A Master's Ring: Book 03


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"She is a Sibling," Doris Alex said shaking her head in disagreement. "No matter how many tantrums she throws at being told to do something, Iane cannot live outside the Society."

"Iane does not behave as if she understands that," Anna said through her teeth.

"You don't have to know about oxygen to breathe it," Doris Alex answered.

"Anyway!" the old female Brother asked. "So what, that the Hunt is not composed of killers, you are the killer we require. From what I've read, you do a good job."

"What is their purpose?" I asked.

"To assist in sanctions: surveillance, boxing people in, distraction, cleanup, whatever is necessary to get you to the target," she answered snidely. "The Hunt is your eyes and ears so that you are not seen with the sanction."

"Is that it?"

"They're supposed to kill you if it becomes necessary," Anna said with a smile at everyone else.

"Except for Leon, these are fucking idiots who did not consider I might be letting them have the advantage for a reason. They could not kill me right now without weapons of collateral damage," I said. "They would be better off shelling my house than going in after me."

"Artillery is not a very sure way of killing someone," Anna said to no one in particular.

"You would be more likely to kill Doris Alex or Melisa while letting me survive," I said agreeing with her. Roderigo sucked in a painful breath snapping his head to look at the members of the Foot who had not left.

"That would be bad," Robert whispered.

"It would be a good idea for you to start praying if that happens," I assured them. "Pray I think killing some of you slow is more important than killing all of you."

"Not likely," Roderigo snorted.

"No, it is not," I said. "But people pray in the face of death all the time."

"You're not that good," the old female said confidently.

"Good enough to survive having his house bombed?" Robert asked her. "Or good enough to redefine our concept of a Brother purge."

She pursed her lips studying me.

"These are meant to be in my face controls against going too far. They would have to get very, very lucky to kill me, Brother," I told her. "When you decided to use me as a control for Roderigo's ambition, what did you think the odds were that he would survive if I made the decision to kill him?"

"Oh," she whispered.

"I've been trying to tell you people!" Anna exclaimed.

"Yes, you have been, Anna," Robert admitted. "We thought it would take a miracle for Roderigo to survive, David."

"Somewhere after I retired, the Foot was chosen for how well they would work together with the Enforcer," Anna said with exasperation. "Why didn't you just ask each of the Foot to suck off the Enforcer, too?"

"You don't need to be offensive, Anna," said the Brother that had not spoken to that point.

"Yes, I do," Anna insisted loudly. "Why in my day, every Foot Brother stepped forward to challenge the Enforcer in these meetings? I lost the last three matches from exhaustion alone. David would not have lost any, but they could have forced him to TRY!"

"They might not have wanted to show all their cards," the old woman suggested unsurely.

"Leon suggested that they should all fight David at the same time," Anna told her. "They did not care for their newest member suggesting strategy. The only one who had contact with David, and they chose not to listen. Who picked these idiots to be in the Foot anyway? There's that... that..."

"Asshole," I suggested.

"Thank you, David," she replied politely before returning to her rant. "That asshole who I wouldn't let Leonard bring a drink of water. I have enough problems with Leonard to allow him near a Brother so clearly inadequate."

"It is being taken care of, Anna," Robert warned.

"Being taken care of," she said angrily. "It should never have been allowed to happen."

"The Council has decided a lesson in the 'sins of the child' has become necessary, Brother," Robert answered formally. "The selection committee is being interfered with too much."

Anna sat back in her wheelchair and stared at Robert curiously. He raised an eyebrow at her study. Anna looked away for a moment and narrowed her eyes.

"You are a bastard, Robert!" she said with heartfelt admiration. "Study what Robert has accomplished, grandson."

"What?" Roderigo asked confused.

"I didn't even see it coming, Robert," Anna said.

"What is she talking about?" Roderigo asked Robert.

"I'll tell you if it happens. There might not even be a need though," Robert answered. "There are a lot of variables, and things may not go as planned."

"While I'm sure this is wonderful and deeply meaningful," the old female Brother said. "Did we achieve what was desired here?"

Robert, and Anna answered with firm nods.

"Who is going to make it so I believe these Brothers are a danger to me?" I asked. "There's no point to the Foot as a control mechanism if I think they are more likely to kill me by accident than on purpose."

No one answered my question for a while.

