A Missing Button Started It All Ch. 01

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A wardrobe malfunction gives her some intriguing ideas.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/20/2021
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A blouse with a mind of its own:

"Don't check it out. Do not look down. Just let it do what it will," I silently repeated my new mantra for the evening.

I sat in the comfortable chair at the table while nervously waiting for my husband, Rick. He had been working late on some special project, so we agreed to meet at a little restaurant which we had come to enjoy. We liked the quiet ambiance, the low lighting, and the casual pace of the place.

It was very unusual for me to go to a restaurant alone unless I was traveling on business. Even just going in first to wait for him was quite different for me. As a result, I felt self-conscious sitting there at that four-top table in the center of the restaurant. Even in the low light with the candle flickering from a fixture in the table's center, I felt exposed.

Were people wondering why a woman in her early forties would be sitting there alone with a glass of wine and no one to share the evening with? Probably not, but I still felt like eyes were on me and questions were being raised.

I would soon be sharing a meal with my husband, but no one around me knew that. Normally Rick and I would both go home from our respective jobs then if the mood struck, we would change clothes and head out for dinner. Tonight, we were meeting midway, instead. This was good, it helped with my plans. My surprise.

"Don't look down," I had to keep telling myself as I waited for him to appear while nervously holding that glass of Merlot. "Don't check my blouse. Just let it be what it is," I repeated to myself.

As these thoughts went through my mind an older man walked by my table and I could see his eyes go first to my face and then dart down a bit. His eyes opened in pleasant surprise as he tried to not be obvious in his checking me out. Checking my face out. Checking my cleavage out.

Was there much cleavage for him to check out from where he was? Was there just a tame amount of bare skin between my breasts on display or, maybe, much more? How much of me was there for people walking by to see?

That sly blouse. That blouse could be open a little or a lot. I wasn't sure. I could only know by looking down or reaching to my chest to see if my top had gaped open and if much of me was showing. I had sworn to myself that I was not going to do this.

My intention was to just act as if everything was normal. So, if that top with a mind of its own had chosen to part open and show the world portions of my b-cup breasts, then that is what was to be.

Was I really okay with this? I wanted to give my husband a sensual treat when we met for dinner but was I going too far?

Dressing sensual and a bit sexy was one thing. Dressing like a slut was another thing entirely. Slutty was not something I wanted for me or for how my husband others would think of me.

This was the first time I had worn that dark blouse this way. No camisole. No bra. Just the very thin material and only my skin below it. This was the first time I had purposely dressed to thrill.

The top three of five buttons were undone, left to open if they chose to do so on their own. I had only undone those buttons after I sat at the table and felt as if no one was looking. I had taken a Uber to the restaurant and had held off undoing the three buttons until at the table.

I had a good idea of what would happen with that blouse once I sat down. At home, the night before, I had tested it out in front of a mirror. When simply standing there with a couple of buttons undone, things were fairly tame with only a little bit of cleavage showing. Nothing far out of the norm. Tame, that is, until I undid the third and then the fourth button.

With the third button undone, things started to get a bit more daring. Not horribly, but enough that I could easily see that I needed to be careful in how I moved about. A twist one way and it would gape open exposing most of one breast. Turning the other way, it would close the exposure... sort of.

Various ways of holding my shoulders gave differing levels of exposure or cover-up.

Nothing, however, hid the presence of my nipples poking against that barely-there material. Like that material, my nipples seemed to have a mind of their own as well. There was no controlling if they would or would not push against the fabric of that top. Secretly, I wanted those two buds to be happy and present for my guy to enjoy.

My husband had once explained that what he found the sexiest in how a woman dressed were little, sensual surprises. He did not get nearly as excited by a woman who dressed overtly sexy or slutty. No, it was when there was a surprising flash of cleavage or a skirt riding a bit high. That was the sexy part for him.

It was my mission to indulge him tonight. Mostly with the blouse but, should occasion arise, the knee-length, flared skirt I wore had little slits which could prove interesting to someone who was watching closely.

