A Lost Daughter Ch. 22

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Kayla, lovely Kayla...
4.7k words

Part 22 of the 25 part series

Updated 04/02/2024
Created 05/16/2018
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I awoke from perhaps the most pleasant and restorative sleep I'd had in the last several months. Typically speaking, I had a lot of trouble falling asleep while too close to another person, even Amber. I could get to the edge of slumber while cuddling with my women, but eventually I'd need to establish some space to move around and not overheat. For some reason, however, falling asleep while embracing Kayla had been effortless. Probably owing to the fact that we had traveled the highs and lows of an emotional rollercoaster together followed closely by passionate lovemaking, but I still found it uncharacteristic for me.

Not that I was complaining, of course. Having the petal-soft skin of a gorgeous 19-year-old bombshell pressed against every inch of my naked body was perhaps the most divine way to wake up that I could imagine. Unfortunately, it was a little too divine, and I felt my phallus begin to harden against Kayla's jutting ass. I immediately felt guilty, not wanting to wake her up with my energetic penis pressing against her first thing in the morning, but Kayla proved that there was no reason to be concerned when she took a deep breath and reached up to the windowsill above the bed.

"I was waiting for you to wake up to have my first cigarette of the day," she murmured softly.

I watched as she retrieved her pack of Camel Menthol cigarettes from the windowsill with her lighter. She shook out a cork-filtered cigarette and replaced the pack, placing the cigarette between the thick lips that jutted out from her face in profile. She turned her head a little more, so I had a better view and flicked her lighter to life, bringing the flame to dance at the tip of her cigarette. A soft singe could be heard as the flame made contact, and Kayla's cheeks collapsed in response.

I knew she had been working on her snap inhales after being informed of their effect on me from Sienna, and I was delighted to see her work paying off as a ball of smoke snuck out from between her lips for a brief moment before being reclaimed by her nicotine starved lungs. Being the first cigarette in many hours, I bore witness to her need as she took a successive drag and let her lungs empty through her nose and then refill with a ravenous double pump.

Finally, she removed the cigarette from her lips, snapped another ball of smoke down her throat and let the chemicals bathing her lungs do their job. She held the smoke inside of her for at least 4 full seconds before unleashing a lazy stream of smoke from her pursed lips. She was no doubt teasing me, but this was also clearly a display of need, and I enjoyed getting to see her satisfy a much-needed nicotine fix. In fact, I more than enjoyed it as I noticed my member growing steadily and pressing against the soft flesh of Kayla's supple ass.

"I want your cock," she breathed through another lungful of smoke.

Kayla declared her needs simply, which made her next move predictable and appreciated. She reached down between her legs and grabbed my hardening member, lifting her hips and leg so that it pressed against her pussy lips. I barely pressed forward, and my cock head parted her labia and welcomed me into their canal.

"Ahhhh," Kayla moaned, smoke cascading from her mouth sexily.

I couldn't help myself, and despite neither of us having brushed our teeth I kissed her smokey mouth by wrapping my left hand under her throat and tilting her chin up. I was treated to her smokey breath and ash flavored tongue, and it energized the thrusts of my prick into her cunt. I continued stabbing myself into her as she brought her cigarette back up to her lips and took another drag, a tight ball snap inhale following despite my continued conquest of her womanhood.

"These are your dirty lips now, all yours," she panted, allowing smoke to cascade from her mouth as she spoke.

I claimed them with another passionate kiss, unable to resist a sight that I could only describe as 'delicious.'

"This is your pussy, yours baby, fill it up and make it yours forever," she panted in my arms.

It was perhaps a little premature by my standards, but I had woken up on the right side of the bed this morning and sped my way directly to the finish line. In response, I let the orgasm come unabated, planting myself deeply inside of Kayla's pussy and coating it with a fresh application of my virile seed.

"Yes, fill it, fill it baby," she panted.

I grunted as the final few spasms ripped through me and Kayla's tight teenage cunt milked me to completion.

I took a deep breath and blinked hard, trying to get my bearings, and enjoying the sight of Kayla finishing her cigarette with a triple pump before stubbing it out on the plate she'd been using as an ashtray. A deep sigh emptied her lungs again in a very visually pleasing manner and then she turned and draped her naked body over mine.

