A Moral Dilemma


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Staring into my eyes she initiated the fifth romantic kiss of our lives. Then she conspicuously looked down at my crotch and smiled. "Why Brett Pierson I do believe that at least part of you feels the same away about me as I do about you."

I could not deny that my cock was almost bursting my zipper.

I was still dumbfounded, but Ashley was on a roll.

"As for number one, Peter and Janet having an affair, they haven't been planning a birthday party for me; they may pull a poor one off just to cover their tracks; but they've been fucking. I've wanted to tell you since I found out more than three months ago, but I never could work up the courage to do that, or tell you that I'm in love with you, because I didn't want to take the chance of destroying my relationship with you. Now that I've laid it all out, there's no turning back, and I'm 'going for the gold!'"

My circuits were still fried. There was so much more that I had to know, however, and so much more than I needed to do – not the least of which was to completely re-examine my relationship with Ashley. I was, at that time, however, a rudderless boat. Fortunately, Ashley was not. She took charge.

"Tell you what, Brett," she said snuggling up to me even more and stroking her hand over my erection while nibbling at my neck and cheek. "You re-examine your feelings for me. If you feel even half of what I do, then we confront Peter and Janet when they have their next meeting 'about the surprise party,' and then jettison them." With that she planted the sixth romantic kiss of our lives on my lips, one that touched my soul, while stroking my cock through my pants. I instinctively started squeezing one of her tits.

When she broke our kiss she smiled and rhetorically asked "Does that sound like a plan?"

"Uh...yeah...I can't think of a better one," I stammered.

She hopped up, pulled me up, gave me a quick kiss and said "Don't take too long to decide what your feelings toward me are – go with instinct! Janet and Peter are meeting on Friday, two days from now, and I hope that you can decide by then."

With that she scurried off, although I don't think that I was imagining that she was shaking her ass as she did, leaving me to cleanup from our picnic.

It was unfortunate that I had to get a considerable amount of work done that afternoon. I wanted to go home and spank the monkey thinking about Ashley – but there simply was too much to do. I exercised the best self-control of my life when I was able to put Ashley, Janet, Peter, and Jacque, out of my mind until I was finished with the project that I was working on at five after six p. m. I called Janet to see if she wanted me to pick up something for dinner on my way home.

"Sure, Brett – that would be great. How about some Chinese?" she eagerly responded.

On the way home I tried to sort out the Janet-Peter situation. I didn't yet believe it despite how certain Ashley sounded. I would need some sort of proof. I also examined my relationship with Janet – and after thinking about it for about fifteen minutes came to a horrible conclusion. Our relationship was "comfortable." That was damning by faint praise if I ever heard it. How did I not realize that "comfort" snuck up on us? Maybe some people strive for "comfort," but in my self-image I was definitely not one of them. I wanted passion, not comfort.

While we had a comfortable chat, sitting at our comfortable kitchen table while eating comfort food, I looked for any "tells" of the affair on Janet's part. I didn't see any. Then again, as Ashley had correctly noted, I was one of the least perceptive people in the world. I'm a terrible poker player; I've mis-bet two straight flushes, and can never figure out if someone is bluffing.

By the time that Janet and I had – comfortably snuggling – watched almost an hour of T V after dinner I decided that if she was cheating with Peter, this may be the last chance for some real sexual fireworks, because I would not stay with her if she was an adulteress. Therefore I "ruined" her comfortable evening by first gently, and then aggressively, caressing, then stroking, then fondling, and then pawing at her right in the living room. She kept on giggling "What's gotten into you?" and putting up token resistance. When I had taken off her outer clothes and then literally ripped her panties off with my teeth I could tell that "shocked" would be a totally understated word to describe her.

Janet removed her own bra – I think that she was afraid that I'd rip that off too. I ate her with a passion bordering on ferocity until she had a screaming orgasm right on the living room rug and almost pulled my hair she was holding onto it so tightly, and almost popped my head like a pimple squeezing it between her thighs.

