A Most Graceful Life Ch. 05


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"You know, she appreciates and loves you beyond words, right?" Grace sat up in his lap, looking him directly in the eyes. "You're everything to her, and she just wants you to be happy."

"I'm getting there," he smiled gently. "You're helping a lot with that. I just hope she has a chance to be happy, too."

"There's my Stephen," beamed Grace. "Always thinking of everyone else before himself."

"You can tell that trait kind of flows from my mother's side of the family," Stephen chuckled. "Which inadvertently brings us back to my grandpa! So whenever my dad took off, grandpa really stepped up in a big way. I started to spend more time over there, and he was always the one to be teaching me about things. He was the one who taught me how to shave, and came to my baseball games. Basically became the father that I lost."

"It sounds like he had a big hand in molding the type of man you are today," she whispered.

"A lot of that was due to him. He would always push me hard, too. Like if my grades started to come down, or if I was having trouble in baseball, which I did, especially with hitting towards the end. His solution was always to work harder. To him, there was no easy fixes. Sound familiar?"

"Vaguely," Grace laughed.

"He would also say it's important to always be getting better. Whether at school, or with baseball, or just about anything in life, he was always looking for improvement. One of the things I remember vividly him telling me was that we have obligations to ourselves to be the best person we can be. And that hard work and dedication would bring about good fortune, no matter how hard the task."

"He sounds incredibly wise," said Grace.

"Very wise," agreed Stephen. "I guess I always took that to heart. So does it make a little more sense now? I mean, why I'm not going all gung-ho with your powers? The majority of that is grandpa's teachings and moral compass shining through."

"Makes a lot more sense now," she smiled. "But for the record, I still think you're an incredibly rare person."

"Rare, but probably stupid for not wishing for a pile of money that we could just have sex on?" He joked.

Grace giggled, "I'd rather have sex with you in bed. But I understand why a little better now. And I love you that much more for it."

She nuzzled in tight, clutching him closely. Stephen's hand gently combed through her hair and he concentrated on nothing more than the sound of her breathing against him.

"This is the gift," he replied finally, pointing back between them. "You're my gift, Grace, and I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize that."

"Not like you ever could, Stephen," she answered, with vulnerable eyes. "We're linked forever, remember?"

"Are you sure you can't just change your mind?" He asked, with a hint of smile.

"Nope," she grinned. "You're stuck with me, mister."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," he grinned back. He stood up from the chair, while holding Grace against him and started to walk towards his bed. Grace for her part was startled by the sudden movement, but when she saw where he was going, she stopped yelping and became more encouraging.

"Now this is my idea of a good morning," she giggled, as he set her down in bed.

"Well, I do aim to please," he joked, crawling on top of her and pressing in for a long kiss.

"Although, I do think I have let you off a little easy there earlier, babe," she said, with a slight twinkle in her eye.

"Oh, how do you mean?"

"Well, you got me to point out what was wrong with your watch without using any wishes. So I kind of feel conned out of any sexual activity here," she grinned, before reaching up to nibble on his ear lobe.

"We can't have that, now can we?" He whispered, enjoying the feeling of her lips against his ear.

Grace put on her most seductive look, arching her back to make her chest stick out even further than it did naturally, "Any ideas how you'd like to take advantage of poor little me?" She whispered in the sexiest voice imaginable.

Stephen felt himself harder almost immediately. Before all the blood in his body deserted his brain, he had one good idea he was dying to test out.

"Actually, I do. Follow me?"

She looked confused for a moment, but then got up off the bed and followed him as he led them out of his room.

"Ah, want to take me out in the living room? Or perhaps, bent over the counter? Maybe you'd like me to re-appear in a maid outfit and tease your cock with my feather duster?" Grace was hopping along excitedly at the possibilities.

"You've given me several good ideas for later, but not what I have in mind right now," he said, laughing along the way. He led her in the direction of bathroom right off the living room hallway. Taking a step inside, he turned on the lights, revealing the walk-in shower.

"Any guesses now?" He chuckled.

Grace leapt into his arms, pressing a devastatingly powerful kiss that was enough to make him weak in the knees. Her tongue slipped into his mouth, searching eagerly for his own, and letting out a sexy moan when she found it.

