A Magical Artefact

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A trip to a magic shop changes the lives of two friends.
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A magical artefact

"Come on, Nick. Let's check this place out," Chad called. I sighed as I followed him. He was always dragging me to these places that I had absolutely no interest in.

"A magic shop?" I asked. "Why would we want to go in there?"

"Could be something cool, you know?" Chad responded. I rolled my eyes and followed him, as I always did. He had always been the leader of the two of us.

We entered the store and began looking around. I noticed that the standard types of parlor tricks were in front of the store, but as we went further in, things got more...interesting.

I looked through the items, ranging from x-ray glasses to medallions that were said to ward off evil spirits. Shaking my head with a look of disinterest on my face, I said.

"Nothing interesting to find here. Come on let's go."

"Oh, not finding anything to your liking?" Came from behind the bookshelf on the right and he continued without waiting for his question to be answered.

"After all magic is not for everyone, especially not for two grown up men, right?"

"Yeah, nothing new to find here. It´s all these old known parlor tricks, anyway." Chad said as he was searching for the source of the shopkeeper.

"Ah a non-believer, then I have got something for you. That should change your view quite a bit." The man responded and strode out from behind the racks, while holding a small box in his hands that was fully adorned with obvious fake crystals. Looking over the shopkeeper, I could only say that he looked quite like the person who would scam people to get a kick out of it, but Chad seemed oblivious of it.

"What have you got there?" Chad asked, looking at the box with a look of interest in his eyes.

Opening the lid of the box, there was a ring lying embedded in a colorful piece of satin. The ring looked like any other plain ring out there and had no obvious marks or adornments, quite unspectacular. I could only shake my head at this obvious scam artist and wanted to say something but the shopkeeper was a bit faster.

"This ring is quite special and also a bit magical." the man said with an amused smile on his face that seemed nothing good would come from this ring. His smile got even a tad broader as he went on. "This ring is guaranteed to make its wearer irresistible to any woman."

Having heard enough of his bullshit I could not hold on any longer and just said. "Yeah right." While rolling my eyes and followed with. "Chad, lets go. This old man just wants to scam us."

Before Chad could answer me, the man went on, the smile still on his face which freaked me out quite a bit. "People nowadays don´t believe in magic any more, it´s really sad. You know what, I will give you this ring for free, just try it out and see if you believe in magic afterwards."

Not waiting for an answer, the shopkeeper closed the lid and pushed the box into Chads hand and turned around while saying. "Too much work to do." Not waiting for anyone, he vanished behind the next rack.

Both of us were quite stumped and did not now what to say, looking at each other we could only shake our heads at the antics of the shopkeeper.

"I guess we can try out the ring." Said Chad as he picked the ring from the box and slipped it on his finger.

I rolled my eyes at Chad and then followed him out of the store.

"I'm gonna hit the bar and try this thing out. You in?" my friend asked while he looked at the ring on his finger with curiosity.

"No, thanks. I have work early in the morning and need to get home," I said, looking at my phone. Being fresh out of college, I could not be late anytime soon.

"Fine, whatever. I'll let you know if this ring works," Chad said as he clapped me on the shoulders and then starting to walk away.

"You mean when it doesn't, right?" I asked, watching him leave. He just shrugged with his shoulders.

"We'll see," he said. I chuckled and went to my car.

The next day, I was on my lunchbreak when I got a call from Chad.

"Dude, it the ring is legit, it really worked." he said and I could hear the enthusiasm in his voice.

"Bullshit, as if I would believe you." I responded, taking a sip of my soda. He is not getting me this time with his pranks.

"I am dead serious. Yesterday was awesome. I was a chick magnet. They were all over me and the one I ended up with looked amazing, but the best thing was. When we did the deed, she just got hotter and hotter. Today in bed she looked like a dreamy pornstar. And the best thing was, she was unsatiable and thought that all was normal. Shit it was soooo hot." Chad exclaimed and sounded weirdly honest.

"Nice try," I answered while I was calmly eating my sandwich. Once I swallowed the bite, I continued.

