A Mom's Help


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"Mom!" Vanessa cried when she saw that. "Why is he kissing you there?"

"I guess he likes it—and so do I," I replied blandly.

Nick's hands were scouring me all over too—breasts and bottom and back and shoulders and everywhere else he could reach. In short, he was really going to town on me. I saw Vanessa watching transfixed as he did his work. At one point she moved around so that she was behind us and craned her neck down to see Nick's cock going in and out of me. She placed a hand tentatively on Nick's butt; she apparently liked that, rubbing it enthusiastically.

Nick liked it too, and with an anticipatory groan he began shooting his seed into me in long, thick strands. This went on for a surprisingly long time: the guy had a lot of come in him!

When he finally finished, he collapsed on me, putting all his weight on me. I didn't mind that, although after a while it would get uncomfortable.

But Vanessa was alarmed. "Mom, he's crushing you! Can you breathe?"

"I'm fine, dear," I said. But in a few minutes I did tell Nick, "Maybe you'd better come out of me now."

He rolled over, landing between me and my daughter. At once Vanessa peered down to see whether her boyfriend had actually come in me. Given that his stuff was already trickling out of my pussy, there was no doubt about it. Vanessa seemed in a state of awe at the very act of copulation—an understandable sentiment for one in her position.

"There," I said, "that's how it's done."

"Oh, Mom," Vanessa cried, "that's not fair! You've done it lots and lots of times with lots and lots of men—"


"You know what I mean. It comes naturally to you—it doesn't to me."

"Actually," I said tartly, "it doesn't come naturally. I didn't, in fact, come."

Nick, who seemed to be lapsing into a post-coital coma, sprang awake at that. "You didn't come?"

"No, dear. A woman of my years usually needs a bit more stimulation than simple intercourse."

"I can take care of that!"

And, without warning, he scooted down and plunged his face into my sex. I had thought he would be satisfied with bringing me to orgasm with his fingers, but he himself seemed delighted at the prospect of seeing his own come oozing out of a nice older woman he barely knew, so he gobbled it up eagerly and also gave my labia and clitoris a good working over, while also grabbing my bottom and squeezing it. In no time I was thrashing around like a madwoman, tossing my head back and forth and almost screaming out my climax as my thighs quivered uncontrollably.

Vanessa watched me open-mouthed, almost in horror. I suppose it's not every day that a young woman sees her own mother in the throes of sexual ecstasy—especially when it is brought about by her boyfriend.

When I'd settled down, I noticed that Nick was ready for action again. At least, his cock was. As he lay back down on his back, he still seemed exhausted by his session with me.

"Okay, Vanessa," I said, "you're next. Why don't you just squat over him and—"

"Mom, that isn't right!" she said. "I'm supposed to be on my back and he's supposed to be on top! Isn't that how it's done?"

I glared venomously at her. "It doesn't have to be that way," I said tightly. "Women don't always have to be in that supine and submissive position. In fact, I quite like riding a man. That's what it's called—when the woman gets on top. Anyway, it allows you to put his thing into you only as much as you can manage, so it might be a little easier for you."

Vanessa seemed hugely skeptical, but managed to clamber onto Nick's legs. She took hold of his cock, still slick with his and my juices, and held it up against her delta, rubbing it back and forth over her pubic hair. I don't know what that was for, but I guess it felt nice to both of them. Nick was staring at her with a pleading expression (please, put me in you!), but Vanessa was slow to comply. At long last, she raised herself up a little and, giving that cock a frightened look, tried to get it into herself.

But she only managed to put it in about an inch or so before she came upon that ridiculous barrier that we women have.

"Mom," she lamented, "I can't get it in any farther!"

"Vanessa," I said, "you have to push down harder. That hymen is tougher than you think it is."

"Oh, Mom," she wailed, "I just can't do it!"

I shook my head in disbelief. "For goodness' sake, Vanessa," I muttered, "don't be such a wuss." It was clear to me that she was just scared of puncturing herself—scared of the pain and the blood and all that. So I had to take matters into my own hands.