"I have one question?" She asked, breathily, after she pulled back from their kiss.

"Hmm?" Stephen asked.

She shot him a coy look, "Will you wash my back?"

"I'll wash every part of you," he answered, hungrily.

"I certainly hope so," she remarked, while taking of her tank top, and tossing it on the ground. "I feel like I need it with all the dirty fantasies I've been having about you." In one graceful motion, she pulled her panties down her legs, and playfully sling-shotted them against his chest.

"Wow," Stephen said, the only words he could get out of his mouth, as a very naked Grace stood in front of him.

"Are you just going to stare at me?" She giggled.

"I could stare at you for the rest of my life," he whispered.

"Why limit it to staring? When there's so much better things we could be doing?"

Grace pressed herself back into his arms, giving him another long and passionate kiss. He had to admit, it was much better when she kissed him without any clothes on, and he took every opportunity to run his hands over her perfectly formed curves. His hands explored her back, starting with her shoulders, and working their way down before coming up to her voluptuous and curvy rear end. Surprising himself, he gave it a hearty smack.

"Mmm! Have I been a bad girl, Master?" Grace whimpered, playfully.

"Mhmm," he grunted, so turned on by her display of sexuality.

"Well, then you should punish your naughty, little genie." She bent over against the sink, while pushing her ass out back to him.

Stephen gave it a few more playful smacks, and she moaned louder with every slap.

"I love your hands on me," she moaned after the last smack, leaving Stephen with a seriously stiff erection.

"I love everything about you," he responded, hoarsely, loving the sexy little show she was providing.

Grace didn't miss out on the tent in his shorts for very long. With a moment, her hand was reaching out, and stroking him through the fabric. "Why don't you get the water running? I'll take care of my friend here until it's up to temperature." The look in her eyes was pure seduction.

Stephen gulped and reached out to fumble with the knobs, setting them to the correct positions for a steamy, hot shower. While he worked, he could feel his gym shorts sliding down his body, and then suddenly, a wet sensation on the tip of his cock. He turned back around to see Grace already watching him, with the tip completely enclosed by her mouth.

"That's a sight I will never get tired of," he said, admiringly, while watching her work.

"How's that water temperature coming?" She grinned, before smacking his cock against her tongue several times.

"Almost there," he managed, feeling the water start to heat up.

"Good, I'm feel so hot right now, Stephen. I need you so badly."

Stephen chose not to argue the logic of being hot and stepping into a hotter shower, mostly because he didn't care. All the blood that mattered was filling his erection and Grace was trying her hardest to suck it completely down her throat.

"I-It's ready," he stumbling, feeling the hot temperature against his hand.

"So am I," whispered Grace, standing up and pushing him through the open door into the shower, to be immediately hit by the warm stream. She pressed him all the way against the wall, lips finding lips, and body pressing body. All the while the soft stream rained down on them.

Grace never looked sexier to Stephen than in that moment. From the way the water dampened her light brown hair, bunching it up down the center of her back, to the way each jet of water hit her body, especially her nipples, she was a display of eroticism that he wouldn't soon forget. Her perfection knew no bounds, and he was just as eager for her as she was for him.

"Pin me against the wall, please babe?" She requested, whimpering at the very thought of being taken so forcefully by him.

"Like this?" he asked, before scoping her up with his arms around her waist and pushing against the wall. Grace moaned as her back touched wet, warm surface, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Stephen used all of his strength to keep her upright, his hands gripping her hips, but it was causing a considerable strain on his strength.

"Grace, I wish for the strength to hold you up easily, so we can enjoy our sex in the shower."

"Done!" said Grace, as she leaned in to kiss his exposed neck.

That wish seemed to do the trick, as all of sudden, she no longer felt as heavy as before. It was almost like she was practically weightless, like he could have let go and she would still have been floating there. He chose not to think about it, and just enjoyed the feeling of her body crushed against his.

"I love this position," she cooed, as they both struggled to keep their lips on each others body. "I love feeling helpless and made completely submissive by this position."