"Some older Brothers, like Anna, believe we became less after your Bloodline was lost," the old woman said staring at me. "I was not one of those until today. I understand now; Ekaterina loyalty was something for Brothers to live up to."

"The Foot can wait, David," Anna said generously. "You have made the right people aware of the problem. A few other things must come to pass before we can resolve it to my satisfaction. You have accomplished much, leave the rest to me."

I nodded accepting her words.

"This sanction will require you to work with four of them," Robert told me. "Do you have any preferences?"

"The two females, the asshole, and the average looking one," I answered without hesitation.

Robert and Anna shared a secret smile before the Siblings were asked to leave so I could be told more about their plans for the reporter.

=====Chapter 49=====

Tapping my fingers on the cafe table must have given my growing annoyance away.

"Just call him," Sandra said to me making Doris Alex look up from her book.

I wanted to ask Michael a very important question but had been unable to find him. Missing him at the house in the morning surprised me; I did not think Michael knew how to get out of bed before noon. The cafe was the campus hub so I expected to catch him walking by at some point.

Melissa pulled out her cell-phone and dialed.

"Where are you?" she asked into it without breaking her homework rhythm.

"David wants to talk you," she said biting her lip and scribbling in her notebook.

"I don't know about what," she replied with annoyance. "Just get to the cafe!"

"If David were angry, he would find you," Melisa said reasonably.

There was a long hesitation before she spoke again.

"Michael, stop babbling," she interrupted brusquely. "David is getting annoyed. He has a class in an hour; you do not. You've got ten minutes to get here or I'm going to send Doris Alex to drag you here."

She hung the cell-phone up and put it back in her bag.

"If you know he wants something, take care of it," Doris Alex instructed Sandra.

Michael must have been nearby since he walked into the cafe a few minutes later. He dumped his bag beside the table and dragged a chair over.

"May I order lunch, Princess of the Most High?" he asked Melisa with a sarcastic smile. Melisa looked at me; I tapped my fingers against the table.

"Yes, you may," Melisa told Michael.

Fifty-percent of the student body knew Michael on a first-name basis so he had five different conversations while getting his food.

"Do you know everybody on campus?" Sandra asked him.

"Only the ones, I wouldn't mind falling naked onto a bed with," he answered.

"How do you have time for anything else?" Doris Alex asked exasperated.

"Scheduling," he told her brightly. "Plus it's not that bad; there's only one or two new people a week. David has made my life a lot easier."

"How did he do that?" Sandra asked curiously.

"I don't mind being the vibrator one of you uses to relieve the little itch David causes in your nether regions," he said shrugging. "I swear that itch must be contagious."

"We can't be that bad," Sandra told him.

"Sarah-M and Sarah-D," Michael said with a smile.


"David was right," Michael said magnanimously. "Like chocolate on chocolate to a chocoholic."

"I like chocolate," Sandra said brightly.

"I can tell them that, but you'll owe me," Michael offered.

"Why can't I tell them?" she asked.

"Because four naked people is better than three naked people," he said to her.

"Not as much fun as six though," she answered looking at me.

"Six?" Michael asked me.

"Sandra had a sleepover in her room," I told him. "It caused an incident this morning I wanted to talk to you about."

"Six?" Michael asked Sandra.

"Luanne, Sarah-M, Sarah-D, Emily, David and me," Sandra said. "My bed was too small but sleeping bags made the floor comfortable enough."

"I thought some of you didn't do it with David yet," Michael said confused.

"Not yet," Sandra confirmed. "But Luanne and the Sarahs have no problem being mostly naked around him and playing with each other for his viewing pleasure. Emily gave David the hottest blowjob I have ever seen, and the night ended with him in my butt. Emily said Luanne had a nice little orgasm just from watching me completely lose it when David came inside me."

"Five girls!" Michael exclaimed at me. "In the sorority house!"

I shrugged.

"And you didn't call me?" he asked in a high-pitched voice. "That is so selfish, David."

"I'll make it up to you," I told him.

"How are you going to do that?" he asked folding his arms petulantly.

"Send you on Spring Break with them," I replied.

"Big deal," he said pouting.

"Doris Alex, David, and I are going somewhere private for Break," Melisa said without looking up from her book.

"Hey!" Michael said eagerly smiling at me. "I'm cool with that! I didn't like the frat's plan for this year's Break anyway."