"I could wake up like that every day until I die, and I'd never get sick of it," I admitted.

"Even when you're like, 80?" Kayla joked.

I laughed and thought about how much I enjoyed Kayla's goofy personality that was so different from either of my other two beauties. Each of them was unique, special, and perfect in their own way and it was really hard imagining my life without any of them. Which, to be honest, was a bit of scary thought.

"What's your plan for the day?" I asked.

"Serve you," she said without even a moment of hesitation.

Despite not being a joke, I laughed even harder at that comment than the previous one. She propped herself up on her elbow and looked at me with an expression I'd call 'loving.'

"I'm serious," she insisted.

I took a deep breath and looked at her bright green eyes sparkling back at me.

"I know," I said, brushing my hand on her cheek to which she responded by leaning into my touch.

"Have you always been into this, 'serving' thing?" I asked honestly.

Kayla pressed her lips together in a luscious display while she considered my question.

"I've always been a sub if that's what you're asking. You should see my Pornhub history," she said through a grin.

Again, I couldn't help but bust up laughing.

"Still serious," she added, which just sent me into another laughing fit.

"So, you fantasize about serving a dominant partner? Being 'property' and that kind of thing?" I asked, wanting to hold my laughter at bay long enough to actually understand what kind of wonderful I had just fallen into.

"Kinda, but not like mean dominant. I don't want to be slapped or fake-raped or something. I like the loving kind of sub relationship, where I serve my partner and he takes care of me and treats me like a princess and is super possessive of me and stuff," she continued.

I nodded in understanding, already liking the sound of this arrangement.

"That's good, I've never really had any interest in the other kind of relationship. I get that it's super common, but the idea of slapping or forcing myself onto someone turns me off," I admitted.

"No problem with me, I don't want that anyways," Kayla said.

I nodded, becoming more and more grateful for my perpetual luckiness in finding women with compatible kinks.

"So, how do you want to serve me?" I asked.

This time it was Kayla who laughed, shaking her head.

"That is not how it works baby; I want to serve you by doing what you want me to do. If I choose, then it wouldn't be serving it would be me just doing what I want," she explained.

I chuckled at my stupidity.

"Right, yeah I guess I'm still getting my head around this whole thing," I admitted.

"How do you want me to serve you? What do you want from me? What will make you happy? What will turn you on?" she followed, her voice becoming sultrier with each question.

I knew the answer to those questions pretty concretely. But how honest should I be here? Kayla seemed to pick up on my consternation.

"It isn't a trick question, and I'm not going to say no. Whatever it is, I want to do it. It will turn me on, trust me, that's how it works," she explained.

I decided to just be forthright and see what happened.

"Smoke, obviously. Keep smoking, maybe even start smoking more and keep working on snap inhales, French inhales, etcetera. And smokey kisses, all the time, even when I don't ask for them, I always want you to be offering up your delicious smokey mouth to me constantly," I began.

"Naturally," she replied, clearly anticipating that answer.

"I also want you to continue to get high, smoke heroin and do cocaine and other stuff," I continued.

"What other stuff?" she pressed, not missing anything.

"Meth, smoke meth and probably start shooting up heroin at some point too. I really like, uh, junkie whores," I said quickly.

I held my breath a moment, waiting for some bit of revulsion or protest.

"I can do that, especially if that is going to turn you on. So, what is it about a 'junkie whore' that turns you on?" she asked.

"The wanton pursuit of pleasure regardless of the risks. The physical and mental deterioration as the addiction develops and eventually hollows out and destroys her. The shamelessness, depravity, and moral corruption of a woman who lives only to feed her desire for sex and drugs and pleasure at all costs," I laid out in stark detail.

"You're pretty dark," she replied.

I looked at her expecting a look of disgust or perhaps even fear, but she was smiling her goofy Kayla smile, completely unfazed, which predictably made me laugh. It was a bit of nervous laughter, but it was also due to the absurdity of the moment. Most if not all people outside of those living with me would probably have run out of the room and called the police, but here's this gorgeous blonde teenager just making a joke out of it.

"Yeah, you could say that," I agreed through a chuckle.

"So, do you want me to eventually like, die with a needle in my arm in a dirty alley or something?" She asked in a way that was unreadable.

