A Model Mother Pt. 08

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Scandal at the wedding, and Emily takes a trip to Amsterdam.
8.2k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/01/2024
Created 03/29/2024
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The day was perfect -- cloudless skies, not a breath of wind. Emily arrived at the church feeling amazing. Her black, strapless dress displayed a cleavage which was much more famous than it had been at the time of the last gathering, the engagement party.

She did have a few niggling thoughts, though. She was fairly certain that she'd spotted some of her 'pervs' at the previous party.

Eily referred to the guys who frequented her shop and bought their porn from her as her 'pervs'. And she knew that the camera club's burgeoning membership had begun to include increasing numbers of those same pervs.

In the few months since she took over her now deceased husband's newsagents, she'd become quite the celebrity with the male population of the town. She'd quickly gone from serving them their adult magazines with a smile, through appearing on the covers herself, to taking part in weekly photoshoots with the camera club.

Photoshoot was one way to describe it, but each evening ended with most of the guys getting to grips with her famous body, and she'd inevitably end up covered in the sperm of most of the members of the club. The membership of the club had, unsurprisingly, increased dramatically since Emily had begun her regular sessions there.

She knew many of those guys would be in attendance today, but Emily couldn't really put names to faces.

It was hard to be certain who was who. She was always blinded by the bright studio lights. Besides, her own focus was almost always on the cocks which surrounded her, she had little interest for their owners when she was in the heat of the moment.

But she knew that it was inevitable that she'd be bumping into men who not only had seen her naked and masturbating across the pages of countless magazines, but it was almost certain guys would be in attendance who had fingered her, brought her to orgasm and used her mouth and throat with abandon before using her as a sperm deposit point.

She knew this should be causing her concern, trepidation, even fear about what might happen. But the fact that all she felt was arousal said it all. She was looking forward to whatever the day may bring.

Today, though, was about Stephen and Shannon. Emily felt almost the same pride in her new daughter-in-law as her own son, so close had they grown recently. She felt a tear as Shannon appeared, stunning in white. And her own son Stephen was a real handsome young man. A credit to her.

Vows were exchanged and there were smiles and tears of happiness all around. Outside, Emily joined the other guests in showering the happy couple with rice and confetti. She was a little taken aback when Shannon's bouquet, thrown blindly over her head, landed neatly in her arms.

An extended photo session in the church grounds followed. Emily was included in lots of the groups as mother of the groom. She was very experienced in front of the camera these days, but her clothes remained very much on this time.

The party then moved, in several cars and one large, old style London bus, to the same hotel where the engagement party had taken place several months earlier. The guests were crammed on board and, during the journey Emily was interested to feel a guy's crotch pressing firmly into her rear. Turning to see who it was, she half-recognised a guy who she thought was probably one of her pervs.

She made no obvious reaction but allowed him to use the natural uneven motion of the bus to regularly jab a penis which got firmer by the second into her behind. It felt quite nice. As they disembarked at the hotel, she saw the guy turn to his wife (she presumed), who had been chatting to a friend for the whole journey.

He had one hand in his pocket, no doubt restraining the full erection which Emily had encouraged him to achieve on the journey. She smiled to herself. This was quite a nice arrangement. She definitely noticed quite a few familiar faces. If all the guys had wives, then they were effectively muzzled. They all knew Emily was a slut but couldn't really do anything about it. It gave her at least a chance of playing the role of wholesome mother of the groom, mother-in-law, guest at a wedding.

And it also gave her a lovely feeling. That guy may well have had his cock in her mouth. Maybe he liked to finger Emily. He might be one of the guys whose tongue had been finding its way to her eager little clit recently. She would almost certainly have tasted his cum. That was a hot thought.

What was just as hot was the realisation, again, that she really had no idea whose fingers and tongues had been inside her, or who's cum she'd swallowed. There were so many, the studio was so dark and the lights so blinding. She loved this. She couldn't say with any real authority that any of the guys in attendance today hadn't had their cock in her mouth. That thought made her wet.

Emily knew that some would find her behaviour disgraceful, scandalous and totally immoral. A lot of these guys were married men. She'd be called a homewrecker, a whore, a harlot.