"One cock for five girls doesn't sound like fun to me," Sandra complained.

"It was enough last night!" Michael pointed out.

"Michael, you are not the one who causes the little itch you're so fond of," Sandra replied sticking her tongue out at him.

"It's one of those resorts that costs an offensive amount of money to stay per night," Doris Alex consoled Sandra. "Michael will only be there to alleviate the boredom of a private beach, morning massages, fantastic food, etc."

"Are you done yet?" I asked tapping the table again.

Everyone nodded quickly.

"Michael," I said. "You designed the new sorority house, right?"

"Yep," he answered. "Took some work to get those girls to listen, too."

"How did you manage it anyway?" Melisa asked curiously. "The sisters were set on picking their own design."

"Hello, it's Michael," he said gesturing towards his chest. "I lied like me getting laid depended on it."

"What did you tell them?"

"I told them David wanted my design, and they could either take it or forget about a new chapter house," he answered.

Melisa froze for a long time before setting her pen down carefully. She sat up straight and took a deep breath.

"So that's what you look when you're pissed off!" Michael said to Melisa.

"Why did you do that, Michael?" Melisa asked calmly.

"You didn't tell her?" Michael asked Doris Alex.

"You're the one when bent the sorority over a barrel and slammed it to them," Doris Alex said pointing at him.

"You agreed it was the right thing to do!" Michael insisted.

"They needed something hard shoved up their ass," Sandra agreed. "You should have told Melisa you planned to use David's cock though."

"Michael," Melisa interrupted. "I asked you a question! Why did you tell my sorority David said 'Michael's design or no house'?"

"Because YOUR sorority was letting Caroline steamroll them!" he snapped.

"Explain," Melisa ordered.

"Caroline was doing the loudest talking; actually, screeching is a better description," Michael said. "The sorority was going along with her ideas for the chapter house to shut her the fuck up."

"So?" Melisa gritted out. "It would have been their choice."

"It would have looked like the temple of Athena, white marble columns and all," Michael answered angrily. "Caroline originally didn't even have David's room in the design. After Luanne pointed that forgotten little detail out, Caroline put it in the basement."

Melisa looked at the other women for confirmation. They nodded with pained expressions.

"Ooooh! I like rage on you," Michael said in admiration. "It does wonderful things for your eyes."

"Michael," Doris Alex warned.

"Fuck you!" Michael protested loudly. "Melisa and you only cared that the sorority understood where the money came from and they were properly grateful. Caroline's design was a fucking insult to David's generosity, and your sisters were going along with it! It would have been the new campus joke, so fuck her, fuck you, and fuck any of your precious sisters who thinks I'm going to let that shit pass."

"I don't think I've ever seen someone that angry," Sandra said pulling away from Melisa.

"It's not like I didn't tell the sorority officers I was lying, Melisa," Michael continued. "I don't think they liked the Vestal Virgins thing either, because they tripped over themselves to get behind my lie. Do you know how busy I've been at night since I bit the bullet for your sisters, Melisa? Caroline and you must be the only two sisters who don't know by now."

My First stood up, shoved everything into her book bag, and stalked out of the cafe.

"You see!" Michael said gesturing towards Melisa's back. "That's what I was trying to avoid, she's going to kill Caroline now."

Sandra shrugged and took over Melisa's chair, which was closer to me.

"Aren't you going to stop her?" Michael asked Doris Alex.

"I did not appreciate the exclusion of David's room," Doris Alex answered sharply. "Nor putting it in the basement. You took care of it before I could step in."

"Melisa is going to leave scars," Michael warned.

"Caroline wasn't pretty to begin with," Doris Alex responded. "The scars might help."

"They couldn't hurt," Sandra chimed in.

"You're not going to stop her?" Michael asked me.

"Melisa isn't going to kill anybody," I told him. "Caroline will have to learn to avoid Melisa; regardless, I have a bigger problem."

"I can take care of that," Sandra said sexily.

"Michael after we're done here, take Sandra to her room, and keep her busy until I get out of class," I told him.

"Aye-Aye, Sir," he said saluting me.

"Now, can I finish?" I asked them.

"What about me?" Doris Alex whispered.

I sighed.

"You can wait for me in Sandra's room, too."

"Aye-Aye, Sir," she answered with a salute of her own.

"Anyway," I continued. "I woke up in a sorority house this morning."