"I am not joking. I will show it to you tonight, hmmpf." Chad said while murmuring something.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. See you tonight." I said, still thinking that he must be joking but that would bite me in the ass later. Taking a look at the clock after I hung up, I got a bit flustered as my break was almost over.

I then got back to work. But, for the rest of the day, my mind was elsewhere. My thoughts were constantly with the ring. 'What if...what if it did work?'

Alas the remaining day went on at a snail's pace and I could not wait to meet up with my friend and check out the ring. Could we really have been that lucky to stumble upon a magical ring?

Finally, work hours were over and I practically rushed to my car and drove home. When I pulled up to my house, I spotted my sister's car and Chad's. I lived alone with my sister, because my parents were currently living in another state. We got quite lucky because we moved here because of the university and my parents inherited this house from some uncle that I didn´t know.

Living with my sister was not too easy but we got along just fine and made it work somehow.

Stepping out of the car and walking to the house in a fast walk I was inside in a jiffy. In my head I was anticipating quite a bit as various thoughts came to being while I thought about all the possibilities of the magical artifact.

At the same moment as I walked in, I was forced out of my daydreaming when I heard loud thumping noises from upstairs alongside various moaning sounds. It took me all but a moment to notice what was going on and my anger hit an all-time high.

"Motherfucker..." I cursed under my breath and ran up the stairs, towards my sister's bedroom. Unmistakably, the noises were coming from here. I growled, and forced the door open with a bang.

The view that I saw next, marked me forever. My sister was being fucked from behind by my best friend. That almost caused me to go into shock, but my anger kept me focused.

"What the hell, Chad." Was the only thing my mind could conjure up as I practically screamed the words at him, as I was closing in on them and wanted to force them apart.

Turning his head in my direction, Char was not looking apologetic at all and grinned at me. "Dude, I did say that the ring works. Just look at her and calm down, you´re much too emotional."

Hearing his words and not really comprehending what was going on, I turned my head and looked at my sister. I wanted to force my body to not look at her. That was the last thing I needed now. The picture of my naked sister forever branded in my head. But I was unsuccessful. It was as if my body was not in my control any longer.

At the same time, my anger vanished completely and I calmed down, but I was not really able to notice it because I was too focused on my fully naked sister. Chad had stopped his assault on her and was watching me in amusement.

My sister looked quite different. Usually, her mousy brown hair was kept short and only went to her shoulders but now they were hanging down onto the bed, it had a beautiful shiny sheen and looked fabulous.

Her breasts were definitely bigger than normally, and here stature had changed as well. She never did look bad but now she was gorgeous. Her ass was bouncing slowly on Chads cock and she kept moaning with a sultry soprano voice, all while not caring that I was also in the room.

I was sure that she must have noticed me and I was not able to comprehend how she could not be freaking out right now.

"What the hell is going on Chad, how did she change like that?" I asked quite calmly. Not really noticing how calm I was being.

Chad answered while he subtly enjoyed being fucked slowly by my sister. "Well, I got here early to wait for you and Melissa let me in. I got in and the next thing I knew was that your sister jumped me and started kissing me." Slow moans were erupting from Melissa as Chad started to fuck her again.

"Having no real reason to deny your goddess of a sister anything, I just went along and we ended up here."

Now realizing that both of them had never truly stopped their intimidate session I could only start to scream. "Stop. Right fucking now." But it only came out in a calm voice. I was looking over both of them and found out that she had semen all over her back and knew that her front would be like this too. The sheets beneath them were a mess of fluids and I was disgusted by all of it.

"Just wait a moment, I'm almost done." Chad said, changing the pace to a much faster one and my sister was beginning to moan much louder as well. The smirk on his face caused me to almost loose myself but surprisingly I could do nothing other than to wait.

Flesh hit flesh and the moans of my sister got louder as both of them were one the way to the finishing line. It took them just a few minutes to finish and with a "Slurp" Chad was now free of my sister as she was left convulsing on the bed as she was left in the throes of her amazing orgasm.

Seeing both of them finished I found myself back in control and spoke.

"Damn what did you do. That's disgusting."