She had very little time for this train of thought. If they were worried about their man straying, they should just fuck him more often. Or suck his cock before he left the house. She couldn't really fathom why it would bother them though. If she had a 'regular' man, she would certainly not begrudge him some fun with another sexy woman.

Her eyes had been well and truly opened by the relationship of Will, the chairman of the camera club and his wife, Anne. Anne had, many years ago, been the regular model for the camera club back in its inception. Which translated to Will and all his friends fucking her each week and recording all the details on the thousands of photos which they treasured.

Anne and Will had a relationship the like of which Emily hadn't come across before, and which she'd started to envy. They were so happy and comfortable with each other, despite, or perhaps because of, the lack of boundaries and invisible barriers most couples drew up.

At the hotel the champagne flowed and the music played. Emily's eyes lingered on the many couples there, wondering if any were as lucky as Anne and Will.

The happy couple took the first dance, and silence descended for the speeches. Emily enjoyed the best man's effort. She'd known Kevin since he wasn't long out of nappies, and he had lots of amusing anecdotes about her son.

Then came the father of the bride speech. Emily knew she should probably feel guilty, but all she got was a warm feeling seeing Oliver in his suit. Twice now she'd been responsible for the Oliver producing a lovely load of cum for her. She could almost taste it right now.

Michelle, his wife, didn't really pay much attention to his speech, she was too busy organising dinner or something, Emily supposed. The speech went well, and a real party atmosphere built.

At dinner, Emily was seated with Oliver and Michelle, another couple she'd never met before, and a guy she was certain she'd seen at the camera club, who was also with his wife. She loved this. Two guys whose cocks she had sucked were politely having dinner with their wives and making small talk with her.

The couple she didn't know had been whispering together throughout the starter, Emily could feel their eyes on her. Once the table had been cleared, the woman, who was probably about ten years older than Emily, spoke up.

"Hi, we've not been properly introduced. I'm Susan, and this is Ant." Emily offered a hand, and it was shaken. "Listen, I wondered -- I don't think we're mistaken. Do you... are you a model?"

There had been enough champagne past Emily's lips to prevent her mind freezing up, but she recognised that her answer would be heard with interest by the table. Her eye caught Michelle's -- did she know? She wondered if Susan and Ant liked to look at porn together and had seen Emily at her finest. She hoped so. But she very much doubted Michelle would be impressed that her daughter had married the son of a porn star.

Emily was not inclined to lie or hide though. She knew some people wouldn't like it -- would very much dislike it -- but she was fiercely proud of the exciting, seedy career she'd forged. Michelle most certainly would not like it, but that wasn't Emily's problem.

"Well, I am, as it happens," she smiled, taking the bull by the horns.

"Really?" Michelle interjected immediately. "But you run the newsagents!"

"Well, I don't, really, anymore. Your daughter is very much running that shop, and what an amazing job she's doing!" Emily smiled graciously. Michelle took the bait and Emily thought conversation may have been steered away from the dangerous path it looked like taking for a little while.

Shannon's business acumen and extremely capable personality were discussed and complimented. Emily didn't mention that Michelle and Oliver's daughter had started to show a keen interest in the vast catalogue of pornography she stocked in her shop, nor that she was growing to share Emily's illicit thrill at selling dirty magazines to all the men in town.

She also didn't let on that she was sure Shannon had been using Emily's sex toys throughout the day, judging by the number of empty batteries Emily saw in the bin any time she looked.

And she certainly didn't mention the time, just a few weeks ago, when Shannon's racy photoshoot, a surprise wedding present for her fiancé, Stephen, ended in Michelle's daughter bringing herself to a shuddering climax in front of Emily, the photographer and his wife.

The subject appeared to have changed, but Susan wasn't ready to move on. She had a real glint in her eye which told Emily that she was absolutely aware of Emily's fame. She didn't show any disapproval, but she wasn't going to let it go.

"Emily, is that right? Your real name?" Emily felt a beautiful shiver run down her spine. 'Her real name'. She had very deliberately opted against a pseudonym or alter-ego for her modelling. She had, right from the beginning, pictured situations like this one and dreamed about where they might end up.

Emily liked being in the spotlight, attention and shame being thrown at her from all angles. Her smile was lighting up the table.