No one seemed to be looking my way as I sat there. I thought about how much I wanted to surprise Rick and how risky it would be if I undid that fourth button. He would be thrilled. Or at least I hoped he would be. Other than wearing skimpy bathing suits on the beach, I had never overtly exposed much skin despite several hints from him.

Previous experiments with that fourth button be damned! I let my right-hand drift down my blouse to the topmost closed button. With a quick maneuver, I undid it. Now only the bottom button of that blouse was done. Now, I really had to be careful. Or did I want to be careful?

Why was I doing this? Blame it on a different blouse and a different button situation.

Three weeks before, Rick and I had been out for dinner and there was a slight wardrobe malfunction. Nothing major but with one button gone missing from a top with an already low neckline, I ended up showing a fair amount of cleavage and some of the middle and tops of my bra. Again, nothing major but this little incident seemed to really excite Rick.

Put another way, we screwed like rabbits when we returned home that night. So, well, if that little show there in a semi-public place excited him so much, I could only wonder what it would be like if I took things several steps further.

No, not steps. Buttons. It was several undone buttons further tonight. That and the absence of a bra.

He was coming! I was anxious, scared, excited, curious about what his response might be.

- - - - - -

Dinner with a view:

"Hey there, I hope you haven't been waiting long," Rick said as he came up to the table and then stopped short next to me. "Uh, Rachael, I like how you look tonight."

"Yes, I had my hair done," I teased. Actually, my shoulder-length auburn hair was way overdue for an appointment, but it was the best I could come up with just then.

"Uh, sure, your hair. That, and, well, other changes." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek prior to taking his seat.

Sitting across from me, Rick continued. "You look ravishing. Which, by the way, with your assistance, I might just want to partake in that activity when we get home."

"We were hoping so," I teased again.


"Of course. Me and my happy twins," I chuckled, using a term for my breasts which Rick had come up with a while back.

"They are definitely happy!" He played along. "The left one is just about to poke out to say hi and your right one is pushing mightily against your top. I am guessing she is wanting to come out and play too."

His comment about my left breast being ready to poke out was concerning. Just how much of me was showing? Again, I resolved to not check it out.

Still, there was such a thing as overdoing it. Should I adjust the material or just let events unfold? I choose a third option. By moving my shoulders ever so slightly, a bit of that escapee boob should go back into hiding. Or at least I thought it would.

Rick was practically drooling. Cool! For a wife to get her husband to act like that over her after fifteen years of marriage, was an enjoyable accomplishment.

He started to say something, but we were interrupted by the waiter coming over to take our order. We did, with each of us selecting our own meals. When the waiter left, Rick gave a broad smile. "You know, my love... from where he was standing, I would guess that he got a perfect downblouse of your left breast. Nipple and all."

Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised but having him put that into words took me aback. What the hell was I doing? Flashing perfect strangers wasn't me. Like most women, I wanted to look attractive, but I didn't have goals to be an exhibitionist either.

Or did I? I could have closed that gaping blouse right then but chose to do nothing. My husband's excitement. Yes, my own excitement overrode common sense.

"Are you okay with that?" I finally asked him in reference to the waiter being able to see inside my top. His reaction to me just then was of utmost importance.

"I am fricking ecstatic!"

Okay, so that answered that question. My husband liked for other men to see my body. Interesting, very interesting.

After a while, things turned almost normal. My husband forced himself to take his eyes off my chest and I kept directing him to talk about work, our upcoming vacation, anything except for my tits.

Twice, our waiter came by the table. It wasn't hard to see where his eyes drifted to. This guy, like most men, had a hard time being subtle. Still, I did nothing. A man was repeatedly and overtly ogling my left tit and I continued to just let him. This is definitely not a normal thing for me.

As if this wasn't enough, Rick leaned across the table and took my hands in his. That act of reaching out to hold hands probably caused the devilish top to open further and provide greater exposure but, well, in a way that was the goal.

"Since you seem to be a bit adventurous tonight, how about if I give you a little project?"