I got behind her, placed my hands on her shoulders, and pushed down hard. After an initial resistance she plopped down onto that big cock, letting out a high-pitched squeal of surprise as her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Then she looked down at herself, where her body intersected with Nick's.

"Mom, it's disappeared!" she said.

"Yeah, because it's in you now," I said. "Don't you feel it?"

"I guess I do." Only now did it somehow occur to her that she was in a bit of pain. Her face crumpled into a grimace. "Mommy, it feels like it's going all the way through me."

"Yes, it does seem like that sometimes—especially with such a large thing as Nick has." He smiled proudly at that. "You're going to have to move up and down, dear: that's how you'll get him to come."

She was slow in following my instructions, but eventually she got into a slow, mild rhythm. Every now and then she cast looks down at her delta, as if making sure Nick was really in her; and sometimes she winced as a sudden jolt of pain ran through her.

Guys, a lot of you are unaware that the trauma of a woman's "first time" goes well beyond the rupture of that poor little hymen. That's not insignificant, but the pain only lasts a second or two. The real problem comes from having to stretch the walls of the vagina so that it can accommodate a cock without discomfort. That's something that can only happen with a certain amount of experience—and that's exactly what Vanessa didn't have.

Even so, I was proud of her for putting a brave face on things. After a while, as she bounced up and down on Nick's organ, a broken smile spread over her face, and she even gave a nervous little laugh as she began feeling the pleasure of having a cock in her pussy. Sometimes she placed her hands on his chest to balance herself. Nick, for his part, was taking it all in, getting an up-close-and-personal look at his member sliding in and out of this virginal creature. He helped his own cause by grabbing her tits or reachng behind her to take hold of her bottom.

And once again he started to emit a kind of low growl, and then a series of animalistic grunts as he sent his second emission deep into my daughter. Vanessa looked over to me with surprise and delight as she felt a man's come bathing her insides. She instinctively realized that she should keep pumping Nick to get every last drop out of him. He himself clutched her hips to keep himself inside her as long as possible, but finally both of them felt the need to separate, and she rolled clumsily off of him.

As they lay on their backs next to each other, I said, "Well, Vanessa, how was it?"

"It was great, Mommy!" she cried enthusiastically. "It did hurt a little, but not as much as I expected."

"Let me welcome you to the not very exclusive club of ex-virgins."

She tittered at that, and clung to Nick affectionately.

I myself glanced over at the one man in the room and said, "Guy, your job isn't quite finished."

He gazed up at me with alarm, as if I was demanding something even more strenuous from him. "What do you mean, ma'am?" he said.

"You need to clean my daughter up," I said severely, gesturing my head in the direction of Vanessa's pussy, which was sprinkled with red. "Do you know how hard it is to get blood out of bedsheets?"

He looked abashed, and so did Vanessa. They carefully got up from the bed and, holding onto each other—they both had a little trouble walking, for different reasons—and stumbled toward the bathroom.

"And clean yourself up too while you're at it!" I cried as they left the room. I hadn't failed to notice that his cock was streaked with red also.

It seemed that Nick had placed Vanessa on the toilet (the lid was down). I heard the tap running, and he must have mopped up the combined blood and semen that was trickling out of my daughter's vagina. He was the one who'd caused the mess, so it was his responsibility to tidy it up.

They came back and returned to the bed, Nick naturally placing himself in between us. In fact, there was a look of smug satisfaction on his face at the thought of both deflowering a virgin and poking that virgin's mother. I didn't begrudge him his moment of triumph: if I was a man, this would certainly be something I'd be telling my buddies over some beers for years to come.

But, as he welcomed both me and my daughter snuggling up to him on either side, so that he could feel four breasts and two hairy pussies rubbing up against him, I sensed that this episode wasn't quite over. And, sure enough, it wasn't.

It was Vanessa who, with expanding eyes, saw something she had trouble believing. "Mom!" she gasped. "He's getting big again!"