While she was still in the throes of her orgasm I turned her on her hands and knees and buried my impossibly hard cock into her pussy with one thrust, evincing a low guttural sound from her, and a loud grunt from me. Novel to our love-making, I reamed her asshole with two fingers on one hand, pinched a butt cheek with the other hand, and thrashed her with a savagery I'd never exhibited before. Our orgasms were quick to overwhelm us, and afterword we lay on our sides on the rug like a couple of limp socks, my dick still in her cunt,

At some point we recovered. Instead of heading to the shower I carried her to our bedroom. However, we didn't get into bed. I bent her over a padded chair in our bedroom and fucked the shit out of her for the second time that night. This time she actually shuddered when she orgasmed.

By then we were too wiped out to do anything else and just collapsed in bed, lucky to have enough energy to pull the covers over us.

I went to sleep quickly spooning Janet, but woke up in the middle of the night with a start – something that I almost never do. I was thinking only about Ashley. "Have I really loved her since we were kids and never even realized it?" "How could she have such a strong metamorphosis when almost thirty?" "How is it possible that Janet and Peter are fucking – I've had zero clues?" In general I wondered "Will anything ever be the same after my talk with Ashley last afternoon?"

As I lay awake a vision flew into my brain of Ashley kissing me at the park so deeply that it touched my soul. My cock instantly got hard again; when I turned to look at Janet and realized that I didn't want to fuck her again – that I wanted to fuck Ashley – I knew what to do. I fell back to sleep.

I met Ashley for lunch again the next day.

"I've made a decision, Ashley."

She looked at me expectantly with her hands folded, but didn't say anything.

"If you can demonstrate to me that Peter and Janet are having a sexual affair then I'm leaving her; and if you're willing I'd like to try to turn our present loving relationship into a romantic loving one."

For only the third time in the twenty two years that I had known her, Ashley started crying. She buried her head in my chest. I stroked her hair. After about a minute or so she raised her head and smiled. "You won't be sorry," was her resolute statement.

She wiped her tears, opened up her purse, and took out a five by seven inch brown envelope with metal clasp. She opened the clasp, looked around to see that there was no one nearby, and then pulled out five four by six inch color photos. I just looked at the first three. My reaction was very strange – it was a combination of sadness, melancholy, disgust, anger, and – joy!

I put the photos back in the envelope, closed the clasp, and handed it back to Ashley.

"Keep it," she said, gently pushing the envelope back toward me. "In case you need them; I have other copies."

"What's the plan now?" I asked.

"They're meeting again tomorrow afternoon since I'm supposedly out of town. We'll confront them in the act and then tell them what we want."

"What do we want?" I inquired with a sly chuckle.

With a diabolical grin she replied "We want quick divorces – and then to try each other out. We already know that we're compatible in life – now we need to see if we are for sex, which I have every expectation that we will be." Then her demeanor changed and she looked back and forth between her shoes and my eyes. "Then, you need to decide if we can have a long standing relationship with me since – since – since I've been a cheater in the past. What I want is a chance to demonstrate that I'll never cheat on you."

I smiled at her and squeezed her hand.

"When and where do we meet tomorrow afternoon?" I asked.

"The convenience store at the corner of Pine and Sixth a block from my condo at 3:00 p. m."


At 3:05 while I was waiting at the convenience story, Ashley hurried up to me. "They just went into the condo. Let's go."

"Exactly what are we going to do?" I asked as she held my hand, tugging me along.

"Just leave it to me; just frown, smile, or cry, where appropriate," she replied, starting to move faster. Since I had no fucking clue exactly what to do, that was fine by me.

We quietly entered the condo, went up to the guestroom, and found Peter and Janet naked and starting foreplay. Janet was giggling, Peter chuckling. Ashley gave me a director's chair and picked up one of her own, obviously placed there for just this occasion, and we entered the master bedroom with the chairs, opened them up, and sat down right near the mattress.

To say that Peter and Janet were shocked would be the understatement of the year.

"Don't mind us," Ashley sarcastically smirked with her arms folded. "We'll wait until you're done to have a little chat."