Meanwhile Chad was having the time of his life and seemed to have done nothing wrong, he just got up and went to the couch in the room and sat down. Frowning a bit at the weird feeling, I saw him closing his eyes for a second and he was fully clothed in jeans and a shirt in the next second.

Not really comprehending what was going on I could only look at him with a stumped expression, not able to form any words.

"Neat right. This ring is truly magical and can do so many different things. The physical changes on your sister are just the tip of the iceberg." Chad said while he was looking at me with a grin on his face.

A glance to the bed showed me that my sister was now asleep and I could only look at Chad and ask.

"But why my sister, you could have anyone? And why the hell am I completely calm about this, I want to be furious but I cannot bring myself to feel like it."

"Oh, about that, it seems that as long as I am wearing this ring, my words have quite the effect on people. And I have a crush on your sister since forever, I could only go with the flow and she is quite into me as it seems."

He looked at the bed with a quite loving look on his face and I needed a moment to comprehend his words and Chad said.

"But it looks like I said something earlier that made you feel different, lets undo that. You don´t need to be calm any longer."

The change was instantaneous, my anger came back in full force. I was never that angry before and could not handle it. My rational mind was drowning in rage and my body was in control of my emotions.

"You damn motherfucker." I started to scream and started to rush at him with the intention to teach him a lesson.

Chad saw that and was quite the quick thinker. "Stop." Just saying this one word, stopped all of my movement. It was like my body was frozen and I could only scream in rage at him.

"Asshole, let me go. How could you do that to my sister." As I was beginning to start my rant, Chad was just frowning and said loudly. "Quite." At the next moment my mouth shut itself and I could only stare at him silently with all my anger in my gaze.

"That will not do, not at all. Let´s teach you a lesson. And I can experiment with the ring's capabilities a bit.

Hmm... what to do, ahh yeah that's an ingenious idea."

"You´re a girl."

The next thing that I felt was a tingling run throughout my body. All at once, I could feel my muscles, bones...everything was changing. It was over in an instant, but the sensations felt like they lasted a forever.

Once the tingling faded, I realized that strands of black hair were now hanging in front of my face. I always keep my hair short... I thought. How can it be in my eyes? I reached up to move the strands, realizing that I was now back in control of my body, and saw a very feminine hand.

Looking down my body, I found two small looking breasts sitting there. My waist was definitely narrower, my hips a bit wider. Moving my right hand down, I soon found a new opening that should have not been there.

Chad stood up and was towering over me which meant that I did also shrink. He must be a foot taller than me now. "Well, this is quite interesting." Chad said, still grinning like a madman. "You turned out quite fine, you look a lot like your sister but you are more on the cute side."

"Interesting?" I asked, not used to hearing my new feminine voice. "You call this fucking interesting?"

"Well, yeah. I didn't think it would work." Chad said, while he was checking me out.

"I come in here and find you fucking my sister, and then you change me into this?" I then realize that my clothes were too oversized and my pants were hanging on by a thread.

"And after all this, everything you can say is that it's interesting, damn motherfucker."

"First off, it's your fault for interrupting us, that's business between Melissa and me." Chad said.

"Secondly, I didn't know this would work."

"Change me and Mellissa back and then get the hell out of here." I said in a seething and furious tone.

"Woah, relax dude, I can change you back whenever, but that would be no fun." Chad said with a look on his face that did not bode well.

"What else do you want?" I asked. "Just get us back to normal."

Frowning at my annoying quipping. Chad had a glimmer in his eyes and before I could say anything he said.

"What do you mean change you back? You were always a girl so what´s the issue?"

Something was wrong but I could not pinpoint it at the moment. Hearing his question, I could only answer. "Of course, I was always a girl, what do you mean? Looking next to me in the full body mirror next to the bed, I could not help it but frown for a bit. Something was wrong, but what exactly it was that was eluding me.

I was looking at myself in the mirror and knew that everything was like it should be. I was glad in a short skirt and a beige tube-top. A bit of makeup on my face to accentuate my features and I knew that I looked really good today. So, where the hell does this tiny feeling of wrongness come from?

