like a light as soon as I hit the bed.

She told me that her husband had started an argument as an excuse to leave that evening, something that had been brewing for a long time. He was from Central America and wanted to go home for a long time. The quarrel last night was the last straw. She told him to take his pay and leave. That the marriage was over as far as she was concerned.

When I returned that evening after work it was pretty late as there were several guys on the job that I had worked with before. We stopped and had a few beers together and talked of the jobs and men we had worked with. It was an enjoyable evening. I parked my car and went into the trailer, she was sitting on the sofa and she smiled as I came in. I could tell she was trying hard to maintain her composure in front of me. After a few polite words, I made my excuses and went to my room. Hot and sweaty as I was, I was ready for the shower, grabbed my towel and went to the bathroom. Soaping down good and staying in the shower for a long time.

When I stepped out of the shower and was drying off, the door opened. I had forgot to lock it and she walked in, I tried to hide behind the towel, but she walked to me and pulled it away. She dropped to her knees put her arms around my legs and took my limp dick in her mouth. I have to tell you it didn't stay limp very long. It got throbbing hard as she went back and forth on it. In seconds I started cumming. She took my dick from her mouth and let the cum stream in her face. Wiping it off with her hand and was licking her fingers. I reached down, helped her to feet and led her to my bed. I slowly removed her dress. Standing there in her bra and panties, she turned her face up to me as I took her in my arms. We kissed, my tongue forcing her lips apart, as we kissed I heard her moan

She returned my kisses and I tasted my own sperm as she kissed me hungrily and rams her tongue in my mouth. She takes off her bra and panties we were both naked now. I took her in my arms again and lifted her onto the bed. I placed my knee between her legs, she spread her legs inviting me in. "Oh please eat my pussy" she moaned. "Please eat my pussy."

I got a leg on ether side of her head and lowered my mouth to her pussy, It was soaking wet with precum. I licked her clit for awhile and then rammed my tongue in her pussy hole. I thought,"WOW! this hole is bigger than a mine shaft." I kept working though I put in two fingers then three then four and I believe I could have put my hand in there. She was sucking my dick moving her head up and down and doing the same with her ass. I had dropped a load in her mouth and she swallowed every drop. I don't know how many times she came when I was eating her pussy. But it was more than a few.

I turned around in the bed and taking my Dick in hand I slid it up and down her clitoris. She was moaning and groaning as I entered her. Her pussy was what you might say, loose as a goose. Her Husband must have been hung like a Mule. A buddy of mine once said "you might as well stick your dick out the window and fuck the world." I felt her trying to tighten her muscle around my Dick; I had a normal sized dick, but I just was not in her league. I was not that husky in that area. We kept trying and after awhile we got the satisfaction we were looking for. Both not just cumming, but having much needed colossal eruptions. This went on every night until my repair job at the refinery ended. I went to the restaurant my last time to say goodbye, when I entered I glanced at the bulletin Board, there was a large sheet of paper tacked to the board which read. ROOM FOR RENT. $20.00 PER WEEK I guess goodbyes were not necessary. I turned around and walked to my car.


Here I was back in Toledo, Ohio for the third or forth time. Another repair job at the Sunoco Refinery. I looked up a couple of my old friends, Jimmy Barbera and Dick Spain. Both were going on the same job as me. That made all three of us happy. Jimmy insisted on me staying with him and his girlfriend. Her name was Irene Asslin She worked as a Nurse at a nearby Hospital; Her hometown was Springfield Mass. where her Dad was the Mayor. She had a friend named Jenny Polumbo, another Nurse that worked with her. Jenny was an Italian girl and I started dating her the first night I was in town. Boy O Boy she was something else, about five two tall one twenty pounds. Olive complexion. The sexiest voice you ever heard. Build like a brick shit house I told her I bet every patient in the hospital tried to grab her ass as when she walked by. She giggled and said I was not to far from wrong.

Jenny and I made it to her house about eleven o'clock the evening of our first date. We had gone to a movie and it was cold as hell in there. We went straight to her house as it was freezing outside. She invited me in to warm up for a while. Her parents were asleep so we were quite as we could be. We sat on the sofa and swapped tongues for a good while. I was busy with the nipples on her breast all this while, sucking one and pinching the other. when she suddenly put her hand on my crotch and started rubbing pretty hard. I was rock hard and my dick was trying to bust out of my britches.

She loosened my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, pulled down my drawers and freed my cock, which was standing straight up. I was terrified that her Dad might come down the stairs and catch me with my pants down. Jenny sure did not seem to be the least bit worried about that. After jacking on my dick a few times she lowered her head. My whole dick disappeared in her mouth. I about passed out when she done that. The only thing I could think of to do was lean back and enjoy the tremors that were shooting through me from head to toe. It was almost five o'clock in the morning when I left Jenny. I was so weak I thought I was not going to make it to the car.

I ask Jimmy if he could give me some time alone with Jenny at his apartment. He told me that he would take Irene to the Trianon Ballroom as Tommy Dorseys band would be there that night and they both loved to dance. They would probably be there until the band finished playing, about two in the morning. Jimmy said that should give Jenny and I plenty of time alone. When Jenny heard that Jim and Irene were going to the dance to hear Tommy Dorsey's band, she wanted to go to. Nothing would dissuade her either.

I love to dance so I wasn't hard to persuade. When they started playing Jenny and I stayed on the floor and danced every set until the Band took their break. When they were playing their last song I whispered in Jenny's ear that I would like to go back to the apartment so we could be alone for a good while. She readily agreed, we made our way to the apartment.

As soon as the door was closed we started removing each other's clothes. We were both naked sitting on the sofa kissing and sucking each other's tongues, Jenny wanted to suck my dick and I certainly gave her my permission to suck all she wanted. She sent me to the top of the mountain several times and I loved every second of it. . I really didn't think I could come after each time, but I did.

We were getting more frenzied by the second and ready to hit the floor our mouths glued together, wrapped in each other's arms. We eased to the floor with Jenny on top of me. I had one of her tits big brown nipple rolling between my fingers and one tit in my mouth. Both nipples seemed like they were standing out one inch and hard as rocks. Jenny had her head down and her eyes closed as she eased down on to my dick. When she was all the way down I pulled her down to my chest. I kissed her face, her hair and shoulders

Felt her bare breasts against my bare chest. Slowly oh so slowly she was moving her ass up and down on my dick. her face buried in my chest. As if she wanted it to last forever. I tried meeting her thrusts and increased the speed quite a bit. I think she ether got the message or was nearing a climax I could feel her getting very tense.

She sat up on my dick threw her head back and made a sound like she was strangling. Scared the shit out of me. I knew she was giving it up big time and that brought me to the tottering edge. We both came at the same time. I don't know what she done, but I was shivering and shaking like I had a vibrator stuffed up my ass. I had never had an orgasm like that before. I thought I was going blind for a little while. First time for every thing I guess.

After two weeks the job was over and the three of us sat in a bar making phone calls to different Locals Jimmy had called the Local Union in East St. Louis and the business agent sent him to Eagle Grove, Iowa. .. He took Irene with him and I never heard from him again. I tried to make the job, but could not do it as it was full up I was told Dick Spain went home to Nashville, Tenn .I went home to Portsmouth for a couple of weeks. I had about ten thousand bucks saved up, a new car and plenty of good clothes. When you are working repair jobs you stay to tired to hit the bars. I could have loafed for quite a while, but I got antsy and started calling business agents around the country .looking for greener grass or whatever was over the next hill..

To be continued...

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