"A euphemism for me asking you to also remove those panties?"

Holy mother of whatever! I started to respond, not knowing what to say but we were interrupted.

"Rick!" A low male voice stated causing both my husband and me to turn from this interesting turn of events to the source of the voice.

"George, good to see you." My husband acted nonchalant while I pulled my arms in from the center of the table, did a quick tug to make my blouse become more modest, and turned to face the newcomer.

My husband stood up and shook George's hands while then turning to face me.

My face had to be twelve shades of red just then. One moment I was seriously contemplating taking off my panties and the next I was being introduced to a stranger. It was hard to shift gears so quickly.

Well, I'm definitely going to remember this evening.

George, a handsome and lean man in his fifties was introduced as someone who worked in the Denver office of the company my husband worked for. It seems that both of them worked on the same project and George was in town to do his part.

Before I knew what was happening, Rick had invited George to join us and both men sat down. George happened to take a seat to my right. That position, by the way, gave him a direct view into my blouse. Hopefully, my quick actions had closed it enough.

As the two men were talking and their attention was not on me, I tried to surreptitiously fasten the lowest two buttons so I would close the exposure. It didn't work.

My husband, seeing what I was doing out of the corner of his vision, subtly gave me a sign to stop what I was doing. Then, with George not watching what was going on, my husband motioned for me to spread open the material on my top.

Really? He really wanted for me to expose myself to this guy? Well, okay. I guess. So, seconds before George turned back to me to chat, I did as my husband wanted and gave a quick flick to the material. Not being able to look down I again could only guess as to the amount of exposure.

Apparently, I did well as my husband gave me a big smile.

George, for his part, was quite the gentleman. He gave his attention to my face as we talked and not to my chest. Well, he did glance down a couple of times but only when he thought I wasn't watching him.

I didn't know where this was all going but it was fun. Good, old-fashioned erotic fun.

Eroticism aside, George was quite a conversationalist and I found myself laughing at his jokes and enjoying the stories of his many travels. We had fun and having another man there to chat with and admire me was a nice ego booster.

After a while, my husband took the erotic nature of the evening to the next level. "Dear, remember that brief project we were talking about earlier?" His use of the word "brief" was a playful reference to my panties.

I looked at him, wondering where he was going with this.

"Perhaps you might want to step out and handle it."

"No one will know the results of the project," I tried to let him know that there was no way in hell that I was going to flash my pussy to anyone but my husband.

"It will still be fun."

Actually, he was right. The prospect of taking off my panties, even doing so in private, was daring for me and, yes, fun.

So, with that, I made my excuses and left for the lady's room. The whole way there I kept telling myself that this was a crazy thing to do.

Screw it. I was turned on and if my husband wanted for me to take my panties off while I sat only inches from this other man then that is what I was going to do.

Still, I reminded myself, I might be flashing my tits this evening but not my pussy.

It only took a few minutes as I went into a stall, raised my skirt, and took those panties off. They went into my purse. I knew that I was in no danger of flashing my bare twat as the skirt was nearly knee-length, but, still, just the thought of this was sexy as hell.

"The project is complete," I said to Rick as I returned to the table and leaned over to kiss him briefly. I knew full well that, in doing so, my top was totally gaping open, and my chest was completely open for both men to view.

So, I sat through dinner like that. The whole thing was a definite first for me. No panties, although no one could see that. No bra. My errant top way more open than it should be. My husband sitting across from me with a broad smile and occasional winks. George providing enjoyable conversation while being able to look into my blouse and my hard nipple. The waiter lingering over me way more than necessary and his eyes were fixed on the downblouse treats I was offering.

Finally, the dinner came to a close. It was time to say farewell to George and for my husband and me to head home and for him to screw my brains out.

It would seem I was wrong.

- - - - - -

The Hotel Bar:

George invited us for drinks at the bar in his hotel. Before I could put in my own thoughts on the idea, my husband had agreed.