"I like these kinds of stories," Michael interrupted, only to have Doris Alex slap his arm.

"Let's try it again," I said with forced patience. "I woke up in a sorority house this morning. I had to use the bathroom."

Michael waited for the rest while I stared at him.

"I don't understand," he said looking at the girls.

"What was the line to the bathroom like at our last party?" Sandra asked him.

"But that was a party," Michael pointed out.

"And this was an entire sorority trying to get ready in the morning," I told him.


"Tell me the Brother room in the new chapter house has its own bathroom," I instructed him.

Michael laughed uproariously, barely managing to stay in his chair.

"I told you, it doesn't matter, David," Sandra said to me. "Nobody would have minded if you used the bathroom with them. Some of the sisters would have volunteered to wash your back if you needed an extra hand in the shower."

"Just tell him, Michael," Doris Alex said.

"I'm sorry, David," Michael said regaining control. "What you call the Brother room isn't really a room. It's more of a suite."

"I have a suite in a sorority house?" I asked Doris Alex pointedly.

"I wanted a room," she replied pointing to Michael. "He got carried away again."

"Why did you make it a suite?" I asked Michael. "I wasn't thrilled with the idea of a room to begin with."

"You've had the need for a bathroom clearly illustrated," he said defensively. "I thought since there was already two rooms, why not add a third so there's a place for the girls to hang out?"

"Whatever, Michael" I said impatiently. "As long as there is a bathroom."

"It's not really a bathroom, David," he said proudly.

"Does it have a toilet and a shower?" I asked.

"A toilet, bidet, shower... did I mention the hot tub?"

"You stuck a hot tub in a sorority bathroom?" I asked him feeling the approach of annoyance again.

"Your bathroom is the only one with the hot tub," Doris Alex clarified. "All the sisters know your room is off-limits if you're not there, or they don't have permission."

"The bathroom alone is going to keep your room crowded when you're in the house," Michael told me.

"I'm sure the bathroom is going to have a lot to do with naked women lounging in David's suite," Sandra said to Michael sarcastically.

"Hmm..." I said thoughtfully.

I understood Doris Alex's desire for a chapter of Siblings; it not only served to keep Siblings in but to keep the world out.

"What?" Doris Alex asked me.

"You're the pledge master next year," I said.

"Yes," she replied.

"For this to work the way you want, the sisters should start getting used to my place in their collegiate life," I said.

"The pledges won't know to question anything if it's a part of our sorority already," she said with a nod. "Caroline and her ilk graduate this semester; we'll only have sisters we care about or ones who will look the other way, especially after the sorority starts handing out full scholarships like they were Halloween candy."

"Certain things will be easier in my house until your creche is fully populated," I told her. "Pledges won't wonder about spending so much time at the pledge master's house if other sisters spend time there also."

"I think I like the sound of this," Michael announced leaning forward eagerly.

"Nobody's been using the pool since Malia left," I said. "Tell the sisters, they can use it whenever they want. They can come into the house, but my room is off-limits."

Michael stood up and clapped enthusiastically.


Stephanie went off the deep end that night.

I walked into the house to find the remains of a green vase at the bottom of the stairs. Stephanie was screaming at the top of her lungs. Susan ran down the steps and past me crying while I decided whether I should go upstairs.

I walked into the living room and opened my bedroom room to see Doris Alex and Melisa safely ensconced on my bed ignoring what was going on in the rest of the house.

"Fuck!" Stephanie yelled from behind me. Closing the bedroom door, I turned around.

"Now, that bitch won't sleep with me either!" she complained angrily. "This is your fucking fault, David!"

"Susan?" I asked her.


"She's not a bitch," I said sitting down.

"Then she was doing a good impression of one," Stephanie insisted.

"Because she won't sleep with you anymore?" I asked.

"Fuck yes!"

"So then Melisa is a bitch," I stated.

"You know that's not what I mean," Stephanie said quickly.

"She doesn't sleep with you," I told her. "Neither does Doris Alex, so I guess you think she's a bitch too."

"Melisa has been dreaming about your crest for years. Doris Alex is finally behaving like she's going to crest, David," Stephanie said. "Siblings always calm down at that time. They're focusing on each other and you."

"Doris Alex still has sex with Michael," I pointed out. She grit her teeth and gave me an angry look.