Looking through the room, I saw my naked sister on her bed and I knew what I wanted to say to Chad. "I meant you need to change my sister back to whom she was before, this is not my sister. She looks much more like a pornstar."

Chad looked at me in amusement and chuckled a bit as he said. "Nothings wrong with your sisters looks, she looked always like this, what is this really about? Could it be, are you jealous?"

I looked back at my naked sister and could only look at her in a bit of envy at her looks. I knew that I was cute but she was drop dead gorgeous. Her curves were all in the right places and she could have any boy that she wanted but now she jumped my best friend? How could she.

Seeing her covered in his fluids did not make it any easier and I was quite blushing as I was glancing at Chad but could not hold eye contact for long and looked bashful to the floor.

Chad was quite intrigued by all this and said with confidence in his voice. "You could have just told me that you love me, there is enough space by my side to include you."

Hearing these words, my heartbeat increased and I realized that I had a crash on him since forever and when I walked in on him and my sister, I could not help but be angry at myself that I was too late. But now realizing my feelings helped me quite a bit.

Realizing that I must found out of my own feelings, Chad stood up and got in front of me, he moved his hand to my chin and tilted it upwards so that he could look into my sparkling green eyes.

"I like you too, and since I also like you´re sister. You both are my girlfriends now. Any issue with that?"

Chad asked and I could only shake my head and was lost in the blissful feeling that I currently had.

Being his girlfriend was a dream that I had since forever and having my sister to share this joy was the only right thing to do.

Tilting his head downwards he then kissed me gently at first but forcefully a bit later, I could do nothing other than to melt into the kiss and in his hands.

We made out for quite the long while and I was completely breathless after it. Chad looked me into the eyes and I saw something mischievous in them. "Let´s spice things up a bit, shall we. You now remember everything from before the change."

A boom went on in my head and memories kept flooding back. I remembered everything. I should have been furious and disgusted at the kiss just now but it was like two different views crashed with each other.

The male one was disgusted with it and my female self-loved every second of it. I was conflicting to say the least.

Chad looked at me in amusement and threw his clothes onto the ground, he was naked in seconds.

"Let´s have some fun, shall we?"

Seeing his naked self was quite damaging to say the least, my male side was quickly looking away but my female self could not help itself and kept glancing over his muscular body. My gaze was lingering a bit on his best piece but I could only bashfully look anywhere else. The only problem was that his body was like a magnet and I needed to catch a glimpse of it every now and then.

"You like what you see?" Chad could only ask with confidence in his voice and I could only meekly say. "You're unbelievable, just...get dressed and let's go."

I had no idea why I said that but it somehow felt right. A big part of me wanted him gone, but another was quite intrigued by his body.

"Hmmm, no." Chad said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

"It´s quite nice here, why should I go?" While he said that he began to stroke his dick slowly. My eyes followed every motion.

"Dude, just stop and get out of here." I said, walking over to Chad. I surely wanted that to sound threatening but it came out quite demurely.

I then grabbed his wrist to stop his antics. "This isn't right and you know it."

Chad managed to shake of my hand without any difficulty. He stood up, again showing off how much taller he was now. I looked down slightly and saw erect manhood. When I looked back up, I could see Chad giving me

a look, as though he was trying to figure me out.

"C-Can you just go. Please. That's just so weird." I said. I could not look at him any longer and turned around. But then Chad grabs my wrist. He pulled me back towards him, and placed my hand on his cock.

"Dude...what the fuck are you doing?" I asked, appalled. My inner male was in control now and I needed him to go right now before everything falls to pieces.

"Testing something." he said, smirking again.

"This is totally gay." I responded.

"Um, no it's not. You're quite the good-looking women now." Chad said. "And, if it's so wrong, why are you stroking my penis?"

I looked down and saw that my hand was, indeed, moving up and down on his shaft. I gasped, and then looked up at him. He simply put his hand on my shoulder, and guided me to the floor as he sat back down onto the couch. All the while, I continued stroking him. The though of stopping was there but it somehow felt wrong, my male mind was screaming internally but my female mind was getting more and more in control.