"Yes, it is. I've got no reason to change it, nothing to hide," she smiled.

"Very little to hide, from what we've seen!" Emily thought she liked Susan. By no means good looking physically, she and her husband seemed to share a real connection. She wondered if their relationship was like Anne and Will's. They were very comfortable in this situation. Oliver, on the other hand, was very much not.

"Right, so it must be about time for the main course?" He was looking around urgently.

"What sort of modelling do you do?" Michelle asked. It was said casually, but her lack of eye contact and the measured nature of the question told Emily she was digging.

"Glamour," Emily said immediately and with a smile. A troupe of waitresses suddenly appeared with the main course, braised pork with apples and cider. This slowed conversation for a little while, and Oliver was praying the train of thought would be lost. But as soon as the food was finished, Michelle returned to the theme. She must have been thinking long and hard throughout dinner.

"Glamour modelling -- exactly what does that entail?" she asked pointedly. Emily was onto her fourth or fifth glass of champagne.

"Oh, well, it's..."

"Like catalogue modelling, right?" interjected Oliver a little desperately.

"Not the sort of catalogues I get through my door!" said Ant, and Susan slapped him playfully on the arm, the pair of them descending into fits of giggles. The other couple watched on in silence. Emily guessed the guy, another regular at her photoshoots, was as reticent as Oliver for this conversation to continue where it was going, into territory his wife may not approve of.

"So what exactly does 'Glamour' modelling entail then? Michelle fixed the mother of her son-in-law with an intense look. Emily held her gaze and smiled brightly.

"Not quite catalogue, but I do a lot of magazine work," she said in a low, conspiratorial voice.

"I see. And is it... is it lucrative?"

"Very! But I don't do it for the money. Well, I mean, the money is nice, but it's great fun, I really enjoy it."

"I see," Michelle said slowly. "Are we... we aren't talking about topless work surely? At your age?"

Emily felt a little surge of annoyance at this. 'At her age'? What the fuck was that supposed to mean? Emily had a body as good as Michelle's daughter who was not long out of her teens. Michelle was fat, frumpy and dowdy. She managed to gather herself, but decided to give Michelle what she probably didn't want to hear -- the truth.

"Well yes, topless. But if I'm honest, I don't think I've ever done a shoot where topless was the end of it."

"Quite!" said Susan. Emily wondered how well she and Ant knew Oliver and Michelle. They didn't seem to have much in common. "It takes a bit more than a flash of a boob to get Ant here going... Cucumber?"

She'd taken a piece of cucumber from her plate and fed it to her husband. Emily recognised the reference immediately. They had definitely seen Emily's encounter with a cucumber in 'Shaven Havens'.

"Thanks. I wonder what's for pudding. Maybe a banana split?" The pair descended into fits of laughter. Emily knew they had also enjoyed watching her ram a thick banana up herself, the highlight of the March copy of the same publication.

Michelle was now feeling very uncomfortable. As soon as the main course was finished, she got up and left without excusing herself. Oliver followed, dutifully.

Emily sat and chatted politely with Suan and Ant for a while, feeling quite the celebrity. Susan was the rare type who didn't disapprove of her husband's interest in the type of work Emily liked to do. It was nice to hear nothing but approval, Susan even going so far as to say that if she'd had Emily's body, she would do exactly the same.

And so, Emily was feeling really good as the lights dimmed and the evening began. Michelle would have to find out sooner or later. Hopefully she would come to terms with it and all would be fine between them. But if not, she didn't really care. Only her relationships with people she respected mattered to her.

She noticed that the dark lights and flowing alcohol made a few of the guys with partners a little less careful in where their eyes went. But none approached her. A few younger ones who weren't attached were less restrained, and Emily agreed to a dance with more than one of Stephen's friends

She was very careful not to do anything that might cause her daughter-in-law a scandal, firmly removing the hands that kept finding their way too close to her buttocks or breasts as they danced. But she did it with a smile -- she was enjoying the attention.

However, scandal was to come and, surprisingly, it had little to do with Emily -- not directly anyway. Around ten-thirty there was a bit of a furore at the far end of the room. Emily recognised Shannon, Stephen and Michelle were having what looked like a shouting match. She rushed over, to be greeted by a furious Michelle, shouting in her face.