"No, I don't. Not ever. It's hard to explain, because I want you to go to the very edge, but not over it into the abyss. I want to continuously yank you back from the abyss, and eventually, settle down and be normal and put all this craziness behind us," I detailed.

"Normal? You think you'd be happy with that?" she asked seriously.

"Yeah, Amber and I have been pretty normal for like 18 years. Sure, she still smoked during sex and kisses and gotten wasted on vodka so I could fuck her while she teetered on the edge of consciousness but normal is a sliding scale, right?" I joked.

She laughed and nodded.

"As long as you don't want to go totally normal, I always want to be your property and I don't think I could ever give up those smokey kisses. I've even started really enjoying smoking while you fuck me, maybe you're rubbing off?" she said through a smile.

"I give you permission to continue smoking during sex and make out sessions no matter what," I agreed playfully.

"And that I'll remain your property and serve you and make you cum," she added.

"Do you even need to ask?" I joked.

We both laughed at that.

We sat in silence for a few moments, basking in the insane life we lived before the shower began calling my name.

"Okay, shower time," I proclaimed.

I was tempted to ask Kayla to join me, because I knew with how much cum I had blasted inside of her in the last 12 hours she could definitely use the wash, but I decided that I needed no more temptations this morning lest I become a dehydrated husk before lunch. After I had showered, I entered the kitchen where Sienna was sat. I figured Amber was in heroin bliss in the bedroom and decided to let her enjoy the ride.

"Amber all good?" I asked Sienna.

She nodded knowingly, catching on to exactly what I was asking.

"How bout Kayla?" she asked back.

"Things are good, but different," I replied.

She looked unimpressed with my answer and lit up a cigarette while settling in for a more detailed explanation.

"So, she's going to go along with the plan, willingly," I began.

"You told her we've been trying to turn her into a junkie?" she asked in confusion.

"Not exactly," I replied.

Sienna took a long, pensive drag on her cigarette and inhaled deeply.

"I told her what I like because she told me that she wants to serve me, and be mine," I continued.

Sienna narrowed her eyes at me while exhaling a thick stream of smoke.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, it turns out that I care about her a little more than I realized and she...," I stalled.

"She's in love with you," Sienna finished.

"Yeah," I replied, grimacing in anticipation of Sienna's response.

She sighed loudly and took another several seconds long drag on her cigarette, inhaling to her toes and exhaling her smoke languidly.

"I knew this was going to happen," she said through a smirk.

"You knew what was going to happen?" I asked.

"That she was going to fall in love with you, and then you would want to take care of her and everything because you're you and then we'd have to change our plans," she explained in a blasé tone.

"Well, if it's any consolation I had absolutely no idea any of this was going to happen," I admitted truthfully.

Sienna shook her head softly while in the midst of another drag and popped a ball of smoke down her throat.

"I know, I'm not blaming you and I'm not even mad. I should've known, but I guess we have another member of the family now, don't we?" she asked, smoke streaming down her face from her nostrils.

I smiled sheepishly back at her.

She laughed and rolled her eyes, shaking her head once again.

"You," she said simply.

"I'm sorry honey, it doesn't mean that you're going to get any less of my attention," I tried to appease.

"It better not, I need you and want you just as much as the new girl," she replied, although there was a lot more insecurity in her words than she probably wanted to convey.

"I know, and I need you and want you as much as I always have. You're my baby, always and forever," I comforted.

Sienna exhaled her final drag and stubbed out her cigarette in the overflowing ashtray, eventually looking up and allowing me to see a pair of glassy hazel eyes and a quivering lip.

I was on my feet immediately and had her wrapped up in my arms in only a second. Perhaps it was going to be more tenuous to juggle all these relationships than I thought.

"I'm being stupid, I don't even know why I'm crying," Sienna said through soft sobs.

"It's okay, I understand, I need to do a better job of showing all of you how much you mean to me. It's more important than ever now," I admitted to myself and Sienna at the same time.

"Just don't forget about me," she squeaked into my shoulder as I hugged her close.

The words cut though me like a knife. How could she even imagine that I could or would? I knew a part of it was being 18 and learning to deal with fluctuating emotions, but a part of it had to be me too. I wasn't doing enough to make each woman feel special, loved, and irreplaceable. I had spent a lot of time on Kayla as of late, and perhaps both Amber and Sienna had felt some of that. I had been so wrapped up in 'The Plan' that maybe I had been neglectful of my two soulmates. That would end now.