Peter's dick had completely deflated and he put a pillow over it, and Janet pulled a sheet over her naked torso and started whimpering.

"Uh...well..." Peter started to say as his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Don't insult us with any bullshit excuses," Ashley barked, throwing copies of the color photos that she had shown me onto the mattress. "I know that you two have been fucking for three months. I only told Brett yesterday for many reasons which are now in the past."

Ashley got on a roll.

"Now Peter, even though you're a complete asshole for fucking Brett's wife, I can't be entirely disgusted with you because until six months ago I had a periodic affair with a guy I knew from college over the entire course of our marriage. You never met him, or knew him, or his wife, so I consider my sin less than yours – but still it means I can't be entirely disgusted with you."

Then a pale of evil fell over Ashley's face.

"You, Janet, on the other hand, have been unfaithful to the most faithful person I've ever known. You fucked one of his friends behind his back just because you could. How in the hell could you do that to a wonderful guy like Brett you fucking slut?"

It seemed that Janet was whimpering "I'm sorry," but she was hard to understand.

I don't know what I looked like while Ashley was on her roll; I probably looked sad and ashen, and there was a knot in my stomach and a lump in my throat. Janet and Peter would not make eye contact with me, although they did with Ashley.

"Here's how it's going to play out, assholes," Ashley decreed. "You two will not fight the divorces. We'll get papers filed at the beginning of next week. If you want to move in together, you take one condo that the four of us own, and Brett and I will take the other. If you fight the divorces in any way I will make sure that all of your family members and co-workers know what slime you two are, especially with your lying that you were planning a surprise party for me as your cover story for your fuck liaisons."

"But I don't want..." Janet started to say.

"Shut the fuck up, slut!" Ashley screamed, jumping out of her chair. "Neither Brett nor I give a rat's ass about what the fuck you want!"

For the first time in this encounter Janet looked at me and mumbled "Brett, honey..." but that is as far as she got.

Ashley grabbed Janet by the throat. "I told you to shut the fuck up, bitch!" she screamed. When Peter touched her arm to pull it off of Janet's throat Ashley did let go – and then promptly swung her fist sideways crunching Peter's nose."

"Don't you ever touch me again, fucktard," she snarled.

Once Peter and Janet assumed subservient positions Ashley continued.

"You two decide what you want to do about living accommodations. Brett and I consider both marriages over as of this second. I'm taking Brett away for the weekend and will do my best to give my cheating ass a chance to establish a romantic relationship with him. If you haven't decided what you want to do by Monday Brett and I will both include protective order requests in our divorce petitions."

With that Ashley got up, grabbed my hand, and exited the room with me in toe. I hadn't said one word the entire time. Sobbing provided the background sound as we stormed down the hall and out of the condo.

As soon as we got outside with a single tear in her eye Ashley snuggled up to me. "Brett; please come away with me this weekend. I have reservations for tonight through Sunday night at a four star resort only sixty miles from here. I want to show you how much I love you and make a start on getting you to trust my cheating ass – that I've learned my lesson and will never cheat on my ray of sunshine."

Since I felt my cock straining at my crotch, and since in my mind it was completely over with Janet, what else could I say but "Great!" and what else could I do but plant the seventh romantic kiss of our lives on Ashley. As we smooched I resolved that there was no longer any reason to count our romantic kisses.

Ashley's car was already packed. She drove us to my condo, and I packed what I needed. On our way out of town we took a few more minutes to pay for and stash all of the valuables I had in a new safe deposit box, and to set up a new account and transfer half of the money in Janet and my main account into my new one.

When we got to the resort I found out that Ashley had booked the Honeymoon Suite. It was really nice, with its own whirlpool bath, mirrors on the ceiling above the California King sized bed, a steam shower, and a beautiful view. More beautiful than the view outside the window, however, was the view of Ashley's naked body.