And, sure enough, he was. That cock of his was hardening once more, and Vanessa looked upon it as an almost supernatural occurrence—like a balloon filling itself up all by itself.

"I see that," I said dryly. "What exactly do you want to do about it?"

"Oh, Mommy!" she pleaded. "I'm pretty sore down there! That whole area is throbbing. I don't think I can do it again right this minute."

I took pity on the poor creature. No need to overdo things on your first attempt.

"Well," I said philosophically, "there's something else we—er, you—could do."

"You mean," Vanessa said in a shaky voice, "put it in my mouth?" The face she made said it all: I really don't want to have come go down my throat.

"That's one possibility," I said. "But there's another place it can go."

My naïve daughter looked befuddled, as if facing a question on a final exam she didn't have a clue about. Only after a few moments did enlightenment dawn. And then her mouth opened to a perfect O of horror and outrage.

"Mom!" she exclaimed. "It can't go there! It won't fit."

"Oh, it'll fit, all right," I said. "Your dad did that to me quite often."

A sort of queasy expression came over Vanessa's face as the thought of her parents engaging in such a lewd act filled her mind.

"You up for this, Nick?" I asked.

He looked puzzled and nervous. "Are you referring to . . .?"

"That's right," I said, getting up and slapping my butt. "Back there."

I was actually leaving the room, and both of them cried out, "Where are you going?"

"Lube," I said shortly over my shoulder. "Don't ever do this without lube—you'll regret it."

I toddled over to the bathroom and came back with my lube of choice—cold cream. I had a special jar that I used only for that purpose: there was no way I was going to use the same stuff on my face and on my derrière. I came back to the bedroom and handed the jar to Nick.

He was reluctant to take it. "Me?" he squawked.

"Yeah, you," I said. "If you're gonna stick your dick into my posterior, you're gonna have to lube me up."

He swallowed hard and took the jar. Opening it, he squeezed a fair amount onto his fingers, and, as I lay face down on the bed, he gingerly began applying the stuff. I could see Vanessa watching raptly, but Nick was proceeding too cautiously.

"Nick," I said, "you're going to have to stick your fingers inside. Otherwise it won't work very well."

It took him a moment or two to comply, but finally he went ahead and did the job more or less adequately.

I got on my hands and knees and told Vanessa, "Men like this position because they can get a good view of their dick going into that space." Craning my neck to look at Nick, I said, "Have you done this before?"

"Um, no, ma'am."

"Well, you're in for a treat."

As an anal virgin, Nick took a little while stuffing his cock into my hole. It's not an easy thing to do, guys and gals! But he did manage it in the end, letting out a huge gasp as he felt my tight little anus wrapping itself around his member. Vanessa, for her part, put her face about one inch away from where my body intersected with her boyfriend's, still unable to believe that such a procedure was even possible. But as Nick began thrusting eagerly, she looked both stunned and a little alarmed.

I was a little out of practice at this, so it was just a tad painful at first. But I got into the rhythm of things pretty quickly. Nick no doubt enjoyed the sight of his cock forging into what had previously been a forbidden area of a woman's body, and sometimes he bent over and grabbed my tits to amuse himself further. I was having a fairly good time—but then a rather evil thought flashed through my mind.

"Vanessa," I ordered, "get in front of me."

My poor daughter was totally flummoxed. "Wh-what do you mean, Mom?"

"Get in front of me and spread your legs."

As if hypnotized, she did as I'd commanded. As I saw that once-virginal aperture, I bent my head down and fastened my lips to my daughter's pussy. I could still detect the remnants of the blood and come that had been there a little while before, not to mention Vanessa's own juices. I'd had some lesbian experiences every so often (with my husband's permission), and I have to say that this twat tasted pretty nice. Every now and then I looked up to see how Vanessa was reacting; and, although her face registered a look of appalled horror, her body was reacting just as I'd expected.