"You are completely submissive, Grace," said Stephen, playing into her roleplay. "You belong to me, now and forever. And I'll take you however I please." Stephen reached down between them, lining up his stiff and throbbing member, before pushing his hips forward and driving the tip inside her. "You're body belongs to me. Your pussy belongs to me. Your mind and soul belong to me."

Grace moaned so loudly that he was sure the neighbors could have heard. He wasn't sure if it was due to his words or his cock entering her, or both, but she loved it entirely, and clutched his lips with her own in total surrender.

"God, Stephen, you're making me cum already!" She moaned, fiercely pushing back against his cock to take in as much as possible. A moment later, she shuddered, and her mouth dropped open as the familiar waves of orgasm took her body yet again.

He did what he could to prolong her orgasm, by keeping up the speed of his thrusting and by kissing the extremely sensitive spot on her neck, the place that made her moan every time. It was over a minute later before she finally rejoined him back in reality, so taken with the heights of pleasure.

"I don't know what you do to me," she whimpered, her voice exhausted. "But I love it. Oh, how I love it."

Stephen grinned and continued to pound her, moving at a deliberately forceful pace. As she recovered from her orgasm, Grace began to counter thrust, meeting his hips with movement of her own, and making passionate love under the spray of water.

It wasn't long until both the shower doors and the mirrors were completely encased in fog, the entire bathroom steamed up from the sensual display of lovemaking. Stephen long lost track of the time that they were in there, as the only thing that mattered in that moment was the sensational feeling of Grace's body against his own.

For her own part, Grace's moans were becoming louder with every thrust. He couldn't blame her, as the feeling of her hot, wet pussy was driving him absolutely wild with lust.

"That's it, oh yes, baby. Please pound me! Hard! Just like that," moaned Grace. "God, I love it! I love this absolutely perfect COCK!" She moaned, a low guttural sound as she came once more, and Stephen felt the incredible milking of her tight pussy against his shaft as she orgasmed.

He was quickly losing himself, losing the ability to even think. His only instinct, desire, or will stood towards cumming with Grace, and making sure it was so deep inside of her.

Never one to miss a beat, Grace seemed to pick up on his thoughts as she recovered from her second orgasm. "Please, Stephen, please baby. Give me your cum? I need it so badly. I need it so deep in my pussy where it belongs. Cum so deep in me, claim me. Oh, I love you, Stephen," she encouraged, rapidly meeting every thrust of his own.

Stephen was a goner and he knew it. Right after she unloaded her barrage of dirty talk, he felt his orgasm approach, the buildup rapidly escalating until it hit him like a sledgehammer. He gave out a low groan of his own as hips thrust forward forcefully, releasing his own sticky seed into the depths of Grace's pussy.

"Mmm, that's the best feeling in the world," she purred, holding him tightly against her and feeling his own orgasm.

"Holy.. shit," he breathed, finally, at a loss for words from the erotic display he just witnessed, and took part in.

Grace just giggled, "Did you like that?"

He had to laugh, looking down between them, at his cock still plugged deep inside her, "What do you think?"

"I'd say by the heavier quantity of cum inside me than usual, you absolutely loved it," she grinned.

"You can tell?" He asked.

She nodded, "Genie powers and all." Then she winked.

"I never knew sex could be this good. Hell, I never knew sex before yesterday," he laughed.

"And just to think," Grace started, before reaching for a towel to dry themselves off, "We have our whole lives to find out how good we can make it."

"Sounds like heaven to me," replied Steven, as Grace began to dry him off.

"I hope you don't mind that I sort of took charge in the beginning there," she smiled, shyly. "I got the intuition that you wouldn't mind if I took charge a little."

"Didn't mind at all. I loved it, especially right when you pushed me into the shower," laughed Stephen.

"I have to say though, I loved how you held me against the wall. And I really loved your dirty talk," she cooed.

"You did, huh? I'll have to file that away for next time!"

"I guess I'm naturally submissive at heart. Must be the part of being a genie companion to the man of her dreams," shrugged Grace, before giving her showstopping smile, as she began to towel off in front of him.

After they both wrapped themselves in their respective towels, Stephen and Grace walked back over to his room. For his part, Stephen began to get dressed, as he planned to visit his local watchmaker and see if he could get a spare part for the broken gear train that Grace had discovered. He quickly put on a pair of shorts and found a plain gray t-shirt to put on. Satisfied with what he was wearing, he turned to look over at Grace.