"That's impossible. You are my perfect angel and nothing and no one will ever change that," I assured her.

"I still want that wedding you promised, I want to be your wife just like mom," she said.

"I know, I will make it happen, I promise," I replied.

"Okay, sorry, I am being emotional for no reason and it's embarrassing," she said and chuckled through another sob.

"It's not embarrassing, I understand. This thing we have is crazy, there is no blueprint for how we live like this. Please never feel like you can't talk to me about how you're feeling or about what you need. I am yours and you are mine and that is never going to change," I said.

She squeezed me and pressed herself against me for a few more moments before breaking free. When she stepped back, she looked up into my face with eyes that had a lot more of the inexperienced 18-year-old than the ultra confident, fiendish mastermind that she had been presenting as of late. I needed to remember that she was just a kid, with a lot of abandonment issues that were very justified.

"I love you," I said, and kissed her wet lips softly.

In-between soft, wet kisses, she returned my words, and we hugged one more time.

"Whoops, am I interrupting?" Kayla's voice said behind us.

"Nope," Sienna said and stepped away to wipe her eyes.

Kayla pretended not to notice and instead walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, taking a few healthy gulps while the potential awkwardness of the situation faded.

"So, I heard you're a part of the family now?" Sienna said in a tone that sounded a lot more like a statement than a question.

"Um, if that's okay?" Kayla responded.

"Sure, I could use a naughty sister," Sienna replied, seeming to regain her mischievousness effortlessly.

"Good," Kayla replied in kind.

"Speaking of which, why don't we all go check on mommy," Sienna suggested playfully.

A sharp pang of anxiety shot through me before I realized there really wasn't any reason to hide anymore, since Kayla had listened to my description of my kinks and barely blinked.

"Sure, sounds like fun," I agreed.

Without saying anything Sienna started to undress, pulling the oversize t-shirt that she had stolen from me over her head and throwing it to the floor. Her pert breasts hung brazenly in the open while she began pulling down her panties. Kayla looked to me for a moment and I nodded, which prompted her to follow Sienna's lead. Her white booty shorts and tank top were thrown to the floor and soon her panties and bra followed. In a few short moments two gorgeous teenagers were completely nude in my kitchen.

They walked up to me and began removing my clothes as well. Starting with my grey t-shirt and then my navy pajama pants and finally my boxers. They caressed my naked body and ran their soft hands along my lower abdomen and eventually brushed against my cock. Each of them pressed themselves on either side of me, and I responded by reaching out and squeezing their asses and playing with their perky tits.

Kayla was less endowed in both areas, and far less toned than Sienna. But her body was all soft curves, a flat stomach, and a surprisingly meaty heart-shaped ass despite being fairly thin. Sienna had lost some of the muscle tone that she had built from sports since she had been doing nothing but smoking, drinking, and getting high for the last month and a half, but she was still an athlete through and through. Her thick ass and toned legs were marvelous and the outline of her abs running along her abdomen was artful.

Her breasts were a pair of gravity defying mounds that provided the perfect handful of Heaven. I was growing hard, and we hadn't even begun the festivities, and I knew things were going to get better. We all walked to the bedroom and pressed open the door which had been slightly ajar. Amber was passed out in the bed, a disposed needle sitting on the bedside table next to a cotton ball, spoon, cup of water, and a tourniquet. There was really no mistaking the scene and I hoped Kayla had been serious earlier because there was no going back now.

As we entered the room and crawled onto the king-size bed, the movement brought Amber out of her doped-up stupor to look at us with glassy, unfocused eyes. Her pinprick pupils struggled to stay still, tending toward going cockeyed which prompted her to try to blink them back. She looked so incredibly fucked up it immediately made my cock lurch and harden even more.

"Look who's come to visit," she garbled through a sloppy, slow drawl.

Sienna began to undress her mother and Kayla joined, yanking down her panties and removing her tank top. Eventually, we were all four completely nude on the bed. I marveled at Amber's body, still so gorgeous and soft and curvy in all the right places. It was times like these that made it hard to choose which hole to fuck first.