I wanted to go home and screw Rick. He wanted to stay out late and drink. Truth be told, I wanted both.

The small hotel was just a block down the street from our restaurant, so we simply walked over to it. I had to be careful as the summer's evening breeze could easily lift my skirt and the movements of my strolling along might just open my top.

Luckily, I made it to the hotel without incident. I think Rick was disappointed.

As we worked our way along, George walked ahead of us so it was one of the few times Rick and I were not immediately in earshot of him. "You are a total turn-on tonight!" He whispered in my ear. "Keep it up. I love you this way."

"Even with George and others being able to check out my chest. My tits?"

"If you are okay with this and if you are having fun with it, then definitely yes. The more you do the better."

We were about to end up in a bar in George's hotel. This implied the possibility of far more than just flashing a boob. "I won't screw him, Rick." I said simply.

"Fine. The boundary has been set. We can still have a lot of fun."

"Just what sort of fun are you pondering?" I had to admit this whole adventure was fun and I was looking forward to seeing what my devious husband had in mind.

"Simple." He responded. "Show that wonderful, flirtatious smile. Flash a lot of skin. Be open to new possibilities."

"It's those new possibilities which scare me."

"Don't do anything you don't want. There is nothing you would do tonight that I will object to."

"Again, Rick, I won't screw him or blow him or anything like that." I tried to sound firm in my statement but was starting to question it.

He started to respond but George turned back to us and guided us into the hotel lobby and then over to the bar area. The bar was small and rather dark. There were about six booths along one wall, a handful of tables in the center, and only a few other patrons, all of whom were at the bar. Rick chose the booth in the furthest part of the bar where we would have few other eyes on us.

I let my husband guide me to the center of the booth and each man took a place on either side of me. Once again, George was on my right which, again, my frequently opening blouse would provide a better view from that side.

Within moments the waitress, a cute redhead in her late twenties, came over and took our drink order. She was just the type which I liked to tease Rick about. It was our "Check that one out" game. In this game, one of us would spot an attractive person and tease each other about what was most appealing about them.

Mostly, in this game it was me picking out a woman and we would talk about one aspect or another of her. It was playful and sexy fun for both of us.

On occasion, Rick would point out some guy which he thought I might find of interest. Somehow, it just wasn't the same when examining a strange man. We both got turned on when ogling and appraising other women. Not so much with other men.

So, Marsha, the waitress, left our booth to get our orders. This gave us a moment to settle in and George then surprised me with a question. "So, you two, what is going on?"

Rick was first to respond. "Not sure what you're asking, George?"

"Oh, you know all right. Something is happening between you two. I've seen you giving each other looks all evening and with each look," he nodded toward me, "this delightful lady's clothing seems to magically fall open."

Crap, I thought. We had been called out.

"And what was that about some 'project' being completed?" George added. It was clear that he hadn't missed anything.

I decided to fill George in. It was, after all, my boobs which I had been flashing. "George, we didn't mean to offend you and I'm sorry."

"Oh, no offense at all. Trust me," he responded with a broad smile.

I continued. "George, a few weeks ago we had been out to dinner and, during that time, my blouse lost a button and I ended up putting on a small display by accident. Well, that little event seemed to excite Rick so much that I decided to take it to another level and really dress sexy for him."

"And that is what I stumbled into? You partially exposing yourself for him?"

"Sort of. Mostly, I wanted to be sexy for him. For my husband. I never imagined we would have someone join us for dinner! Then, to my surprise, after you joined in Rick kept encouraging me to adjust my top so that you and the waiter could see, well, stuff. So, well, I did."

"You two are fantastic and I can't thank you enough for letting me be a part of your game. Oh, and as for seeing 'stuff', let me say that I have totally enjoyed the views this evening."

A sigh of relief from me. I had worried that George was bothered by this. It would seem this wasn't the case. So, for fun and with some bravery on my part. I playfully undid the buttons on my top, which I had closed when we left the restaurant. Then, with two sets of male eyes on me, I spread open the top panels so that I would give some exposure.