Ashley had me sit on the edge of the mattress while she did a slow strip to "Cherry Pie" by Warrant, playing on her iPhone. It was obvious that she had practiced her routine. Her strip was the most erotic thing that I had ever seen in my life, especially when she started separating her labia as she rocked her hips and spread her knees as Warrant blasted out "Taste so good, Make a grown man cry."

Just as the song was ending I think that she had her own plan as she shimmied over to me, but by that time I had gone over the edge and instinct took over. I leapt off the mattress, grabbed her by the arms, passionately kissed her, threw her on the bed, and then buried my nose in her pussy while stimulating her clit with one hand and rolling a nipple with the other. I never saw a woman climax so quickly.

Once Ashley's scream had subsided and her quivering had abated, I yanked off my shirt, pants, and boxers, buried my rock hard hog in one thrust, and proceeded to fuck the shit out of her. I grunted with every powerful thrust while she meekly moaned "Yes, yes, yes," while digging her fingers into my back. The most powerful orgasm of my life overcame me as I jettisoned what felt like a liter of cum into her animated expectant pussy.

When we finally separated, each with a film of perspiration on our chests, Ashley gazed into my eyes with the most loving look that I have ever seen in my life. "Brett – I love you," she quietly said, running her forefinger over my lip. "I can't believe that it took more than twenty years for me to realize it but I truly, really love you." She planted a soft quick kiss on my nose.

I chuckled. "It took me just three kisses in the park on our picnic blanket to know that I love you too, sunshine."

The rest of the weekend we never fucked again. We simply made love.


Things did not go smoothly when we got back on Monday. It didn't really matter. The result was inevitable. We filed and served our divorce petitions on Monday, and ignored the attempts by Janet and Peter to get counseling. Since they hadn't moved in with each other and it wasn't possible to force them out of the condos we co-owned with them(the protective order threat by Ashley was bullshit and she knew it), after just two nights in our old condos Ashley and I got a small apartment together. The next weekend we moved anything that couldn't fit into our apartment into a storage facility despite constant harping by Peter and sobbing by Janet.

I did talk to Janet on occasion trying to get her to agree to make things simple. She had all of the normal bullshit platitudes you would expect during our discussions, but they either went in one ear and out the other or I had a pat response – one that was truthful in addition to "pat." "Janet, I simply don't love you anymore; all my love left the second I laid eyes on those photos of you and Peter fucking. Now I love Ashley more than any other person or thing in my life. It's over; the quicker you accept it the easier it will be on you. There is only one way that this ultimately turns out, and there is nothing you can do to change that."

The divorces were final nine months after the petitions were filed; it had cost the four of us much more in attorney fees than it should have, but that's life. Both condos were sold and the proceeds split, then Ashley and I bought one of our own.

Why Peter and Janet never permanently moved in together I don't know – maybe Ashley does, but we never, ever talk about our exes; we only talk about the present and future.

When Ashley got pregnant with our first child a year after our divorces were final we decided to get married. While I never believed in the old adage "Once a cheater, always a cheater," Ashley seemed on a mission to prove to me it had no relevance to our situation. She constantly advised me of her whereabouts until I finally told her to stop – I trusted her. I knew that I was the sunshine of her life because she was the sunshine of mine.

Our second child was born six months ago. There are now four beams of sunshine in our house, and I've never been happier. My life is filled with passion – not just comfort!

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26thNC26thNC2 months ago

Not sure Ashley won’t revert to her cheating ways.

LechemanLecheman2 months ago

Enjoyed the story.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver3 months ago

There is an old adage about not getting involved with a person whose best friend is of the opposite sex.

I agree with that. One of my best friends, dive partner and sometimes safety diver was female.

When I met my wife and decided there could be a future with her, I cut off daily messaging, calls and dive trips with her.

Thirty-three years later, we are still friends with her and her husband but have and continue to be more like arm's length acquaintances than close friends.

For the record, there never was a romantic component to our friendship.

ViolentKnightViolentKnight3 months ago

Never trust a woman with a guy gest friend and vice versa.

And just because the story says so doesn't mean the adage isn't true. Once a cheater, always a cheater.

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