But she was still only wearing a smile.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" He laughed, even though part of him wanted to just stare at her perfect body.

"Oops!" Grace broke out of her trance, and then looked on the floor for her underwear. "Sorry, I was distracted by watching you!"

Stephen couldn't help but chuckle and finally it was his turn to watch her. She picked up her panties from earlier, but seemed to quickly decide that they wouldn't do. Stepping in front of the mirror, she went from completely nude to suddenly appearing in matching set of pink lace lingerie.

Stephen's jaw almost hit the floor after he saw the new set. For her part, Grace just giggled when she saw his expression, "I take it you like this set?"

"Y-y-yeah, I l-love it," he stammered, unable to take his eyes off of her curves.

"I thought you would," she grinned. "It seems you have an affinity for lace lingerie. I hope you don't mind if I demonstrate it in every color?"

"Not at all," he gulped.

"Perfect!" She laughed, and then resumed her attention to the mirror. Within another moment, she was fully clothed in the same outfit from yesterday, the light blue casual blouse, with the jean shorts.

"Er, Grace?" Stephen asked, seeing her fully clothed.

"Yes, my love?"

"Don't you have any other outfits? We may need to get you a few more clothes, so that you can wear something fresh every day."

She looked down at herself, and shrugged her shoulders, "What's wrong with this look?"

He resisted the urge to laugh, "It's just that, we generally don't wear the same clothes two days in a row."

"Oh!" She exclaimed, before looking back at herself and giggling. "Well, what should I wear for today then?"

Stephen shrugged his shoulders. Having rarely dated or spent much time around females his age, he had no idea what to suggest. Any idea of women's fashion completely escaped him. He was sure he could come up with something, even just for necessity. With Grace's looks, she was sure to rock it, but he wanted her to have something that she picked out and something that she really liked. That's when an idea started to form in his mind.

"I got it," he smiled. "We need to go past the mall to see the watchmaker anyway. Why don't we stop in a few stores there and you can see what they have for current fashion. That way, you can pick out anything you like, and you won't have to be subjected to my lack of fashion sense."

Grace giggled at his words, "I love that idea! But I want you to pick out things you'd like to see me in as well. I'm still YOUR genie, after all."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Stephen grinned.


"How about this one, Stephen? What do you think?"

Stephen swallowed, his eyes almost bugging out again at the sight of Grace in the satin beige chemise that she was modeling for him.

"Add that one to the list," he croaked, loving the display.

Grace giggled once more and reached for another set.

This was now the fourth store they had been in since arriving at the mall. Each previous stop had shaked out the same way: Grace would walk around each of the various racks and analyze the clothing displayed, creating a mental bank in her mind of each outfit. They would then disappear to the changing rooms, and Grace would magically shuffle through each outfit as she remembered it while Stephen would give the yay or nay.

Stephen was thankful for one thing and that was that they didn't have to pay for the clothing this way, since Grace could just replicate it magically. Otherwise, with him saying yay ninety percent of the time, they would have walked away from each store with quite the bill.

The current store they were in was Victoria's Secret, which Grace had practically dragged him into after seeing some of the outfits on display. After seeing some of the pieces on display, his resistance was more for show, anyway.

"Stephen, look at that one!" She said, excitedly, while pointing out a blue babydoll single piece. "Would you like to fuck me in that?" Her excitement caused her voice to carry, earning a few disapproving looks from two middle aged ladies nearby, and a long snicker from their teenaged daughters.

"Grace, you may not want to say that out loud," he whispered, quietly, somewhat embarrassed.

"Oops, sorry, babe," she said in return, before mouthing the word 'sorry' to the two older ladies.

The only thing he could do was laugh at the situation before he was dragged around the entire store, as Grace built her memory bank of each individual outfit. The last stop, as with every store, was the changing room.

"I think you are really going to like this one," she giggled, before the chemise disappeared, leaving her naked for a split second. Suddenly, she was clothed in a white lace bustier and a matching g-string. Stephen bit his lip at the sight of her, loving how the white lingerie made her look particularly angelic.