"Don't tell me this is nothing to do with you! Shannon would never dream of doing anything like this, then she starts working for a SLUT and THIS happens!"

Emily didn't reply, mostly because she had no idea what Michelle's problem was. But she did quite like being called a slut so loudly and publicly by Michelle. Being outed, named and shamed as a slut was one of her dirty little fantasies.

"Mum! That's not fair! I'm an adult for god's sake -- I'm a married woman! I'm allowed to do whatever I want!"

"Yes, and that just happens to be exactly what this..." Michelle seemed to struggle to find the right word, as 'slut' didn't seem to affect Emily as she'd hoped. "What this WHORE likes to do in her spare time!"

"I hardly think posing for some sexy pictures for my husband is the same as..." Shannon stopped herself for fear of digging a hole for her mother-in-law. Emily saw a photo album on the table and guessed what had happened. Michelle had somehow seen the shoot of Shannon in her wedding dress.

"I'm really sorry you are upset Michelle," Emily smiled gently, "Shannon thought it would be a nice wedding present for Stephen, so I put her in touch with some people I know. I didn't think it would be a problem!" Her tone was like a patient mother consoling a toddler, and only seemed to infuriate Michelle even further.

"Some people you know? Perverts and pimps? If I'd realised what Shannon was marrying into, I'd have..."

"You'd have what!?" Shannon interjected, face full of rage which rivalled her mothers. "Emily's been amazing to me, I've got a great job now thanks to her, and I'm really happy. She's been more of a mother to me in the past few months than you have in your whole life!"

This hurt and Emily didn't like being there for it. The music was continuing and although several guests were taking notice now, the scene wasn't as big as it could have been. She moved towards Michelle to try to placate her, but she was pushed away roughly.

"More of a mother? This?" she gestured at Emily like she was a piece of dirt. "All she's done for you is show you how to open your legs!"

Emily was a bit taken aback and things might have got even more ugly, but Oliver suddenly appeared to usher his wife away. Emily was surprised to see him turn and mouth 'sorry' to her as they left through a fire exit.

Shannon was in tears and Emily consoled her. Stephen brought them drinks and made sure the photo album was taken safely back to their suite upstairs.

"How did your mum even see it?"

"I just thought Stephen would like to... you know. I thought it would get him going, it's our wedding night after all. So, I was showing him, and I didn't realise she was looking over my shoulder, and..."

"Right. I see. Well, obviously I think she's overreacting, but it probably seems a lot worse now than it will in the morning. I'm sure when she calms down..."

"Calms down! She didn't speak to me for a week when she found out I'd sunbathed topless when I was eighteen years old. She's a real Victorian type. Honestly, I don't know what dad sees in her, she's so cold and angry!"

"OK, but still, she's your mother, and I don't think it's right for you to talk to her like that."

Shannon saw what Emily was trying to do, and she understood.

"Oh, I'm sorry Emily. There was no need for you to get dragged into all this. It's really nothing to do with you."

"That's not true though, is it? Even putting aside the fact that I arranged for the photo shoot, can you honestly tell me that you would have done that if you hadn't seen all the things I've been doing?"

Emily felt quite proud that she was a slutty role model to her daughter-in-law, deep down. She wondered what it would be like to have a daughter of her own. She loved Stephen, but it was nice to have a female looking up to her.

They talked for some time, the party went on and soon Stephen and Shannon were dancing and enjoying themselves, Michelle's outburst forgotten for the time being.

Emily deflected advance after advance from most of Stephen's friends, who seemed to make up the overwhelming majority of single men in attendance. The drink, the music and the mass of good-looking people, all having fun, was making her horny.

She was starting to think about going back over to the pub opposite again. Maybe those guys from last time would like another little show. She had enjoyed that.

Emily got a shock when Oliver sat down beside her. He was looking really handsome in his suit, she thought. She felt sorry for him, having to placate his furious wife.

"I'm really sorry about all that. Michelle's... she's not like you." That was quite the understatement, Emily thought. "It was a long day, and she doesn't usually drink. She's flat out now up in the room."