Pretty soon we managed the rare achievement of a simultaneous triple climax: Nick flooding my ass with his third discharge, Vanessa writhing and shrieking with her second, and I rubbing myself to bring on my second. Nick was reluctant to pull out of my bottom, but at last the soreness of his cock forced him to do so, and the three of us fell into a confused heap on the bed.

But I wasn't letting Nick off the hook. I'd let him into my butt as an example for my daughter, and almost as soon as it was over I lubed her up and pointed to her own nether orifice, saying, "Okay, guy, it's her turn."

Nick groaned heavily, but the prospect of invading two posteriors in one session was too much for him. He stuck his not-entirely-hard cock into Vanessa, who shrieked with pain but pretty soon got used to the sensation. To distract her attention, I now placed myself in front of her and instructed her to lick me. Both my pussy and my ass were leaking her boyfriend's fluids, and she dutifully lapped them up. At one point she was even so bold as to insert her tongue into my anus—something I quite like, and could never get my ex to do often enough.

Once again all three of us came at once, and that put an end to the night's festivities. I would have been happy to fall asleep with the young couple, but three in a queen-size bed isn't very comfortable, so I staggered to my own bed for a well-earned rest.


The next morning I came downstairs first. Making a pot of coffee, I sat there sipping a steaming mug of it as my daughter drifted shyly into the room. She had trouble looking me in the face: after all, it's not a common occurrence for a mother and daughter to lick each other's pussies and asses, not to mention share a man between them. I tried to get the conversational ball rolling by saying, "Had a good time?"

"Yes, Mom," she said in a subdued voice.

"That Nick sure is an impressive performer."

"Yes, he is."

"I'm beginning to wonder whether you can handle him by yourself."

"I'm wondering that too."

"Well, dear," I said expansively, "I'll be glad to lend a hand until you get used to things. I don't need to tell you that I had a wonderful time myself. I'm really not ready to go back to the dating scene right this minute, and for a while Nick will do me just fine. You're okay with sharing him?"

"Yes, Mom."

"Wonderful," I said, patting her on the arm.

I felt I was being a good mother. I mean, you have to do all you can to help your daughter with her physical and emotional maturation. Don't you?

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Down marked because of implausibility of the anal part

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Great fun! Super mommy!

B3ndoverB3ndoverover 2 years ago

Every guys guys fantasy

CrankThzJackInDaBoxCrankThzJackInDaBoxover 2 years ago

the mother whatever name has expressed lots times - daughter's boyfriend he's the best that she ever literally had

even better daughter's father \ the mother whatever name has expressed lots times - daughter's boyfriend

he's one of the best she ever had sometimes better daughter's father . BECAUSE OFF ALL THIS - WHEN THE


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

THANK YOU for a Fun read, Kathyn!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Unbelievable scenario, but as my MIL was pretty hot at one time it reminded me of old fantasy

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent story. Just need to work in ass-to-mouth!

Wiz1002Wiz1002almost 3 years ago

Agreed - would love to see ch2

This covered a lot of unusual stuff such as mum/daughter threesome, mum/daughter sex, virginity/hymen breaking, anal and seep throat but was done in such a way that it was super hot.

A chapter from Nick’s POV would be great to read.

Crusader235Crusader235almost 3 years ago

Ok, That was Hot! I must say that mother's of hot daughters today are much hotter than back in my younger days, say 1950's & 60's. I'm hoping you give us another chapter or two, and maybe Nicks view of these two lovely females taking care of him. Give Stars!

emz77remz77ralmost 3 years ago

What a brilliant story, thank you for sharing it :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So wish this could happen to me. Nicely done. THANK YOU!!

pimptasticlypimptasticlyalmost 3 years ago

Hot, well written. Thumbs up.

CanadianMCanadianMalmost 3 years ago

Enjoyed it, but I have one question... Where the hell was a mom like June Franklin when I was a young buck???

LustyScribeLustyScribealmost 3 years ago

Awesome story, Kathryn!

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